
Chapter 97: Trust

At dinner time, no one came back.

Yan Yixi was a little worried, so he called to ask, but neither Mei Huo nor Geral listened to the phone.

"They don't listen to the phone. What should I do?" Yan Yixi turned his head and asked Mo Weisheng.

Mo Weisheng frowned and then called with his mobile phone. Who would have expected that it was still the same situation.

This situation is strange, not to mention Meihuo. Every time I get tired of waiting for dinner at home, most of them are Geral and Se Milon. Meihuo sometimes goes to have a beauty or go out for an afternoon tea to experience human life. Usually, he doesn't come back until half an hour after dinner in the evening. Why don't he see anyone today.

"Did something happen to them? Didn't the human world break a big hole?" Yan Yixi said uneasily.

"Reassure." Mo Weisheng patted her on the shoulder: "Let's eat first. They should be delayed."

Yan Yixi had to answer, looking at a lot of delicious food, but he had no appetite.

Half an hour later, Gerald finally came back, but his return surprised Yan Yixi, and Mo Weisheng was also a little surprised.

I saw that Geral's face and the skin that came out of ** were blue and purple, and there were a lot of blood marks. There were traces of erosion on his clothes. When he came in, he was still bumpy, as if his feet were injured.

He didn't look well. When he walked into the sofa and sat down, there was no sound.

"Geral, did you have a fierce battle when you caught the monster?" Yan Yixi thought that only the recent action to catch demons could hurt him, so he asked.

"Wow, how can they hurt me?" Gerald's tone was not good, and he was completely uncomfortable and wanted to find someone to vent.

Yan Yixi was a little embarrassed and stopped talking, but his worries expanded little by little. I don't know what happened to Geral to make it like this.

Mo Weisheng saw Yan Yixi's look, so he pinched her shoulder and said, "The dish is a little cold. Go and heat it up."

"Yes." Yan Yixi nodded and took the dishes to the kitchen to heat up. She knew that men's troubles should be solved by men, and maybe it would be a good idea to have a drink or fight.

Mo Weisheng sat opposite Geral, looked at his listless appearance and said, "Yixi cares about you... What's going on?"

Geral raised his head, his eyes full of resentment: "You know what he did! Did you say anything to me today?"

Mo Weisheng's eyes converged and remembered the news he saw two days ago. He suddenly guessed what it was. Next, what Gerald said completely confirmed what he thought.

"...I'm very disappointed in him! Since he is stubborn, even if he postpones going to the demon world, I will definitely arrest him to prison!" Geral slapped the table angrily, and the things on the table jumped violently.

"Are you going to work in the demon world?" Mo Weisheng didn't have time to control the color. How did Milun become a white-eyed wolf, but accurately grasp the sentence in the words.

Gerald hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I was going to tell you in a few days. Didn't the human world break a hole? The guardian of the human world asked me to go to the demon world and find a way to make up for it.

"You're gone, the sex demon has defected, and I'm also recalled." Mo Weisheng said slowly, "If there is only charming fire left, what will Yixi do?"

Geral frowned. He was in a bad mood just now, but it didn't mean that he was angry with her because of the erotic demon. (Because Se Milun was with Yixi, and Yixi acquiesced in his existence, Se Milun could hang out with everyone.) On the contrary, he was most afraid that Yixi would be sad to know about the sex demon. He had been hesitant to tell her. Now, he still has to worry about this matter.

Meihuo knows that he doesn't know anything mysterious. Although she has been staying at home for more than half a year, she hasn't returned to the style of not going home the next day these days. It's not that she is unreliable. It's just that she is sure that she often has something to do. However, He is also afraid of delaying the charm.

But he remembered one thing: "Ah, we can call Shusi down."

Mo Weisheng remembered the elf who was often shy and followed Geral's example, but his face darkened before he was happy: "I don't think Shusi has time. Recently, the dark elves have clashed with them. As an excellent warrior, he will definitely fight."

"Ah, what should I do?" Geral was also disappointed when he heard this, but soon, he said with a strange face, "If you can't find anyone to protect her, you can ask her to go to the demon world together!"

"...I've also thought about this." For the first time in his life, Mo Wei was a little hesitant.

"That's it! She will definitely go to the demon world with us!" Geral clapped his hands, his face was full of joy, and then shouted because he touched his wound.

Mo Weisheng saw that he was in such pain and shook his head: "Take a shower, apologize to Yixi, and ask her to treat you."

Hearing this, Gerald flattened his mouth, then answered and went upstairs to take a shower.

In the kitchen, Yan Yixi is talking with Xiaoshu.

The vine of the little tree can surround the whole room. Naturally, she heard what Gerald said. After listening to it, she was a little anxious, unbelievable and sad.

But she believes that Se Milun is not such a person. Otherwise, how could she sacrifice her life in the underground palace to save her? Although she didn't get along for a long time, she also figured out his character. This person is used to hiding and treating people with a variety of masks, but he didn't have much malice. If it's like Gerald said, he was patient. Live in Anyi and frequently hurt the source to 'betray', so why did you choose at this time? If you wanted to rebel, you would have defected early!

Thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that the forbidden mother-in-law talked to him alone at that time. Couldn't the forbidden mother-in-law say something to him?!

If it weren't for this, how could Se Milun have changed his mind and said such a thing!

At this time, Mo Weisheng went into the kitchen. When he saw her look and the little tree on one side, he knew that she already knew.

"The sex demon probably has some plans. Don't worry too much." He opened his mouth faintly.

"You don't think he is such a person, do you?" Yan Yixi quickly turned around and said that he faintly found the same feeling.

Mo Weisheng didn't respond. Looking at her look, she was a little uncomfortable. Will the weight of the sex demon be heavier than his?


In the slightly watery bathroom, Geral came out with a towel and saw Yan Yixi leaning against the door and looking at himself. He grabbed his head and smiled stupidly.

Yan Yixi rolled his eyes, greeted him to sit down, and then said angrily, "What's the matter?"

Geral pointed to several places. Seeing that she began to be treated, he said carefully, "I... I was so angry that I was unscrupulous just now. Don't blame you."

"Oh, how dare I?" Yan Yixi said strangely.

Geral's face stiffened, and he hesitated for a while before he said tentatively, "Are you really angry?"

Yan Yixi glanced at him and said, "If I'm really angry, I won't sit here. How can anyone owe so much."

Only then did Geral feel relieved and regained his hippie smile: "I said you're not so stingy!"

"What, if I'm really angry, I'll be stingy."

"No, no, no... How can it be..." He knew that he had said something wrong again, and he laughed and said a lot of good words before he officially turned it over.

It was quiet for a while. Geral knew that Yixi half knew about the sex demon, so he thought about it and said, "Actually, at that time, I was too excited and had a fight with him because I was aroused by the sex demon. It's just that he absorbed his essence, and I didn't have enough for him to fight and was beaten badly."


"So, I think about it now. The rebels will not tell me as big as he did. At least I'm working under the guardian of the human world. Tell me what else is but being arrested. So, don't be too demonic." After saying that, Gerald saw that she looked at herself with a strange face, touched inexplicably, and showed a little doubt.

"Why do you... do you all think I will be angry? Do I look like a person who believes everything as long as there are rumors? Yan Yixi remembered what Mo Weisheng had just said to her in the kitchen, so she blinked and asked.

"Well, your relationship with him is a little different. I think you will be angry."

"Cut, what's the difference? It's not a friend." Yan Yi was eager, and she didn't think it was any different.

At night, before Meihuo came back, she locked the door and went to bed separately. Anyway, Meihuo couldn't find the door and would come in from the balcony. So... Isn't it too dangerous for her to choose this as a bedroom?

She muttered twice and opened a novel to look. She was ready to read it for a while before going to bed. Time passed by little, and it was getting later and later. When she yawned and covered her book and was ready to go to bed, she found a dark shadow on the balcony, as if she had been on the balcony for a long time.

Yan Yixi looked over with a little vigilance, but found that the shadow sitting on the balcony railing was color·Milun.

He was dressed as usual, just a little more leisurely. At this time, he was sitting on the railing and looking at the moon.

"Color...Color·Milon." Yan Yixi originally wanted to call her as usual, but knowing that what happened today made her a little angry, she lowered her voice and said heavily.

Sex·Milun turned around with a little smile: "Sure enough, the name is still good, and the color magic will be misunderstood."

Yan Yixi curled her lips and didn't talk about it with him. She asked directly, "Geral said that you did what happened on the news. Although I believe him, I still can't believe it. You answer me once in person, right or not."

Se·Milun raised his eyebrows, but quickly replied, "I did it."

Yan Yixi's only remaining Xingqing was extinguished, and he suddenly sighed discouraged.

"Are you disappointed? I'm not a good person in your imagination?" When Se Milun saw her sigh, her smile restrained and there was a little sarcasm.

"OK, Milun, I don't want you to talk to me in this tone. It sounds so uncomfortable." Yan Yixi rubbed his temples: "I always thought you had corrected your evil spirit, but now it's just difficult to accept."

Se·Mi Lun's face darkened, and he turned his head to look at the scenery on one side. He didn't plan to open his mouth.


The author's words:

Twist and twist~~ Don't forget to collect children's shoes who like this article~~~ A collection can make me full of vitality~~

Don't be stingy with your messages when you have time~ In this way, I will be very motivated~