
Chapter 189: Betrayal

The mud lake is in the desolate abandoned city. It is said that many people have been killed by a plague, and the mud lake was originally a clear lake, but it was also filled with mud. Because of the large area of the lake, people later called this abandoned city by mud lake.

According to the plan, everyone came to the mud lake in a carriage. Perhaps because of the matter of Ehua, Mo Weisheng's face was finally not so bad, but he was a little subtle because he was worried about the charm fire.

As for Yan Yixi, when everyone came to her room and threw Ehua's body somewhere, she kept a very calm look - at the end, she was thinking that if Meihuo wanted her to treat Ehua, she would do it without hesitation, but Meihuo wiped away her tears, it was the charm fire again - so she was hurt. After the heart is clear, it is accompanied by a sigh of relief.

"Do you think there are corpses buried in the mud lake?" Gerald chewed the grassroots and leaned leisurely on the seat with his head in his hands.

Mu Ninghan looked at the lake that had seen the outline and smiled: "Of course there will be, and maybe there are plague bacteria."

"Are you sure you want to find a knife spirit in such a place." The corners of Geral's mouth are a little twitching. Not to mention whether the knife spirit is at the bottom of the lake, it is still a problem how to take it out even at the bottom of the lake.

Mu Ninghan shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she didn't believe it, but Weisheng did not object.

On the edge of the mud lake are some dilapidated houses. The spider webs covered the whole room, and even the sound of the carriage did not make a cockroach run out, making the dilapidated houses in this area feel gloomy.

Yan Yixi first got out of the carriage and ran to the edge of the mud lake with some distress. Up to now, she can't feel the smell of the knife spirit. I don't know if there will be a knife spirit here.

"No?" Mo Weisheng came up and asked.

Yan Yixi shook her head. At the beginning, she came here to prevent Meihuo and Ehua from meeting, but Ehua's life and death are unknown now. I guess it was just to distract her before she decided to come over again.

"Then let's go back and stay in the carriage for one night. It's getting dark soon." Mu Ninghan put her clothes together. Now it has begun to cool down, and the winter sun is particularly easy to go down quickly. Now it's only five or six o'clock, and it has begun to get dark.

"Let's stay in the carriage for one night. If you can't find it, go back." Mo Weisheng said after thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, after it was completely dark, a sudden heavy rain came without warning. In addition, it was desolate and uninhabited, and the wind was particularly strong. If the carriage had not been fixed, I was afraid that it would have been pushed several centimeters.

"It's horrible..." Yan Yixi wrapped herself in thick clothes and muttered playing poker. After the thunder fell, the last pair of cards were successfully put down and won a number of bets on the table.

Geral's face turned pale by the silver-white thunderprint. He cried sadly, "That's my only snack."

"Come on, you don't have a lot of space rings." Mu Ninghan glanced at him and urged, "Shuffle the cards quickly."

Gerald curled his lips and said, "It's different. Beef jerky is the last bag, and pork jerky is in the space ring!"

"It tastes almost the same."

"It's different!"

"It's so hard that I don't know what's delicious."


The two people quarreled meaninglessly, and finally Yan Yixi once again fell smoothly and another perfect victory.

"You are too weak." Yan Yixi snagged, swept the bet into his arms, and then ate snacks with a warm pot in her arms.

Mu Ninghan threw the card and stretched out and said, "It's boring."

Geral leaned lazily on the seat, quieted for a half a time, and suddenly howled, "It's so boring."

"Go out to play water." Mu Ninghan kicked him.

"I'd rather sit here." Geral took a sip of tea and said lazily.

The outside of the carriage is already mud. Because of the sudden heavy rain, the remaining grass is washed up, the mud is soaked by the rain, and the mud lake is washed away by the rain, which has long become like a swamp, splashing gray-brown mud grains in the rain.



Another loud thunder flashed silently, and then there was a freering roar.

In a private house in a small town, Guo Pingdie stabbed the customer service, and the men of the "third team" behind him were also wearing the same assassin customer service. Looking at them armed from head to toe, they knew that this was the preparation before departure.

Ah You wrapped the bandage around the dagger and said with a casual smile, "I didn't expect them to believe that little G, the knife spirit is so heavy on them."

Guo Pingdie did not respond to him. She was carefully checking her weapons and equipment.

"You make the situation clear this time, and the master is obviously relieved of you--" Ah You said, "As long as you come back successfully this time, the most trusted person around the master is you."

Guo Pingdie's hand paused, then put the dagger away, and said a faint grace.

"So." Ah You came forward, and his eyes were rare and serious: "Even if it's not for this, you should try to keep your name and be careful."

Guo Pingdie looked at his serious eyes and gave a faint grace.

"Let's go." She ordered.

In the dark night, in the pouring rain, the third team, Guo Pingdie and Ah You were divided into two groups to advance to the mud lake, and after Guo Pingdie led the people to leave, Ah You also took action.

After Guo Pingdie looked away from her sight, she looked forward, which was the edge of the cliff outside the palace.

"Quickly move forward." She gave a faint command and followed the rear.

When the people of the third team heard the order, they did not hesitate to start moving forward quickly. At this time, Guo Pingdie grabbed the last man and put it in his ear when he was puzzled, pretending to whisper.

The big man thought she had something to order, so he obediently bent down and pasted it a little, but he didn't expect - he felt a cold throat, and then a dark sense of weightlessness...

Guo Pingdie put away the dagger and quickly caught up with the front - yes, the heavy rain came in time.

"Your Excellency, it seems that one person is missing." A man looked around puzzledly and said close to Guo Pingdie.

Guo Pingdie looked back and affirmed, "No, it's just too dark."

The man said oh, and he continued to walk forward suspiciously.

The town is half an hour away from the abandoned city, and half an hour is a horse ride, and if Guo Pingdie and others run there with energy, it will take 40 minutes.

And these 40 minutes are enough for Guo Pingdie to do what she wants to do.

"You...you...betrayed your master..." The big man covered his throat and was about to crack. After he was indoctrinated with loyalty and eagle since he was a child, he was betrayed by an unexpected person at this time, and immediately couldn't accept it.

Guo Pingdie clamped the knife with two fingers and threw it violently. She stabbed the big man's throat accurately and fiercely, and his hands were also stringed together.

"Wow..." The heavy rain decreased a little, but the momentum was very strong, and it soon washed away the blood all over the ground

Guo Pingdie carried one in one hand and easily piled the body in an empty corner - the team following her has been completely cleared. Now, it should be the time for He A You to gather.

She covered her abdomen, where there was a heavy knife wound. Blood stained her black clothes, and then she was washed down by the rain, forming some pale bloody raindrops, which dripped on the ground and soon disappeared.

"There are still twenty-five minutes left." She murmured, and in an instant, she disappeared in the heavy rain.

On the other side, Ah You always felt a little restless, but when he thought that there was no danger on the way forward now, he put down a little bit, but he didn't expect to hear the slight sound of falling to the ground behind after walking for a few minutes.

Ah You immediately turned around, but the scene in front of him completely stunned him.

The head with a black headgear rolled down from the neck, and you can clearly see the frightened and puzzled look on the head.

Yes, Ah You is also very confused, even thrilling - ah G! Ah, G! What is she doing!!

Guo Pingdie raised her head. Along the way she just followed, she cooked at least five, but there were still four big men left here, and the most difficult one.

"Your Excellency." The rest of the men gathered next to Ayou on alert.

Ah, he calmed down and said in a low voice, "Ah G, do you know what you're doing?"

"Kill people."

He really wanted to laugh absurdly at that time, and even wanted to squeeze her chin and look into her eyes, and ask her seriously once more seriously. What is she doing? What the hell is she doing!!

Guo Pingdie brushed away the rain on her face. The cold rain affected her movements, and countless scars on her body also caused excessive blood loss, but there was nothing she could do.

"Or, give me the medicine." Guo Pingdie said lightly.

Before leaving, the eagle queen gave a small bottle of medicine, which was enough to make the A-level strong man fall into a coma, and there would be symptoms of not being able to use crystal nuclear energy and the whole body was weak. But I don't know if it's because Guo Pingdie is still not trustworthy, so this bottle of medicine was handed over to Ah Youdai for safekeeping.

"You're crazy, aren't you?" Ah You completely felt betrayed: "So it's been towards them?! It's just acting in front of me?! Is it to make the Queen Eagle believe what I say so that you can have a chance to save them?!"

He remembered the look when she asked him if the assassination would go with him. He thought that he thought she was worried. It turned out that it was just because it was tricky...

Guo Pingdie did not answer, but just stood forward and slowly raised the dagger.

Ah, I trembled a little, and maybe I feel uncontrollable sadness because of other factors.

The people of the third team looked at each other and suddenly jumped up and launched an attack!

Guo Pingdie flashed left and right. The knife in her hand seemed to be a sickle for harvesting human life. She just scratched gently and broke a man in an instant. Relying on her fast and light figure, she jumped over and put her feet on a man's neck. She just twisted gently, and another man lost her breath.

The rest is much easier to deal with. After she exposed her flaws and attracted an attack, the daggers of her hands accurately scratched away, double kill!

"Bang." Two big men fell on the muddy road.

She lowered her hands and gasped hard. The dagger that had just been exposed and stabbed was still on her arm. She didn't have time to pull it out, because she knew that Ah You was going to take action.

The heavy rain, pouring, and the smell of blood can't be covered up...

"Wow...wow..." Guo Pingdie held the dagger hard, and the blue veins of her pale hand burst out, and the sharp knife surface had completely submerged into the heart.

"Have you been lying to me?" Ah, with a pale face, half kneeling and looking at her.

Guo Pingdie squeezed her lips and then nodded.

"They are so good that you are desperate... you don't even want your life?" Ah You took a breath and smiled sarcastically.

"They taught me joy, sorrow, and emotional friendship..." Guo Pingdie thought of them, and the cold color in her eyes finally melted, just like before, with a warm smile: "I can be unscrupulous, and I can also enjoy the freedom and happiness that I have never enjoyed."

Ah You was slowly stunned, and then he lowered his eyes and said softly, "I have never lied to you."

"I know."

"I've never... never been overwhelmed by a person."

"...I know."

Ah You grabbed Guo Pingdie's collar, forced her to kneel down, and then stared at her: "You don't know, how can you know!!"

Seeing that he choked blood, Guo Pingdie stared at herself. There were too many emotions in her eyes that she didn't understand. Although it was dark and it was raining heavily, his eyes were surprisingly bright and had a crystal clear feeling.

"Are you crying?" She asked softly.

She knew very well about this kind of crystal clearness - that night, the man also stared at himself, and tears in his eyes still didn't know.

"Don't look at others through me!! Why do I look at others? Do I look like Geral?! Do I look like him?!" Ah You roared, didn't want to look into her eyes again, and suddenly hugged her in his arms. Although the dagger in his heart was squeezed more severely, it was already more painful than this knife in his heart.

Guo Pingdie was pounced by this. After coughing in a low voice, her mouth was moist and she also smelled the smell of fishy and sweet blood.

"Ah You, I'm sorry." That's all she can say.

Ah, I laughed twice, like crying and like sarcasm--

'Little G, when will you call my name?'

'Wait for the day you die.'

Waiting for the day you die.

Waiting for the day you die.

Wait for you... the day you die.

Little G, tell me why you are so cruel to me.

"Little G." Ah You's voice suddenly fell, slowly, as gentle as he had spoken before.

Guo Pingdie felt bad. She just wanted to push him away, but she felt a pain in her back. The knife had accurately inserted her heart and then penetrated it, stabbed Ah You's shoulder.

"Let's go to hell together, okay?" His hand grasped her back tightly so that she could not move at all.

Guo Pingdie only felt that the strength gradually disappeared, and there was gradually no sound around. The rain in front of her splashed the mud all over her body, but she couldn't feel the force of the mud, and it was cold.

"...No..." She muttered a few words and suddenly bit her tongue. The sharp headache restored her lax spirit a little. Then she found that she had broken free of her arm and was looking at him.

"There are still ten minutes away from here... You can't go there." Ah You said in a vicious posture, but there was a strong sadness in it. Blood kept flowing out of the corners of his mouth, and then washed away by the rain.

Guo Pingdie struggled to pull up her sleeves. There was a dolphin necklace, and as soon as she pressed the dolphin down, the dolphin immediately broke, and then a blue light enveloped her.

- That's the coordinate crystal used for the recent tracking.