
Chapter 144: This teahouse is not simple

After a few days of such days, she finally adapted to the high-intensity work, and after having the leisure to ask others about the news, she finally heard the news she wanted to know most.

One of them is the matter of breaking the hole. According to rumors outside, there are already troops sent by the court stationed outside the cave, but there are not many troops. It seems to be just a small team, and some people say that the sent army can surround Tiannan City for three times. But it seems that because of the taboo of the Mo Weisheng of the demon clan, he has always remained unchanged.

The second is the address of the Red Snake family. Because of the emergency, Geral forgot a lot of things to explain to her, including the place where Mu Ninghan and Guo Pingdie lived. Previously, he hurriedly sent a carriage to send her to the demon city. In order not to make the power of Tiannan City suspicious, he did not send a master to follow. Because of this, Geral was worried. He was afraid that the forces of Tiannan City would think that Yan Yixi was the person who conveyed the news, so he arranged a real letter of introduction. Even if he was caught, there was evidence.

It's just that he didn't know that although Tiannancheng's forces planned to follow her, because of the news issued by the court, they all began to prepare small actions, and they had no time to take care of Yan Yixi, so Yan Yixi went all the way, killed people and became a helper. They didn't know.

The Red Snake family has a house in the Demon City, so you only need to ask a little to know the exact address. She carefully wrote down the address and asked about other gossips without a trace until the noon break was over.

"Half-green! Where are you going to be lazy again!" Anan's eyes stared and roared fiercely.

Isn't it two minutes late... Yan Yixi rolled his eyes secretly, but his face looked fearful and apologized repeatedly.

"Cut this out!" Anan threw a basket of garlic over, and the drops of water in it splashed Yan Yixi's face, but Anan just took a look and turned his head and continued to cook.

Yan Yixi wiped her face, obediently picked up the garlic that fell on the ground, and then walked aside to wash it. But in the end, she was not a person who swallowed her anger. She wrapped her hand around it, immediately grabbed Anan's leg, and then pulled it hard!


"Bang Dang!"

"It's hot!!!" In an instant, the chickens and dogs in the kitchen jumped up.

Yan Yixi saw that because he was implicated by Anan, several chefs next to him were hit and fell, and the pot in his hand also fell down together. Suddenly, the hot dishes were sprinkled on them. When it was hot, they wailed and jumped... They couldn't help but squeeze the proud arc and hum.

In the afternoon, it was her turn to have a half-day holiday, so she happened to find them. So she changed into a set of simple clothes and went out. After several turns, she finally found the scarlet gate hidden behind the heavy trees. The door was printed with mottled tree shadows, bringing a profound and solemn breath.

There were two guards in front of the scarlet gate. When they saw her coming, their eyes were a little bad.

"Well, two big brothers." Yan Yixi smiled kindly: "I want to find Mu Ninghan and Guo Pingdie. I don't know if I can let me in."

The two guards didn't say anything, but still stood there straight, as if there was no such person in front of them.

Yan Yixi's smile stiffened and whispered, "Isn't this the Red Snake Family? I've found the wrong place?"

Yan Yixi smiled happily and took the silver coin happily and said, "The shopkeeper is really a good man!" There was no difference because of the shopkeeper's words. It seemed that he only heard the meaning of the shopkeeper's word 'I see you'.

"Go out and have fun."


Why is she still so cautious in the teahouse under the name of Weisheng, as if she had entered the enemy camp? It's not because she doesn't have the capital to be presumptuous.

Who will believe that a Bai Ding and Mo Weisheng know each other? She has no family behind her, no fame in the world, and no skill. If she is different from usual today to find the Red Snake clan, then overthrow her previous disguised identity, and add the conclusive letter of introduction from the shopkeeper's fellow villagers, then she is likely to be suspected of being killed. The person who was introduced took her place, and then, it was not difficult to make up her identity with the suspicion of the shopkeeper.

In a word, the sealed letter may say her identity, but now that the letter is missing, it is impossible for her to tell the shopkeeper directly. At that time, she is afraid that she will end up being caught in prison at the beginning.

In the afternoon, she went shopping, bought a lot of gadgets, and just ran out of two silver coins. After the gadgets were divided into the three roommates in the dormitory, they began to wash vegetables and carry water in the evening.

At night, she took a shower and took out a basin to get some water and wash clothes. At this time, she faintly heard a sound of footsteps coming towards her.

She looked back. It turned out to be a chef in the kitchen, and others called him Dahei... Then she frowned doubtfully. This is equivalent to a girl's dormitory. What did a big man come in, and she had just finished taking a shower, and she didn't wear anything in it. She pulled her clothes in a small way. Fortunately, all the helpers here were wearing clothes. The cloth was very thick, and it was late, and she couldn't see anything for a moment.

"Half-blue." Dahei rubbed his palms and came over, with a little uncomfort in his smile.

"Dahei, this is full of women. You, a big man, came over..." Yan Yixi first blamed him for a few words. After showing the conservative character of the countryside, he said, "What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing. You see, you've been here for so many days, and we haven't had a good welcome. How about we buy you a drink later?" Da Hei said with a smile.


Yan Yixi hung a row of black lines on his forehead, and crows flew over his head... What's the name of this, flirting? What kind of good atmosphere can you drink so late? Isn't it just looking at her stupid appearance to coax her into drinking? Once she drinks, what happens to her!

The society outside is really dark... Yan Yixi sighed a few words. It was only a few days, and the wolf's tail couldn't help revealing. No wonder the roommate reminded her to guard against the people in the kitchen.

She said "drinking" ignorantly? My mother said that it's not okay for girls to drink. If you want to welcome me, just give me two more steamed buns tomorrow. I don't have enough to eat in the morning and I'm hungry!"

Dahei's face stiffened and said other words of lobbying, but they were all dismissed by her half-silly appearance, and finally left the place where the girl lived.

Yan Yixi shook his head and continued to wash clothes with tears and laughter. Oh, it's really...

Disturbed by Daheiyi, she washed the clothes half an hour later than usual. After she dried the clothes, it was already eleven o'clock. It was quiet around, and everyone had fallen asleep. She yawned and was ready to go back to the dormitory, but she didn't know what she heard. She stopped half of the yawn and didn't know what she was listening to.

The sound of some fine feet stepping on the tiles sounded, and the fine sound was very dense. Judging from the sound, it is not difficult to know that a group of people with deep energy are coming this way.

She quickly hid in the corner, [hidden] and covered up her breath. When she stared at the outside warily, a group of people in black jumped down silently. They wore masks on their faces, and their weapons hung around their waists. In order not to reflect, they wrapped the hilt of the sword in black cloth.

What kind of people are these?