
Chapter 91: Break

At this time, on the other side, what Mu Ninghan encountered after being dragged in was exactly the same as Yan Yixi, but the two had more hand-to-hand fights, and the blood stains were particularly obvious on the white skin.

"Wow...wow..." Mu Ninghan pressed the illusion to death, and the knee of his left foot held against the abdomen of the illusion, making it unable to move. Both hands firmly pressed the other party's hand and took advantage of this rare victory to rest for a while.

She doesn't know how to get out, but she knows that the illusion must be killed, but the gun is useless to it. The dagger is estimated to have fallen during rock climbing. Now you can only punch me, and I will punch you back.

After the illusion was pressed for ten seconds and could not move, the fingertips suddenly moved in a small range. As the fingertips slid slightly, some dazzling golden fonts suddenly appeared in the void, slowly written into a word.

Mu Ninghan was stunned for a long time before he realized. Isn't this a blasting charm?!

Shit! She scolded with hatred in her heart and immediately retreated quickly. At the same time, her heart sank. The illusion could write charms by hand, but she didn't have rune paper and pen! How to resist?!

Without waiting for her to figure out a way, the charm had already flown over. This is not paper, but a dazzling row of fonts. It seems harmless to fly over, but she knows that once it is encountered, it is more powerful than Yan Yixi's explosion.

She fanned a wind and took advantage of this time to avoid it. Seeing that the illusion was still painting again, she immediately became anxious.

- Wait a minute.

Since the illusion can be used, try to see if it can be used by yourself.

Thinking about this, she immediately felt very hopeful. Now she squatted on the ground, took her hand as a pen, took the ground as paper, and wrote a large row of words.

At this time, she suddenly felt that there was a warm current in her body around every part of her body, and then the endless power waved out of her fingers. On the ground where there had been no reaction just now, a little golden font suddenly appeared, which was also floating in the void.

There is pure and even strong power in this warm current, which is Mu Ninghan's feeling. But why does she have this kind of power in her body? Although she used to write charms, it was very subtle and basically couldn't feel it, but this time she suddenly became thick as if she had been stimulated.

Before she thought too much, her puppet charm had been written. The golden font swayed for a while, and immediately there was a flash of white light. Another person who was the same as her appeared in front of her, but the puppet was a little stiff, but it was lucky to hold a weapon in his hand.

When she thought that the puppet could block the illusion for a while, she didn't expect that the illusion actually drew the charm of the moonlight chopping. The font brush turned into a silver-white light body sword, and then split the puppet, both of which turned into ash.


Mu Ninghan is very speechless and irritable. Can he do all the illusions he can do? Well, I'll just draw a hell door and let you fall directly into it!

Hell Gate, as the name implies, is a gate that can make people enter hell, but this kind of door is not easy to draw. It should not only be accurate, but also can not have a slightest difference. During this period, she should maintain a high level of attention and physical strength. After knowing the painting method of Hell Gate, she has never succeeded. Either she is too tired to grasp the pen, or in front of her. I lost my concentration in a trance.

However, it didn't work this time either.

Because the illusion seemed to know what she was drawing, in less than two seconds, it had successfully interrupted, and its fingers jumped rapidly, and another explosive charm was drawn.

Mu Ninghan quickly drew a protective cover to avoid the explosion.

In a word, they are like a game, on their own side, and then draw charms to think about how the other party can die.

Then, I turned my eyes to Se Milun.

He is fine, because he knows that it is a mirror spring. Once anyone gets close and has a reflection, the spring will give birth to a person who is the same as you, and the combat effectiveness is the same. According to his current weakness, if you take a picture, won't the illusion with a strong spirit kill him in a second?

So he slowly regained his essence on the other side of Jingquan.

As for Guo Pingdie - well, she seems to have fainted and slept motionless in the cave.

On the contrary, Yan Yixi.

She seemed to slowly realize that her flaws needed to be changed in experience, and she found that she had never regarded the healing crystal nucleus as her possession, and always thought that it would be taken back, so although she worked hard in practice, she did not think about whether there were other changes in the practice. In addition to these, can other moves be integrated, and when are the most suitable for use?

Therefore, when you go back, you must think about those secrets, and you should study with spirituality.

Her brain is planned like this, but at present, she is still beaten helplessly, and her energy is gradually exhausted. She has also lost a little reason and become a little anxious.

When he was strongly oppressed on the ground by the whole person again, Yan Yixi felt that his whole body was extremely tired. He stuck to the cold ground, and his spine was in pain by the hard ground.

The illusion looked at her coldly and brought the ice knife closer to her neck. The scene reminded her of the animals to be slaughtered.

"Well..." She gritted her teeth, her hand gradually lost strength, and the energy had been completely emptied. As soon as her hand was released, the ice knife of the magic body was close to her neck, bringing a tingling cold.

Suddenly, she felt a very familiar energy in her body, which was endlessly converging from her body to her heart. It was hot and seemed to be burned.

Taking advantage of the sudden power, she pushed the icy knife back little by little.

Then I remembered the day when I was dragged to the cave by a monster to deal with the dark demon. At that time, the dark demon was about to eat her. The target was the crystal nucleus, and my body also had this hot feeling.

Yan Yixi couldn't see it. Her eyes were red at this time, just like cleaning up the monster that day.

Yan Yixi felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, but his eyes began to blur, suddenly! As soon as the scene changed, she actually saw the white-haired man again. He looked at the distance with no expression on his face. In the distance, it was green and blurred, and it seemed that he could see a lonely tombstone.

The wind is blowing, and the hair is drifting away, but the eyes are like an unchanging stone, indifferent without a trace of temperature.

What's the use of this thing? It's just a weapon for me.

The sound without any temperature sounded. The man muttered to himself, and his eyes flashed across the endless grassland, stained with a little confusion. At this moment, he raised the sword in his hand, and the crystal clear sword was mixed with a lot of blood, like the blood vessels of the sword body.

The man looked at the sword for a long time, and suddenly said: What I lost will make you not get what you want.

The last picture is like a snowflake on the TV, flying and flashing. It seems that a lot of things fly out of the sword and disappear as soon as it flashes, and then the picture gradually turns black - a trace of blood slowly flows along the black.

Yan Yixi suddenly felt that the head of the phantom body came closely. When she came to her senses, she saw that the phantom body showed its sharp teeth, and the wound in her neck kept sniffing, with a deep desire in her eyes.

x! There are indeed zombies in the cemetery!

Yan Yixi cursed secretly, and suddenly her hand was hot. She subconsciously put her feet against the abdomen of the magic body, then pulled off the knife very smoothly, and then condensed the ice knife out again - and the hand holding the ice knife skillfully made a few gestures quickly and lightning, and poked it into the body of the illusion.

- Wait a minute.

Yan Yixi was stunned. Why did she mean to make this attack again? She, she has never studied, why does she know how to do it, and these gestures can't remember them at all when she recalls it now.

The illusion showed a look of pain, which was the first other expression after its cold expression. It seemed to be greatly hurt, and its body was gradually corrupted and exposed a big hole. With the decay, some silver glowing water slowly dripped from its body. After a while, it completely turned into a pool of silver spring water, slightly Bare.

Yan Yixi climbed a few steps back and touched his neck with his hand. When he saw that the palm of his hand was full of blood.

She, she just saw the white-haired man again, and made another attack that she couldn't remember the gesture, and simply knocked off the illusion that haunted her and couldn't beat.

But why did she see that since she first found out that she had a crystal nucleus, she had never dreamed of a white-haired man, but now she dreamed of it again, and it was the sequel to her first dream. She thought that the tombstone that made the white-haired man show a sad look should be his family, and in the dream, it was also mentioned, ' If you don't get what you want, it seems that you can find something.

She shook her head. After using the big move, her body seemed to have been beaten countless times, which was painful and tired, so she simply didn't think about it. Anyway, it was in vain.

After resting for a while, he began to mobilize energy and start to travel around the whole body. When he is very tired, practice will make you have more energy. She plans to recover half of her energy and can't see it. If it doesn't work, she will break through. It's better to find them.



While practicing, she suddenly heard some strange sounds in her ear, buzzing like a saw constantly pulling, making her teeth sour and powerful.

"There won't be anything else..." Yan Yixi muttered to herself almost in despair. Forget it, forget it, die, and she will definitely not be able to stand the horrible things again.

However, things surprised her, because...

It was not something horrible, but the whole cave was shaking, and the last sunlight shone on her pupils.

Yes, the bright and warm sunlight was imprinted on her pupils.

In front of me, the whole silver-white cave was illuminated by the sunlight, and with the continuous shaking around, the front wall was cut down several times, and there was a more and more cracking posture.


After an unexpected deafening noise, the wall in front of her immediately shattered, and in the dusty sun, she saw a familiar figure. The long Tang knife hung on both sides of him, and the refraction of the sun emitted a dazzling light.

"Micro, micro?"