Generation Emperor

Chapter 7 Miao Hansheng

PS: Brothers, get up and throw away. The list of classified new books fell down and retreated two. The pain of Yihai...

Chapter 7 Miao Hansheng

Manager Zhang has seen many young people with personality, and in the eyes of an old fox, many young people with personality are not personal to put it bluntly, they are just brainless! Brainless pretends to have some unique talent, as if unconfident people always like to say that they are the best!

However, Manager Zhang has a small appreciation for Li Jiaguan's personality! It's not because of the theory of worthless attitude mentioned by Li Jiaguan. In society, the highest level is to show different attitudes in front of different people, talk to people, and tell ghosts! But Manager Zhang heard that Li Jiaguan could actually know that he can't make money by asking for pity. If he wants to get the wealth he wants, he must create far more value for the company! This is the truth! Nowadays, young people know too much about this, but too few understand this! Li Jiaguan can say this without humility or aura during the interview, which shows that this young man still has merits! However, Manager Zhang knows that the position to be recruited by 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.' this time requires not only insight into the nature of the matter, but also the ability to mediate between the crowd! It's too angry to deal with people, the only animal on earth that is more cunning than a fox! Therefore, although Manager Zhang has praise for Li Jiaguan, he does not think that Li Jiaguan can be competent for this job!

Li Jiaguan continued, "If I guess correctly, your company is actually divided into two forces, and these two forces are not at odds!"

"You..." Manager Zhang's expression stagnated as soon as his fat face heard it! He said, "Go on."

"In general companies, bosses can create some evaluation systems to make employees have some sense of competition. For example, in a company, there is a director in a certain area, three senior managers, and the boss conducts some performance evaluation between several directors, so the directors will still be very harmonious and dark. Jiner, then the director creates the discord and competition between his three senior managers, and the senior manager creates the discord and competition between his regional managers. In this way, the boss gets the greatest benefit! This kind of discord within the company is very common in most enterprise management models! What I'm talking about is not the internal discord in your company! But there are two directors under a boss, and there is no discord between the two directors, and there is no discord between the senior managers under their respective directors, as well as the regional managers and department managers under each senior manager! In other words, this discord cannot stimulate the enthusiasm of the employees of the whole company. The boss of the company not only does not get the greatest benefit, but also has to pay for the cracks between the two forces! In fact, a nominal company has a faint tendency to disintegrate! If it weren't for the special nature of your company, it would be impossible to be independent without a certain *, and that * is only in the hands of the boss. I'm afraid that the 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.' has already broken up in half now! And the boss of your company should not belong to any of these two forces, and Manager Zhang does not belong to any of these two forces! And it should be a very valued and trusted person by your boss! Am I right?"

Manager Zhang was shocked by Li Jiaguan's words and added points to the rustic and slightly pedantic young man in front of him! He asked, "How do you know these things?"

"I just went around your company and guessed it casually." Li Jiaguan said flatly.

"You're lying--! Tell the truth!" Manager Zhang suddenly locked his eyebrows, revealing his murderous and fierce eyes, and the fat meat on his face seemed to collapse!

Manager Zhang quickly took out a pistol from the drawer!

He didn't even press the silencer, and directly turned to Li Jiaguan "Peng--!" A gunshot!

Li Jiaguan sat on the chair and did not move, with a calm and calm smile on his face! Li Jiaguan could even feel the bullet flying over his head and the airflow in the air!

"Bum-!" Five or six thres in black suits and sunglasses broke into the door and surrounded Li Jiaguan in the middle!

For a while, the atmosphere in Manager Zhang's office became tense!

There was no fear on Li Jiaguan's face, but hummed softly, "I stood in your company's elevator for two hours, inferred from countless details of people coming and going! This is the truth! Manager Zhang, what do you mean by saying that business does not make benevolence and righteousness? What about such a big company here? As a candidate, I just came in and didn't say a word. Did you draw a gun? Who else dares to work in your company from now on?

Li Jiaguan has always used 'you' instead of 'you' when talking to Manager Zhang! The tone has also become a little tougher!

Manager Zhang never thought that Li Jiaguan could sit so steadily under such a situation that he couldn't help but find that he was not only praised, but also a little curious about the boy in front of him! The cold expression gradually melted down and restored a harmless smile.

"Hey, who asked you to come in? Go out and close the door." Manager Zhang said to the thrushers in black suits and sunglasses.

The hitters in black suits and sunglasses did not hesitate and quickly left the office.

"Ha ha, Xiao Li, I just accidentally got angry! There is no other meaning, don't mind. Manager Zhang laughed.

"Did I pass the interview?" Li Jiaguan was not polite to Manager Zhang.

"This..." Manager Zhang thought for a moment and thought to himself that although the young man named Li Jiaguan in front of him could not see any difference, he could talk freely when his life was on the line. This kind of temperament was not what young people in this era could have. He did not lick blood with the tip of the knife in the world. After more than ten years of fighting, who can not show fear in the face of life and death? And this Li Jiaguan actually said that his analysis and understanding of the company were obtained through the pedestrians in the elevator! Such inference is by no means strong! If people like Li Jiaguan are in peacetime, Manager Zhang will definitely not be hired. It's not that Li Jiaguan's ability is not strong, but that Li Jiaguan's ability is too strong, so strong that it's disgusting. It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but that he doesn't dare to use it! However, today's 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.', as Li Jiaguan said, has faced a real crisis moment. Manager Zhang is really reluctant to meet such a demonic talent as Li Jiaguan!

"Well, welcome to join 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.'! It's an honor to get a talent like you today! Due to some minor incidents, I decided to give you twice the guaranteed salary and a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan! You can work part-time! What do you think?" Manager Zhang came over and stretched out his fat hand to Li Jiaguan.

"Hehe! Five thousand is five thousand. I don't pay attention to the basic salary at all. I said that if I want to get the most wealth, then I have the value of the company giving me so much wealth!" Li Jiaguan smiled, stood up, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Manager Zhang!

"It's really a fat but not greasy hand, hahaha!" Li Jiaguan smiled.

"Hahaha!" Manager Zhang smiled, turned around and picked up a few contracts from his desk in duplicate, gave them to Li Jiaguan, and said, "Look at the contract. If there is no problem, sign your name."

Li Jiaguan was also happy. He didn't look at it and signed his name directly!

In fact, there is nothing to look at. Li Jiaguan knows that he is now alone and has no value to be squeezed at all. On the contrary, at this time, when it is more challenging loyalty, it may be one or two small details that play a key role in his future!

Contract? It's just a piece of paper. For a bright usury company like 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.', there is still someone who can draw a gun? What can a contract bind them?

Although Li Jiaguan's personality has been completely changed, Li Jiaguan's font has not changed accordingly. The three words of Li Jiaguan on the contract are three sharp small regular scripts, angular and clear, giving people a sense of security!

Manager Zhang looked at it, nodded with a smile and said, "Well, nowadays, there are not many young people who can write enough words with their hands. Your font is so beautiful that you don't care about anything else, just pay for your hand and be a secretary for me!"

Li Jiaguan did not show excessive modesty for this kind of praise, but just smiled and said nothing.

Manager Zhang looked at the diamond-laid gold watch on his wrist!

This watch is quite valuable at a glance, but Li Jiaguan's perception of watches is limited to this. For the fashion luxury industry, Li Jiaguan can be said to be still in preschool! Compared with thousands of watches, and even heard that some watches have tens of millions of noble watches, Li Jiaguan prefers electronic watches that cost five yuan. It doesn't take much effort. It's clear at a glance, and it can be changed if it's broken. It can be changed every day. If the watch is broken, it doesn't hurt! Why do you need to get a watch with a turntable? The pointer is so thin that it has no backlight. In the middle of the night, if you want to see the time, you have to use the screen of your mobile phone to shine on the surface! In Li Jiaguan's opinion, those who look at the time with famous watches are simply full, and two of them are burned with money!

"Ha ha, the company's regular meeting is at 8 o'clock tonight! Come and join me! Let me introduce you to the executives of the whole company! Ha ha, let's go. It's getting late. Let's go to dinner together! I also want to introduce to you about our company while eating. Manager Zhang said with a smile.

Li Jiaguan was not pretentious and said sideways, "Let's go."

Manager Zhang took Li Jiaguan out of the building of 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.'. Li Jiaguan thought that Manager Zhang was going to take him to a luxurious western restaurant to reflect his financial position with a gold diamond watch! Unexpectedly, this fat man took himself to a plain farmhouse restaurant opposite the 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.' building!

Manager Zhang and Li Jiaguan walked to the door of the restaurant. Li Jiaguan looked up and saw a storefront of more than 200 square meters, with the sign saying "Farmer's Restaurant"!

The two walked into the farmer's restaurant. The boss's wife saw Manager Zhang's fat body and immediately ran out of the counter and said with a smile, "Manager Zhang, are you here? How many people?"

"Ha ha, just the two of us." Manager Zhang smiled kindly.

"Please do it here." The boss's wife led Li Jiaguan and Manager Zhang to sit down at an Eight Immortals table! Then he asked, "What would you like to eat?"

"Xiao Li, what do you want to eat? Don't worry, it's my treat." Manager Zhang gave the menu to Li Jiaguan!

Li Jiaguan got the menu, didn't look at it, and didn't let it return to Manager Zhang's hand. Instead, he gave the menu to the inspiring boss's wife standing aside and said, "Let's pick our manager Zhang's usual favorite cooking dishes. Let's go five dishes first. In addition, four bottles of beer, the best!"

"Good!" The boss's wife turned into the kitchen with the menu.

When the boss's wife went far away, Manager Zhang took out an iron cigarette box from the pocket of the suit. The iron cigarette box was four inches square. Li Jiaguan glanced at it and found that the cigarette box was also golden, and he couldn't help moving.

Manager Zhang took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and then handed it to Li Jiaguan. Li Jiaguan declined and said, "I don't smoke."

Li Jiaguan could refuse this kind of cigarette, which even the filter mouth of the cigarette was wrapped in gold, and Manager Zhang couldn't help but move.

did not force it. Manager Zhang took back the cigarette and put back the cigarette box. Then he took out a square iron box lighter, turned it, opened the lid, and let out "buzz--!" A pleasant sound.

Manager Zhang is showing off in vain. Li Jiaguan doesn't know that this small iron box lighter is a global limited collection of zippo--!

"How do you know that I often come here for dinner? Do you look like a person who often comes here for dinner? Manager Zhang exhaled a mouthful of smoke, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he enjoyed the pleasure brought by cigarettes, and asked Li Jiaguan.

"Not like that! However, who can judge things in reality by looking like or not? Yes, maybe the consumption of a mouthful of cigarettes can be worth the money for our meal here today! But from the attitude of the boss's wife towards you when you enter the farmhouse, you can see that you must be a regular visitor here! All right, don't gossip and get back to the truth! Tell me about the company."

"Hehe! OK! You guessed right. Due to the incompetence of the boss, our company has split into two factions. The minds of the two factions are brothers who grew up with the boss naked and worked together to achieve this achievement today! Therefore, the boss will not consider restoring the whole company to calm by getting rid of the two of them!" Manager Zhang smiled and said with a serious expression.

"Is the boss of our company called Chen Haonan? What era is this? Do you think our boss doesn't move the heads of those two factions for the sake of righteousness? Li Jiaguan said with a sneer.

But Manager Zhang said without changing his face, "Xiao Li, there are some things and some feelings that are difficult for young people of your age to understand! That's right, in this materialistic era, words are used to deceive primary and secondary school students! However, when you fight side by side with your brothers, you are surrounded by more than a dozen people in an alley with a machete at a time, and the blood on your face reaches the corners of your mouth, with your back to your back, roaring to fight against the trapped beasts, and finally exerted all your strength, leaving countless mouth-like wounds on your body, helping together. When I walked outside, I didn't know if I would hang up at the next moment. The righteousness between the brothers at that time was by no means something that ordinary people could understand! Even today, although the two factions of the company are not at odds, I don't know how many leaders have killed in the hands of the two sides. It is because they are such a desperate brother, so even if they quarreled in the conference room and greeted the 18 generations of the other party's ancestors, they will never do anything!"

"Oh? So that's it. Things look much more complicated than expected!" Li Jiaguan listened to Manager Zhang's words, but his heart was full of yearning for that kind of righteousness!

As Manager Zhang said! Nowadays, those so-called righteous dry clouds, drinking a drink on a table, are called brothers, as if they can kill and set fire for each other, and insert knives in both ribs! This kind of childish and ridiculous so-called righteousness can really only deceive primary and secondary school students who are short-headed! True righteousness, that must be fatal! Only a fateful friendship can be called righteousness! The rest is pure bullshit! Those second-rate people who open their mouths and shut their mouths with righteousness are similar to those animals who open their mouths and shut their mouths when they see women who want to shoot!

"Yes! Sometimes, brothers who can share adversity together are difficult to enjoy happiness together when they are glorious and rich!" Manager Zhang said with sigh.

"Then what should I do? I don't think the boss of our company can help regulate the relationship between the two forces, right? Li Jiaguan smiled.

"Of course! Don't make your family ugly! Such a big thing will never be left to ordinary people! In fact, if you hadn't seen what happened in the company today, I wouldn't have said these words to you! You are a smart person, and naturally you know what will happen if you can't control your mouth. Before introducing your position to you, I would like to introduce myself again. My external identity is Manager Zhang, and within the company, my name is Miao Hansheng, the boss of 'Golden Tycoon Financial Lending Co., Ltd.'!"