yao ding

Chapter 151 The Test of Ling Xianjue

"I'll give it to you." Feng Eleven said softly and did not forget to take a look at Ling Xianjue's reaction next to him.

"Sister, are you going to find your mother? I miss her too. Let's go together." Ling Xian never paid attention to Feng Eleven and also expressed his missing feelings.

Bu Rensha said, "Well, you guys. I have known for a long time that you are not honest people. Go ahead. Let's all go. As long as Xiaoyun stays with me."

Lan Xiyan said, "I will also stay with you." Lan Xiyan has been standing behind Yun Yixian.

Bu Rensha smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't want to stay with me, but to accompany your lover." Seeing Lan Xi blushing, Bu Rensha smiled very boldly and said, "Don't be embarrassed. In terms of generations, I can be your grandfather. I plan to accept Xiaoyun as an apprentice, and this Baji Desert Valley will be his in the future.

Lan Xiyan was stunned for a moment. Is the Baji Desert Valley Yunyi leisurely? Has Bu Rensha decided to pass on all the unique knowledge of the Bajihuang Valley to Yun Yixian?

Feng Eleven was surprised and said, "Brother Yun. When did you become a teacher? No wonder! No wonder!" No wonder Bu Rensha would come out to welcome Yun Yixian, but he didn't care about him.

Ling Xian is by no one of the most unresponsive. As long as Ling Xianning lives a safe and happy life. Nothing in the world is more important than his family.

Now Ling Xianjue has the ability to protect his huge family. One day, he wanted to take his family and friends on Zhacai Mountain to Jiying City and make Jiying City stronger and stronger.

Yun Yi said leisurely, "This is the wrong love of the predecessor, and he hasn't officially accepted me as an apprentice."

When Feng Eleven saw Yun Yixian's face, he said, "Do you know? Bajihuang Valley is the previous suzerain, who personally teaches the soul skills of the next suzerain. He has always been a person. The Baji Desert Valley has been standing on the Dinghun Continent for so long, relying on the strength of the suzerains of the past dynasties. If you become a disciple of senior Bu, then you will definitely be the next owner of the Baji Desert Valley!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "Brother Feng, don't envy me. Aren't you the next patriarch of chasing Fengjian?"

Wind Eleven said, "Alas! I can't help but envy! The owner of the eight-pole barren valley is an invincible existence. I don't know how many women will come to me! They are all women I can't afford to provoke. I hope Dad can subdue them all.

Lan Xiyan smiled and said, "The flower heart is not good!" Yun Yixian felt that his thigh was caught and twisted. How could it hurt?

He knew that Lan Xiyan was demonstrating to him, but he felt extremely warm in his heart. That is to say, Lan Xiyan's heart has completely belonged to her.

Bu Rensha smiled and said, "Haha, I'm afraid you have to pay off the romantic debt of the old perversion. I think you'd better change your father's bad temper and cherish the people around you.

Feng Eleven hugged his fist and said, "Don't worry, I'm different from my father. I'm not a perggar."

Ling Xianjue hummed, "What? Aren't you a perggar? Then who is the persm? I thought the idle man was a big persman, but now it seems that he is not as lustful as you!"

Feng Eleven said, "I'm wronged!" Don't worry. I am absolutely sincere to your sister. That day in Binglin well, I was deeply attracted by her indomitable and sacrificing spirit.

confess to the person concerned, maybe the effect is not to confess to her relatives, and the effect is good. This is called knocking. After all, Feng Eleven is the son of Feng Xiaoyao!

The ability to pick up girls is naturally not much worse than his father. That's the appearance and strength! He said it imp rudely, much worse than his father.

So Feng Xiaoyao has a lot of capitary capital. He is not as rich as Feng Xiaoyao's capital. Therefore, it is not in vain to retreat and find a beautiful woman you really like.

And Ling Xianning, whether in character or appearance, is absolutely excellent. Naturally, Wind Eleven will not be let go. Such a good candidate for the owner's wife of Xiaoyao Villa. I can't find it with a lantern.

"Hey. What do you mean? I have never been to Binglin Well. I don't know what you're talking about." Ling Xian was absolutely dissatisfied, but Ling Xianning knew what Feng Eleven meant.

Ling Xianjue saw that Feng Eleven ignored him and said, "It's not impossible for you to pursue my sister, but you have to pass the three levels I set!"

As soon as Feng Eleven heard it, he knew that the boy was going to make things difficult for himself. Just don't lose face in front of a beautiful woman. Isn't it the owner of Jiying City? What difficult problems can come up with?

"Okay, I'll take your three levels." Feng Eleven took a proud step forward and tried to put some psychological pressure on Ling Xian.

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Let's test your strength in the first level. If you can defeat me and join hands with idle people, then I can safely hand over my sister to you.

Ling Xianning was also amused by Ling Xianjue's words. I'm afraid that Feng Eleven can't beat it alone. Coupled with the magical summoning skill of the owner of the Polar Film City. Thinking about it, I feel that there is no hope for Wind Eleven.

However, Ling Xianning didn't say anything, and she also wanted to know how much Feng Eleven could do for her.

Yun Yixian said, "I didn't say I would help you test him!" It's better for seniors to take charge of all this.

Bu Rensha said, "I don't care about your young people's affairs." He took a deep look at Lan Xiyan next to him and said, "Let's step back. Lest they hurt us by mistake. You all sit behind me."

Bu Rensha opened the soul tripod, which is a double dragon tripod! Double Dragon Tripod! It means that his realm has reached the soul saint, and the nine stars on the two dragons also indicate that Bu Rensha is about to step into the realm of the soul saint.

Wind Eleven and Ling Xianjue are both relaxed a little, and they are protected by such a powerful person as Bu Rensha. Their confrontation should not affect the innocent, and they believe that the two of them can also let go of their hands and feet.

As for Yun Yixian, he will definitely not use all his strength. At most, it is to treat Ling Xianjue a few times. Of course, just a treatment can make Feng Eleven feel very uncomfortable.

Wind Eleven doesn't think so. No matter how powerful you are, you will always be a summoner. He was so afraid that he was just Yun Yixian. This boy is unpredictable. No one knows which soul skill he will use to deal with you.

But Feng Eleven knows that once the two work together, he doesn't need to worry about Yun Yi's leisure. Yun Yixian will definitely use the soul skill of Yue Xingyuan to assist Ling Xianjue. Then he can concentrate on dealing with Ling Xianjue.

And the soul skill of chasing the wind stream is that none of you can take advantage of it! Feng Eleven took a step forward with great confidence and hooked up with Yun Yixian and Ling Xianjue.

"Do you really want to go?" Yun Yi had no choice but to take a look at Ling Xianning, hoping that she could help Feng Eleven relieve the siege.

Ling Xianning nodded and motioned Yun Yixian to help Ling Xianjue. After all, Ling Xianjue is her younger brother, and for her, Feng Eleven is just a person who has met and fought side by side.

Yun Yi touched his forehead. If there is a chance, he must teach Ling Xianjue a lesson. What should he do if he has nothing to do?

Seeing the two people coming over, the others automatically retreated behind Bu Rensha, forming a huge hollow zone. For three people to compete.

Wind Eleven said, "Are you ready? I'm going to start!" Feng Eleven saw Yun Yi nodding, and suddenly his body was blurred, and his whole body disappeared under everyone's eyes.

"Eacon's little skill!" Ling Xianjue sat on the pangolin at this moment, with an iron bar in his hand, and the ground cracked a crack. In this crack, a puppy suddenly came out!

The puppy is white and furry and very cute. The black nose kept sniffing on the ground and always moving in one direction.

Feng Eleven knew that Ling Xian was going to find himself with the dog's sense of smell, but he smiled. A dog's sense of smell is not necessarily a sharp tool for tracking.

Wind Eleven suddenly released a bonus soul skill on the little white dog. This soul skill is the effect of the most powerful skill, which is instantly magnified ten times.

This is the reason why people who chase the wind and stream have such a strong explosive power and are good at assassination. This soul skill has undoubtedly played a very critical role.

The little white dog's sense of smell was magnified ten times in an instant, and suddenly felt that the smell of Wind Eleven was getting clearer and clearer, and then it shouted and guided Ling Xianjue over.

"Damn it!" Feng Eleven didn't expect that the little white dog would suddenly bark, but he still had time to react. He flicked gently on the dagger, and the poisonous smell on the dagger flew towards the little white dog.

The little white dog's sense of smell was amplified, and he suddenly felt dizzy. Originally, the poisonous smell was extremely low and almost negligible. But a little white dog with a strong sense of smell naturally can't resist this smell.

The little white dog was finally made very miserable by himself and ran away. No longer help Ling Xianjue to fight.

"What kind of demon method is this?" Because Feng Eleven has always been invisible, Ling Xianjue did not understand why his dog suddenly escaped.

Yun Yixian did not understand what Feng Eleven did, but continued to follow Ling Xianjue and beware of Feng Eleven's sneak attack.

The position of Wind Eleven has been tracked by the little white dog, but Ling Xianjue did not continue to launch the attack. He knew that Feng Eleven would definitely change his position and even attack behind them.

Ling Xian waved an iron bar, and a strange array appeared on the ground. Slowly summoned a giant beast and let it guard behind him.

Who would have expected that Wind Eleven would not move at all! At the moment when Ling Xianjue summoned the giant beast, the cold light on the wind eleven dagger flashed, only stabbing Ling Xianjue's throat!