evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 1

When Xiao Song opened his eyes again, he knew that he had finally mastered the control of this body.

She was covered with a thin quilt. The bed was very hard, and the pillow under her head was harder, which made her a little uncomfortable. On the side of her head, she saw the extra bright light coming through the red window, and her eyes subconsciously narrowed. It took a while to get used to it. Now it's sunny after the rain, and the canna in the corner outside the window is green, vibrant and beautiful.

Such an elegant scenery... Tut, it's really rare.

"Master, it's great that you woke up!" The teenager's voice was full of joy. Before Xiao Song said anything, the teenager quickly came over, helped her up, and added a soft pillow behind her, so that Xiao Song could lean more comfortably and was so meticulous that Xiao Song, an authentic woman, a little ashamed.

"Master, how are you feeling now? But is it better? Are you still dizzy? Would you like some more mint leaves? No, mint leaves are used too much to hurt the sense of smell. Master, you just fainted like this. Lan'er is really scared to death... You have always been in good shape. How can such a thing happen?

As if he remembered something important, he suddenly stopped, quickly ran to the table and put a bowl of steaming medicine on one side, and steadily handed it to Xiao Song without spilling a drop of juice: "Master, this is the newly fried medicine. Please drink it while it's hot."

A pungent and strange smell came to my face.

Xiao Song's mind was still full of young people's endless chatter. He was dizzy. He slowed down and did not react. He was choked by the spicy smell, his nose was sore, and a line of wide-faced tears almost did not fall. She later tilted her head, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She raised her sleeves with one hand to cover half of her face, separated the medicine bowl with the other hand, and made it as far away from herself as possible: "I... have been a teacher. I don't need it. Take this medicine away quickly!" The tone at the end of the words was a little sharper.

God knows how much she hates the smell!

Her dislike is so obvious that the teenager can naturally see it. However, instead of being frightened by this serious appearance, he was secretly surprised that the master also had such a childish side? Usually, the master is used to being rigorous, and I really can't see it. He suppressed his laughter and advised: "Good medicine is bitter and good for disease. Although the medicine is a little astringent, it is good for the body. Master, you are weak. How can you not take medicine?

Are you a master or am I a master?

Xiao Song didn't know what the teenager was thinking at this time, so he just rolled his eyes: "The teacher's body knows that he doesn't need this medicine. Take it away."

"Master, you have taken this medicine! Lan'er has been here for a long time. The teenager pouted slightly.

It's useless to be coquettish!

She won't be moved by you for the rest of your life!

"I don't want to say it again." She didn't have a good temper. After such a lingering, there was a faint smell of impatience in her words. God knew that she was about to be smoked to death.

The teenager carefully observed Xiao Song's expression and made sure that Xiao Song was not joking and losing his temper... but being serious. He was surprised, but he couldn't. As an apprentice, it was impossible for him to disobey his master in any case. He was a little unwilling to put down the medicine bowl and advised again: "What about your body, master? If you don't drink medicine, you won't get better quickly. Even if the master doesn't care about your body, Lan'er will also worry..."

She won't have an accident until she drinks medicine!

Xiao Song turned his head, his face was expressionless, and his heart was already bleeding - young man! Don't be so nagging! She has a headache when she hears it!

"Master, Lan'er is doing this for your own good. Just listen to Lan'er. If you drink this medicine, Lan'er will be obedient in the future and will never disobey the master's will. How about the master..." The nagging continued.

I can't see that you often disobey your master!

Xiao Song twitched the corners of his mouth and pressed his temple and said patiently, "...it's okay to be a teacher!" So please stop nagging, okay?

Xiao Song's tone is very heavy, and it seems that he is really angry and doesn't seem to be in trouble. The teenager is a little relieved. It seems that the master is really fine. After all, the master in his memory is not a wayward and cherishing person. Since she repeatedly refuses to drink medicine, she really refuses to drink it because she has nothing to do. Question mark Gently sighed. The teenager didn't intend to provoke her any more. He was as kind: "It's okay, it's okay! The master doesn't want to drink medicine, so don't drink it.

Xiao Song took a serious look at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

She thought he would continue to chatter, but she didn't expect him to suddenly give up, which made her a little unexpected.

"Master, why did you faint? Are there any signs before? Lan'er just took your pulse and can't diagnose anything. Lan'er is really useless. She can't solve the troubles for the master. She can only watch the master suffer. Lan'er is unfilial! Lan'er, I'm sorry..."

Xiao Song rolled his eyes in his heart. Of course, you can't diagnose it! Because she has nothing... It's just pretending to be dizzy. What's the problem?

However, she naturally won't say it so loudly. Xiao Song closed her eyes, waved her sleeves, and issued an eviction order: "You go out first and have to take a rest as a teacher."

"Master?" The teenager was stunned, but he had no intention of going out.

"Get out." Xiao Song had some small and almost negligible displeasure on his face, which aggravated his tone: "I want to rest!"

The teenager had a little hesitation and uneasiness on his face and secretly looked at Xiao Song's face. Although his face was not worried, he did not look very angry, so he said thoughtfully: "Brother Qiu is still kneeling in the lobby, master, look..."

It's okay not to mention this. As soon as I mentioned it, Xiao Song's face suddenly turned black, so black that it couldn't be more ugly.

"I'll let him die!" A sentence is absolutely not elegant, but it can be called Xiao Song's heartfelt words at this time.

The teenager was stunned and his eyes widened in disbelief: "Master, what did you... say? Did Lan'er hear it wrong?!"

"Nothing." Xiao Song, who recovered his composure, looked very frank, "As a teacher, he didn't say anything. So..." She glanced at him and shamelessly pushed the responsibility on him: "You must have heard it wrong."

"But how could Lan'er..."

"You're too tired, it's time to rest!"

The teenager secretly glanced at her and then at her. Xiao Song maintained a perfectly calm expression without cracking at all. The teenager's hesitation finally dissipated: "o(>_

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