Generation Emperor

Chapter 266 League Order

Chapter 266 League Order

Three days have passed since the last high-level summit held by black and white high-level officials in Beijing!


In this conference room, next to the round table, there are the instructors of the secret organization of Guobai Road, Wu Xuanxiong, Song Yingying, Liao Yanhuang, Brother Hunshuipao, Liu Ruixin, Xie Wendong, and Chen Haonan!

Xie Wendong's expression at this moment can be described in four words, which is like a spring breeze!

Kill Li Jiaguan and make yourself the leader of the alliance this time. This is not the happiest thing for Xie Wendong. It is the happiest thing for Xie Wendong. It is the undefeated record of Wendong's black post that has been maintained! In this world, no matter who receives Wen Dong's black post, he will definitely die within three days! This record is an honor!

Xie Wendong laughed and said, "Guys, now I come to be the leader of our black-and-white alliance and organize you to fight against the devil leader, the godfather of the United States. Will you have any objection?"

When the instructor saw that Li Jiaguan's seat was empty at the round table, he had determined that Li Jiaguan was dead and nodded and said, "Well, you should do it!"

"Eh? Who said that? Can you count what you said? The muddy robe said!

"Do you have something to say here?" The instructor frowned. For people who are not powerful enough, such as Brother Hunshuipao, he does not have a high enough identity. As a Bai Dao, the instructor looks at people with colored glasses, which is a major feature of Bai Dao!

"Ha ha, if he doesn't speak, what else should he do to attend the meeting? Since he is here, he has a place to speak here!" Liao Yanhuang said!

"You..." said the instructor!

Wu Xuanxiong smiled and said, "Don't you know anything about this? Bai Dao often held meetings. During this period, most people were not qualified to speak, but they just went as an audience who could not express their opinions! This is a major feature of Bai Dao's meeting! However, we underworld will not do so many funny and generous things. Since it is a meeting, every member who comes to the meeting should have the power and qualification to express opinions. If this can't even be guaranteed, there is no need for this person to participate in this meeting!"

Xie Wendong said, "Well, it's a critical moment of survival, and I don't know when the devil will attack!" We need to speed up the selection of the leaders of our alliance, and then we need to assign tasks!"

Liu Ruixin said, "Isn't the alliance leader Li Jiaguan?"

"Ha ha, but he is dead!" Xie Wendong laughed!

"I'm not dead yet!" At this time, Li Jiaguan stood up from under the table! Then I sat in my seat! Say it!

As soon as he saw Li Jiaguan, Xie Wendong's first reaction was shocked and took a cold breath, as if he had seen a ghost! But immediately, Xie Wendong understood that the problem must be Chen Haonan!

"Chen Haonan, aren't you going to give me an explanation? You are so treacherous. Isn't there enough benefit I promised you? Xie Wendong questioned!

Chen Haonan shook his head and said, "I feel that the benefits you have given me have been a lot, and I am also willing to trade with you, but I was also careless. I made a bet with others and lost, so I had to protect Brother Li! In fact, you are also very old. As a senior in the underworld, how can you be like this? Just to fight for fame and profit, I sent Wendong black posts to a junior!"

"You don't talk to me! You mean you are also on my opposite side, don't you? Xie Wendong said in an unhappy tone!

Li Jiaguan said, "Hey, senior Xie Wendong, you made a bet with me three days ago. You mean that if I get Wendong's black post and don't die in three days, you will convince me. Now it's up to you. I'm willing to bet or not, and you want to cheat, right?"

"Playing tricks? Who said I was going to cheat? We want to fight against the American godfather, the leader of al-Qaeda! It is fighting for the freedom of the whole world and the whole earth! I don't care about personal gains and losses! Since I lost, I have no objection to you being the leader of this alliance!" Xie Wendong is not stupid. He knows that these people at this round table now watch him bet with Li Jiaguan. Yes, in front of his strength, his reputation is not even as good as a piece of shit! However, in front of so many head of power, if you openly cheat, the loss will definitely be much greater than not being the leader of the alliance!

"Well, then I'm the leader of our black-and-white alliance. Let's celebrate me?" Li Jiaguan stood up and said with a smile!

The instructor said with a bitter hatred, "Well, being the leader of the alliance means to fight to the end with the American godfather of the leader of al-Qaeda. There is no way out, or it will be a difficult life or a tragic death. What is there to celebrate? Besides, at this time, it's better to make a plan to deal with the godfather! What's the point of wasting time and doing so much formalism?

Wu Xuanxiong, as the representative of Xu Wenqiang, is all kinds of sarcasm. As soon as the instructor said this, he quickly sarcastically said, "Yo, I heard it right! This was actually said from Bai Dao's mouth! Formalism, a waste of time, hahaha! That's funny!"

Li Jiaguan said, "Okay, let me talk about my schedule."

Li Jiaguan said, took out a folder and opened it. Inside is the action plan for this time!

"This is a top secret, one for each person!" Li Jiaguan distributed the action plan to everyone at the round table!

Li Jiaguan said: "Although the American godfather, the leader of Al Qaeda, said that he was an American, he has rarely appeared in the United States, but mostly communicated with the American family through electronic information! The devil base is said to be on an island in the Pacific Ocean, but no one knows where the specific direction is! This devil base cannot be traced through the military satellite positioning system. Obviously, it has been counter-reconnaissad by the godfather's Military Science and Technology Research Institute! The possibility of us pounding the Yellow Dragon is almost zero. It can be said that the enemy is dark and we are in the light, and our situation is very unfavorable! And we still don't know the strength of the American godfather, the leader of al-Qaeda! Therefore, if we want to deal with the American godfather, the leader of the devil al-Qaeda, we must first think about how to defend against the military fire he threw at us! I have set up a defense net!"

Everyone took the document and looked at it carefully. While looking at it, Li Jiaguan explained it!

"Fourth Master Qiao in Northeast China not only has excellent arms, but also has a good relationship with the Russian underworld. The relationship between the Russian underworld and the White Road is very similar to that of the country. If the matter of the godfather of the United States is negotiated with the Russian White Road, I believe that the Russian White Road will also be willing to help! That is, through Russia and Asia, enter Northern Europe! Within this section, it is formed into a section of missile coverage, and Fourth Master Qiao is responsible for it! In Southeast Asia, Chen Haonan is the most powerful, among which the Golden Triangle is the most**. Although I don't fully grasp the details of the American godfather, the leader of the devil al-Qaeda, the main businesses of the seven major families behind him are related to drugs, and drugs are the spirit of controlling people and eliminating people. The godfather is likely to take action against the Golden Triangle first! In this area, Chen Haonan's forces should step up the regional coverage of missiles! I know that twelve drug lords in the Golden Triangle have a great power. Among them are scientific research and technical departments, and it is possible to detect that your missile network will cover them! Don't worry about this. I have sent people to kill all the whole family of these twelve drug lords! As long as a latitude line in Southeast Asia and the Golden Triangle is prevented, the mainland can ensure that it will not be attacked horizontally! But there are still vertical attacks, and this will be asked by Xie Wendong! Xie Wendong's power can be said to be everywhere in the whole world. Even the well-informed underworld departments dare not say that they fully know all the belongings of Xie Wendong! Especially Xie Wendong's military satellite is unique among all the underworld and white roads! The vertical attack of the American godfather, the leader of al-Qaeda, can play a key role! And the godfather is also likely to extend his strength to many vicious * incidents, just like Keiichi Yamamoto. He intervened in the revenge team with the help of the Japanese underworld and the godfather of us. In fact, he is serving the godfather of the United States! This kind of attack is actually the most important thing we need to pay attention to! Therefore, instructors need to pay attention to this! The white road of the country protects the dignity of the country too poorly! If the white road of the country can be tougher, this kind of thing can be much less! Therefore, next, if the country's organizations conflict with foreign organizations, once the matter is big, as the country's white way, we must come forward to defend the interests of the country's organizations! Don't worry about the international impact! If a country's white road doesn't even know the protection of its own country's organization, it is the biggest ridiculous, sad and worst impact in the world! Therefore, the instructor needs to be responsible for the defense like inserting a needle in the seam! The white road of the country has always been very bad, so I will pay attention to it regularly! The other thing is to prevent other undercover agents with the godfather on the ground of the country from being combined inside and outside! But we don't know which is the godfather's undercover agent and which is not. Although I also know that it is not possible to kill a thousand by mistake without letting go of one theory, but sometimes, just like this time, if we don't follow this idea, the world will fall and the planet will become a slave of the godfather. , I think that before defeating the godfather, any gang forces against our alliance on the ground of the country should be dealt with as suspected godfathers planted in the country! In this way, we can ensure that the country is as indestructible as an iron barrel!" Li Jiaguan said!

In fact, everyone can hear it. The last one is completely that Li Jiaguan is using the power of this alliance to eradicate all the gangs that conflict with his forces on the land of the country, whether it is the underworld or the white way, and clearly eliminate dissidents with the power of the alliance!

But no one wants to expose this!

The reason is very simple. Li Jiaguan is the leader of the alliance!

It's not about how powerful the alliance leader is! But Li Jiaguan has too many opportunities to consume the means of either side!

For example, Wu Xuanxiong, if he exposes Li Jiaguan in the plan, some terms are sending dissidents with the help of the alliance! Then Li Jiaguan may admit or defend it at the meeting! And the next time when assigning tasks, most of Xu Wenqiang's forces will be put on the front line as cannon fodder. After a few times, I'm afraid Xu Wenqiang's power will be eaten up!

The first level of the official Congress crushed people to death!

Don't offend the leader before you have the ability to protect yourself!

Even though Li Jiaguan is using power for personal gain, there is nothing he can do. This is the most normal thing!


In the region of the country, the alliance of the underworld and the white road has officially begun to operate!

The country is the most critical military place in the world. No matter what force wants to dominate the world, it must be possible to achieve the country!

No country wants to see a strong country, except itself! Otherwise, the world will be in danger of turmoil!

At this time, on a mysterious island in the Pacific Ocean, in the base of the devil!

An old man in his 80s is furious!

The godfather was so angry that the demise of Keiichi Yamamoto and the reinforcements he sent were also annihilated in Shanghai waters by Xu Wenqiang!

The godfather narrowed his eyes with hatred and showed a murderous spirit in front of the computer!

He didn't expect that the black and white of the country could be allied! What's more, I didn't expect that so many underworld emperors of the country had come out of the mountain!

For Xu Wenqiang, Fourth Master Qiao, Chen Haonan and Xie Wendong! The godfather can be said to know the legend of the four underworld emperors very well!

In his view, four of the most interesting five people can be in an alliance, which is difficult to understand in his consciousness. In his opinion, there is a saying in the national culture that one mountain does not allow two tigers! And the godfather really didn't expect to let the four underworld emperors in one alliance!

The godfather called: "Who is the leader of the black-and-white alliance this time?"

"Godfather, the national 00 black and white alliance is called Li Jiaguan, a 19-year-old boy!" The other party on the phone replied!

"What?! Nineteen years old? What's his name?" When the godfather heard this, he was even more surprised. Originally, the godfather was curious about who became the leader of the four underworld emperors. Unexpectedly, the answer was beyond the options!

"His name is Li Jiaguan, Godfather!" At the other end of the phone, the devil's intelligence personnel were as surprised as the godfather when they heard the news!

"What? His surname is Li? Not Ye? Isn't he Ye Wudao's son?" The godfather asked!

"! This man's bottom is very thin! According to our investigation, his bottom line is that he is a very poor child in a small village. After he came out, he didn't make much achievements. He suddenly became popular in the underworld, but even so, it seems too unreasonable for him to become the leader of this alliance! Therefore, my subordinates think that all his files are forged! It's fake!"

"Well, I think so too! This Li Jiaguan's family must not be a simple person!" The godfather cut off the conversation with the information department!

The face has become ugly!

Of course, the godfather will not believe that Li Jiaguan's file is true!

In the black and white alliance of the country! All the people's information, even Liu Ruixin's information has been checked by the godfather!

But it's just the identity of this alliance leader Li Jiaguan! His*! The godfather couldn't think of it. Why couldn't he find out?

The godfather, who has always been omnipotent, can't find out Li Jiaguan's true identity, which makes the godfather feel a little uncertain!

In fact, if the godfather knows that Li Jiaguan is really a grassroots loser who came out of the countryside, I'm afraid that he is more than 80 years old and doesn't need to fight the black-and-white alliance. He will be sad to death!


In fact, many people can imagine that the black-and-white alliance of the country has been established, and the American godfather of the leader of al-Qaeda will know this matter soon!

The godfather of the United States, the leader of Al-Qaeda, should not act rashly until he has identified the black-and-white alliance of the country! That is to say, in the country, it will not be disturbed by the power of the godfather for a period of time!

At this moment, on the continent of the country!

Although Li Jiaguan's power has no name, his name has resounded to the sky and become the spiritual leader of the underworld in mainland China and the gods and Buddhas of the White Road!

On the mainland of the country, the natural underworld is a great fertile land. In countless underworld gangs, there are many powerful forces that think are tens of millions of dollars that can be mobilized, so they think that they can not give Li Jiaguan face, but they didn't expect that money, for Li Jiaguan now, can almost be said There is no lethality at all!

For example, Li Jiaguan opened a field in Shanxi. There is a local underworld alliance of coal bosses. Seeing that Li Jiaguan's power in Shanxi is few thousand people, he doesn't pay attention to it at all! So I don't obey the discipline! How dare you resist! At this time, Li Jiaguan made a phone call, and a bomb fell from the sky, leaving no meat foam!

On the rivers and lakes, a sentence gradually formed: Those who obey Li and rebel against Li will die. If they are not reasonable as Li, they are humane, and Li is the way of heaven!

In less than a few weeks, Li Jiaguan has faintly become the master of the whole mainland!

Whether you are willing to believe and admit it or not, the era of Li Jiaguan, a young man, has come!