yao ding

Chapter 162 Thousand Poison Array

"Nine tails, what will happen?" Bi Ning muttered to herself that this was the goal it pursued all her life, the nine-tailed cat. It is the ultimate evolution of Bi Ning and the highest existence of beasts in the world.

But when it has nine tails, what will happen is still unknown. Yun Yi's idle question made Bi Ning fall into meditation for a moment.

And the surrounding resentment constantly erodes the soul power of Yun Yixian and Bi Ning. It made Yun Yixian and Bi Ning feel extremely uncomfortable. Although Bi Ning was meditating, she also separated a part of her mind to receive the breath of poison through resentment and inspiration.

The poisonous shadow is in the deepest part of the first level of the road to heaven. And in order to pass this first level, it is obvious that you must defeat the poison shadow.

But it is difficult to reach the poisonous shadow. These little grievances are just the first test.

Poison Shadow is an experienced hunter, and she knows very well how to throw her prey into the net. Her poison is everywhere and pervasive, which is also the reason why everyone in the world is afraid of her.

But there was one exception. Although he was afraid of her, he was afraid of losing her. If the poisonous shadow dies, then he will not be able to survive.

That person is the shadow of blood. The skill of blood shadow cultivation is very strange, which is to consume your own life in exchange for almost infinite power.

The price paid by the blood shadow is undoubtedly heavy. As long as he doesn't suck blood for a day, his life will die of exhaustion. But he must absorb the blood of people in the realm of soul holy to maintain his life. Other people's blood can only replenish his life for a few hours again.

What the poisonous shadow does for the blood shadow is to feed the blood shadow with its own blood every day to make the blood shadow stronger. Blood Shadow is indifferent to everyone, but he only loves Poison Shadow deeply. For the sake of Poison Shadow, Blood Shadow is willing to do anything.

That is to say, if Yun Yixian and Bi Ning defeat the poisonous shadow, the second level of the road to heaven will be relocated. Directly integrated with the first pass, guarded by the blood shadow and the poisonous shadow, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of customs clearance.

Yun Yixian stared at the green grievances around him and felt that it was not a way to go on like this. Sooner or later, his soul power would be consumed by these grievances. However, there are only three soul skills that Yun Yixian can use for large-scale attacks, all of which are positive.

Yun Yixian sighed helplessly, launched a stream of fire and thunder to the right, turned around and waved his hand, and a hundred miles of ice went out. Three large pieces of Grievance were hit to the ground.

The resentment spirit will not die. After falling to the ground, it is just stunned. After all, the spiritual power of the resentment spirit is very weak. Once it falls into dizziness, it will be a long time.

During this period, Yun Yixian and Bi Ning will rush to the poison shadow as soon as possible and pass the first level, otherwise they will be attacked by the enemy. At that time, I'm afraid they will fall into death.

The first pass of the road to heaven is on the overpass, and the back road has been cut off. There is no sky or land. Obviously, only by defeating the poisonous shadow can we get a glimmer of life.

Although it has not yet died, it has formed a dead end. The blue gate slowly opened. The wind is strong, the sand flies and stones, and the clouds and Bi Ning can't open their eyes.

When the wind stopped, Yun Yixian saw a huge spider web hanging above his head, while the poisonous shadow, leaning against the wall corresponding to the blue gate, was playing with sharp nails like a dagger.

The other two walls are very rough and full of strange creatures. The most important one is the spider.

There are countless snakes on the ground, making people feel like walking on a mine pool. Yun Yixian took a deep breath. Spiders, scorpions and poisonous snakes have made people feel poisonous. What's more, there is an unfathomable poison.

Yun Yixian and Bi Ning suddenly became nervous. The poisonous shadow has long been famous, and none of the creatures here are good at it.

The poisons that Yun Yixian has seen are all poisonous by time. But at this moment, although the toxicity of these things is not severe, it is better than a large number. It's unpreventable.

Seeing that this cat didn't speak, Poison Shadow had no choice but to sigh, "I didn't expect you to think of the layout of pestering adults and be able to come to me. However, I'm afraid you can't get through my poison array. When you pass my thousand poison array, I will admit defeat.

Yun Yixian and Bi Ning looked at each other and expressed great distrust of the words of Poison Shadow.

Poison Shadow seemed to have expected this for a long time. He sneered and said, "Of course, when you break into my poison array, I will launch some insignificant attacks on you from time to time. You should be careful!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "I really don't know what the poison of Mei Lijiao is in your eyes. But from my point of view, you are a thousand poison arrays, but you!"

Poison Shadow said curiously, "Are you so sure that you can pass my thousand poison arrays?"

Yun Yixian laughed and said, "Don't forget, I have been the leader of the world's first poisonous religion for a period of time! How can this small poison stand me?

Poison Shadow laughed and said, "What about the master of Meili? Which dose of poison is useless? What's more, I can't just use poison!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "You cover me, and I will rush over and kill him, otherwise let her poison array be completely arranged. I'm afraid our two lives will be left here."

Bi Ning said, "Don't worry!" Before the words fell, the eight tails burned clearly, and the faint firelight at the top of the tail emitted in an instant and went straight to the poisonous shadow.

The poisonous shadow sneered and said, "Hidden!" The figure disappeared in an instant, and the eight fire lights suddenly hit the wall behind the poisonous shadow and disappeared.

Yun Yixian had already launched a strong attack with the help of the eight flames of Bi Ning, but the hidden yin made his soul skill lose its goal in an instant and there was no way to start.

The sound of the poisonous shadow came slowly from the air and said, "Brother Yun. You really don't understand the amorous feelings! I have arranged this poison array for you, but I want to test your skills. If you can break me, I'm afraid your strength will improve by more than one level!"

Yun Yixian frowned and said, "Do you want to help me improve my strength?" It's impossible to be reasonable!"

Poison Shadow said, "I know you hate me, because after all, I put poison on you, but this is also your father's wish. After all, children who grow up in setbacks will be much stronger and better than children who grow up in good circumstances.

Yun Yixian did not say anything and quietly waited for the following of the poisonous shadow.

Du Ying continued: "I don't have any pursuit in my life. I just want to be with my beloved for a while, and then go back to the mountains and forests to study. Or go boating in the world and wandering around the world. Be an enviable fairy couple."

"But at this moment, I bear the heavy responsibility of guarding the road to heaven, which will never violate my faith, my promise, and my loyalty to the suzerain. So, I will do my best to stop you here!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? Do you want to separate yin and yang from your beloved? Yun Yixian knew that the person the poison shadow loved deeply must be blood shadow.

Poison Shadow sneered and said, "Even if you kill me, the next level is his guard, then you will kill him. So although we have all gone to another world, we can still be together.

Yun Yi said leisurely, "If I can get through your thousand poison array, will you admit defeat and let us go?"

Poison Shadow said, "Yes, I will admit defeat and let you go. However, if you really have passed, please don't be embarrassed. I will help you persuade him to give up guarding the next level. I'm tired of disputes and guarding the days here. If it hadn't been for his company, I'm afraid I would have given up here long ago.

Yun Yixian said, "In that case, I promise you. I hope you can be happy forever.

The poisonous shadow said, "Thank you very much, little Yun. After saying so much nonsense, you should seriously crack my poison array!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "This thousand poison array is controlled by you! I'm afraid that there are more than a thousand changes in this array, and how can I crack them?

Poison Shadow said, "I grew up from this thousand poison array. I know every link of the thousand poison array well, and I know very well that this thousand poison array is not insoluble. As long as you have enough luck and strength, you can definitely crack it out.

Yun Yixian said, "Say, I still have some confidence in myself. Then I'll try your thousand poison array, how powerful it is!"

Bi Ning said, "These spiders are up to me to deal with! I like these little things the most. They taste great!"

The poisonous shadow was surprised: "Eight tails! Aren't you a vegetarian?

Bi Ning said, "Hahahaha, today I will make an exception to make a meat ring! Who calls your spider the best among poisons and the emperor tonic?"

Poison Shadow smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Look at the trick!"

Thousands of poison arrays are arranged neatly in an instant, like an army array. The poisonous snake is in the front, the bat is on the flank, the centipede s and scorpions are hidden in the array, and the spider is still the main body, but they all stay behind the poisonous snake.

Even if Bi Ning wants to devour these spiders, she may be disturbed by poisonous snakes.

Poison Shadow said, "I advise you to be serious. The poison of my poison shadow is pervasive!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "Actually, I also forgot to tell you one thing. If you know about this, I'm afraid you will let us go."

Poison Shadow said curiously, "What's the matter?"