
Chapter 166: You don't need a gentleman

The next day, the weather was slightly cloudy, and the thick clouds seemed to be about to rain.

And this shady day scared her into a cold sweat. She didn't know that Weisheng had so much hatred in the clan. She just saw that he broke through the coma, and his cousin would poison him in the name of visiting. If she hadn't found it, it would have really made him successful.

When the patriarch learned about it, he was furious, severely punished the cousin, and ordered everyone not to visit Mo Weisheng, so that the matter came to an end, and Yan Yixi took more careful care of him.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day...the ninth day.

On this day, Yan Yixi sat by the window in a daze as usual. Some of the servants who accidentally touched her eyes and lowered their heads a little timidly. After what happened a few days ago spread, these slaves looked like this to her.

But it doesn't matter. She's just a little tired of being in the clan and wants to go out quickly. No wonder she runs out all day long. It's really too depressing here.

When she was about to close the window, she saw the servant standing with a surprised expression, and then knelt down.

She suddenly burst into her heart and slowly turned around with unbelief.

Mo Weisheng stood there, his face was a little thin and his lips were a little dry. He first smiled, and then frowned: "Why have you lost so much weight?"

Before she could say anything, there was more body in his arms. He hugged her back and thought she would say something, but she didn't say anything, just a lot of wet chest, accompanied by a choking.

"Don't cry." Mo Weisheng patted her on the shoulder and coaxed her like a child.

"I don't like it here!" She said hatefully in her arms.

"Then let's go." Mo Weisheng smiled in a low voice.

She raised her head, her eyes were red, like a rabbit: "Let's go now?" With a strong nasal sound, he sucked his nose.

"Yes, let's go now." He was full of smiles.

An hour later, the low-key and stable carriage slowly drove away from the exorcist family and headed for a wider sky.

In the carriage, Mo Weisheng closed his eyes and condensed, and Yan Yixi pulled the blanket for him with some worries. Although he successfully broke through the SSS level, he still had to adjust well in the early stage to consolidate. Thinking of the scene of taking her directly and everyone's surprise, she squeezed her lips and smiled. Weisheng was really the same kind of character.

Ah~ But it's too humiliating.

Suddenly, Geral jumped, but he didn't go together. He said that he was going to wander for a while before returning to the demon city. At that time, he would find him there, so Mo Weisheng ordered the previous elites to keep up, pulled any carriage and left.

The baby puppet family is in Wansheng Mountain. If they go there, they have to take a detour. When they are about to arrive, it will be a week and three days later, and they will rest in the nearby town this evening.

The encirclement and suppression must be prepared in advance to ensure that it is foolproof, although all the elites are dispatched.

"The mountain edge of the sea is the route to their base camp."

"Let's pretend to enter from the normal mountain route first, and then ensize from the route near the sea."

"The seduced team led the barbarians out and attacked immediately when I gave an order."


Towards the end of the discussion, Yan Yixi, who had been listening, suddenly said, "Why don't we discuss it with the barbarian leader first? Be sure that they cooperate with our temptation, which is beneficial to our general grasp and ensures that all the barbarians will retreat."

Mo Weisheng paused. After being slightly surprised, he nodded and agreed, "That's good."

Yan Yixi smiled and wrote the plan into the plan.

Since you have this idea, why don't you go to explore tonight, so Mo Weisheng and Yan Yixi sneaked into the mountain of Wansheng in night clothes.

According to the memory of the last time, after turning a lot of wrong roads, they finally reached the periphery of the barbarians, and there were barbarians vigils around the fence. Maybe no one dared to come up for a long time, so they relaxed their vigilance and leaned on or squatted down to take a nap one by one. Only a few of them were still standing there, just looking at their listless appearance. Even if they climbed over the fence, they may not know.

Mo Weisheng hugged Yan Yixi's waist, quietly climbed over the fence and hid behind the building. He looked around and motioned her to walk with him.

A lot of huts have been built here, and there are snoring from time to time. It seems that there are a lot of people living here. After walking halfway, it has reached the inner perimeter. The inner perimeter is relatively heavily guarded, but it is just 'comparison'.

Mo Weisheng did not climb over the wall, but quickly put down more than a dozen guards, and then greeted Yan Yixi to come in from the door openly. She couldn't help but be happy when she passed the fainted guard. If Mo Weisheng became a thief, it would probably be the most difficult to catch.

There is a stone house deep in the inner perimeter, which can also be called a courtyard, where barbarians are guarded conscientiously, and it is the place where barbarian leaders live.

Mo Weisheng did not alarm the guard, but climbed up to the house in a straight line, and then leaned over and pulled Yan Yixi up. The two bowed and stood on the roof. Then Yan Yixi quietly eroded a hole on the roof as instructed. After Mo Weisheng saw the situation clearly, he motioned her to continue to erode boldly.

Soon, the entrance of the cave could accommodate a person. Mo Weisheng jumped down first and then easily caught Yan Yixi.

It turns out that this is a utility room. No wonder you can boldly come in. Even if the guard will patrol the leader's house, he will not patrol the utility room. The leader's room is the innermost and best decorated room in the courtyard. There is a small living room in the room. After entering the room, Mo Weisheng motioned Yan Yixi to stand here to take the wind, and he went in to wake up the leader.

"Be careful." She is lip-to-lip.

He nodded.

The leader was no different from his imagination. He had a big beard and muscles all over his body, and his vigilance was not bad. He just stood for a while, and the leader slowly woke up.

"Shh..." Mo Weisheng took a step back to show that he was not malicious.

The leader squinted at him for a long time, suddenly loosened his eyebrows and pointed to the position next to Mo Weisheng.

Mo Weisheng looked in the direction he pointed and found that there was an invisible door here, that is, a secret door that was almost integrated with the wall. After a moment of thought, he understood that he might live here as a baby puppet who was monitoring the leader.

He opened the door silently. Sure enough, there was a couple sleeping inside, and the baby biting his finger. He took out a small bottle of ** and put it in the middle of the couple. He closed the door after seeing ** slowly overflowing with smoke.

"Exorcist?" The leader said in a strange lingua franca.

Mo Weisheng nodded and was not surprised at all: "This time I'm here to save you."

The leader smiled and said without hesitation, "You say, I'll do it."

Mo Weisheng was a little surprised, so he nodded cheerfully and said all the plan. Be sure to let all the barbarians follow the seduction team, otherwise he would not be responsible for life and death.

The leader carefully wrote down the code and mark, saying that after he fully understood, he didn't say anything else and sent them away.

As soon as the two left, he lifted the quilt, took out a dagger from under the pillow, and then took a leather mask covering his mouth and nose into the secret door. At this time, the couple of ** tried to get up, but they struggled for a long time without success, and their voice could not be heard at all. Seeing him come in, their threatening eyes were full of fierceness.

The leader grabbed the man's hair, pressed it on the soft **, and then slowly cut the man's neck in a peaceful mood. The woman was shocked and immediately tried to stop him with both hands and feet, and even took his mouth to bite, but in vain - the man's dead head was quickly cut off, and the leader's next step He grabbed the woman's long hair and pressed it on the man's body and slowly cut his throat.

The two staring heads were placed on the table by the leader. Soon, the suffocated baby also lay on it... Finally, the leader took out a carved plaque from a secret cabinet at the head of the bed and carefully put it in the clean front row.

The card is engraved with the 'wife of the leader'.

He kissed the brand position and rubbed it again, and then slowly smiled and said in the strange common language: "The barbarian has been waiting for this day for a long time."

The weather has been cloudy for several days in a row. It rains continuously in the middle of the night, and there is an uncomfortable feeling of dampness in the morning.

Due to the weather, barbarians hunt much less prey and have to squat all day long. Their mood is not very high.

"Other teams should play more than us. Where's the prey today?" The captain threw a spear irritably and immediately stabbed a rabbit that wanted to escape.

"I always feel a little strange." One of the team members looked left and right, a little uneasy. The savage came to hunt in the mountains, and his intuition was like a beast.

The captain picked up the rabbit and threw it to the person behind him, and then pulled out the spear hard: "What's strange? The weather is bad, and the prey doesn't come out."

The team members also wanted to say that it was like the feeling of entering the tiger's territory a long time ago, but after seeing that the captain carefully made a careful gesture of shutting him, he did not say anything.

After a few more meters, a rabbit suddenly staggered this way. The rabbit seemed to be sick, and its hair was black and white. When it saw someone else here, it immediately fled to one side in panic.

The captain raised his spear to stab the rabbit, but a rude hand patted it off, and then the middle-aged man holding the baby in his arms quickly grabbed the rabbit to see.

"Strangely, this is clearly a dye." The middle-aged man looked around carefully. He always felt that something was wrong. There was not even the cry of birds around. Was there a powerful beast ambushed here?

Wait, Beast...

"Well!" Before the middle-aged man was sure of the flash of light, he felt a dull pain in his chest. Looking down in horror, a spear passed through his chest, and the silver sharp spear head flashed with cold light.

Before the baby cried, another spear cut off half of the baby's head, and the father and son died in an instant. Not far from their bodies, the body of a middle-aged woman was lying on the side.

"Captain..." One of the team members picked up his weapon. Although he didn't understand why the captain did this, he destroyed the hidden danger anyway before saying: "In this way, they will..."

The captain did not explain, but patted his chest twice, then scratched the heart with his thumb, and then roared around.

"Enemy attack!!!"

The team members immediately recovered in a short period of distraction, grabbed the weapon and stabbed the man in black who fell from the sky, and they carried out the captain's instructions well: fake death - that was the captain's skillful and familiar command action when hunting bears countless times.

They thought they would die, but their natural obedience to the captain made them believe in the captain, so when the blade crossed their throat, they only felt that their throats were cold and immediately obeyed and fell to the ground. Sure enough, there was only a little cool ** flowing slowly on their neck, and there was no pain at all.

When they lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, they heard the angry baby puppets who came later, roaring in the strange common language, and hated to kick their 'corpses' to vent their anger, but in the end, they soon lost their breath.

The famous team members were really curious and quietly lifted their eyelids, but saw that the baby puppet that he hated so much was about to die, and he also saw a man like a god who killed the baby puppet who was going to attack in an instant. When the baby puppet died, his limbs were cut off and divided into two halves, and he died tragically.

There was a strong sense of pleasure in his heart!

And soon, he saw the goddess who released some white energy behind the god. Those energies could make people lazy. What was magical was that the man in black who had just bled could have lost his wounds in an instant. He was stunned and forgot to close his eyes until the goddess found his attention and made a 'boo' gesture to him with a soft smile.

He quickly closed his eyes, and there was a sudden sourness in his chest. That feeling was like when he was a child, his father was seriously injured and could not even stand still, but he came back with heavy prey step by step, and smiled when he saw his younger brother and sister cheering.

... After Mo Weisheng confirmed that the baby puppet family would not send people to 'support' again, he ordered someone to escort them down the mountain from another road, and quickly pulled Yan Yixi to another barbarian's team.

Yes, these are all arranged by Mo Weisheng. At this time of day, it is the time for young adults to go out to hunt, while women and young and young people wait at home. The rescue of the barbarians is divided into two steps. The first step is to let the young and middle-aged people pretend to be dead and then sneak away. The second step is to directly enter the base camp of the infant puppet family, so that the encirclement and suppression forces can begin to kill the infant puppets. When the infant puppet family has no time to take care of the barbarians, the detachment team will immediately escort the women and children down the mountain.

This plan was quickly half successful. After Mo Weisheng saw that there was fire and shouting in the base camp of the baby puppet family, he knew that the second step of the plan was about to succeed.

The SSS level is not good. The battle crystal nucleus is eye-catching because it can instantly upgrade the level, and there will be no sequelae, but it will be out of strength for an hour, but what makes the holder dissatisfied is that the battle crystal nucleus can only be a close attack, and the close attack can attack less than ten people at most. And if you only enter the SSS level, it will be completely against the sky, and long-range attacks can be used accordingly.

For example, now, he just stood on the roof and gently flew a large knife at the large number of baby puppets, and was seriously injured in an instant. When he jumped into the surrounded circle, the close attack could make 20 people besieged without effort!

Yan Yixi couldn't close her mouth for a long time. It was really unbelievable... After thinking about it, she jumped off the roof and went to the outside to escort the women and children. Anyway, she couldn't help here.

It is actually very troublesome to escort women and children. First of all, the children and the old man walk slowly, and the woman also has to be questioned by the woman about their own. The most important thing is that the elites of the exorcists family do not understand the language of barbarians at all, and they sweat all the way to the escort site.

And after the young lady came, they could finally breathe a breath of relief.

"Don't worry, they're fine." Yan Yixi held an old woman. Although she couldn't understand what she said, she still knew what it meant. She smiled gently and kept repeating this sentence. I don't know if it was the reason for the smile. Their anxiety and worry slowly calmed down.

"It's you despicable people who betrayed us!!"

At this time, there was a sudden shout around, and the middle-aged men of the three or five baby puppets rushed over angrily. The baby in his hand was manipulated to rise in the air, and the sharp teeth in his mouth were clearly visible.


"Ah!" The women and children who have been oppressed suddenly shouted in horror and retreated in fear. For them, these men are demons, and they will be awakened even in their dreams!

Yan Yixi quickly protected them. The two exorcist elites had rushed over. In less than a minute, half of the people had been eliminated, and after all, the exorcists were in a minority. They were accidentally run in front of the women and children by the cunning baby puppet.

"Dead!! You mean people!" The baby man raised his knife fiercely and cut at the frightened child, and the child's mother cried sadly and quickly ran over there!

At this moment, the child was about to die under the knife, suddenly! The baby man's knife was deflected, and it was cut empty all of a sudden!

"Who!" The baby puppet man was stunned and immediately roared, and the child's mother quickly pulled the child away at this time. After being far enough, she collapsed and trembled with the child in her arms.

Yan Yixi calmly condensed the healing energy of the reversal. The white and dark energy were intertwined with each other, and the energy of the reversal slightly lifted her robe. From this moment on, she actually had a charming momentum!

In less than two seconds, she threw the energy in her hand!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" The baby puppet man roared and kept rolling on the ground, but the erosion that spread from the ankles was not extinguished, but at a faster speed!

"Save...help!!!" When the baby man saw Yan Yixi slowly, he lay on the ground and kept kowtowing. His whole body was twitching. He could hardly say a complete word in pain.

Yan Yixi smiled, took out the long knife in the space bracelet, cut the baby puppet man's thigh, which was eroded by the reversal energy, and then stabbed into his body with a knife after he suddenly loosened his body.

"It gives people hope and makes him despair in an instant." Yan Yixi pulled out the long knife and splashed blood: "This is the best punishment for you, isn't it?"

There are still many in the eyes of the baby puppet man. This knife really made him completely chilled, but the cruel woman in front of him did not end his life, but lost a long knife and slowly said, "It seems more interesting to let you stay here and wait to die."

At this moment, he regretted it extremely.

After witnessing the process of the matter, the elites of the exorcists suddenly changed their views on the young lady. They only knew that the young lady was not simple, but they didn't expect... Cough!

Yan Yixi exhaled happily. This hatred really needs to be expressed in this way! After a while, she realized that the women and children were all staring at her, with a little fear in her eyes.

She turned her eyebrows and saw that the child who had just been frightened was crying crying, crying so much that she couldn't even breathe smoothly, while the mother comforted her with a pale face. She sighed. How long has the barbarian been oppressed by the baby puppet family, and what kind of oppression was he afraid of this?

She walked over and pretended not to see the mother's frightened eyes. Instead, she half squatted down and coaxed the child: "Don't cry, it's okay." She saw the child sobbing and looking at her, and there was a large blood stain on her arm. It turned out that she was injured. No wonder she cried like this.

She carefully picked up the child's arm, then condensed the healing light and gently brushed the child's arm.

The mother originally wanted to stop it, because the light was what caused the demon to die. She thought that the girl with a good smile wanted to do something to her child, but she didn't expect that a magical scene appeared!

After the arm was brushed by the white energy, the wounds slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then left no trace, leaving only dry blood coagulation on the surface of the skin.

The child also forgot to cry and looked at this magical scene, looking at Yan Yixi and his arm.

"Look, it's all right." Yan Yixi took out a soft towel from the space with a smile. After getting wet, he gently wiped his tears and nose, and then wiped the blood on his arm.

The mother was stunned for a while and suddenly pulled the child to kneel down. There was still something in her mouth, but it seemed to be a chain reaction. Other women and children also knelt down together and shouted something in their mouths.

Yan Yixi looked at them blankly and didn't know what they were shouting.

After hearing these shouts, the baby puppet man lying on the verge of death appeared sarcasm: "She is not a god... she is a demon..." After saying this, his eyes finally gradually lost their brilliance and he stopped breathing completely.

On the other side, Mo Weisheng was like entering no man's land, killing radish and potatoes. In the end, the patriarch of the baby puppet family had to appear, and his posture was extremely low.

"Why don't I tell the hero how to raise babies..." The patriarch thought that this could impress Mo Weisheng, and everyone's happy smile was ready the next moment, but he didn't expect Mo Weisheng to refuse the next moment.

"What does the hero want?" The patriarch offered good tea and asked humbly.

"Your head."

The patriarch was shocked and immediately stepped back a few steps and even knocked down the chair, but he tried to keep his body from shaking and stammered, "Didn't the hero come here because he wanted to cultivate?"

"What do the exorcists want to do with these?" Mo Weisheng drank all the tea and said lightly, "From the time the baby puppet family was wanted by the court, there was only one end."


"Pull!!" The patriarch's body and head quickly split and fell to the ground, while the head murmured for a while before stopping turning and leaning against the legs of the table.

Mo Weisheng took back the winding, but still sat on the chair. He didn't ask anyone to pick up the patriarch's head and take it back, because he knew that this was not the real patriarch...

"What, you still have to delay time." He opened his mouth faintly, and the teacup in his hand hit the beam above his head, which immediately caused a slight tremor in the house.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect Lord Mo to be so bold, let me be on your head for so long, and calm down." A figure jumped down from the roof, revealing an old figure.

"It doesn't constitute a threat." Mo Weisheng raised the corners of his mouth with a smile and looked up at the scene where he was still fighting in an all-round way: "The baby puppet family is famous for being cunning..."

"It's a fallacy, haha." The patriarch pulled over the chair and sat down leisurely, with a short distance between his thumb and index finger: "It's just a little advantage."

The battle outside is still going on, but quietly, what's the difference?

For example, some elites of the exorcists found that some teenagers actually ate dead bodies under the cover of their father! ... Those corpses were middle-aged men of the baby puppet family. At this time, they were bitten completely unfaced, and there was a sweet taste in the blood. What's more surprising is that it seems that all the young girls have been instructed to bite the bodies of the same clan one after another, and they seem to be bitten by age, because all the middle-aged corpses are given priority.

What's going on with these? The elites of the exorcists lingered in their minds at the same time. The next moment, something more surprising happened to them!

The muscles of those teenagers who ate the corpse actually expanded, like a gas rushing through the body. A minute or two later, the teenager directly turned into a middle-aged man with white hair! The wrinkles on the face and the momentary shortness of the body reflect the characteristics of the elderly!

No wonder that there are so few teenagers and girls in the baby puppet family. It turns out that...

Does that mean that it is a must for teenagers to eat the corpses of the same race?!

"After being cursed by the rune master, we can't live to be 45 years old, but we found an interesting phenomenon. As long as we eat the old dead body, our strength will immediately increase, but at the same time, we will change from young to old." The patriarch looked at the scene outside and smiled as if he thought it was very interesting: "Maybe we have been soaked in the medicine jar since we were young, so we have become the medicine man."

"Look over there." The patriarch pointed to the left area, where a middle-aged old man happened to insert a knife into his heart and let the teenager bite his body. At that time, he had not lost consciousness, and the pain distorted his face, but his expression was a little satisfied, as if he had completed some sacred ritual.