Generation Emperor

Chapter 5 Refresh

Chapter 5 Refresh

The red reality is in front of us, and in the chaotic world entered by Li Jiaguan's consciousness, it seems to be rendered devastated! Wrong, wrong! Wrong, wrong! Li Jiaguan's efforts, all his persistence, all his waiting, everything, and even his imaginary pure and beautiful feelings are actually just childish and wrong. The image of a flawless fairy sister who does not eat the world's fireworks is abruptly imprinted in a greedy heart, in order to A leather bag can just be on a woman who rolls with a man older than his grandfather!

Anyway, it's wrong!

Why why!?

Li Jiaguan only felt that his life of nearly 20 years was completely living in a lie, which was so sad, so ridiculous, so meaningless!

Pain, endless pain!

Battered, completely destroyed!

Thousands of images, thousands of colors, when Li Jiaguan was struggling with exhaustion, began to gradually mix, gradually reconcile, change, decompose, polarize, extract, dissolve,... The color continues to decrease, constantly decline, the colorful world, and finally turns into two tones of black and white, with a variety of shapes. The image has turned into a desolation again, and there are only two kinds of existence, heaven and earth!


With a muffled sound, the world melted!

It's like an explosion of an incandescent lamp!

Li Jiaguan blinked his eyes! It seems that the world has turned thousands of times!

A feeling like waking up from a dream spread from Li Jiaguan's eyes to his whole body!

I was confused and opened my eyes in a daze. My consciousness gradually recovered, and my body's numbness and impetuous feeling gradually calmed down!

"Brother Guan, wake up quickly? What's wrong with you?"

"Wake up! Brother Guan, don't scare us!"

"The quack doctor has said that she won't accept the medical fee. If you pretend, wake up quickly!"

"Brother Guan, open your eyes..."



Before Li Jiaguan opened his eyes, he heard Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo wake up, and their tone was full of fear and helplessness!

Li Jiaguan suddenly opened his eyes! Then he sat up and brought a breeze!

Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo were shocked by Li Jiaguan who suddenly woke up! At the same time, they all took a cold breath, but immediately they were relieved, and a relieved smile appeared on their faces!

Three people slapped Li Jiaguan one after another. Wang Xiaoxuan said, "Brother Guan, if you don't wake up, we will all call 120!" You really scared us to death!"

"Yes, yes." Ai Yongsheng nodded and said.

Xu Yongbo said, "I found this quack old woman for you. If you have something, how can I do it in the future? But just wake up, just wake up."

"Did I sleep for a long time? Where are we now? Li Jiaguan seemed to have some hindsight. He vaguely only remembered that he was receiving psychological treatment by a superstitious old woman in a bungalow in a tile shop. He stared at the hypnotic pendulum for a while, and then... I can't remember it clearly!

Li Jiaguan looked around and felt a familiar feeling before he suddenly realized, isn't this a dormitory? They are all back! Didn't you sleep for a long time?

"Of course, this is our dormitory! It has been three days since you failed to be deeply hypnotized in the tile shop the day before yesterday and woke up!" Xu Yongbo said.

When Li Jiaguan heard this, he was first shocked. Immediately, his eyebrows were slightly clustered, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a perverse arc. This smile seemed to be far from the Li Jiaguan in the impression of Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo, and it was not what the regular Li Jiaguan could show at all! Although it was just a small expression, it made Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo feel strange about Li Jiaguan for a while. This strange feeling is enough to shock Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo!

"Three days? Oh, if you don't get rice water for three days, I'm afraid even normal people can't stand it. You didn't send me to the hospital? Li Jiaguan's tone of saying this turned out to be a joke!

Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo were stunned when they heard it! It's not because of the content of Li Jiaguan's words, but the tone, that kind of indifferent tone actually came from Li Jiaguan's mouth!?

After a moment of embarrassment, Xu Yongbo scratched his head with embarrassment and said, "We... are actually afraid that the doctors in the hospital are unreliable, in case you have another good or bad..."

Li Jiaguan raised his hand to stop Xu Yongbo from continuing to talk, nodded with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter! I don't blame you! A poor boy like me climbed out of the poor mountain and rushed into the luxury jewelry counter, which was even more worthless! We have lived in a dormitory for more than a year. It's not easy for you not only not to dislike me, but also call me brothers! When you go out, if others help you, that's your creation and your blessing, but if others stand by and watch you, they are also their own nature. As a matter of course, you are not qualified to blame anyone, because they don't owe you! Instead of throwing me directly in the tile shop, you brought me back. That's enough! As for the fear that taking me to see a quack doctor will bring you school-level punishment, I dare not send me to the hospital. I feel that there is nothing wrong and it is very reasonable. You don't have to explain anything, let alone pay attention to it.

Hearing Li Jiaguan say such a word, it seems that it is from an old man who loves to play chess! Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo couldn't believe their ears!

Is this still Li Jiaguan?

It won't be that Li Jiaguan's real body has died. Li Jiaguan, who has woken up now, is actually the consciousness of a fork of a fork in history or future or in the alien world, and has been resurrected with the help of Li Jiaguan's body, right? Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo, who have read too many time-travel novels, think so in their hearts!

"Do you have water and food?" Just as Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo were surprised and distracted, Li Jiaguan suddenly asked. Although Li Jiaguan has been in a state of deep sleep, he has not eaten or drunk for three days and nights, and his body will also feel exhausted and hungry!

"Yes, I'll bring it to you!" Ai Yongsheng ran to the table under his bed and took out a bottle of Pepsi and a bag of breakfast biscuits.

Li Jiaguan opened the breakfast biscuit and felt dry. After seeing the biscuit, he felt more thirsty. Li Jiaguan picked up the Pepsi again, but did not open the lid. Instead, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and saw Pepsi handed back to Ai Yongsheng and said, "Is there any wine? White beer is OK! Pepsi, this kind of sperm-killing sugar water, is something that women drink!"

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo only felt that since Li Jiaguan woke up, they really seemed to have changed, and they seemed to have become a person who was completely opposite to Li Jiaguan's personality! Every word and every word said is absolutely impossible for Li Jiaguan to say! Do you still want to drink? At the beginning, Li Jiaguan was not involved in cigarettes or alcohol!

Xu Yongbo said, "I have a bottle of 'Brave the World' (beer name)." After saying that, Xu Yongbo returned to his bed, turned out a bottle of beer from the messy desk, opened the lid and sent it to Li Jiaguan.

Li Jiaguan took the wine and drank a whole bottle without saying a word!


After a few hiccups, Li Jiaguan only felt a little dizzy! But Li Jiaguan feels that this dreamlike state is very comfortable!

I ate a large bag of cookies! Li Jiaguan was so hungry that the feeling of his chest against his back gradually faded, and finally came back to life!

As for what happened the day before yesterday, Li Jiaguan listened to Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo all afternoon, and finally understood what you said!

The day before yesterday, she received psychological treatment from the old woman in Wafangdian. Because the old woman's mastery of hypnosis was extremely unnatural, she could not wake up Li Jiaguan after putting Li Jiaguan's hypnosis into deep dormancy. She snapped more than a dozen fingers and slapped dozens of times. Li Jiaguan did not respond! Later, the old woman was afraid and went outside the bungalow outside the house and called Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo in. The three of them woke up again, but Li Jiaguan was still unconscious! Finally, when the old woman saw that the situation was not good, she quickly changed her words and said that she would not accept the medical fee. Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo thought that if this matter is a big deal, I'm afraid that the three of them will at least receive punishment from the school. Such a big thing can be seriously warned and recorded in the file, and if it is, they will be expelled directly from school. Books from childhood to old are in vain! So Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo decided to hide this matter first, hoping that Li Jiaguan could wake up by himself, so they took Li Jiaguan out of the tile shop and returned to the dormitory of Sanlu University! Until today, Li Jiaguan woke up!

This time, it really scared Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo! After such a thing, they no longer dare to be smart.

Li Jiaguan said that he didn't blame them, not just talking about it, but what he really thought in his heart! A poor man came out of his hometown alone and met the people outside. Even if he knew his name, he knew him, but he had no money, no capital and no use value. Why should others help you? Is it because of those ridiculous 'Everyone has traditional Chinese virtues that should be willing to help others and help each other' that we should all learn from Comrade Lei Feng to help others as the foundation of happiness and serve the people wholeheartedly. ......?

Li Jiaguan has changed! Completely changed! At the beginning, I have been suppressing the intentions in my heart as if I was defending some justice, suppressing the possessiveness in my heart, suppressing the wolf nature in my heart, suppressing the ** in my heart, and suppressing it with the high-sounding famous sayings in the orthodox education model! Those wise sayings were printed on the heart, just like the Buddha's mantra printed on the Five-Finger Mountain at the same time, which crushed the Monkey King under the Five-Finger Mountain to death!

And now, Li Jiaguan's whole world seems to have made a 180-degree turn, an earth-shaking change, and Wuzhishan was trampled under Sun Wukong fiercely!

Li Jiaguan, from now on, you will never live as before! What he wants is not those bustling people patting him on the head, or shoulders, and a good child's praise. What he wants is the whole world, crawling on the ground and making the most pious and noble look!

At about 6:30 in the evening, Li Jiaguan came down from **, washed up, scraped his stubble, straightened his hair, put on clean clothes, and walked out of the bathroom!

When Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo saw it, they suddenly shook again!

Li Jiaguan's temperament, or momentum! A qualitative change has taken place!

At the beginning, Li Jiaguan was submissive and walked to look at the ground. He bent slightly and was not good at talking. It seemed that even his breathing was extremely weak. In rural dialect, his mouth was as stupid as cotton trousers, and he couldn't beat a stick!

Now Li Jiaguan came out of the bathroom, his waist was straight, his chest was straight, his eyes were sharp and deep, his expression was not angry and arrogant, and he was full of wind, just like a successful person with his own sky in the upper class!

"Let's go after dinner. Go to the fourth canteen. There is an irresistible hegemony in his tone, which does not speak very loudly, but there is a magic tone that makes people lose the courage to refute. Li Jiaguan put on the cheap pair of fake Nike Adidas (the white sneakers, with a pair of markers printed on the outside and the Adidas logo printed on the inside) and said.


Four people in a dormitory walked to the fourth canteen!

In the past, it was rare for four people to act together. Because Li Jiaguan always thought that although several buddies who slept with each other were also good, they were quite righteous when talking, and they were also good-tempered when doing things, but the three of them were not advanced and excellent young people, and they were themselves, so they always followed him intentionally or unintentionally. Draw a clear line and avoid mixing with them. Li Jiaguan tries to act alone!

But today's Li Jiaguan won't care about this! Because now Li Jiaguan is not even interested in thinking about how naive he was at the beginning!

If it were the current Li Jiaguan, it would never be so stupid!

A kind of aura was sent by Li Jiaguan, and Li Jiaguan and four people walked into the fourth canteen! Unexpectedly, no one recognized Li Jiaguan. Even if he was familiar with Li Jiaguan at the beginning, he just looked at the outline of the boy who walked with Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo, but it was confirmed that it must not be Li Jiaguan!

And Li Jiaguan studied at Dalian Sanlu University for a year. Except for the three people who slept with him, he really didn't have any special good friends because he studied hard!

Li Jiaguan, Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo had dinner, found a table in the fourth canteen and sat down and began to eat.

During the banquet, Li Jiaguan suddenly asked, "Do you know any way to make money quickly? Legal and illegal can be done, but it must be feasible!"

Wang Xiaoxuan and Ai Yongsheng looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, saying that they didn't know!

And Xu Yongbo felt a little sorry for Li Jiaguan and said tentatively, "If you want to get rich immediately, in addition to buying lottery tickets, it is to kidnap a rich second generation and ask him for money!" Other than that, I don't have any practical solutions. Well, there are many human resources newspapers in Dalian. You might as well buy one after dinner. Maybe you can find some ways.

"Damn! You say that as if it's a feasible way to buy lottery tickets and kidnap! If you wait to win the lottery, I'm afraid there will be no chance in your life. It's even more unreliable to kidnap the rich second generation. In this world, you kill a rich second generation who spends money. Can he use the money to support his prodigal son to wrap several mistresses and blackmail them? Humph, it's lucky not to smash your hands at that time!" Ai Yongsheng curled his lips and said.

"I'll go to the playground first after eating. When you go back, buy me a human resources newspaper." Li Jiaguan stood up and left!

After Li Jiaguan left, Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo soon finished eating!

Anyway, Li Jiaguan was in a coma for three days and nights, and they had a certain responsibility, so they didn't think it was too much to buy a newspaper for a dollar!

Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo sold a human resources newspaper and returned to the dormitory!

Ai Yongsheng said, "Do you two feel it? Brother Guan is a little different today.

"Yes, I feel the same way. I feel that I have changed from head to toe." Wang Xiaoxuan nodded and said.

"Maybe he slept for too long, which caused some beauty in his mind, and he should return to normal in a few days. If I guess correctly, Brother Guan went to the playground to memorize English words. It's a coquettish year that loves to study. Xu Yongbo stretched out and said.


After more than 50 minutes, Li Jiaguan pushed the door and entered the dormitory!

Li Jiaguan was sweating heavily, gasping for breath, his face was red, and he looked like he had just done intense exercise.

"Brother Guan, didn't you go to be killed by English words?" Xu Yongbo asked with an unexpected expression.

"Well, I got on the horizontal bar and loosened my muscles and bones." Li Jiaguan said, wiped the sweat on his head with a wet towel, saw the human resources newspaper on the table, and read it himself!

Wang Xiaoxuan, Ai Yongsheng and Xu Yongbo even looked at each other with some chilling faces. It seems that Li Jiaguan woke up after three days of coma and really changed!