Generation Emperor

Chapter 251 It's a big deal!

Chapter 251 is a big deal!

Yamamoto Keiichi is indeed arrogant to a certain extent! Since getting the approval of China's Baidao, he dared to come to China's land to kill innocent people indiscriminately!

On the streets and alleys, those Japanese gangsters simply revealed the animal nature that was not as good as pigs and dogs when they invaded China! Kill when you see people, kill when you see people! There is no humanity at all!

The local white road has nothing to do about the underworld invasion of Japan! The army can't be transferred!

The family members of the relevant personnel of the relevant departments have already received information from the upper level of Bai Dao, and they were transferred from Dalian a few days ago! Now in Dalian, there are only gangsters and poor people!

If it is a revenge against Liu Ruixin, it can be tolerated, but if you dare to kill any Chinese at will on the land of China! Well, it is a big blow to the dignity of the country!

However, today's posture is to wait and see! Silence!

With the help of the hands of the Japanese underworld and Keiichi Yamamoto, you can weaken the underworld in Northeast China on a large scale! At the cost of the death of some poor people, it is a very acceptable thing for the Chinese Baidao!

"Grandma's! It seems that it is really necessary to start killing!" Li Jiaguandao!

Order all his men to take guns and ammunition, and kill them when they see the Japanese in the streets and alleys!

Pang Peng Peng...


For a while, the whole Dalian became a battlefield!

The gun is like a raindrop, flying around in the streets and alleys!

Now you don't have to want to escape from Dalian. The traffic arteries have long been occupied by Keiichi Yamamoto!



Continuous gunfire! It came to the ears of the people on this side of Li Jiaguan!

The faces of Li Jiaguan's side have changed!

How dare they use artillery fire?!

Don't they care about causing the national war?

In this case, Bai Dao did not send an army to destroy the group of devils who came to the door! Li Jiaguan was completely angry!


Endless fighting!

Perverted fight!

Li Jiaguan never thought that things would progress to this point today!

The whole Dalian is gradually becoming a dead city!


At this time, Song Yingying, who had hidden in Lushun, dialed the number and said, "Old man! The little devils have begun to slaughter the city in Dalian.

"tu cheng? Bai Dao is still like a dead dog, watching there! Well, in that case, I think we should also appear! I will inform the one in Shanghai to cover him at sea and cut off the back road for these little devils! Then it's time for us to appear! I have been quiet for 20 years and kept a low profile for 20 years! Now, it's finally time to come out and stretch!" The man who was called an old man by Song Yingying said!

"I have always listened to the legend of the old man. I don't know how much thunder there will be if the old man is powerful!" Song Yingying laughed!

The man called the old man by Song Yingying smiled and said, "Then take a good look! Don't be scared!"

"I have also seen a lot of the world. I don't believe that there are any scenes in this world that I can be scared!" Song Yingying said!

The humane who was called an old man by Song Yingying: "I just like your appearance! Over the years, you have come forward to help me host the underworld in Northeast China. It's really difficult for you! This time I come out to stretch, which is also to make you leisurely.

"Ha ha, then I'll polish my eyes and wait to see." Song Yingying said!


Li Jiaguan and his party went back and forth in the crowd, with guns in their hands, but there were no large-scale lethal weapons!

Looking at the Japanese who dared to use gunfire, Li Jiaguan and his party can only hate it!

Unscrupulous, the Japanese underworld is really unscrupulous this time! No, it should not be said that Japan's gangster, but Japan's white gangster also participated in this massacre of Dalian! Because from the perspective of those arms, without the approval of Japan's Baidao, it is impossible to get so many arms, even if so many arms are born, it is impossible to transport them!

This large-scale bombardment lasted for three days!

Three days later, because the Japanese gangsters have been sprinkled like a handful of sand into a glass of water, it is difficult to separate them all! So stop the large-scale lethal bombing!

This time, Li Jiaguan's side is not going to put up with it any longer!

Li Jiaguan and Liu Ruixin jumped into an alley, one by one! Block five Japanese gangsters in the middle!

Without saying a word, take out the pistol, it's just a shot--!


A head exploded!


Another one!

Another head exploded!


At this time, I became very used to it!

Wang Baotou led tens of thousands of people, and everyone had guns to kill tens of thousands of Japanese underworlds!

The battle lasted for a week!

Japan's underworld, almost all of them have been killed!

But Li Jiaguan knows that this is just an appearance!

In this city, there are many enemies. These people are all assassins, and they have a very high ability to hide!

They are so deep that they haven't really been found yet!

But Li Jiaguan knows that they do exist! Because he hasn't found the killer group on the side of Yamamoto, and even the killers on Liu Ruixin's side have never shown any clues!

Li Jiaguan doesn't know where the enemy is!

I just kept asking Mr. Wang Bao and Gongsun Tiger that someone was dying, but none of the murderers were found!


The style of the world's top secret killer!

When so many dark killers and so many favorites of death have landed in a city, the people in this city are doomed to die!

Just when Li Jiaguan and his party felt a little dizzy!

The entire Dalian air defense alarm suddenly sounded!

After three rings, it turned into a person's voice! "In Dalian, all the people came to the highway intersection within a day and a half and left Dalian through this side! Otherwise, none of them can live!"

This voice is not someone else's, but the voice of the person called the old man by Song Yingying!

When Li Jiaguan's side heard this, their hearts trembled!

Naturally, Li Jiaguan doesn't want his men to die inexplicably at the hands of those secret killers! So he ordered the foreman Wang Bao and Gongsun Tiger to gather the people together, and then walk out of Dalian like an army!

Come to the edge of Dalian!

The people found that the road out of the city, which had been taken by Yamamoto's people, had been taken back by another force!

The road to leaving Dalian was smooth, and Li Jiaguan and his party left Dalian! Li Jiaguan ordered all his men to withdraw from Dalian, Brother Hunshuipao ordered all the personnel of the Spider Club to withdraw from Dalian, Liao Yanhuang ordered all Dongxing personnel to withdraw from Dalian, and Liu Ruixin ordered all the assassins to withdraw from Dalian!


In Dalian, it suddenly turned into a city with only Japanese gangsters and Keiichi Yamamoto's helpers!

Next, something happened that stunned everyone!






In the sky, a fighter flew from all directions!

Li Jiaguan looked at so many fighters in the sky and couldn't help sighing, "Where did this power come from? Is it the white road in China? Do you want to bombard the city?

Liao Yanhuang said, "These fighters are not from the Baidao army! What a mysterious force, I didn't even notice it!"

Liu Ruixin narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. Suddenly, his face changed and said, "These fighters have begun to drop bombs!"

All the people looked at the distant sky!

This is a time of peace!

There are so many fighters involved in the fight between gangsters! I have to say that this matter is really too big!

I really don't know if the media all over the world will report the news here tomorrow!

I saw bottles of suspected bombs falling out of the fighter and towards the city of Dalian!




A series of sound waves rippled!

Standing on the distant mountains outside Dalian, Li Jiaguan, Liu Ruixin, Liao Yanhuang, Hunsuipao, tens of thousands of people, felt the attack of these sound waves, and only felt the eardrums shaking wildly! Five is about to crack! A huge oppressive sound wave came!

All people subconsciously cover their ears tightly with their hands!

This level of sound wave damage is difficult to resist even for people who are some distance away from Dalian! If it is in Dalian, I'm afraid that many people have broken their eardrums now!

"Uh-ah-! What is this?!" Li Jiaguan couldn't help shouting!

Everyone is very uncomfortable with such a strong sound wave impact!

The impact of this sound wave came from Dalian in all directions and lasted for three minutes to stop!

Liu Ruixin said: "This is a sonic bomb. The attack used is different from ordinary bombs. It does not rely on the lethality of gunpowder, but a kind of sound wave that can make human hearing unbearable! Such bombs, compared with ordinary traditional gunpowder bombs, have the advantage of not harming buildings and other animals, and sound waves are simply difficult to defend against by those so-called bulletproof facilities, and can attack people in the areas bombed more thoroughly!"

"Stone bomb, what a powerful weapon." Brother Hun Shuipao sighed.

"Is it the military?" Liao Yanhuang has some doubts!

"Yes, how can the general underworld have weapons of this level?" Li Jiaguandao!

"There is no ordinary underworld, but there are some underworlds in China, which are extraordinary!" At this time, Song Yingying's voice joined their discussion!

Several people looked at Song Yingying!

"Is that you?" Li Jiaguan asked!

Song Yingying shook her head and said, "This time it's not me. This time it's the top leader of our organization!"

"The highest leader? Who is it?" Li Jiaguan couldn't help asking!

"It's the old man." Song Yingying laughed!" It seems that he is really old and keeps pace with the times. He just likes to study these weapons with a certain technical content!"

"Why did he help me?" Li Jiaguan asked!

Obviously, the price and consequences of this bombing are greater than the control value of Liu Ruixin! More than half of Li Jiaguan's utilization value is Liu Ruixin. In the eyes of the organization represented by Song Yingying, once they cause a disaster that needs to sacrifice more value than Liu Ruixin, they will not help!

"Because he is still a patriotic person! If it is not the Japanese who came to Dalian to kill you today, I guess that even if you were chopped into meat sauce, the old man would not help! However, it is precisely because this time you have offended not the underworld forces in China, but the underworld in Japan! If the Japanese underworld wants to come to China's land to show off its power, I'm afraid it will be difficult to go back alive!" Song Yingying said!

"Patriots? Ha ha, in this era, this name sounds quite strange!" Liao Yanhuang laughed!

"The old man you mentioned is quite kind-hearted to use sonic bombs to treat these Japanese!" Liu Ruixin smiled and said!

"Do you have a soft hand? Ha ha, in this world, there are still some people who say that the old man is kind-hearted, hehe! What a laugh!" Song Yingying said with a smile.

"What? Can these sonic bombs kill people in addition to piercing people's eardrums? Li Jiaguan asked!

Song Yingying explained, "Sonbo bombs can't kill people, only because the old man doesn't want to blow up Dalian's buildings. He just put these sonic bombs to force those Japanese to withdraw from Dalian!"


Not only from the Japanese underworld, but also Keiichi Yamamoto's team! After encountering so many overwhelming sonic bombs, they were all blown up! Withdraw to the seaside pier!

I boarded the boat, left the land of Dalian, and came to the sea!

I thought I could escape from the bombing of air fighters!

I didn't expect the fighter to follow!



Bang, bang, bang, bang...!

The sea of the sea was bombarded!

The fighter has changed the bomb!

From a sonic bomb to a gunpowder bomb!

The dense fighter plane is like a dark cloud, covering the whole sky!

The bomb swayed down from the sky like raindrops!

Ships were blown up directly!

Ships were directly blown into powder!

Yamamoto fell on a wooden floating on the surface of the water and looked at the fighter plane back and forth in the sky. He couldn't help scolding: "Eight-grid tooth road! All the people, retreat--!"

Ting, teng, teng, teng...

A row of water airships flying on the water!

"Mr. Yamamoto, the sea ahead is blocked by a row of warships!" Yamamoto received an instruction from the front!

Boom! Rumble--! Rumble--!

Dab Da Da Da Da...


In the fog on the sea, a rain of bullets came out through the clouds!

"Damn--! So many warships?! Damn, China's white road has no credibility, and it actually launched an army for us! Eight-grid tooth road!" Keiichi Yamamoto shouted!

A single airship!

It was either blown up by fighter jets in the air or knocked down by these sudden warships!

For a moment, a wave flew over the whole sea, and a ruined wall!

Li Jiaguan looked at the sea in the distance, the turbulent ground and sea, and really felt the tragedy of the war! This power is really not something that ordinary people can experience through some movies and picture materials!

"What? Does anyone still think that the old man is a kind-hearted person now? Song Yingying laughed!

I'm afraid no one needs to answer this question!

"Who is the old man?" Li Jiaguan asked!

"This is not what you should ask!" Song Yingying said, turning around and leaving!

Liu Ruixin suddenly blocked Song Yingying and said, "Obviously, this scene now has involved the level of war! We didn't want to make such a big deal! But now that it has happened, we should know the planer of this matter to the greatest extent! Obviously, in this conflict with the Japanese underworld, the old man you mentioned has been watching in the position of a bystander! Now that he is involved, we must know who he is! If you are not going to make it clear, do you think you can leave?

"Are you threatening me? Without our help this time, I'm afraid you are still in Dalian. I don't know if you have been assassinated now! Is that how you treat your savior? Song Yingying questioned Liu Ruixin!

Liu Ruixin didn't agree and said, "It's all on the road. Do you think I'm a fool?" If you tell the old man's information, then I can't guarantee that I won't use extraordinary means against you!"

"Do you dare?" Song Yingying said in a fearless tone, "Compared with the strength of those fighters, the most powerful ones you use, are just some submachine guns, * or something, do you think you still have a chance to win? Therefore, if you are smart enough, don't turn the unaffordable side into hostility! This is not good for you!"

"On the one hand, the old man wants to deal with the Japanese, but on the other hand, he wants to annex all of us, right?" Li Jiaguan speculated!

Liu Ruixin said, "Although he saved us, we will not appreciate it, let alone obey him!" Whether to become an enemy or not is something that our side can decide! What you have to do now is to tell the old man's information!"