The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 24 Misunderstanding is the beginning

"Can't you?" The man looked at him doubtfully.

"Xia Luolin reacted and found that he was so ashamed at this time that he looked at a person and lost his mind.

"No, since you said so, how can I rely on your shoulder when you stand like this?" Xia Luolin was not polite. Since the other party was willing, why not do it? So he said naturally.

"It seems so," the man said awkwardly and sat down next to him.

Xia Luolin slowly leaned on his shoulder and closed his eyes. At this time, his heart beat very fast and his face turned red. He didn't know why he jumped so fast. Since he left that year, his heart has never jumped so fast for a person.

They didn't say anything, so they sat quietly under the tree, listening to the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves. Time passed by minute by, and Charlotte fell asleep unconsciously.

The man kept staring at his face, and of course he also noticed his change. He muttered, "You still haven't changed. Let me recognize you at a glance. What about you? Did you recognize me at a glance, or? Have you forgotten at all?" There is a little helplessness in his tone.

"Why do you feel that people today are so mysterious?" Chenchen asked Li Yuliang, who was sitting in the classroom reading a book.

"I don't know, maybe today is a mysterious day," Li Yuliang half joked.

"Yuliang, this joke is not funny at all," Chenchen lay on the desk and was listless.

Now, of the seven people, only he and Yuliang are sitting in the classroom reading. Others said that they had something to do and left early, and there were only a few people in the whole classroom.

I don't know what happened to Yu Wen. He was in a hurry when he left, and he was very happy, jumping and jumping. I don't know what made him so happy. He also found something to do. He can't read the book now, and his mind is full of Lin Yuwen.

"Yuliang, I'll go first," Chenchen cleaned up the books in front of the desk and said to Li Yuliang.

"Well, okay."

Chenchen walked aimlessly on the campus. Is he the only one among them who is idle? He sighed helplessly. He also seemed to find something to do. He didn't join any club, wondering if he should join some club? But what club should he join? It's a difficult question.

Yu Wen has joined the swimming club, Luo Lin has joined the Guitar Association, Duoduo has joined the comic club, Li Nan has joined the school basketball team, and Yu Liang has joined the school student union. In this way, only he and Xiaoyu have not joined any club, but Xiaoyu is obviously not like him. He is an idle person. So what club should he join? Question mark He joined the drama club.

Thinking about this, I regained some spirits and walked in the direction of the school drama club.

Just a few steps, Chenchen suddenly thought that he didn't know where the drama club was on campus. How could he go to the drama club? He became depressed again and sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong?"

Because I was too focused on some things, I didn't notice anyone around me. Now I have been patted on the shoulder. Like most people, I will be shocked. Of course, Chenchen is no exception.

"Did it scare you? I'm sorry."

Chenchen turned around, looked at the guilty look of the man in front of him, and hurriedly explained, "No, it's not your problem. I'm too focused on thinking about things."

"Are you a freshman?"

"Well, are you too?" Chenchen nodded.

"No, I'm a junior and will graduate in a year."

Is that right? Senior, do you know how to get to the drama club? Chenchen asked politely.

"Are you also from the drama club? But why haven't I seen you?

"I haven't joined yet, but I want to join. Is the senior from the drama club?"

"Well," the man nodded.

"Great, can the senior take me to the drama club?"

"But the drama club is now full," the man was a little sorry.

"Real?" Chenchen lowered his head and answered a little lowly. He can't decide to join a club, but now it's full. He also wants to find something to do, so that he doesn't have to be so bored.

Looking at the person in front of him so depressed, how could he turn around and leave so patiently? "For the sake of our fate, I will help you join the drama club."

"Really?" When Chenchen heard the man say this, he became brilliant in an instant, but he still asked worriedly, "Will this embarrass the seniors? Do you want to cause trouble to the senior?"

"No, how can it be?" Looking at the person in front of him no longer depressed at this time, it was worth saying this. An adult looked soft with Chenchen's hair.

Chenchen lowered his head and smiled. The man was softly greasy with his hair, because he was so happy that he would not be so bored when he was alone in the future.

This scene was just seen by Lin Yuwen who passed by. Seeing Chen Chen smiling so happily at a person and laughing so happily, he was not prepared at all. Especially the hand on Chenchen's hair made him feel very uncomfortable. His fire was rubbing up. He wanted to go up and stop it, but what right did he have to stop it? He is not his, and what right does he have to be jealous? Why is he jealous? He stopped and watched them disappear in front of him, but he still didn't catch up.

Why hasn't he seen that man? What do you know about Chenchen? Why doesn't he know? Why does he think so much? Lin Yuwen scratched his head with trouble.

Yan told him that he came back today, and he ran to find him excitedly. As a result, there was no one and he didn't know where he had gone? Ask the housekeeper, but the housekeeper doesn't know. I really don't know how this housekeeper can be? As a result, when I went back to school, I saw the scene just now. Isn't it obvious to stimulate him again?

Lin Yuwen grabbed his head irritably again, and his heart was full of breath. I'm thinking about what I can find to vent. I wonder if it's still early, whether I should go to the club to have a look, and I don't know if there are any club activities. Make up your mind. Let's go to the club. Since I filled in the application, I haven't been there once. Maybe I can swim and vent some more.

"Duoduo, do you have any good plans?" Zhang Linan couldn't help working in the canteen for two hours. In these two hours, Wu Duoduo did not say a word and kept a posture and thinking posture. Doesn't this mean suffothe him? If I had known, I would have been to the two-person world with Li Yuliang.

It's okay not to think of Li Yuliang now. When I think of him, he really wants to see him now. He is so backboneless. What should I do? Do you want to tell Duoduo? If you can't think of it, think about it next time. Anyway, there is plenty of time, and it's not bad at this moment.

"Duoduo, shall we go back first?" Zhang Linan looked at Wu Duoduo and still ignored him, shook Wu Duoduo's shoulder, and watched him lie down and sit down directly.

"Good Wu Duoduo, you fell asleep for me. No wonder he didn't say a word," Zhang Linan gritted his teeth and wasted him two hours. He really wanted to slap him on the head and thought about what to do if he hurt his hand. In the end, he didn't pat him and left the canteen angrily.

When Xia Luolin woke up, he was the only one left around, and there was no man for a long time? When did he leave? It's like having a dream, a long dream. In his dream, he once again returned to his childhood, back to the cherry tree, the days when he was with him. Although they don't play games or do anything else, he also feels happy and contented to sit quietly with him under the cherry tree.

How long has it been since he slept so peacefully? Is he really him? Or is it just a dream? It turned out that he still couldn't forget him. He hurriedly got up and walked out, but he still didn't see the person he wanted to see. He lowered his head in disappointment. What was he expecting? Isn't he dead? Should he really believe that he is dead?

He squatted on the ground helplessly and wrapped his hands around him. Is this man who gave him the illusion? He admitted that he had never forgotten him. At this time, he seemed to look at him again to make sure that it was the one in his heart.

However, what Xia Luolin did not know was that the man did not leave, but stood under the trees not far away, staring at him and never left.