The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 47 Once the conflict breaks out, it can't be cleaned up

Standing under the cherry tree, they looked at each other and looked at each other. His eyes were full of surprise. He wanted to come forward, but because of his shyness, he stopped here. The cherry blossoms fluttered, rotated in the air, and fell freely. They were like this, and no one took their first step. When she smiled, he felt that his heart was beating more and more open, as if he was about to break through his chest and go straight to the sky. He stared at it with dull eyes. Why did he have such a charming smile?

It should be the season when maple leaves fall. Why are there cherry blossoms and props? The staff of the crew are all powerful. What can't they do? Therefore, cherry blossoms are not worth mentioning.

"Ka," Dingbeiwei shouted to pause and looked at Xia Luolin with approval. In just two days, he knew how to act.

This scene is just right, which can be said to be a perfect interpretation of the beginning of the love between boys and girls. He had already prepared for the worst and told Hua Zhangteng that if it really didn't work, Luo Lin could not devote himself to the role, so he had to find another hero, while Luo Lin was only responsible for sitting aside and playing the guitar and singing. But now it seems that it doesn't need it.

"According to this process, it will take about two days to complete the main MV," Ding Beiwei said to Xia Luolin, and there are still three scenes. This is also the last unfinished MV of the whole new album. This MV is in the form of a microfilm, so it will pay special attention to it.

"Well, I know, I'm really sorry for delaying everyone's progress," Xia Luolin bowed and apologized to the staff. Because of him, the process that should have ended was delayed for another two days.

He also devoted himself to the role as Chen Chen told him. He is not Xia Luolin. He is a teenager who secretly loves cherry blossom girls. In the process of the play, he imagined the heroine as Yan's appearance and recalled their past encounters. Only then did he find that it was not as difficult as he thought. If Yan was his heroine, he might get twice the result with half the effort. He thought so.

"Luolin, it doesn't matter. You are great. We are all optimistic about you. Come on," the staff were moved by an inexplicable feeling when they saw him sincerely apologizing to them. How can such a modest newcomer, such a polite newcomer, and such a sincere apology make them bear to blame him again? In this entertainment industry, there are few such polite newcomers.

And Charlotte's move is obvious that the successful bribe of the hearts of the staff present is a sincere apology, and it is inevitable that he can successfully bribe the hearts of the staff.

"Thank you," Xia Luolin smiled and smiled. Such a word appeared in the staff's mind. He was fascinated by this smile.

"Luo Lin, what do you think you should be responsible for? They have been dulled by your smile, and their work strength has been halved," Ding Beiwei pretended to cough and pretended to blame himself and said to Xia Luolin.

Because of Ding Beiwei's words, the staff glanced their heads to one side with blush and embarrassment, but their hearts were slanderous. Isn't he moved by a smile? How can you not be dull with such a big smile?

The atmosphere of the whole crew did not cool down because of this, but became more lively, witty and relaxed. This is his evaluation of the crew, and Director Ding is not as terrible as he thought.

He found that he was really lucky enough to meet this group of people who made him lucky.

This MV also ended perfectly two days later, as Director Ding said. He gratefully thanked the staff for letting him complete this MV perfectly, because Director Ding's acting skills seem to have gone further. There will probably be no problem shooting MV in the future. He is really Sincere thanks.

When all the tasks are over, he has to go to the studio and record the ending song of the movie in the studio. He has been busy these two days. After finishing the announcement, he fell asleep as soon as he got home. He rarely gets along with Yan, which makes him miss Yan so much. On this day, the company finally gave him a day off. He decided to make some favorite meals and go to his company to surprise him.

So, on this day, when Yan went out to work, he really wanted to get up and prepare for today's lunch. However, because the bed made him too comfortable, he kept leaning on the bed until someone knocked on the door, and he reluctantly got up to open the door.

Sitting in the living room, listening to the clock ticking, the minute hand originally pointed to the position of six. This sentence has not been said yet. The time has changed from the position of six to the 12 position, and half an hour has passed. The clock struck twice and reported that the current time is 10 o'clock in the morning.

He waited so patiently for the other party to speak. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the other party finally spoke.

"What should I do? I want to quit the basketball team," the person who came was Zhang Linan, who struggled with his heart for a long time before deciding to say one of the purposes of his coming today. He came here for another purpose today.

"Why?" Xia Luolin yawned and asked listlessly, isn't he about to be promoted to a regular team member? Why do you suddenly want to quit the basketball team? He doesn't have a fever, does he? Looking at his face, his face was pale and there was no vitality. He, who was already thin, was even thinner at this time, which made him feel that he was not sitting alone in front of him, but a bamboo pole.

"I... After I said it, Lin... Don't laugh at me, you want to promise," Zhang Linan stared at him and stammed.

"OK, I don't promise not to laugh at you," Xia Luolin is more naive than he thought. Although he promised, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't laugh at him. It seems that his IQ is still offline.

Zhang Linan, who was guaranteed, still looked entangled. He didn't know how to say it. This reason seemed to be not powerful at all. Since he came back today, he just wanted to tell Lin to help him figure out a way to accept it. He really couldn't pay attention to it alone.

"I... I don't want to get together with Yuliang anymore," Zhang Linan lowered his head, and the index fingers of his two hands touched each other, looking very aggrieved and pitiful.

Who is Xia Luolin? Xia Luolin has known him for about 11 years. Hearing Zhang Linan say this, he probably guessed the purpose of his coming to him this time. He must have been asked to be cannon fodder.

"So... You... Are you going to give up your hobby for Li Yuliang? Give up what you have now?" He looked at Zhang Linan angrily. Although he used doubtful sentences, Zhang Linan could hear that these were all affirmative sentences. He nodded cowardly.

"Lin hasn't experienced the feeling of gathering less and leaving more now. If you experience more, you will know why I did this," Zhang Linan said aggrievedly. He flew to various cities to compete every day. Even if there is no competition day, he has to be busy training every day. He can't see Yuliang at all, even if there is a telephone connection. It can't solve his lovesickness.

Although they have been together for four years, what about four years? What he fears most is the deterioration of their relationship. Distance is an invisible killer. Time is more terrible than distance. He is afraid that when he is not by his side, he will no longer like him, and he is more afraid that he likes others. He is not distrust of Yuliang, but has no confidence in himself. He is useless, has no advantages, is stupid and unattractive. How can he always like him?

"Does Yuliang know?"

Zhang Linan nodded. He told Yuliang a long time ago, and although Yuliang did not object, he did not seem to agree. This is what he thinks and actually agrees very much, but he did not show it.

"You told me that you wanted me to go home with you?"

Zhang Linan nodded and shook his head.

"What do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?" Xia Luolin completely lost his patience and asked impatiently.

Since Li Yuliang knew why he didn't let the scum find a way, but now that the virgin comes to him, it shows that this scum let the virgin find a way to solve it by himself. It's too cruel. I guess it's too cruel to let the virgin confess their relationship to his family by the way. For the virgin who has been delaying to explain their relationship to his family for the past four years, this scum has probably been worried about this matter.

"More than that, I also want to... Ask Lin to help me... Think of a way," as Xia Luolin guessed, Zhang Linan confessed his relationship with Li Yuliang to his family this time.

Because he has been escaping for the past four years and is unwilling to explain their relationship to his family. Although he doesn't care at all, he knows that he actually cares about it. During the winter vacation of his first year, he went to see Yuliang's parents, and as Yuliang said, Yuliang's parents liked him very much. After that, Yuliang will also mention this matter intentionally or unintentionally. He knows that he wants his family to know his existence.

However, how should he explain to his family that he likes men and the same sex? He came out and said bold words? But he didn't want to see his family's disappointment. Although they loved him very much, everything followed him. He understands that anything can follow him, and this matter will definitely not follow him.

So he wanted Lin to go home with him to give him courage.

"I... I want to confess to my family... My relationship with Yuliang. This is one of his main purposes.

"Have you made up your mind?" Seeing such a painful Zhang Linan, he knew that he must have been entangled in his heart for a long time before making such a decision. As long as he is happy, he will support him in any decision he makes.

Sooner or later, aunts will know about his relationship with Li Yuliang. Now that four years have passed, it's time to confess. If he wants to live with Li Yuliang and live all the time, he will not object to his decision. He can see that Li Nan likes Li Yuliang very much. Maybe he has fallen in love with Yan and has soaked into his bones and blood, and can no longer extricate himself.

"Well," Zhang Linan answered. As for what made him figure out, the matter was going back to return. A week ago, his mother asked him to go home for a blind date. Because of this matter, he had a big quarrel with Li Yuliang. This was the first time in four years that they had such a big conflict.

They have been together for four years, but he escaped for four years. Li Yuliang looked at him disappointedly and said, "Do you care so much about our affairs to let your family know?" I never force you, just to make you think clearly, but when have you taken our things to heart in the past four years? Now that your mother has asked you to go home for a blind date, are you still unwilling to admit our relationship? Or... Do you want to be a good child in front of your family, accept your parents, go on a blind date, get married, and have an underground relationship with me? I may like your love for me too much. In fact, you don't love me as much as you think.

He may love him more than he thought, or will he really go to the blind date arranged by his parents as Yu Liang said, and also accept his parents to marry a woman he doesn't like, and then have children? He doesn't know these answers, but he really doesn't know. Probably as Yu Liang thought, he really didn't love him as much as he thought.

Since they quarreled, they began a cold war the next day, and Yuliang was not going home. He seemed to be hiding from him. This feeling made his heartache that he was about to die. He never thought that they would eventually develop like this. How he wanted to answer the past and live a happy life with Yuliang. He didn't go anywhere this week, and he didn't even participate in competitions and training.

He will come to Lin today, and he has figured out what to do.

"Lin, I really don't know what to do. Because of this matter, Yuliang and I have begun to have a cold war," Zhang Linan buried his head between his thighs in pain and choked. "I really love Yuliang so much that I can't extricate myself. I don't want to separate from Yuliang. I'm afraid. After separating from him, I will die when I never see him again."

He got up, walked into Zhang Linan, sat down next to him, gently patted him on the back, and calmed his emotions. For the first time in 11 years, he saw Zhang Linan like this. In his impression, he was always a heartless, single-cell, which can be said to be a simple-minded and well-developed guy. Now In such sadness, so fragile.

"If they know, will they allow me to be with Yu Liang?" Zhang Linan raised his head and stared at Xia Luolin with an expectant face.

In the past four years, Yuliang has often gone to his home to play. His family likes Yuliang very much, but they don't know his relationship with Yuliang. If they know, will they still like Yuliang? Will they be together? He still has some expectations in his heart.

Xia Luolin couldn't give an answer, because he didn't know that Zhang Linan lowered his head in frustration, and how could his family agree? Isn't this a matter of the name consultant? He smiled bitterly.

"Are you really going to stay here for the rest of your life?" Lin Yuwen looked at Li Yuliang, who had been staying at his house. He didn't expect that he could still see Li Yuliang's decadent appearance, and he couldn't help but feel it in his heart. Thanks to him, he earned a week less salary, and he only went there once this week. He was almost fired by Yan and became a jobless wanderer to stay at home. And the reason why he didn't go is that the person who stayed in his house was afraid that if he was not there, he would die in his house. He didn't want to be treated as a suspect.

"I really have this plan," Li Yuliang said as a matter of course, regardless of his joke. Isn't there a saying? If you don't want to be ridiculed, you must be thicker than the person who teases you, as it seems.

"Uh... Well, you still have the energy to joke with me, which shows that you are not decadent enough." Lin Yuwen compromised. It's been a week, and it's time to end if there is any conflict with a virgin, right? After all, does the couple quarrel at the end of the bed?

"You and Chenchen... How's it going?" Li Yuliang changed the topic and said that he rarely saw Chenchen this week. It seems that Chenchen is really busy.

"You'd better take care of yourself," Lin Yuwen rolled his eyes. At this time, he was still thinking about relationships with others.

"You said... Will Linan confess to his family? Li Yuliang curled his lips and kindly regarded him as a donkey's liver and lungs, but he was really not sure about the matter of standing a man.

"I don't know, maybe... "Ye," Lin Yuwen thought for a moment, and he couldn't say a definite answer with certainty.

I haven't seen him this week. I don't know what he thinks. The reason why he didn't go home this week is that he just wants him to think about it clearly. After all, this matter is not a small matter. He admitted that he was forcing him to make a choice. It's just that he doesn't want to go on like this. Sooner or later, his family will know why not say it earlier? The longer it takes, it may hit his family harder. Moreover, they have been together for four years, and these four years have been long, because they still have to be together all the time, and there are countless four years waiting for them. But it's not long, and the number four is not a small number.

"Li Yuliang, you should know that not all families are the same as you, not all families can accept homosexuality so easily, and China is not as open as abroad. Even if you want a virgin to confess your relationship to his family, you have to stand by his side and give him courage. Maybe the virgin is in confusion and hesitation now. Since you are his lover, you must also have the responsibility to face his parents, face his parents with him, and get his parents' approval.

If you love, why worry so much? Now that you love, isn't it very contradictory to worry so much now? Since we chose to be together at the beginning, we should consider the obstacles that we will inevitably meet in the future. Now let Zhang Linan face it alone, what is this? He really doesn't understand Li Yuliang's thinking.

At this time, Li Yuliang's phone rang. After answering the phone, maybe he really did something wrong. Lin Yuwen was right. How could he leave him and let him face it alone?