Monster Bat King

Chapter 82 High Frost

Chapter 82 High Frost

"Cold starry night, cold light, snowy frost peak, our home... sister, do you remember this song?" Two figures stood on the white frost pine forest at the top of the snowy frost peak.

The man's green shirt is handsome and resolute, and the woman's white pink skirt is beautiful and condensed. The moon is as beautiful as water. The two stand on the white frost pine forest on the top of the frost peak like a god descending to the earth, which is beautiful.

It is Ye Sheng and Gao Kui, the most powerful two in Vientiane Gate.

"How can I forget? I remember that it was my father who personally brought us here and asked us to sing this song. At that time, brother, you were stupid and important. I learned it almost all at once, but you couldn't learn it, which made my father angry a lot." Gao Kui couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, at that time, the master was anxious and scolded me, saying that there was nothing left in my brain except cultivation, and there was no interest in life at all. For this reason, you and Sister Xiangyun laughed at me a lot." Ye Sheng also recalled the past, and a trace of softness flashed in his eyes.

"Brother, in fact, you are not stupid at all. No matter what aspect you are, you can do your best. Even above your least good singing, you are the best. Now listening to your singing, I can feel as if my father is singing in my ear."

"You don't have to be perfunctory, sister. In the past, I just made your sweet words miserable. In the past, you said that in the white frost pine forest, burying the crystal white stone washed from the stream by the clear river at the foot of the mountain will bloom the most beautiful and crystal stone flowers, so I foolishly gave up the time of practice. He ran to the stream at the foot of the mountain, carefully picked up a few stones like that, and buried them under these white frost pine trees.

"Wait, wait, but nothing can wait for the stone flowers you said to bloom."

"I found out later that I was cheated by you again, but I was so happy to be cheated, because I know that you understand that I only focus on cultivation all day and miss a lot of beautiful scenery on the Frost Peak, so I deliberately lied to me, so that I have to feel the beauty of Frost Peak by myself, so that I can understand the world. In addition to hard practice, there are many other beautiful things that I can enjoy.

"You and the master are of this kind of people."

"When the master taught me this song, I couldn't learn it for a long time, so the master told me to learn this song well, because when I learned this song, if I want to see someone in the future, as long as I sing this song and think about the people in my heart, you can see them."

"I began to sing seriously and sing hard, especially after the master died, I didn't sing day and night, but when I sang for three days and nights in a row, the song was never smooth to smooth, and the singing was also good, and even when I could sing exactly the master."

"I was disappointed again. The master did not appear. At that moment, I realized that the master may never appear again."

Ye Sheng said, and tears involuntarily flowed on his resolute face.

"I have never broken the idea of stone flowers blooming and singing intimate songs, because even if I am cheated by you, I still believe in you so. I believe that this belief will eventually be realized, and that stones will eventually blossom one day."

"Because although you have been deceived into these many lies, and although the stone flower is destined to never bloom, I can feel the care behind these lies. In fact, the stone in my heart has already been full of flowers."

The surroundings were quiet, and no one stopped or interfered with Ye Sheng's speech. Even the wind on the frost peak stopped because of Ye Sheng's affectionate speech, leaving only a small breeze slowly blowing.

Gao Kui didn't say a word from beginning to end, because at this time, she also quietly rolled down tears. In the past, in front of Ye Sheng, she had always been so fangs, and Ye Sheng had never been a listener in front of her. However, this time, Gao Kui suddenly found that he was actually Ye Sheng, a quiet brother, is not stupid at all. He just treats everyone in his heart so sincerely and has such unreserved trust. Maybe this is what his father once said.

"Sometimes, I have been wondering if we can go on like this without the appearance of that person. I, you, Master Xianger, four people can always sing until sunset."

Ye Sheng looked at the sunset and continued to tell the last words in his heart.

"Maybe." Gao Kui also looked at the golden clouds rolling on that day and said lightly, "The time is as heavy as the morning glow."

"This is what he said. Life is originally a fragile thing, just like the morning glow in the sky. Before you see dusk, you will always think that it will always shine, but when the golden light fades and the darkness falls, you will find the beauty that was so easy to touch. The moment has become so difficult to reach.

"You are the most beautiful flower I picked at dusk. I want to take you into the darkness."

"Brother, in fact, I am a stupid girl. He has clearly hinted so clearly that I should have thought that his body did not want to be as powerful as his magic power, but I forgot his health in his hidden words again and again and only remembered his sweet words. Even his last days were not by his side.

"Maybe this is God's revenge on me. I made up so many lies and framed you, but I was destined to be completely framed by one of his lies for the rest of my life. Gao Kui quietly stared at the golden clouds that had not yet dissipated in the distance, with a faint smile on his mouth, and the faint golden cover her crystal jade face, so beautiful that it was so suffocating.

"The time flies, and it's time to return."

"According to his words, life is like the sun, rising and falling, but the only difference between life and the sun is that the solar energy has an established orbit that allows it to rise and fall over and over again without disappearing forever."

"However, life never leaves the track it wants to walk. It is always so difficult to speculate. At the same time, it can leave its own trajectory between Hongyu. As long as you find such a trajectory, you can realize the repetition of life. He calls this trajectory the time point."

"Life begins with points, ends with points, repeats by points, and lives a lifetime."

"Life, oh, not to mention whether there is a time in the world, this thing, even if there is, sister, this kind of power belonging to heaven, do you think you can control and touch it? The death of the master and Su Jing has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to burden yourself so much? Ye Sheng couldn't help saying.

"In fact, everything is wrong. The master is wrong to maintain Jiang Zheng, who has fallen into the devil's way. In order to maintain the reputation of Vientiane Gate, he took action against Su Jing, who has loved you deeply. The fault is that he clearly knows that Su Jing is a seven-yin vein, but still calls you back from his side. After he finished all this, because I ended up depressed for my own heart..."

"The master is still talking about the moment he is dying. Don't let me uncover this matter and don't make his old friends sad. In fact, the master is such a person. He doesn't want anyone to be sad about it, but everyone is heartbroken about it, whether it's you, me, or him. Old friends."

Ye Sheng smiled easily, wiped away the tears on his face, and returned his demeanor and depth as a generation of suzerain.

"It's okay to leave, and I'm relieved when I leave. For hundreds of years, we have paid too much for the promise of the master. If the master knows, then I will bear all these sins alone."

"Sister, go back to the former high frost. I hope you don't be bound to your own demons like a master. Although I don't know if the goal you pursue this time is like the stone blossom, it's just a beautiful legend, but you are still willing to believe you as before."

Gao Kui quietly stared at Ye Sheng in front of him and saw his father's figure in a trance. He has grown into a real suzerain, enough to cover up all these storms for others, as his father said, 'Ye Gao Shuangfeng, full of songs'.

Gao Kui gently gave Ye Sheng a hug, turned around and floated down the white frost pine forest, and went down the mountain, 'as bright as a mirror, as cold as frost'. From today, Gao Kui, the chief patriarch, will no longer exist and will be replaced by Gao Shuang, the daughter of the last patriarch of Vientiane Gate.

Since the second day of the Challenge Taiwan incident, the departure of Gao Kui's chief elder has become the most sensational thing in the past century. A chief elder who has been repaired for eight years has left the Vientiane Gate. This loss is immeasurable for a sect.

Although the cultivation exceeds the realm of five turns, it is extremely difficult to rely on external forces to break through to the realm of the master. Reaching eight turns and break through to the realm of the master is something that no one has done since ancient times, but this cannot deny her value.

If she really realized one day and entered the realm of nine turns, and then broke through to the realm of the master, then there is no doubt that the Vientiane Gate will be directly listed at the forefront of the realm of practitioners.

However, it was such a peerless figure with great potential that she broke away from the Vientiane Gate, and the suzerain Ye Sheng did not stop him, so she left like this.

What makes the people of Vientiane Gate feel more distressed is that after Gao Kui's chief elders left, the two most talented disciples on Mufeng, Wang Qi and Gao Shi, also separated from Vientiane Gate. Vientiane Gate was panicked for a moment and did not know what the departure of these three people meant. What kind of wind and rain?

However, before everyone calmed down, three days later, the envoy of Tianshuizhai, a fellow sect in the world of righteous practitioners, visited Vientiane Gate, setting off a greater wave...