The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 52 Cute Fan Legion

It has been more than a week since the matter of Linan and Yuliang, and the parents of both sides have also met. The parents of both sides are very close. From that moment, Li Mei, Linan's mother, also became corrupt because Yuliang's mother is a corrupt woman. It can be said that the life of Linan and Yuliang will be colorful in the future. Because there are two corrupt mothers.

The reason why Linan forgot the time when he was with Yuliang, according to Linan's grandmother, it was because Linan didn't want to leave and wanted to stay there. Linan also agreed to stay for another day, but because Linan was too excited at that time, the soles of his feet did not believe that it would roll. The toy hit the wall and lost his memory. When he lost his memory, he lost the memory of going to his relatives when he was 5 years old, let alone the memory of Li Yuliang.

This is the reason why Linan doesn't remember Yuliang, which makes Yuliang, who has lost his memory for this reason, not know whether to be happy or sad.

"Luolin, you... Are you ready?" Agent Zhang Mingxiu looked and noticed that Xia Luolin had been breathing deeply repeatedly, just to make himself more relaxed.

It is understandable that he will be so nervous. It is inevitable that he will be nervous when he enters the stage for the first time, and it is a big stage of tens of thousands of people, which they can understand.

"Luo Lin, how are you?" Assistant Xiao Zhou is also very worried that Luo Lin will play soon. Don't make mistakes. This is a very important thing.

Xia Luolin nodded and listened to the screams in front of the stage. He knew from before that Meng Hangpei was very popular and had many fans. Today, when he saw it on the spot, he had to admire it from the bottom of his heart. It turns out that those reports are not exaggerated, they are all facts.

Today is the mass concert of Xia Luolin's brother and friend Meng Hangpei, and Luo Lin is the first to enter the music world as a guest performer, so today is very important for Luo Lin. Of course, they also know that Meng Hangpei's concert has always been unmatched in the whole music world today. The atmosphere can be high from the beginning to the end, and his appeal is also unmatched. Every concert is held, and the venue is full and there are no empty seats. There are many people outside the venue because they can't sing. There are also people who secretly hurt their own mind when they know the tickets.

Xia Luolin secretly cheered himself up in his heart. He must be able to do it.

After a period of singing and dancing, the atmosphere at the scene was very high, reaching the most ** part of the whole concert. The fans under the stage shouted together, "Meng Meng, Meng Meng..."

Mengmeng is the nickname given to him by Meng Hangpei's fans. Because Meng Hangpei's surname is Meng, he was originally called Meng Meng at the beginning, and Meng Hangpei was very good at pretending to be cute when he appeared on variety shows. Therefore, gradually some fans called him Meng Meng and cute. It sounds a little awkward to say that a big man is cute, but for Meng Hangpei, there is no mean to belittle him at all. He is also really cute, just like Monchi. It happens to be Meng Meng's homophonic, so that it is still known as Meng Meng. Mengmeng makes people feel very friendly, so Meng Hangpei also likes this name, and his fans claim to be the cute iron cavalry exclusive to Mengmeng, commonly known as the Meng Legion, and the cute things that belong to them are of course Mengqi.

On the stage, the handsome Meng Hangpei, sweated and said to the fans under the stage breathlessly, "The Meng Legion is very enthusiastic today. Mengmeng is very moved. The Meng Legion must know that the performance has been carried out until now, and it is naturally a guest link. I don't know Meng Will the legions be more excited than seeing Mengmeng later? This makes Mengmeng a little worried, and the Meng Legion abandoned Mengmeng because of this.

He said half-jokingly that in fact, he rarely invited guests at his concert. Generally, he was alone and performed the whole performance, but today is very special. As his younger brother and friend, he also knew that today is a very important day for him. But he believes that if it were him, he would definitely do it and do it well.

Hearing their favorite Mengmeng said so, the Meng Legion is naturally curious about what kind of guest will appear next. Of course, they know that this guest must be extraordinary. As a member of the Meng Legion, they naturally know that they worship Mengmeng very much at the concert, and there will be guests today. Festival, it must be extraordinary.

"Mengmeng, we will always support it," tens of thousands of people in the Meng Legion said neatly, because there is no rule that they can't like two.

"This makes Mengmeng very moved, so cute legions, welcome his arrival with your enthusiasm, okay... No... OK..." Meng Hangpei shouted to the cute legion under the stage. He was not worried that his fans would be taken away by Luo Lin at all, because... He is still very confident about his cute legion. Of course, his cute legion can also like Luo Lin at the same time, and he will also be very happy. He knows that his cute legion will definitely like Luo Lin's singing. He is sure.

"Ah..." With Meng Hangpei's words, the cute legion heard his words, welcomed the performers with their enthusiasm, screamed loudly, and the atmosphere was once again extremely high.

When the music sounded, the cute legions all quieted down. Because of the tune and melody of this song, they told them that they should calm down and listen to this song quietly. When Xia Luolin stood in the center of the elevator and slowly rose again, he stood in the middle of the stage and looked at the fluorescent stick under the stage, saying no. It's fake to be nervous, but he knows that he can't have stage fright at this time. Meng Hangpei also told him that when standing on the stage of so many people for the first time, he would definitely be nervous and treat the audience under the stage as wood.

And now he also did so. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to immerse himself in his own music world. The cute legions looked at the face presented on the big screen. Xiaoxi was equipped with jeans, white sneakers, and wore very low-key. This was also Xia Luolin's style, not just wearing T-shirt with jeans is also a kind of improvement. They tried to find all the information about the star in their minds, but there was nothing about him, which made them curious why they had never seen it or had any impression, but it seemed to have seen it somewhere?

It's right there

falling season

Me and you

Meet at this time and place

We laughed and fought

I didn't know

It turned out that fate made us meet

Even if you think of it

You like to be alone

Stand under the cherry tree and look up

I'm learning from you

Look up at the sky

I realized that it also has its own sadness

I shout, cherry blossoms

Please continue to fly in the air

Because I know

is to commemorate

Memories we once realized

I shout, cherry blossoms

Please continue to fly in the air

Let us see

Exclusively for your most beautiful moment

I don't know, and I don't understand

It turns out that your world

The color is gray

Have you noticed?

I have always stood behind you and never left

When Xia Luolin sang the whole song, the cute legions under the stage were deeply impressed. Although they were handsome, there were many handsome people in today's music world. However, what they didn't expect was that such a thin body was so explosive, and when he sang The melancholy eyes deeply convinced them.

I feel that there seems to be something unknown in my eyes that is going to flow out of my eyes, but why is my heart blocked? Why are there sad emotions? Is it because he sang this song? But it doesn't feel like this? Or is it because of his singing? The whole mood at the scene fell into a low tide and did not come out of his song.

"Luolin, you sing so well. Look, my cute legions are deeply impressed by your song," Meng Hangpei came out from the background and said to Xia Luolin half-jokingly, because his joking words gradually made the fans recover. They all stared curiously at the stage and stood on the stage. Teenager.

What kind of teenager is this? It's as good as Meng Meng's singing skills.

"You must be curious about who this is? Why haven't you seen it? Mengmeng is the answer for the Meng Legion, but I still let the parties introduce themselves, okay... No... OK?"

"Good..." The cute legions under the stage answered with one voice. Because Meng Hangpei pretended to be cute and cute there, which made Xia Luolin much easier. It turned out that standing on the stage of such a person was not as terrible as imagined.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Xia Luolin, er... It's you Meng... Meng's friend, I am honored to be invited to be a guest of his concert today, which makes me very surprised. I have always heard that Hangpei's cute legion is very enthusiastic. Today, I also feel it. Thank you... Thank you for your enthusiasm, and thank you... Hang Pei," Xia Luolin said these words naturally, but he was stuck in Mengmeng because he felt very awkward. In Meng Hangpei's view, perhaps Luo Lin is destined to stand on the stage and enjoy the enthusiasm brought to him by his fans.

"Ah..." The cute legions screamed enthusiastically. Although they had never heard of the name, they could foresee that such an excellent person would become a household name in the near future. And he turned out to be Mengmeng's good friend. No wonder there is a slight impression that there is a picture of him in Mengmeng's bib, and I have to say that Mengmeng's friends are so handsome.

"What should I do? I seem to be jealous of Luo Lin. The cute legions are more excited to see Luo Lin now than to see me. I... Have the items been abandoned by the cute legions? Meng Hangpei looked pitiful. Through the big screen, the fans were crying and laughing by the cuteness they worshipped. Although they always knew that Meng Hangpei was very bearable, they didn't expect it to be so bearable, which made their hearts a little unbearable.

"We will never abandon Mengmeng. Mengmeng is the best in our hearts." No one has organized it, but he can say such a long paragraph with one voice. In Xia Luolin's opinion, it seems that Meng Hangpei's fans already have the ability to have this ability. He and the Meng Legion are on the same level. , became one, this is Meng Hangpei's cute army. And can he have such a day?

"Really? However, the cute legions can also like Luo Lin. It's good. Luo Lin and I have known each other for four years. We are seniors at school, but we are very good buddies. By the way, Luo Lin... Is the song you just sang the song from your upcoming new album? Does this mean that Luo Lin is about to officially enter the music world? Meng Hangpei knew that the song he just sang was written and composed by Luo Lin himself. Although the lyrics and melody are simple, they seem to describe his story, which can more impress the audience.

"Well, it's the first wave of the main song of the new album, and the title of the song is (Sakura)." At this time, Meng Hangpei is really attractive, and it is no wonder that such a person likes him as soon as he debuts, which is not unreasonable. However, it's really a pity that he doesn't become a host now. He is so eloquence.

"Sakura, a very beautiful name, Meng Legions, now my good friend and fellow disciple, is about to release his new album, so, Meng Legion, must support it. Today, you are so blessed. Luo Lin's first song belongs to you. You must go back to support it, right... No... Right?" Meng Hangpei stirred up the atmosphere at the scene and asked the fans under the stage. As his good friend and fellow disciple, this is all he can do for him, and he hopes to help him because of this.


"I can't hear you, louder..." Meng Hangpei turned the microphone to the fans under the stage and made a listening posture.

"Yes..." The voice was more magnificent than the answer just now. Xia Luolin looked at Meng Hangpei with emotion. He didn't know how to tell his mood at this time. He really didn't know if he really didn't understand or was too confident in his cute army. Isn't he afraid that he would take away his cute army? Just seeing the performance of the cute legion at the scene, he knew that in the heart of the cute legion, Meng Hangpei was unique and irreplaceable. Even so, this fool.

Meng Hangpei's concert is destined to be successful, and Xia Luolin's performance on the stage this time has made many people realize such a teenager. Since that night, he has been searching for everything about him on the Internet, but there seems to be no trace about him except for that concert. Traces. Even the media can't find all the traces of him. Is such a mysterious teenager really a person in the entertainment industry?

Just as they were about to face disappointment, Stardust International announced to the media that their company was about to launch a newcomer and revealed that the newcomer had performed at Meng Hangpei's concert. As soon as this came out, the songs performed in Meng Hangpei's concert conquered the hearts of many people, and many people became his fans.

So excited and excited. It turned out that he had not made his debut, and as Meng Hangpei said, the performance belonged to his debut, and the video of the song he sang was uploaded to the Internet. In just one day, the click rate exceeded one million. What kind of concept is this? The number of reprints is also super high, and the song It was also downloaded crazily.

The first shot of Stardust International's plan has to be said to be a success. In the expectation of everyone, Charlotte announced his official debut with his first solo album. The whole music world also welcomed such an excellent singer. On that day, there were not only the blessings of Meng Hangpei, the same brother, but Chenchen recorded VCP as a friend to express his blessings. Even director Ding Beiwei also sent his blessings, and Director Ding also announced to the media that he was also a fan of Xia Luolin, which made the media crazy. Crazy, they never thought that the big director Ding Beiwei was also his fan. What is the charm of this?

And when they noticed that the director of the MV of the title song was Director Ding, they were surprised. Maybe Director Ding didn't say that he was really his fan.

Not only that, in the blessing sent by Meng Hangpei, even praised his singing skills, and even he was willing to bow down. The media knew that the newcomer's singing skills were very strong in the song circulating on the Internet, but they did not expect that even Meng Hangpei would sigh that he would not be inferior. It seems that today's music world is about to set off a wind. Tide.

At the press conference on that day, Xia Luolin also sang the song (cherry blossom) sung by Meng Hangpei, which deeply impressed the media at the scene. It seems that such an excellent person is also from Stardust International. It seems that Stardust International will produce another singer who is as excellent as Meng Hangpei, and other entertainment companies can only observe the general status of Stardust International.

The successful conclusion of the press conference attracted a lot of praise.

I believe that such an excellent newcomer will not disappoint fans who love him in the future. Even if there are not many people who are familiar with him now, I believe that he will become a superstar in the near future. This is the evaluation of the Star News on the press conference.

As soon as he opens his mouth, his singing can deeply convince the people on the scene. Not only the scene, but also the fans who failed to arrive at the scene. I have thought of sharing the whole music scene with Meng Hangpei, who is the same excellent in the future, from the evaluation of the Global Times, one of the three largest newspapers.

This person is not popular, and nature is difficult to tolerate. This is the evaluation of him by fans, and perhaps it is true.