The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 70 Unfinished

"Luo Lin... You heard it right. Are you willing to adopt Xiaomo?

"Why?" Is it necessary to give him a reasonable reason to adopt Xiaomo?

"Because..." Zhang Mingxiu didn't know how to tell Xia Luolin, but if this matter is not clear, I'm afraid Luo Lin won't agree to adopt Xiaomo.

When he walked out of the cafe, Xia Luolin didn't know what he was discussing with Zhang Mingxiu. He would stay until the cafe closed, or they didn't talk until the cafe was closed.

rejected Zhang Mingxiu's proposal to drive him back. At this time, he just wanted to clarify the cause and effect.

The prosperity under the night seems particularly quiet. Only at this time will he become well-behaved, quiet, and the dim neon lights shine on him. His back becomes particularly lonely. Since he promised to take care of him at the beginning and now he abandons it, he really wants to know what kind of person Mingxiu's wife is, so The cruelty.

He also misread Zhang Mingxiu. He was afraid that his wife would be so ridiculous. "It's ridiculous~~~~~~" he shouted at the quiet market to vent his dissatisfaction.

It was two o'clock in the morning when he returned home. He thought they were all asleep. The bedroom was shining brightly. They sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to come home. Xia Luolin's heart was warm, and the depression just now seemed to be swept away.

"You... Why haven't you slept yet?" Yan was not too surprised that he didn't sleep. Now even Xiaomo hasn't slept, which is what surprised him.

"Uncle Luo Lin... Have you decided to send Xiaomo back? Without answering his question, Xiaomo lowered his head and covered his expression, but Xia Luolin could see that Xiaomo was very sad. Maybe it was really as Zhang Mingxiu said that the child was a very ** creature. Whether the adult's attitude was enthusiastic or plain could make the children guess whether the adults liked them or hated them.

"Does Xiaomo want to go back?" Xiaomo immediately shook his head to show his attitude.

"Why?" Xia Luolin walked to Xiaomo's side, sat down, touched Xiaomo's head, and asked thoughtfully.

"Because one person stays in a big... Room... Xiaomo is scared."

"Is that the only reason?"

"No... No," Xiaomo hurriedly retorted, "Xiaomo... Xiaomo likes it very much... I like Uncle Luo Lin and Uncle Mu very much.

For this answer, his original slight disappointment was also swept away, and he stared at Xiaomo with a smile on his face. "Uncle Luo Lin asked Xiaomo, Xiaomo had to think clearly before he could answer, you know?" Zhang Xiaomo nodded obediently.

"Does Xiaomo want to live with his parents, or... I want to be with Uncle Luo Lin and Uncle Mu... Life?"

He finally chose to ask this question and asked such a cruel question for Xiaomo, who was only three years old. He didn't know what choice Xiaomo would make, but no matter what choice Xiaomo made, he would not object.

If Xiaomo chooses to live with Zhang Mingxiu, he will try to persuade Zhang Mingxiu's wife and try to let her accept Xiaomo as a child. If he chooses to live with him and Yan, then he will tell Xiaomo everything he knows. Although he doesn't know if Xiaomo can understand, Xiaomo knows The right to the truth of the matter, this is the absolute he made in the end.

He looked up at Mu Yingyan, but did not know that Yan was also looking at him. Their eyes met. Mu Yingyan had been smiling since their conversation just now, and there was no speech on the way, but he would support what decision Xia Luolin made. He I believe that any decision made by his Xiaolin will not disappoint him. He firmly believes in Xia Luolin because he is his lover. Charlotte smiled, and his Yan was always so gentle.

Time passed minute by second. Unconsciously, an hour has passed. Did this question make Xiaomo so confused?

"Xiaomo, have you figured it out?"

"Well," Xiaomo nodded. In fact, he had already figured it out, but Uncle Luo Lin had never asked him, and he had never answered. He didn't know why Uncle Luo Lin asked him so. Does it mean that he could not live with Uncle Luo Lin and Uncle Mu in the future? But his little face turned into a ball, indicating that he was thinking obediently.

"What's the decision?"

"Xiaomo... Xiaomo wants to know, Uncle Luo Lin... Why... Ask Xiaomo like this?"

"Hehe~~~~~~" Xia Luolin didn't expect Xiaomo to ask him like this. Since Xiaomo asked, he answered truthfully, "Does Xiaomo want to know the real reason?"


"Well," Xia Luolin took a deep breath and organized the language in his heart. How to answer without hurting Xiaomo, let Xiaomo understand their decision. "If Xiaomo chooses to live with his parents after Xiaomo makes a choice, Uncle Luolin and Uncle Mu will certainly not object. This is reasonable. If Xiaomo chooses to be with Uncle Luo Lin and Uncle Mu, he will be together forever and will never see your parents. This is the choice I made with your parents. We all respect Xiaomo's choice.

In the end, he still failed to tell Xiaomo the real reason. How could they bear it in the face of a three-year-old child?

"Really... ?" Zhang Xiaomo looked at Mu Yingyan doubtfully. Mu Yingyan nodded, saying that his uncle Luo Lin did not deceive him.

"Can Xiaomo tell Uncle Luo Lin and Uncle Mu about your decision?"

The atmosphere fell silent again. Originally, he thought that if the last choice was no longer to live with his parents, he would definitely choose Zhang Mingxiu. Xia Luolin also made psychological preparations for this answer, but he did not expect that Didi** dripped on the back of his hand, and he held Xiaomo's hand tightly in distress.

No matter which answer is, it is harmful to Xiaomo. Should it be said that this is understandable? It's ridiculous to let such a small child carry something he can't choose. They are all forcing him to make a decision without really considering whether he can withstand such a blow.

For Zhang Mingxiu, he thought that his decision was for the sake of Xiaomo, but he did not know that the original innocence of such a small child had been wiped out.

"Xiaomo... Xiaomo... Xiaomo chose to live with Uncle Luolin and Uncle Mu, okay? Xiaomo raised her head and looked at Xia Luolin, with tears in her eyes shining and looking forward to it.

"Well, okay."

Xia Luolin did not hesitate. It turned out that his conjecture was wrong. I don't know why when Xiaomo made this decision, he was relieved and had an indescribable joy in his heart. Does his potential consciousness actually not want to be separated from Xiaomo? It turns out that he has been used to Zhang Xiaomo, a strange little guy.

As for the future, wait for Xiaomo to tell him when he is a little bigger. He took a look, and Mu Yingyan's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Yan, forgive me for making such a wayward decision."

"Hehe~~~~~~Fool, no matter what decision Xiaolin makes, I will support Xiaolin, and the decision made by Xiaolin is not capricious to me, you know?"

"Xiaomo, we will be a family in the future. There is no mother, only two fathers. Can Xiaomo regret making this choice?"

"No," Zhang Xiaomo shook his head. "There are two fathers, and Xiaomo feels very happy."

Tears have already poured out. Even in the future, Zhang Xiaomo will not regret making such a choice. He has two fathers, really... Really... Really... Really happy.

They hugged each other and enjoyed the warmth and joy of the family. Since then, there has been another member of the family composed of Xia Luolin and Mu Yingyan, that is Zhang Xiaomo.

"Since you choose to be with us, should we change our name and surname?"

"Luolin's father, Yan's father."

"What a good boy."

"Who should Xiaomo be surnamed?"

"Of course, my surname is Xia. After all, Zhang Mingxiu inherited Xiaomo to me."

"Xiaolin... What should I do? I also want Xiaomo to believe me.

"Uh... Yan... You can't rob me." He thought that Yan would not object to someone's complaint, but he didn't expect to rob him.

"Hehe~~~~~~ I'm kidding."


"What two naive fathers. It seems that life will be to be suffered in the future." Zhang Xiaomo's mature speech.

Someone's mouth twitches. This should be his line, right?

From then on, Zhang Xiaomo changed to Xia Moying. Xia Moying lived a happy life with her two fathers. This is not the end. It is to be continued...