The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 12 Boring People, Boring Dialogue

"Thank you for your hard work, Luo Lin, go home and have a good rest. Zhou Xue walked beside him and patted him on the shoulder.

"I know, sister. "

"Let's go, Sister Xue," Xiaochen and the rest of the bar said hello together.

"Thank you for your hard work," Zhou Xue responded with a smile.

"Sister, I'm leaving too," he said to Zhou Xue after packing up his things.

"Okay, be careful on the road. "

The originally bustling street was so quiet at night. Because it was already midnight, there were almost no pedestrians on the street, only vehicles driving back and forth. Without the shouting of merchants, the deafening music, and the noise of pedestrians on the street, the whole city is particularly quiet, and even the footsteps of walking can be heard clearly.

He looked at the dark sky and touched his forehead with the back of his hand. The street lights hit his shadow long. On a night without stars, the moon is lonely. However, on a night without stars and the moon, the night sky is lonely.

Because the bar is not far from where he lives, it only takes more than ten minutes to walk. When he got home, he gently closed the door for fear of waking up Zhang Linan sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

" Lin, you're back," Zhang Linan turned over and said in his sleep.

He walked to the sofa and looked at Zhang Linan, who was sleeping soundly at this time. Suddenly, his heart rose to play a prank. It is said that when he asked sleeping people questions, they usually answered subconsciously when they were sleeping, and they didn't know if it was true. He was a little suspicious.

"Vio, what's your favorite dish?" He squatted down and whispered in Zhang Linan's ear, asking tentatively.

"Fried and white. Zhang Linan also warned, "It's not a virgin, it's Li Yuliang. If you call me a virgin again, I will caste you. "

"Does my voice look like Li Yuliang? Xia Luolin whispered in a low voice.

"Li Yuliang, warn you not to learn Lin's voice, or I will castrated you. Zhang Linan turned over again, kept the cotton wool tightly, and grabbed the warning.

"What is this and what? How much do you like Li Yuliang? Xia Luolin looked at the person sleeping like a pig on the sofa. If it hadn't been for the person in front of him who was still snoring, he must have believed that he was awake at all.

"Do you want to know? Don't tell me," Zhang Linan smiled stupidly in his dream.

He was crazy to believe that statement, sighed, got up and walked into the bedroom.

"Li Yuliang, even if you kneel on the ground and sing conquest for me, I won't tell you that I hate you very much, wow hahaha"

Zhang Linan opened his mouth wide in his dream and laughed exaggeratedly. ( How to laugh exaggeratedly? Please learn from the laughter of Maori Kogoro in Detective Conan.)

He was so scared that he almost hit the bathroom door when he was ready to go to the bathroom.

It seems that it's time for the doctor of the neurological hospital to prescribe some medicine, and the condition has become serious. "

Night time always passes quickly. When he wakes up, the morning sun shines through the window on his **, and he sits lazily by the edge of the bed in a daze.

He has a habit of waking up, which takes one to two minutes to relieve himself. In these two minutes, he is still half asleep and half awake. At this time, if someone disturbs him, this person is doomed to die. On this day, he will keep looking at you with a horrible look. Imagine patience. No matter how good people are, they can't stand such attention. And Zhang Linan, who had one experience, did not have a second time.

"Lin, you're awake, do you want to have breakfast? Zhang Linan noticed Xia Luolin coming out of the bedroom, sat next to the sofa and asked attentively.

"Yo, virgin, I didn't expect you to be such a good wife and mother, which opened our eyes. "It's definitely not Xia Luolin who will say this, and only Wu Duoduo, who is not afraid of boiling water.

Zhang Linan waited for Wu Duoduo fiercely, "No one treats you as a mute if you don't speak!" "

"Vir, why is the house so lively today?" Xia Luolin heard Wu Duoduo's voice and noticed that there was an unreasonable number of people.

"We are here to play with Luo Lin," Chen Chen explained.

"Yes, because only Luo Lin and the virgin are locals, they should know where to play? Wu Duoduo echoed.

"How do you know where I live? Xia Luolin wondered that he didn't seem to tell anyone where he lived.

"I met a virgin last night and came here once, and I knew it," Lin Yuwen explained.

To say why Lin Yuwen is still here, it can be traced back to a text message he received the night before yesterday. The general meaning of the text message is to let him continue to stay at school and make him depressed all night.

"Vird, honestly, what did you do last night? He stared at Zhang Linan angrily, Zhang Linan stared at Lin Yuwen, and Lin Yuwen looked inexplicably strange.

"Vir, did you follow Luo Lin last night? Wu Duoduo said with fuel on his fire, and Chenchen hit him with his arm, meaning that he should not say it, because he felt that Linan would die miserably.

"Real? Zhang Linan, "He slowly approached Zhang Linan and looked at him with a smile, which made Zhang Linan's hair creepy, sweating coldly, and leaning straight to the side. He was looking for someone to provoke whom. Wu Duoduo, I swore with you endlessly and s in my heart.

", how can I... stalker? I just... just go out for a walk," Zhang Linan explained hesitantly.

"Real? However, virgin, can I ask you a question? He looked at him with a smile and said slowly.

This makes Zhang Linan feel bad, and something bad will happen.

"Excuse me. "

"How much do you like Yuliang? He leaned up," he asked half-jokingly.

Ah, huh? "Zhang Linan didn't know why. When he looked up, he left in a hurry and his heart pounded." Lin, you are really joking, ah ha ha. Li Yuliang secretly looked at it again. He didn't respond and breathed a sigh of relief, but there was an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.

The others hid aside and laughed secretly, while Li Yuliang's expression did not fluctuate, watching the financial news broadcast on TV. When a person does something seriously, it is difficult to notice everything that happens around him, and so is Li Yuliang's seriousness in watching financial news.

He saw all Zhang Linan's reactions. It seemed that this fool should help him more.

"Let's go out," Chenchen suggested.

"Well, we should make the National Day more meaningful," Wu Duoduo looked firm.

"Where is the fun in A city? You should ask these two locals," Lin Yuwen said.

"Like this, ask the virgin, I don't know," he curled his lips, and usually he just stays at home to pass the time.

Go to the amusement park? Zhang Linan suddenly said that in fact, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to cause everyone to bombard in turn.

"We are a group of old men. What kind of amusement park should we go to?" Lin Yuwen glanced at Zhang Linnan.

"I also suggest riding a bike? As soon as Zhang Linan finished speaking, he refused, and the others nodded with consent.

"I'm not going," he won't say it's because he rode a bicycle all day and his buttocks hurt for two days.

Why? "Everyone looked at him doubtfully, of course, except for Li Yuliang, who watched TV seriously.

"I'll have a part-time job later," he said nonsense.

" Lin, didn't you say yesterday that there was no part-time job during the day? Zhang Linan obviously doesn't believe it.

"I found it last night," he said without blushing and heartbeat.

"Are you still going? Zhang Linan asked everyone.

"I have a suggestion. There are still five days left. How about we go to Lijiang? Wu Duoduo asked people with some expectations. In fact, he had wanted to go for a long time, but how boring it is to go alone. There are many people, but now there are many good people.

Everyone has been nodding and passing.

But doesn't Luo Lin still need a part-time job? Chenchen told the truth, and everyone's eyes focused on him and looked at him expectantly.

"I asked my boss tonight, "He knows that his boss will agree, and on the surface, he still has to tell them to avoid causing **.

"Okay, that's it. Now everyone goes back to prepare their luggage and leave early tomorrow morning," Wu Duoduo said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let's go first," Chenchen and Wu Duoduo disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"How much are these two looking forward to going to Lijiang? "He has a black line. He remembers what he just said and is not sure whether he will go or not.

"Li Yuliang, don't watch it. Let's go back to pack our bags," Lin Yuwen patted Li Yuliang and turned off the TV.

"Packing up? Li Yuliang asked doubtfully.

Do you want to go on your honeymoon with a virgin? Lin Yuwen asked jokingly.

"Madam, is this true? Li Yuliang asked like Zhang Linan, who was staring at Lin Yuwen angrily.

"It's your head. Zhang Linan covered up the panic in his heart and deliberately said in a bad voice.

"OK, Yuwen, let's go, my wife said yes," Li Yuliang deliberately misinterpreted and said happily to Lin Yuwen.

Zhang Linan glanced his head awkwardly to one side to hide his uncomfort, but why did he hear him call his wife? His heart would also thump like a deer.

In this way, a group of boring people sat together to discuss the holiday travel plan, and finally finalized the destination, Lijiang.

When night fell, the world became lively again. He sat in the bar and sang his own summer love songs. At this time, it was the quietest moment in the bar. His voice was penetrating and resounded to every corner of the bar.

Do you remember the happiness of that year

Once, I believed that the unknown future

Yours, joy, anger, sorrow, habitual action

Hair taste, palm temperature

I remember it all, so it's love

Maybe you still love me

When quarreling, you will bow your head and be silent

I won't say anything, because I'm afraid I will feel uncomfortable

Maybe you still love me

To make me miss your gentleness

Only then will you let go and give me freedom

Do you remember the long night

No, I didn't say anything, and my heart beat loudly

Be careful, shed tears, lest you hear it

You can only beg, don't carry me

Hold me tightly, can you hold me tightly

Maybe you still love me

When quarreling, you will bow your head and be silent

I won't say anything, because I'm afraid I will feel uncomfortable

Maybe you still love me to miss your tenderness

Only then will you let go and give it to yourself

So watch me go

Remember, remember, I loved it so much

Even if we are embarrassed, we won't tremble

No matter how painful your breathing is, don't call for help

Be careful and hide it in my heart

Maybe you still love me

On the day of the breakup, it was not so free

is reminding me that you didn't leave me

Maybe you still love me

After separation, you can also contact often

I never mentioned who is in your arms

May still love me

(Maybe you still love me) _____ Yan Yalun