Monster Bat King

Chapter 73 Introduction

Chapter 73 Introduction

"Sister Cen, do you recognize this thing? Isn't this thing precious?" Ye Xin, who was secretly thinking about how to revenge on Wang Qi, heard Cen Yi's surprise, and her dark eyes immediately burst out.

"It's hard to say whether this thing is precious or not, but I know that for this purple pupil white tiger, Master Gao Kui almost did it with six other ancestors of Liufeng. Later, I didn't know much about the reason. I only knew that the most famous place in Gao Kui's mansion was her living room."

"In the middle is this legendary purple pupil and white tiger skin, in order to ridicule the chief elders of other six peaks. I once had the honor to follow the master to see this legendary purple pupil and white tiger skin, and I felt this one." Cen Yi said lightly.

"Little sister, you won't steal this purple pupil and white tiger skin from Master Gao Kui. If so, I advise you to return it quickly, otherwise your grandfather Ye Sheng can't protect you."

"Second sister, don't worry. This purple pupil and white tiger skin fell into my hand. It's absolutely not my fault." Ye Xin became happier and happier to hear that Cen Yi said that the purple pupil and white tiger skin were precious.

"Wang Qi, let's see how I kill you." Ye Xin patted the buttocks of the purple pupil and white tiger skin and said hatefully.

In less than a day, several exciting news came from the top of the frost peak and quickly swept the other seven main peaks.

"What? Gao Kuiyuan's new young disciple named Wang Qi dared to bully Ye Kui's little great-granddaughter?

"Is it true? I heard that Wang Qi was afraid that Ye Xin's little sister would revenge on him, so he did not hesitate to leave Gao Kui's purple pupil and white tiger skin to escape by himself."

"Oh, my God!!! Ye Xin's little sister said that if Wang Qi did not dare to go to Shuangfeng to retrieve the purple pupil and white tiger skin within three days, she would destroy the purple pupil and white tiger skin.


A burst of abnormal news came, constantly detonating the calm mood of the good people. Young disciples also, with the acquiescence of their respective masters, did not care about their practice, and raised flagpoles one after another for Ye Xinnawei and Shuangfeng, looking forward to how Wang Qi was abused and trampled on.

As a result, Wang Qi has become the fastest-known and most popular disciple in Vientiane.

However, although there are so many people watching the play, there are also a large number of people who sympathize with Wang Qi's experience. For example, there is a group of poor disciples who are generally mocked by him and live at the bottom of Vientiane Gate.

"Sister Qing, this is our medical holy medicine on Yuefeng, Yuyulu, please hand it over to Brother Wang and let him fight for our poor disciples. Tell him that we are supporting him behind him. The girl stuffed a small blue and white porcelain bottle into Xiaoqing's hand and hurried to the evening peak.

Xiaoqing knew that this girl was a poor disciple who used to take care of the elixir in the medicine garden. The difference is that she was on the evening peak, but she was on the moon peak. The difference is that she met a good father-in-law, but now she still exists as a subordinate.

"Now this is the first poor disciple to come to care about Wang Qi?" Gao Shi appeared behind Xiaoqing and hugged her.

Xiaoqing was so scared that he suddenly turned around and saw that it was Gao Shi, so he softened his body and lay on him and said, "In addition, there are thousands of Sui. My father-in-law, I'm afraid you are not as popular as him now."

"Ha ha, this boy can always cause trouble like this. If I mess up like him, I'm afraid we won't sleep well tonight." After listening to Xiaoqing's rare joke, Gao Shi couldn't help taking the small blue and white porcelain bottle in Xiaoqing's hand and laughed.

"Fang, how is he going to deal with it? Does he really want to go to the frost peak? If he had something short, wouldn't you..." Xiaoqing was about to finish speaking, but Gao Shi covered his mouth and said.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqing, Wang Qi is not stupid. Just look at the turmoil since he left the State of Jin and you will know that he has a fuel-efficient lamp. Ye Xin's little girl looks barbaric, but it's not enough for him to see."

Looking at Xiaoqing's exaggerated performance, Gao Shi felt angry and funny. Not to mention that Wang Qi is a disciple of Vientiane Gate, she will not worry about his life. But as far as Wang Qi's ability is concerned, I'm afraid that Long Hao, the so-called strongest young generation of Vientiane Gate, may not be able to capture him in person. Does she need to worry about this blindly?

However, it is Xiaoqing's so charming that Gao Shi, who has been committed to intrigue, makes Gao Shi more fond of it.

"Let's go to the house. We have to put some pressure on that guy, or I'm afraid he will forget this." Gao Shi shook the small blue and white porcelain bottle in his hand and smiled,

In Gaoshi Mansion, Wang Qizheng and Zhao Ling stared at the table again. The table was full of dishes, but the two of them did not move a chopstick.

Wang Qi hesitated and picked up the chopsticks on the table. When he wanted to pick up some food to eat, Zhao Ling suddenly bit over. Subconsciously, Wang Qi withdrew his hand back.

"I said, you girl, isn't it just spanking you? As for such revenge? How about slapting you back at all? Wang Qi was quite helpless.

"Well, no, I must tell Grandpa that you bullied me." Zhao Ling burst into tears as soon as she said this.

"Here we go again." Wang Qi couldn't help holding his head and said that although Wang Qi had done a lot of murderous things, as a modern intellectual man, he still has many weaknesses, such as the tears of women, especially the tears of women who are acquaintances and beautiful women.

"Well, I said, your grandfather and I just met by chance, but I didn't say anything to take care of you. The spanking of you is also the cost of me to take care of you all the way." Wang Qi said heartlessly.

"You... are shameless." Facing Wang Qi, who was thicker than Shi, even if Zhao Ling had sharp teeth, she couldn't help but feel poor.

"It's okay for me to forgive you, unless you give me a pulse like yesterday, I will forgive you." Zhao Ling is quite a rogue.

Yesterday, relying on Wang Qi's use of the purest aura instilled in the universe and Taiji in the source of the soul, Zhao Ling magically stepped into the refining spirit and suddenly made Zhao Ling taste the sweetness, so now it bothers Wang Qi so much about yesterday's incident.

"No." Wang Qi refused.

Wang Qike can't forget the consequences of yesterday's impulse to help Zhao Ling forcibly pass through the border. The terrible power is still deeply engraved in Wang Qi's heart, shaking from time to time.

If Zhao Ling's Taoism had not reached a turning point and made a breakthrough at the critical moment, Wang Qi could not imagine the terrible consequences of his move.

The realm of nine turns seems to be a unique world, which is not allowed to be touched by anyone at all. Even practitioners who have been stronger than the other party can't control this process. Maybe this is an outstanding masterpiece of heaven, which is beyond anyone.

For Wang Qi, the terrible force that helped Zhao Ling turn around yesterday, like the thunder of destruction encountered during the transformation, is a force that does not belong to heaven and earth, but is more terrible than heaven and earth. When he encounters such a power, all he can do is to keep fleeing and avoiding.

This is not a coward's behavior. Only when you have real contact with that power can you understand how wise Wang Qi's choice is.

So when he heard Zhao Ling make this request again, Wang Qi refused without hesitation.

Joke, under this power, the first time you escape is lucky, and the second time you should be dead. Wang Qicai will not do such a stupid thing.

However, the greater the adventure, the more treasures there will be. Wang Qi's unintentional risk of death this time is not without any reward. At least it can make Wang Qi have an initial understanding of the nine-turn secrets of the human race. Although Wang Qi was still a demon, the Taoist realm was not low, but he suffered from not having an entry. The Dharma led to Wang Qi's transformation into a human body, but he still maintained the realm of refining qi and turning into a god, and never stepped into the threshold.

However, at the moment of helping Zhao Ling break through the Taoist realm, Wang Qi got the method of getting started at that moment.

Where does mana come from? This may be a question that primary practitioners think can be answered without any consideration. As we all know, mana comes from itself, but also from heaven and earth. The human body is quite like a container. It can not only draw the innate qi in the body as the source of mana, but also take the qi of heaven and earth as its own What you use, this is magic power.

The human body has hundreds of thousands of meridians, which can store a large amount of mana, which is enough for practitioners to fly away and kill invisible people.

However, this universal cognition is undoubtedly a joke for the cultivation.

But all human practitioners who have stepped into nine turns understand that practice is not a simple thing, and mana will not be so simple.

When Zhao Ling broke through, Wang Qi could obviously feel that a mana that did not belong to Zhao Ling's body with Zhao Ling's breakthrough, as if it had broken the strong inheritance of cause and effect, which instantly improved Zhao Ling's mana power.

This made Wang Qi puzzled at that time, and even made Wang Qi feel a sense of horror.

However, after the event, Wang Qi finally had an epiphany after Wang Qi kept feeling at that moment in his heart.

The source of mana at the beginning of the human body is as well known by practitioners. It comes from the innate energy condensed by the human body, the supply of aura between heaven and earth, and of course, the acquired qi captured like a demon gate.

These various things will eventually become the sequence and aura of our human body's magic power. In fact, since people are born, they have often accompanied people's growth. They store the growth memories of people's life and remain in every inch of the meridians of their bodies.

Ordinary practitioners may only think about the mysteries of heaven and earth all their lives, but ignore that they are the biggest mysteries of heaven and earth.

When people understand the Taoist realm, understand the world, and review these biggest treasures hidden in them, they will be surprised to find that the most terrible energy in heaven and earth is hidden in themselves.

The key to opening one's treasure is actually a suitable balance between various qi in the body, which runs through its past memory perception.

Although Wang Qi himself did not understand what wonderful things would happen after opening the door, from Zhao Ling, Wang Qi could be sure that it must be no less than Wang Qi's ecstasy of inadvertently creating the universe Taiji.

In view of stealing Zhao Ling's years of painstaking achievements, Wang Qi still felt a little grateful, so much that he gave in to Zhao Ling. As a result, he couldn't even eat now, and Wang Qi couldn't help sighing.

"Wang Qi, what are you going to do about this matter? There are many poor disciples in Vientianemen who are optimistic about you. Don't be a shrinking turtle." At this time, Gao Shi and his wife happened to appear in front of Wang Qi and said.

While Zhao Ling was distracted, Wang Qi quickly took a chicken leg on the table, put it in his mouth, chewed it hard, and said vaguely, "Naturally... can't... be a shrinking turtle. Tomorrow... I will... let them know that Wang Qi is... awesome."