Monster Bat King

Chapter 181 Wang Ye's Past

Chapter 181 Wang Ye's Past

[Today's brain is so high that I can't write too much...]

Qiu Ju's voice curled, combined with the sad sound of the piano, vividly showed a affectionate woman who leaned against the window and looked forward to her husband's return. The sadness and regret were more than twice as high as the peach tree made by Wang Qi.

At this time, Xia Zhu danced when he heard the sound of the piano. His dance was enchanting, but he had all his lead. The unsolved sadness in the enchanting place was all in it, and even made Wang Qi's eyes hot.

"Once the sea was difficult for water, but Wushan was not a cloud." Wang Qi couldn't help chanting. That kind of loneliness can't help but remind Wang Qi of the petite back, the woman who is not inferior to men, and the little black who fights alone in the world without defeat.

"Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?" When Wang Qi felt the scene, he suddenly found that Wang Ye, who was watching coldly, had shed tears and muttered words that Wang Qi couldn't understand, "Willow... magpie... bright sun, deep mountains... thicker fog, farewell to you, only play ten thousand years of infatuation..."

Seeing Wang Ye's painful appearance, Wang Qi knew that he must have thought of something unbearable, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

The piano music is still playing, and the interpretation of Qiu Ju and Xia Zhu is far from stopping, but Wang Qi has no time to appreciate it, because Wang Qi feels that Wang Ye's body is trembling. This kind of emotion that can never appear on Wang Ye, a cruel three-eyed lion king, can't help but worry Wang Qi. .

"Ah, don't sing anymore." Wang Ye suddenly roared and shocked all the people in the room.

"I'm in a trance again, but this life is different from yesterday and today..." Wang Ye laughed and stumbled out of the door.

Wang Qi didn't know why Wang Ye suddenly had this reaction, and he didn't have time to say goodbye to the four Hua Kui in the room, so he hurried up.

"Sister Xiao, this Wang Qi is really rude. Unexpectedly, when our sisters fell in love with the performance, they ran away privately. Qiu Ju saw that the Wang Qi brothers ran away and couldn't help complaining to Dongmei, a red woman beside her.

"Forget it, this time our desperate palace had no choice but to enter the world. On the one hand, in addition to letting our sisters find the root of love in the secular world and cut it off it, we also heard that there was a once-in-a-century genius in the * sect of this sect. He was only in his twenties, and he had already mastered the way of *, and his cultivation reached six turns, which was terrible. So there is another purpose for us to enter the secular world this time. It is to see Chu Shang, a talented disciple of this * sect, to prove our ruthless way.

"Sister Xiao, if you defend that person like this, don't you like that boy?" At this time, Xia Zhu suddenly interrupted and smiled, "Congratulations, Sister Xiao, you can finally prove your feelings, but it's a pity that your little lover will be your testimony stone."

"You dead girl, after staying in this brothel for a long time, have become so open-mouthed." The red woman couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Sister Lin, help, Sister Xiao, I was told that she was anxious." Xia Zhu smiled and avoided the way.

"Sister Deng, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you talk?" Seeing that Chunlan left her seat at this time, she went to the window, set up the window, and quietly stared out without saying a word. Qiu Ju couldn't help asking with concern.

"Sister Xie, I'm fine. I'm just thinking that what the master told us before, I'm afraid the two demons will go to war again, and it will be these people who will suffer." Looking at the prosperous scene outside the window, Chunlan seemed to be able to foresee the future scene and couldn't help saying sadly, "No matter what the struggle in the cultivation world is? The most suffering is the mortals who have no resistance. Today's prosperity is likely to be tomorrow's yellow flowers, and they will be defeated in one day.

"Sister Deng, you're here again. Our ruthless faction is to decide the feelings of the world. No matter how chaotic the world is, we won't do our ruthless things. Don't pay attention to these small things." At this time, Dongmei ran to Chunlan's side and gently put her shoulders to comfort her.

"That is, Sister Deng, although our evil sect borrows the law from the four sects and the demon sects, it is because of this that our evil sect does not exist in any of these two forces to withdraw from this world, so we are doomed to be unable to care about these things. No matter which side we help, it will make the other party misunderstand. The demon sect is now right. The world claims to be an evil sect, and it has the intention of forcing us evil sects to them. So Sister Deng, you don't have to think so much. Xia Zhu also ran over to comfort Chunlan.

Looking at the care in the eyes of the three sisters, Chunlan's eyes were already full of tears.

"Sister Xiao, Sister Xie, Sister Lin, I'm fine. It's not that I don't want to improve my cultivation. I'm only afraid that one day, like the sisters in the clan, I will not even recognize my sisters. If I'm so ruthless, what's the point of living?"

"Silly girl, you have said something stupid again. Our ruthless sect has always been to cut off mortal roots and self-detachment for the purpose of practice, and you should be happy to achieve the real state of forgetfulness. The senior sisters can't even look at it." Dongmei said with a smile.

"But... If a person has no love, love, and no feeling for the world, can we still be regarded as a person?"

"Ha, Sister Deng, don't have to worry. Our emotional life is arranged because of the cause and effect of this world. If we can complete our detachment and detachment from the cause and effect of this world, we will naturally choose cause and effect independently without being bound by this world. At that time, we may not rely on you. Help."

After listening to the senior sisters' words, Chunlan did not reply for a long time, but turned to look at the bustling night scene outside the window and muttered, "Is there really anyone in this world who can completely escape cause and effect?"


"Fourth brother, why did you come here without saying a word? Do you know how worried I am about you?" Following Wang Ye's rushing hundreds of miles in one breath, he finally saw Wang Ye stop at a big lake in front of him. Wang Qi couldn't help asking quietly beside him.

At this time, Wang Ye turned into a half-human and half-demon, and the huge lion's head raised all his domineering noise, which looked very frightening. Wang Ye looked at the lion's head reflected on the river and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"What's wrong with your fourth brother? Wake up and see, I'm your third brother. Looking at Wang Ye's crazy appearance, he was obviously as enchanted as when he had just lost his little black in Jinling. Wang Qi couldn't help calling loudly, wanting Wang Ye's consciousness to come back, so as not to let Wang Ye be invaded by the heart demon.

"Third brother, stop shouting. I'm fine. I'm just thinking about the past." After Wang Ye ran 13 laps in the lake crazily, Wang Ye seemed to collapse to the ground after fighting with Wang Qi for thousands of rounds.

"What on earth did you just remember? It's really scared to your third brother." Seeing that Wang Ye calmed down, Wang Qi couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Brother, today I'll tell you about my brother's visit to the Bull Demon King." Wang Ye did not answer Wang Qi's question directly and suddenly said to Wang Qi.

"The Bull Demon King?!" Although I don't know what Wang Ye's madness has to do with the legendary Bull Demon King, Wang Qi is indeed very curious about the Bull Demon King, the extremely powerful demon king of ordinary demons. However, Wang Ye has always refused to talk to Wang Qi about the Bull Demon King, but I don't know why Wang Ye will return to normal this time and take the initiative to talk about the Bull Demon King. The traitor who betrayed the Kunlun demon clan and defected to the four sects?