
Chapter 88: Fool

The three people immediately fled, and the zombies behind them moved faster and faster. In this short distance, they were almost caught.

Here, there is only one passageway, that is, a door outside the stone wall. I don't know what's dark inside, but there is no way. There are zombies chasing behind, and there is a ceiling on the top of the head. Whether there is another trap in front or not, you must escape there first!

"Wait!" Mu Ninghan suddenly shouted and wanted to stop.

"What are you waiting for! The timpox is about to fall down!" Yan Yixi pulled her and ran forward desperately, roaring without looking back.

"No! I, I saw the butterfly!" Mu Ninghan desperately tried to open Yan Yixi's hand and shouted nervously and anxiously.

Yan Yixi was stunned and immediately turned back. Sure enough, next to the lotus base, a small hole opened at some time. Guo Pingdie curled up and fainted there. If the smallpox was pressed down, she would be suffocated to death in a minute!

"I'm going to get her out!" When Yan Yixi was stunned, Mu Ninghan suddenly broke away and ran back.

"Condensation!" Yan Yixi was shocked. He couldn't control so much at the moment. He waved his hand and shook the ice knife to stop a zombie who wanted to catch Mu Ninghan. The knife and the zombie collided with each other, and unexpectedly made a sound.

Color·Milun covered his arm and looked at the door close at hand, gritted his teeth, and turned back to help Yan Yixi stop the zombies.

"Dangdang!" The ice knife hit one after another. Under this momentum, the surface of the zombie has cracked, revealing flesh and blood, and at this time, she played the basic knife skill of the knife spectrum, and attacked the zombie with a strange trajectory again and again. The zombie who tried to stick out her sharp nails had been cut down by her without blink of an eye!

But this doesn't work. The basic knife alone is not enough to kill them. At the critical moment, she immediately condensed into [blasting] with one hand. Although the blasting is often practiced, it is condensed in a static and attentive state. At this time, I really don't know whether the condensation is successful!

"Dang!" As soon as the ice knife in his right hand worked hard, he cut off the zombie's head, but at this time, he suddenly saw that a zombie actually ran towards Mu Ninghan.

Mu Ninghan carried Guo Pingdie on her back. She couldn't hold a gun and no charm. She absolutely couldn't counterattack!

Yan Yixi's heart tightened. His right hand blocked the zombies with an ice knife, and the explosion in his left hand condensed at an unprecedented speed. Now he threw it over there, and he didn't stop. Immediately, another explosion condensed and threw it to the zombies who wanted to sneak up!



The deafening explosion sounded fiercely. Yan Yixi only felt that something had been sprinkled on her leg. It was sticky. She had no time to pay attention to it and immediately blocked another zombie who wanted to approach Mu Ninghan.

"Ah!" When Mu Ninghan was about to run over, he tripped by something. He fell to the ground, because Guo Pingdie on her back couldn't get up for a while.

Yan Yixi was fierce, and a twist spread out of her fingers and violently tied up the whole zombie, but obviously the weakness of the entanglement was not enough to bind the zombies, but this buffer time was enough for her! Another winding condenses out, lifts the zombie as a whole, and then swings violently to the opposite wall, and then condenses and blasts very smoothly, and throws it towards the zombies!

"Bang!" Another deafening explosion.

"The ceiling is about to fall down!" In the distance, the sound of Se Milun passed through the buzzing eardrum and clearly spread to his mind. As soon as Yan Yixi turned around, he saw that Se Milun blocked the spox with his arms, and the momentum of the fall of the thing of the pianx suddenly slowed down.

It turns out that skyphox can already touch everyone's head!

Two girls lifted Guo Pingdie up and bent down to carry her out with difficulty.

"Well!" Se Milun only felt that his essence had been used clean, and his body's strength was almost gone. It was just a painful exhalt. He couldn't stand the momentum of smallpox. He knelt on the ground, and his knees hurt as if there was a needle.

No way! They haven't gone out yet!

A little strength gushed out of his heart. He immediately supported the ground with his hand and stood against the scalpox with his shoulders. He looked at them with difficulty and found that they had just escaped and were lying on the ground anxiously shouting something.

He couldn't hear it. He just felt dizzy, and the weakness in his body was getting more and more serious. This was the feeling of losing a lot of essence. At this time, he actually thought in his mind that he would not die in this disaster, and it was estimated that the storage of the source was less.

Yan Yixi knelt on the ground and shouted and shouted. Mi Lun came quickly, but his pupils were scattered, and he was obviously in a trance! At this time, the smallpox is getting lower and lower. In less than 15 seconds, it will definitely be completely suppressed!

No! No! How can this be! How can Se·Milun die here!

He was obviously dragged over. He obviously didn't have to be dragged here to suffer. Obviously, he didn't have to give up his life to protect them.

He is Moro! How can there be such a stupid demon!

Se·Milun felt that the last wisp of Qingming had dispersed, coughed feebly twice, and felt that there was a warm ** flowing down his lips, vaguely. He found that Yan Yixi cried and had a pair of red eyes, and continued to shout something.

Oh, silly girl.

He opened his mouth and said like a mosquito.

Yan Yixi looked at Se Milun in a daze. Even if there was a distance away, she still clearly saw what he was saying.

In an flash, an indescribable sadness surged up.

"In order to show my respect, I'll tell you my real name. My name is Se Milun."

"Before she saved my life, of course I will pay off my favors. After thinking about it, I can only pay it off if I stay next to her and save her life."

"If you think too much, you will only think too much - although Moluo is bad, I have a mild temper."

You are the real fool!

Yan Yixi wiped a handful of tears, gritted his teeth and suddenly put the ice knife on the smallpox, and suddenly a heavy pressure pressed down. Moreover, she found that in order to maintain the ice knife, the energy in her body was constantly being pulled away. It can be imagined that Se Milun broke an arm, bleeding too much, and there was not much essence. What kind of hard work and perseverance to stick to it!

Mu Ninghan didn't do anything, just climbed into it, and then pulled the color · Milun crawled out.

"I'll tell you! I risked my life to run in to save you. Please be sober and climb out!" Mu Ninghan roared sharply.

Color · Milun's pupils seemed to be a little clearer, and he began to use his hands and feet - I don't know whether it was a mechanical desire to survive or a real strength to crawl.

At the last minute, the ice knife was full of cracks, and the energy in the body was almost cleaned up. At this time, the two finally crawled out of it!


A burst of smoke and dust sprayed out with the pressure of the ceiling, and the dark ceiling was finally completely pressed to the ground, bringing a bursting sound!

"Wow...wow...whow..." The three people kept gasping. There was no sound in the dark, only rapid breathing.

After a while, Yan Yixi suddenly sobbed, hugged Mu Ninghan, who lived opposite, and cried loudly.

Se·Milun's body suddenly became stiff. It turned out that Yan Yixi hugged him. He listened to the sad cry in his ear, his heart became soft, and there was also the relaxation of the rest of his life after the disaster. He stretched out the remaining hand and gently patted her on the back, silently comforting her.

At the moment just now, he really thought he would explain it here, but he really survived dramatically.

In his mind, he didn't remember the days when he was still human. The only thing he remembered was that he was deeply resentful in hell. Finally, when he was driven to the road of reincarnation by the jailer, he was demonized and jumped into the river under the Naihe Bridge. When he woke up, he found that the taboo forest in the demon world became a demon.

In these long years, for a thousand or hundreds of years, he did all the bad things. Later, when the sex demon clan was suppressed, he sold all the valuable things, opened up the guards of the guardian world, and went out of the human world. After that, he was recuperated and acted in a low profile.

I really didn't expect that I would be threatened by the devil when I was weakest, and finally met Yan Yixi.

His brain must have been caught. The most cunning and cold-blooded Mo Luo actually gave up his life for human beings. What? He thought he was a hero and sacrificed himself for others?

However, he was caught in the forehead, which was very fierce.

It's so cruel.

Willing to exchange life for life.


Hearing Yan Yixi's crying voice, Mu Ninghan also wanted to cry loudly, but she just cried silently for a while. She learned to be independent very early, and her parents also learned to teach her to be strong. No matter how difficult it is, she can't show her weak side. This is what she must master as the only heir, so she is just in the dark, from I know - it's just shameful and silent tears.

After a long time, Yan Yixi only sobbed and blushed. She actually cried like a child. What a shame! Fortunately, I didn't have to see her almost swollen eyes in the dark.

"Let's calculate how many things we have lost. I don't know how long it will be here." Mu Ninghan opened his mouth, then turned on the flashlight, and the surroundings lit up.

It turns out that the three of them are now in an ancient room. Looking at the layout, it should be the wife and concubine of the tomb owner. There is an exquisite coffin in the middle, and the surrounding is a room modeled after the front of them. A box of funerary items is neatly placed.

The three of them checked the supplies, and now there is only one backpack left. Yan Yixi was carried by Se Milun, but was lost in a panic. Fortunately, the things in it are not damaged, and it's okay, and the surprise is that Guo Pingdie is still carrying a backpack on her shoulder. In this way, as long as you save a little, four people can still last for more than ten days.

"Cough..." At this time, Guo Pingdie suddenly coughed and slowly opened her eyes.

"Well, I have hallucinations. Why are you here?" Guo Pingdie stared at them in disbelief and muttered.

"Yes, it's an illusion." Mu Ninghan pinched her face rudely and squinted.

"Wow!" Guo Pingdie jumped up in surprise and joy, hugged Mu Ninghan and giggled: "You don't know that I was pulled down and I was unconscious. I thought I was dead, but I was still alive!"

The three girls had a good conversation and put back the thrilling heart that was almost popped out just now.

After a rest for a while, the four people unanimously planned to rest here for a day. Although there was a coffin in front of them, which was terrible, they were forced to come here in the middle of the night. They didn't sleep enough and were thrilled. Now they are already exhausted.

So it was discussed to let Guo Pingdie guard the middle of the night. After Mu Ninghan guarded the middle of the night, the remaining two slept in peace.