Monster Bat King

Chapter 88 Seal

Chapter 88 Seal

The days settled down like wine, and Wang Qi and others began to slowly adapt to the secular life.

Since a glimpse of Gao Shi's wedding that night, the clothes designed by Gao Shuang really became popular and were quickly favored by all the nobles of the State of Qin. There was an endless stream of people who came to ask for clothes. The lowest price of a dress was even worth ten taels of gold, which was in the clothing industry of the State of Qin before. In the middle, it is simply an unimaginable brilliant achievement.

However, despite the booming business, Gao Shuang did not intend to spend too much on it, so she wisely produced clothes in batches, that is, to get hundreds or thousands of sets of the same style of clothes, but pushed all the work of tracing patterns to her two apprentices, Wang Qi and Gao In time, I stole my leisure.

Wang Qi, who had to seize the time to practice, had no choice but to do the work of embroidery pictures under the pressure of Gao Shuang. In Gao Shuang's words, embroidery pictures are also a kind of practice.

The so-called embroidery is not the embroidery in Wang Qi's impression. In this world of practitioners, the things that used to be extremely tedious and troublesome have become extremely simple.

However, the work of embroidery is simple but not simple. In fact, there is no difference between simple embroidery and drawing. However, the difference is that the paper painted is not simple paper, but a yellow paper symbol similar to the seal. According to the pattern depicted by Gao Shuang, it can be drawn according to the yellow paper symbol. After that, as long as you apply him to the clothes, the yellow paper charm can automatically connect the pattern you drew on the paper to those clothes, and a finished dress will be ready.

All this seems to be very simple for practitioners such as Wang Qi and Gao Shi,

The embroidery picture, to put it simply, is to let you draw a picture. In the high frost, Wang Qi and Gao Shi left a lot of paper similar to the seal,

Originally, Wang Qi also wanted to ask poor disciples such as Xiaocui, Xiaohui and Dahuang to help him with a fish eye and change beads so that he could get rid of himself.

I don't expect that this embroidery picture is not difficult for Wang Qi and Gao Shi, but for Xiao Cui and others, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

It's like the same poem. Different people write will also have different feelings. Although it is the same picture, the drawings in the hands of different people are very different.

The reason why the painting has spirituality, sex, and fairy spirit largely depends on the painter's emotional intention, and this expression of blending into things is called the idea of mastery in practitioners.

And these poor disciples Xiaocui obviously can't reach such a level, so even if Wang Qi wants to be lazy. I have to work overtime and honestly to complete the daily tasks, so as to save time for my own practice.

However, after reaching three turns, Wang Qi's current practice mainly relies on improving his Taoist realm and improving the Taoist realm. It is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do. The improvement of the Taoist realm is not like the previous practice. By absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, you can learn the perception of heaven and earth, but a deeper understanding of heaven and earth. Perception, this deep perception is generally reflected in the ability to use laws to fight against the control of the laws of heaven and earth.

That's what it means to get rid of the world, break the world, and become me...

Now there are two ways to upgrade the Taoist realm. One is to further understand and improve the skills and Taoism of Wanxiangmen, and combine your own perceptions to create laws that belong to you and can get rid of the world; the other is to improve your seven emotions, and to study the dark cloud seal in the dark pool. Probably, it can improve the Taoist state of today's Wang Qi.

However, whether it is the first or the second article, for Wang Qi, it can't be done at all in three or five years, which also makes Wang Qi feel that time is tight, so Wang Qi made a decision to practice two lines.

However, with Wang Qi's three-turn cultivation, he can't find several opponents in the State of Qin. Even Gao Shi is far from his opponent now. There is not much room for his improvement, and Wang Qi has basically learned Gao Shi's magic skills in these days, and there is no need to compete with him again.

So Wang Qi turned his eyes to Gao Shuang, who was the closest to the four sects with the name of Ling Miao, and Gao Shuang took this condition and forced Wang Qi to help her process clothes, which was also a gain and loss.

Although Gaoshuang has always achieved a lot of competition with Gao Shuang, but Wang Qi's understanding in the discussion with Gao Shuang is far from being comparable to that of the eight-turn realm of Gao Shuang not only integrates all the skills and mysteries of Vientiane Gate, but also combines the meaning of the cold sword demon, creating Its own magic, which is mysterious and exquisite, even the extreme analysis of the universe in the source of the soul cannot be completely understood by Wang Qi, and these analyzed laws are enough to make Wang Qi understand for a long time.

With the help of Gao Shuang, Wang Qi can be said to be very fast in the perception and detection of magic. If it hadn't been for Gao Shuang's earlier promise to help make embroidery pictures, Wang Qi really wanted to abandon the embroidery work at hand now and shut down immediately.

However, breaking his promise and being fat has never been what Wang Qi does to people close to him, so although Wang Qi wants to give up his embroidery work at hand to understand the insights he got from Gao Shuang, he still had to put up with this impulse and do it bravely.

The assembly line-like operation had to concentrate on completing every embroidery. This was a painful process. At dozens of pieces, Wang Qi still felt nothing. After hundreds or thousands of pieces, Wang Qi finally felt difficult.

However, what is hateful is that Gao Shuang didn't know where he found 30,000 sets of clothes waiting to be processed, forcing Wang Qi to rest, and Gao Shi had reached his limit when he reached almost 2,000 sets.

What's more hateful is that due to the previous agreement with Gao Shuang, Gao Shi was allowed to rest, but Wang Qi was not allowed to rest. In order to steal Gao Shuang's magic in the future, Wang Qi had to continue to struggle desperately.

When he got 10,000 sets, Wang Qi got a different feeling from the homework of these embroidery pictures. He found that the embroidery pictures given to him by Gao Shuang were actually not just a pattern containing the idea of understanding. After the accumulation of tens of thousands of identical patterns in front of him, Wang Qi could see through the appearance of this pattern. Something deeper inside.

Cutting out the complexity of the appearance of the pattern, Wang Qi found that these patterns were not complicated. That little painting is so concise and capable, as if it were...

Wang Qi suddenly remembered that countless small black tadpoles in the soul-control space in the eyes of the purple pupil and white tiger that day, like the thin black lines connected by thin lines of the ghost...

Are these patterns seals? At this time, Wang Qi couldn't help but think of such an idea, and he was very surprised.

To be honest, Wang Qi doesn't know much about Fu seal, but only a small amount of knowledge Wang Qi knows about Fu seal is enough to surprise Wang Qi.

According to the records in ancient books, the seal is the text of the god and the charm that conveys the will of the god. It can be used to summon gods to impeach ghosts, kill demons and eliminate demons, which is extremely powerful.

And the more advanced seal can even call thunder and electricity, eliminate disasters and ward off evil spirits, and change the fortune. This kind of charm is also known as thunder seal, transport seal...

"If you don't know how to draw a rune, it will make ghosts and gods laugh; if you know how to draw a rune, you will be shocked." With my essence, I combine with the essence of all things in heaven and earth, and with my God with the god of all things in heaven and earth. It is the most basic requirement for practicing charms.

For Fu Zhuan, Wang Qi has always had the idea of not believing and not contacting him. He mainly thought that he had received the influence of his cheating grandfather. Once he suffered from wind chills, bloating and diarrhea, and was once filled with such a cup of Fu water by his grandfather. As a result, he choked him half to death, but he has never Seeing that the condition improved, it took hundreds of yuan to go to the hospital to control the worsening condition.

Since then, Wang Qi has completely lost love for the strange things on his grandfather's hand, but what makes him strange is that Grandpa's move has no effect on him. However, several young men in the same village who are more serious than him have been cured by mistake.

For this reason, Wang Qi once took the initiative to look through a lot of books about this and got a more orthodox medical explanation. There are two reasons why this messy water has a miraculous effect on those young men. One of the reasons is that these young men are already in good health, and what they lack is only to overcome diseases. Demon's determination and courage.

And Fushui has just given them this determination and courage, and the real belief in Fuzhu happened to be the second reason why Fushui cured the disease.

However, Wang Qi was fortunately or unfortunately a person who did not believe in his grandfather since he was a child, so he suffered all.

When he came to the star and moon continent, the world where practitioners are everywhere, Wang Qi did not believe in Fu Zhuan's theory. The reason is very simple: calling thunder and lightning and changing fortune... This really belongs to the fate of heaven and earth, and it is to analyze the understanding of the law of heaven and Taoism.

The reincarnation of the peerless demon emperor like Xiaohei was also in contact with the sixty-four hexagrams brought by Wang Qi, which combined the I Ching of countless saints and handed down from generation to the world, barely used the power that almost belonged to the heavenly way, gathering fingers into thunder and changing luck.

And what is the ability of a small charm to use these skills according to the will of heaven.

So subconsciously, Wang Qi didn't think that there was such a thing as Fu seal in the world at all. He thought that everything was just the imagination of his ancestors. Even after touching the dark cloud imprint, Wang Qi did not dare to think about that.

However, when Gao Shuang asked him to draw the pattern to let him see what was inside the surface... When he saw that the seal art really existed as a spell, the shock in his heart could be imagined.