The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 74 Love to the End (Final Chapter)

"Dingling, jingling..." The doorbell kept ringing, which made Xia Luolin want to run away, but the life in his hand stopped. "Xia Moying, open the door." If I had known, I wouldn't have agreed to those damn guys come to his house to celebrate the New Year.

"Oh~~~~" put down the Transformers in his hand and ran to open the door.

"Yo, who is this cute little guy?" When the door opened, Xiaomo was stunned. What a huge team is this?

When Zhang Linan saw Xiaomo's stunned appearance, he felt very cute. He really wanted to pinch Xiaomo's round face. Although he wanted to, his hands had begun to move and was blocked by Xiaomo. His reaction was that he ran into the kitchen quickly, hugged Xia Luolin's legs tightly, and said very aggrievedly.

"Luo Lin's father, there is an obscene uncle outside the door who wants to be rude." As soon as this came out, Xia Luolin almost got it. Fortunately, Mu Yingyan, who was quick-eyed, stopped the upcoming historic tragedy and didn't get it. He looked at the people standing outside the door with lingering palpitations.

"Xiaomo, who are you talking about?"

"The tall weirdo in white clothes, printed with a gray wolf pattern, obviously young."

"Puff-----Hahaha..." Xia Luolin laughed facelessly. It seems that his son has not been raised in vain.


Everyone is embolded. The most embarrassing thing is Zhang Linan. He has always been very confident in his appearance. He was just told by this child that he was obscene, and now he is pretending to be young? However, if it's obscene, just pretend to be tender. Why is there the word indecency? Unknowingly, people think he has pedophilia and paedity.

"It's obscene enough that you can't even let go of such a small Zhengtai. How BT do you think you are?" Wu Duoduo was the first to break this silent silence. Looking at Zhang Linan's emboldened appearance, it was very gratifying.

"Damn!" Zhang Linan held out this word for a long time.

"Dad Mu, what is BT?" Xia Moying asked Mu Yingyan with a curious baby, "This strange man is obviously not BT, but it's just very obscene."

"Xiaomo, don't talk nonsense," Mu Yingyan patted Xiaomo's head. Although he also smiled, his words were really amazing.

"Pu-haha..." Everyone couldn't help it. This child is too ridiculous. This is the unanimous idea of Wu Duoduo.

Zhang Linan has a green face. Is this praising him, praising him, or praising him?

"Luolin, what can I do for you?" Chenchen walked into the kitchen and looked at the busyness, dragging an oil bottle under his feet, and decided to come to help.

Chenchen has seen this oil bottle several times and naturally knows it, but he didn't expect that the child was still at Luo Lin's house.

"Help wash the vegetables," Xia Luolin cut the vegetables and said, not noticing Chenchen's curious eyes at all.

"Let's go out first," Mu Yingyan pulled away the strong glue on Xia Luolin's body and walked to the living room. If someone came to help, he didn't have to stay in the kitchen to avoid getting in the way. For the kitchen, this really has no fate with him.

"Yan, who is this child?" Xiaoyu asked curiously. Except for Lin Yuwen, everyone else stared curiously at the half-dead child who had just angered Zhang Linan.

"My son," Mu Yingyan proudly introduced.

"Ha~~~~~~" is surprised. In addition to surprise, there is nothing more surprising than this news.

"Yan...did you...married long ago?" That's a very careful question. It can't be blamed for thinking too much. They haven't seen each other for a few months. It's okay not to see each other. Since they have sons as soon as they meet? It's still so old. As we all know, it's impossible for Luo Lin to have a child.

looked at the kitchen worriedly. I don't know how Luo Lin reacted after knowing the news at that time, but he would definitely be very sad.

For some people's unprovoked speculation, Mu Yingyan's black line is black again. What is the sympathetic little look at the kitchen? What is his contemptuous little look?

"I said, what kind of little look are you? Am I that kind of person in your eyes?

"It's not that we don't believe in your character, but now the facts are in front of us that we have to believe it." Wu Duoduo explained, and the others nodded with consent.


"Yan, how can you do this? Are you worthy of Luo Lin? Luo Lin is really, but it's not a big deal. I said, you two are really... hey."


"Yan, the virgin is right. How can you do this? Even if Luo Lin forgives you, we will not forgive you.

"Heng Pei, I support you."

"Top +10086."


"Dad Mu, what do they mean? Did Dad Mu really do something wrong to Luo Lin's father?" Xiaomo looked at Mu Yingyan, who had been on the black line and had not said anything, and asked questioningly that if he really did something wrong to Luo Lin's father, he would not forgive Mu's father.

"Ye, Luo Lin was forced to be a father, really..." He looked at the kitchen with sympathetic eyes.


"Okay, you misunderstood."

Lin Yuwen couldn't stand it anymore. Although he was very happy to see Yan's shriveled appearance, he was ruthlessly squeezed after he didn't want to be happy. He was his small employee. If the boss was unhappy and kicked him, he would not even have a chance to cry.


"Yes, this child is the son of Luo Lin's agent."

"Is this...really?"

"Of course it's true, what do you think," Mu Yingyan really wants to slap one person on the forehead of these people." But now it's my son and Xiaolin's son.

"Eh?" Even Lin Yuwen doesn't know what's going on this time.

"Xiaolin's agent gave Xiaomo to Xiaolin."

"Why?" Everyone asked with gossip.

"It's a long story, and I'll have a chance to tell you in the future," he took a look at Xiaomo sitting on his lap. Of course, he can't tell the truth of this matter in front of the child.

"Dayu, how about we adopt a child?" It is said that wind is rain, and it is probably their group of people.


"Yu Liang, shall we also adopt one?"


"Heng Pei, the idea they said is very good. Shall we also consider it?"


The attackers are silent. Yes, they are all silent, kid? Forget it. These three look like a child, and then a real child. Is there any way for them to live?

Lin Yuwen secretly congratulated that his morning was in the kitchen at this time and did not ask him to adopt a child or something. He had personally experienced the mischievousness of Xiaomo, a child and must not adopt a child. Isn't this a hardship?

This strange silence makes Xiaomo puzzled. This group of adults are really strange people.

"Why are you all so quiet?" Charlotte walked out of the kitchen with dishes. This group of people watched around the TV, but no one spoke. Is this them? It's so quiet.

"Luo Lin, how does it feel to be a father?"

Xia Luolin was stunned for a moment, took a look at Xia Moying, and a trace of cunning appeared on the corners of his mouth, "Very good, very good."

"Is it really...?" Zhang Linan was a little suspicious, because of what happened just now, which made him have a trace of suspicion.

"Really," Xia Luolin said with great certainty.

"We have decided," the three little attackers said with one voice, giving the three little attackers an ominous feeling.

"We also want to adopt a child."


It seems that this ominous foreboding has been verified. They really want to say that their special family is not good for the physical and mental growth of children. It seems that they must persuade them well after going home.

The sumptuous dinner made them full of wine and food. They began to fight crazily, joked with each other, and talked about interesting things that happened to each other, but they had not met in just a few months, as if they had been separated for several years, accumulating too many things to say.

When the last day begins to count down, their celebration is also coming to an end, waiting for the end of the old year. At the beginning of the new year, on the last day of each year, they have an appointment to spend time together and take turns to go to each family. Of course, this time it's their turn. Therefore, they didn't have any accident when they called to tell Xia Luolin to come to his house.

Because of time, Xiaomo has fallen asleep. Everyone lay in the bedroom, looking at the bright moon outside and chatting.

"Do you remember the bet we made when we went to Lijiang?" Charlotte suddenly asked.


"Have you forgotten the bet between Duoduo and Yu Wen when they competed for Chenchen?" Lying in **, Xia Luolin looked at the others doubtfully, but he had been looking forward to the virgin to dance a hula dance. PS: If you forget, you can review the content of Chapter 17, which is also a technology.)

"It seems that there is such a thing," Li Yuliang searched for this memory in his memory, and he almost forgot it.

For Yan, Meng Hangpei, Xiaoyu and Dayu, who did not see the second action, all looked at these people curiously. Why didn't they see such a fun thing at the beginning? As many parties, Chenchen and Yu Wen are also curious.

"Good..... It seems so," Zhang Linan suddenly had a bad feeling that it was about to happen.

"I remember that the loser must agree to the winner unconditionally."

"Do you have it?" Zhang Li's men's clothing was stupid, because he suddenly remembered that the loser was none other than him.

Li Yuliang nodded. He actually forgot such a good thing. It's too wrong. He must make good use of this article in the future.

"Okay." Since Yuliang nodded, no matter how much he denied it, it was invalid.

The final result was that Chenchen's anger prevented Duoduo and Yu Wen from continuing to quarrel. That was also the first time they saw Chenchen so angry.

"Vir...hey..." Xia Luolin turned over and smiled at Zhang Linan, which made Zhang Linan's scalp numb.

"Lin, could you please not laugh so treacherously?"

"Do you have it?"

"Yes," collectively said.

"Okay," Xia Luolin put away his smile and thought for a moment, "Vir, you can dance a hula dance to celebrate the end of the year."


"Silence can't escape." Wu Duoduo pointed out the facts.

"But without a hula skirt, how can Linan dance the hula dance?" Chenchen asked.

"Chenchen asked well. Wait a minute."


Charlotte rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, looking for the grass skirt that had already been prepared. As for why he prepared this thing, hehe~~~~~you know.

"Vinth, put it on."


The crowd is embarrassing again. What does it mean to be prepared? This is called being prepared. The feelings have been ready for a long time, but they are just waiting for an opportunity.

"Can you... not wear it?"

"What do you think?"


In the end, Linan was forced to put it on, and then he was forced to dance the hula dance helplessly. It had made Zhang Linan want to find a hole to bury himself. He looked at the people who laughed so bitterly, a group of conscienceless guys. How could he be so unlucky to know such a group of people?

After the entertainment program, the new year also came, and there were bursts of firecrackers outside, representing the welcome of the new year.

They will always be so happy in the new year. They hold each other's hands, clasped their fingers together, and never gave up.

Of course, everyone has their New Year's wishes, and of course, onions also have New Year's wishes.

Charlotin: Yan, you are not allowed to hook up outside in the future.

Because Ji Fei's woman's unretentional has been pestering Yan, thinking that Xia Luolin has always been worried about this matter. Although it has been solved, it does not mean that he will not resent it. Finally, Ji Fei's woman's company was acquired by Yan, and she took a hard breath. At the beginning, her feelings were almost XXOO because of that woman. She really wanted that woman to live and thought bitterly.

Mu Yingyan: I can do erotic things with Xiaolin tonight.

Mu Yingyan is very helpless for Xia Luolin, who has always been afraid of doing erotic things. He could have ignored his ideas and directly killed him or something, but if he did this, Xiaolin would definitely not forgive him. Therefore, he has endured until now and has been Liu Xiahui for so many years. However, in the face of Xia Luolin, who is neither express nor implied, Mu Yingyan can only look up at the sky with 45 degrees of melancholy.

Lin Yuwen: I hope I don't have to see Chenchen's two fathers again.

Lin Yuwen, who was tortured by Chenchen's living father, sincerely hopes not to see each other again, and may want to mislead Chenchen.

Chenchen: I hope I can always be happy with Yu Wen.

Wu Duoduo: More and more people like comics.

Meng Hangpei: You can be happy with Duoduo.

For public figures, although they are not afraid of exposure, they are afraid that their loved ones will be hurt, so they hope that there will be no such an accident this year.

Zhang Linan: Li Yuliang should always love Zhang Linan.

Li Yuliang: There seems to be no New Year's wish. If forced, I hope Zhang Linan can learn to cook, so that he doesn't have to eat those meals every day.

In addition to stir-frying cabbage, Zhang Linan can only stir-fry cabbage, so... every day they will have fried cabbage. Li Yuliang has a headache about this.

Ruan Yiyu: Da Yu can promise to adopt a child.

Ruan Wenyu: I hope Xiaoyu will get rid of the idea of adoption.

Onion: I hope someone likes the text of onions.

Mu Yingyan's wish for what the content of the river crab was realized this night. After everyone left, Xia Luolin did not object. He had already thought about it, but Mu Yingyan had not taken action. He did not care about this matter, so he naturally let Mu Yingyan wait until now.

Let Mu Yingyan know that when he was like this, he almost wanted to hit the wall. Liu Xiahui, who has been in love for so many years, did it in vain?

"I love you, Xiaolin."


No matter what the future road is, their relationship will eventually be exposed, so what? They will love to the end.