Monster Bat King

Chapter 13 qi ling zong

Chapter 13 Psychic

For Gao Shi, Wang Qi did not plan to leave without saying goodbye. Before leaving, Wang Qite agreed with Gao Shi and asked him for a lot of panacea and a relatively remote road to the Kunlun Mountains. It is better to be poor all the way, so that you don't have to struggle to avoid the human race, and you can also have less. Killing evil.

For his departure, Gao Shi was not as happy as Wang Qi imagined. Gao Shi gave Wang Qi a strange expression, with a little relief and a little reluctance. Of course, he was most happy.

Hearing that Wang Qi and Xiaohei were leaving, there have been few intersections since then. The most important thing is that when Wang Qi was about to leave, he did not intend to take his life as blood food. Gao Shi hurriedly stole a few helixir of Wanxiangmen for him as a practice on Wang Qi's road. Not only that, he also left his master. The relics Xuansu bag was given to him.

This small sack is extremely precious. Not many people in the whole continent can own it. Generally, it can only be owned by some elders and elders of large clans. Otherwise, some royal descendants and family geniuses will be worn by the family, otherwise they can't buy it if they want to buy it.

Although this bag looks quite small, the space inside is very wide. A few sacks of things have been put into Gaoshi in the blink of an eye. Wang Qi actually likes such a baby very much. He has always fantasized about whether the Star and Moon Continent wants something similar to a space ring in the novel. Now Seeing this, he was very happy. At that moment, he immediately admitted his blood and hung it around his neck, so that he said goodbye to Gao Shizheng.

"I really want to say goodbye." Before leaving, Wang Qi and Xiaohei specially went back to the valley. The one-mile radius of the valley had been sealed and difficult to enter. Wang Qi and Xiaohei could only look at the cave that used to be his home from afar, which was out of reach.

Xiaohei was also rarely silent at this time. Although it behaved as if nothing had happened last night, it would leave its hometown, and it was inevitably a little sad.

"Let's go, let's go." With the roar of Wang Qi, Xiaohei carried Wang Qi, waved his arms and flew away, left the State of Jin, and went to the Kunlun Mountains in the distance.


The Kunlun Mountains are located at the center of the entire star-moon continent, hidden in the clouds between the four continents in the east, west, north and south of the star-moon continent.

The star and moon continent is very vast, with sea and land. People call the four most vast land in the star and moon continents the four continents, east, west, north and south. The four continents are vast and full of countries. Most of the countries on the four continents are orthodox powers such as Jin, Qin and Chu with Chinese names. .

The countries near the seaside and outside the region are mostly fantasy sea dragon countries, ice and phoenix countries, moon and purple countries, etc.

The State of Jin, where Wang Qi is located, is located in the northwest of the western continent of the Xingyue continent. At this time, Wang Qi is heading towards the Kunlun Mountains in the southeast.

Along the way, Wang Qi chose some poor mountains that are relatively difficult to walk and stop. If he meets human villages and towns, he will not travel until the evening. If there are poor mountains and rivers along the way, he will travel day and night. For Wang Qi and Xiaohei, who have been trapped in the cave for many years, he will inevitably be completely fascinated by the flower world outside. This is life, so that the little sadness before Wang Qi was completely forgotten because of the scenery along the way.

Wang Qi, who had previously thought that receiving a large amount of energy infusion would have some adverse consequences, found that his body not only did not suffer any bad harm, but also due to the dual effects of the law of plunder and natural energy. In the world of cultivation, the very difficult to break through the "Lock Dragon Pass" actually broke through most of it. With only a little more opportunity, you can break through to the realm of "Refining Gas and Chemical God" in one fell swoop.

This made Xiaohei annoyed for many days. When he came to himself, he actually broke through so easily. Wang Qi said that it was fake that he was not proud of himself.

I subconsciously glanced at Xiaohei flying below with a secret technique. I wanted to see how Xiaohei's cultivation was at this time, but I felt a burst of confusion in my eyes, which gave Wang Qi a deep sense of unfathomability, which immediately made Wang Qi's small pride disappear.

Yes, he has just got a little light from Xiaohei and is about to break through the most difficult level to distinguish between warriors and practitioners. Xiaohei, as the main executor of this matter, how far should his cultivation be? Wang Qi thought of this and couldn't help shivering in his heart. This little black should not be the reincarnation of the pure demon king. This is so evil that it can completely crush the demons at the same time as it!!!

For this reason, Wang Qi had to study the 'wintern jade card' in his hand more vigorously. After these days of unremitting research, Wang Qi finally found the wonderful use of the 'wintern jade card'. He found that when he held the jade card in his claws, he could sense the aura between heaven and earth more smoothly than before. Although the aura of heaven and earth is not as fierce and vigorous as that night, the pleasure of melting into heaven and earth makes Wang Qi feel comfortable. Wang Qi can feel that the aura between heaven and earth seems to be completely open for him at this time, and there is no need to absorb it as before. The effect is so magical that it is indeed a real tool, and it is no wonder that nonsense is going to die for it.

When marching to a wide and deep mountain stream, Wang Qi always thought that there was no crowded place here, but there was an accident. In the cloudy mountain stream, there seemed to be a sound of fighting. Wang Qi and Xiaohei got into the cloudy mountain stream in curiosity, but were surprised to find that here Unexpectedly, there was a large group of practitioners in it, and they all seemed to be not weak, flying with swords.

What kind of skill is this? It's so magical. Wang Qi knows that the practitioner who can use the magic of flying with the sword is not ordinary. Like the principle of flying, the main focus of flying with the sword is also the regulation of heaven and earth. Only when the spiritual power, that is, the divine consciousness, reaches a certain level can it be Cultivators who can control the flow of heaven and earth's qi, so that they can swim freely between heaven and earth and fly with a sword, as long as they can achieve at least three turns of refining gas and transforming gods.

However, Wang Qi observed the spells of these practitioners who stepped on the sword. No matter how lame it is, it is far worse than it. At most, it is only to the stage of refining energy. There is no feeling of a master outside the world. I'm afraid that Xiaohei will have to stir these people into pieces when a wing storm passes.

Since these people are not masters, how can they fly with swords? Wang Qi suddenly became interested.

"Xiao Hei, let's give them some color."

Wang Qi gave Xiaohei a small wink with a playful expression.


Like a gale passing through, a violent hurricane suddenly appeared in the narrow mountain stream, and the young practitioners who were not good at cultivation could not control the huge swords under their feet and jumped down the bottomless cliffs one after another.

Looking at the frightened expression of those practitioners falling off the cliff, Wang Qi suddenly had a faint sense of guilt, but this idea only flashed in Wang Qi's mind.

More than 30 practitioners were killed by Xiaohei in just one move, just like the cultivation of the practitioners brought behind Gao Shi, and such goods are not qualified to stay in the world.

More than 30 young practitioners fell off the cliff and died, leaving a few people, making the scene more open.

At this time, Wang Qi finally saw the movements in their hands, but when he saw their movements, Wang Qi's eyes showed murderous intent.

Because Wang Qi saw the real reason why this group of practitioners surrounded here, there was actually a cave in the deep stream, in which there were still stubbornly resisting two golden eagles. It seemed that they had become spirits. Maybe he felt the chaotic spirit of Xiaohei and Wang Qi, which belonged to the ancient demon clan. At this time, the two little eagles trembled.

"What a boldness, even we demons are bold." Wang Qi looked at the remaining sporadic people and said coldly, showing his murderous intention.

"Please spare my life. We didn't know that the demon grandfather was here, otherwise we would not dare to be presumptuous no matter how bold we were. And today is the birthday of our leader, so we accidentally offended." Among the several people, a young monk immediately stood up and begged for mercy.

Huh? When your leader celebrates his birthday, you have to deal with my little brother. Your leader is quite good at living. Wang Qi built his soul bridge with the young monk and casually solved several other useless young practitioners and let them fall into the abyss. Such practitioners don't even want to eat bats.

"Say, how can you fly with your sword?" Wang Qi's dark golden pupils looked at the young monk and said coldly.

Wang Qi's dark gold pupils had a kind of mental charm, but soon, the young man told him everything he knew.

"My name is Chen Li, a 27th-generation foreign disciple of the Qiling Sect. I am here to celebrate the 50th birthday of the patriarch Yucicada. The reason why we can fly with swords is that our Qiling Sect can turn decay into magic, make the spirits of birds into artifacts, and enslave them. Achieve the effect of flying with our sword.

After listening to the young monk's words, Wang Qi immediately understood the general situation. No wonder these people took the trouble to besiege the two golden eagles? It turned out that it was for the spirit, and Wang Qi was thinking about it.

Carefully penetrated the divine consciousness into the broken sword, and found a scarred Luan bird hidden in it. It was just a fierce blow from Wang Qi. At this time, the Luan bird's soul was quite faint, but looking at the relief in her eyes made Wang Qi feel a deep pity.

What spewed out more was a huge anger. The person who used this kind of secret skill that did not let the birds live after death should be killed by thousands of knives and 18 layers of hell.

"Would you like to follow me so that you can avoid destruction?" Wang Qi tried his best to whisper with the little bird. He really couldn't bear to watch the young creature in front of him disappear like this. She hadn't seen enough of the scenery of the world. How could she die like this?

Little Luan bird looked at Wang Qi gratefully, but finally shook her head firmly. Perhaps the days of being enslaved have been too long, and she no longer wants to stay in this dark world as a spirit for even one more second.

For this reason, Wang Qi can only see her gradually disappear, which may also be her best choice.

Looking at this demon life that gradually disappeared in his own hands, Wang Qi felt the helplessness of life for the first time. For the first time, he put himself in a deep fear of the life that the demon clan could not dominate, and for the first time he had a hatred for the human race.

This year, on this day, Wang Qi understood the truth of being a demon in this life, and ignited the anger of taking the human race as a ruminant dog in his heart.