Generation Emperor

Chapter 268 Master in the Folk

Chapter 168 Master in the Folk

For the devil master, Li Jiaguan still has a lingering heart when he thinks about it! Remember that the last time I fought with the devil master, after the devil's head was cut off, he still held himself tightly with his arms! If this kind of fighting machine lands in China, the whole country will be in chaos!

And the amount is so big! Li Jiaguan would rather risk the world than allow these devil masters to land successfully!

The population density of Zhejiang is not small, because it is a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, with beautiful water and beautiful scenery. Therefore, some people who come here would rather give up some more generous income from other cities in order to stay here, but also stay and settle down and work happily!

Liao Yanhuang received an order from Li Jiaguan. Seeing so many whining devil masters forcibly landing, he couldn't help but be heartbroken and decided to do so!

China's white road should worry about international public opinion, but there is no need for the underworld!

Use weapons to kill all the devil masters! Those foreign media reporters were also killed to prevent you from talking to the crowd!

Liao Yanhuang will first send his men to kill all these foreign media reporters! Then China's Baidao can use weapons of mass destruction!


While the whining devil master landed, he was like a surging foreign reporter, tracking and reporting all the way. For the devil master, he killed people at sight, smashed the car, smashed, robbed and burned all kinds of evil acts, and filmed and reported the events here to the media all over the world, so that the world People know that in the waters of Zhejiang, China, there are many cruel devil masters landing, and the Chinese people here have suffered a once-in-century disaster! And the Chinese government is actually very ineffective in dealing with these devil masters! Then there are all kinds of criticisms of China's Baidao! In fact, most of these media serve the American godfather of Devil Al Qaeda!

If you are really immersive and arrive at a city near the sea of Zhejiang, you should know that if so many devil masters only use public security police, criminal police and special police to deal with it, the police manpower is not enough! These policemen, in addition to some of the martial arts foundation of criminal police and special police, can have certain capital to protect themselves, and at the same time fight against some devil masters. The remaining police officers, like ordinary people, can only be killed by devil masters in front of devil masters! It is not enough to deal with it at all, and under the tracking and shooting of so many reporters, the police force of Baidao in China can't use firearms to shoot those devils on the street! Once a devil master is shot to death, the media all over the world will criticize China's white path for being inhumane, indiscriminately killing demonstrators directly! China's white road, even if it shoots the police force of the whole country to Zhejiang, is difficult to deal with it like an invulnerable devil! It's not inaction, it's powerless at all!

But with these media, China's Baidao will not be able to use weapons of mass destruction!

Because once weapons of mass destruction are used, the number of people in Zhejiang who are bound to die is far more than the number of devil masters!

Therefore, the task of slaughtering foreign media reporters still needs to be done by the underworld, and then the next thing is to come forward!


Farewell to Song Yingying! Li Jiaguan got on the plane and came to Zhejiang!

The devil dispatched an army for the first time. It can be said that if he can't defeat the first battle, it will be difficult for him as an alliance leader to be stable!

I got off the plane!

Li Jiaguan turned on his mobile phone!

The bell, the bell, the bell, the bell...

Liao Yanhuang called!

"Hey, what's the matter?" Li Jiaguan asked!

Liao Yanhuang has always been a very calm and calm person. For thousands of turbulence in Dongxing, he can always deal with it calmly. But this time, Li Jiaguan can obviously hear it, and Liao Yanhuang's tone is a little flustered: "Li Jiaguan, have you been to Zhejiang? Be careful not to meet the devil..."

"I have arrived in Zhejiang. After I turn on the GPS media system of my mobile phone, you can find my location through the mobile phone map! What's wrong? Hasn't the devil master been eliminated yet? Didn't Bai Dao use weapons of mass destruction? Li Jiaguandao!

"There is a hard stubble! Oh, I'll talk to you when we meet. You're looking for a safe place to hide now. I'll come to you!" Liao Yanhuang Road!

"Well, all right." Li Jiaguan put down the phone and found a forest in a relatively desolate suburb!

The trees here are not too thin to say whether they are thick or thin. If there is danger, you can climb the tree!

Fortunately, although the devil master has not been eliminated, Zhejiang is still quite big after all! Those devil masters have not been ubiquitous, at least in the area where Li Jiaguan landed, they have not been invaded by the devil masters!

After more than ten minutes! Liao Yanhuang came down here with a cart of live ammunition!

Seeing Li Jiaguan, Li Jiaguan saw that Liao Yanhuang's face was a little pale and weak, as if he had a helpless expression!

"What's going on? What kind of hard stubble?" Li Jiaguan asked!

"It's a long story! Yesterday, I received your instructions to send troops to kill all those international journalists! Then call the Chinese Baidao instructor to launch weapons of mass destruction to stop the spread of devil masters in Zhejiang! However, when the instructor launched a missile and flew over Zhejiang, the missile's navigation system was disturbed, deviated from the channel, rushed directly to the sky, and exploded at a height of 600 meters!" Liao Yanhuang Road!

How is it possible? How can even China's Baidao missile navigation system be deciphered? Li Jiaguan was surprised!

"Yes, this matter is not a small matter. If the source code of Baidao's navigation system can be deciphered, it means that all the missiles of Baidao have become dumb! For the godfather, we will be a group of barbarians in the cold weapon era, and his missile can be easily solved! This is so horrible! The instructor has begun to modify the source code of the orbital system of all missiles in Baidao, China! But it hasn't been tested yet, so it can't be launched into Zhejiang again to avoid accidents and causing unimaginable losses!" Liao Yanhuang Road!

"Such a serious thing..." Li Jiaguan fell into meditation and immediately said, "I don't think it should be done by the godfather. Otherwise, if he mastered the source code of China's Baidao's munition missiles, I'm afraid that there can be no obstacle to directly attack China. Why use the devil master to forcibly land? I think someone else should have participated in this battle this time! The master is in the folk!"

"Alas, even so, weapons of mass destruction cannot be used for the time being! Can we only watch thousands of devil masters land on China's mainland? You know, the cruel methods of these devil masters are simply terrible! Moreover, ordinary people, for these devil masters, are helpless at all. Mainland China is still a place where guns are banned, and the people are unarmed. For those devil masters, they are simply wolfed by devil masters! It's even more tragic than the wolf's sheep. The wolf also has a time to eat. These devil masters are murderous, with knives, extremely fast, and sleepless. They are simply like a group of solar robots! If it goes on like this, even if there are many people in mainland China, it is not enough to kill!" Liao Yanhuang Road!

Li Jiaguan knew that Liao Yanhuang was also a person who had seen the world, with floating corpses all over the wild, and thousands of corpses covering the street square. Liao Yanhuang also often saw it, but this time, he could make Liao Yanhuang feel so uneasy that there were some trembling in his tone! It can be seen that what has the devil master done to the people of Zhejiang this time?

Li Jiaguan asked, "Have all foreign journalists been killed?"

Liao Yanhuang nodded and said, "Well, kill them all!"

"Well, I'll contact Xu Wenqiang. You can contact the instructor and send tanks and rockets! Come to this side of Zhejiang and use these sharp weapons of land warfare to deal with these devil masters! Comprehensive gunfire coverage can also eliminate all the devil masters! Now, for the lives of the people of mainland China, we can only risk the lives of the people of Zhejiang first!" Li Jiaguandao!

"Well, all right!" Liao Yanhuang said firmly!

Li Jiaguan dialed Wu Xuanxiong's phone and assigned the task to: "The American godfather, the leader of Devil Al Qaeda, has sent an unknown number of devil masters, probably more than 100,000, landed in the waters of Zhejiang, and quickly dispatched all armored vehicles, tanks and rocket vehicles from Shanghai, along the fan to Zhejiang. Come down! When you see the devil master, you will be bombarded! Whether it will affect the pond fish or not! This time it's too big to take care of the people of Zhejiang!"

"Good!" Wu Xuanxiong said arrogantly!

Like Wu Xuanxiong, other people's money is regarded as dung by him, and other people's lives have nothing to do with him!

After receiving Li Jiaguan's order!

5,000 tanks began to move towards Zhejiang at full speed, and there were 1,000 rocket launchers! Five hundred armored vehicles!

All five thousand tanks were driven out and appeared on the national highway! China's crude national highway asphalt road was immediately crushed to pieces, but it did not affect the progress of the tank!

In the extremely huge and majestic smoke and dust, 5,000 tanks gathered around and drove quickly! This scene, even in times of war, is difficult to see, let alone in times of peace! Along the way, many people took out their mobile phones to take photos and send microblogs!

However, when the photo was just uploaded to the Internet for a second, the network port IP of the mobile phone was harmonized! After 20 minutes, there were 'water collectors' from relevant departments to arrest those mobile phone holders to 'drink tea'!

Tens of thousands of people let the disaster fall from the sky! Weibo is risky, and mobile phone control needs to be cautious!

After Liao Yanhuang contacted the instructor, tanks also marched at full speed from the Nanjing Military Region to Zhejiang!

The equipment of Baidao is more popular than that of the underworld!

But no one dares to take photos along the way!



Along the way, these arms can be said to be stopped by people from killing, Buddha from killing Buddha, and absolutely look down on!

Arrived in Zhejiang!

I only saw someone suspected to be a devil's master. Whether the other party was at the bottom of a high-rise building or in the crowd, it was directly bombarded by gunfire!

A cannonball flew into the crowd, a roar, and then there were all kinds of noisy calls for help, and the crowd scattered!

But at the point of the explosion!

All kinds of broken arms and legs were blown up in all directions!

In the suburbs of Zhejiang!

Li Jiaguan, Liao Yanhuang, Wu Xuanxiong, instructor, have met!

"Hahaha, if we follow this explosion, I'm afraid it won't be long before these devil masters will be fried into meat sauce!" Seeing these bombings, the instructor did not feel sad at all for the loss of people's lives. Instead, he felt that this kind of pleasure of fragile life was very good!

"Yes, these devil masters are still flesh and blood after all! If you encounter gunfire, you still have to turn into flesh and blood!" Wu Xuanxiong is also very happy!

Li Jiaguan said, "The source code of Bai Dao's military navigation has been deciphered, which is disturbing!"

"It's not deciphering, but stealing! Our Baidao source code uses the world's most refined technology. If you want to decipher these source codes, it will take at least 50 years to achieve it! This time, the source code was leaked because in the military department, a network engineer who had been lurking for 30 years was an undercover agent of the organization outside!" Instructor!

"Is it the devil's undercover agent?" Li Jiaguan asked!

The instructor shook his head and said, "I don't know, he was dead when we caught him!" It should have been silenced by the other party after he leaked the source code! This person has been an undercover agent for their organization for 30 years. How many 30 years can a person have in his life? I didn't expect that the other party would kill this person just by saying that, and then he would kill this person! Don't leave any affection!"

When the instructor said this, he was a little sad!

The instructor worked for Baidao all his life, but when he asked himself if one day he might fall into the hands of the enemy, because he knew countless secrets of Baidao, would Baidao devote his life to the construction of Baidao and spare his life? Obviously, this answer is self-evident!


Suddenly, a loud noise came from Zhejiang!

This loud noise shocked the world, and the whole earth seemed to shake!

Li Jiaguan, Liao Yanhuang, instructors and Wu Xuanxiong, staggered in the violent shaking, and Li Jiaguan and instructors sat on the ground!

It took about five minutes to calm down!

"What's going on?" Wu Xuanxiong frowned and shouted!

At this time, Wu Xuanxiong and the instructor received a call from their subordinates at the same time.

"Teaching officer, something has happened to us! There is a base here, and there are missiles! After the missile exploded at that moment, we lost at least 3,000 tanks! We have all been caught now..."

"Waste! You bastards!" Wu Xuanxiong was so angry that he dropped his mobile phone!

The instructor said, "Is that the leader who grabbed your power and asked you to call me?"

"...yes!" The voice at the other end of the phone, fear and despair!

The instructor frowned. After hearing a chaotic sound at the other end of the phone, another person's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Did you send these armies of suffering creatures?"

"No, it's our leader." Instructor!

"Give him the phone!" The other party's voice is full of a kind of strange magnetism, which makes people not only not be disgusted, but also willing to listen to it!

The instructor handed over the mobile phone to Li Jiaguan!

Li Jiaguan said to the phone, "Hey."

"It has nothing to do with me to kill innocent people for selfish desires, but it's a pity that I quietly hold a beautiful woman and drink Longjing here, but I'm always disturbed by your gunfire. You should die!" That voice is very lazy, as if lying **!

"Our alliance is very strong, don't make trouble! Otherwise, this won't have any good results for you." Li Jiaguan said!

"Oh? Is that right? That's interesting. Come and see me. I want to see what you look like. It's better that you don't look too ugly. Don't let me lose interest in playing with you as soon as I see you. That will also be disappointing, and you will die immediately!" That voice said!

"Who are you?" Li Jiaguan asked!

"You can call me prince." That voice is demonic!

"Prince? How can I find you? Li Jiaguan asked!

"Isn't the phone I'm using now a GPS GPS system? You can find it! I'm going to bed now. It's better not to wake me up, or you'll be unlucky. After the prince finished speaking, the call was cut off!

"How's it going?" Liao Yanhuang Road!

Li Jiaguan said, "It seems that this is a master among the people! When I just talked to this person, I didn't take the initiative at all. Instead, I was vaguely oppressed by him between words! This man is not simple!"

"What should we do next?" Liao Yanhuang asked!

"Yes, now most of our armored weapons have been blown up by this guy, and now there are devil masters landing in Zhejiang. I'm afraid there will be trouble if it goes on like this!" Wu Xuanxiong said!

"If it really doesn't work, try another missile." Instructor!

Li Jiaguan said, "This prince is not simple. Let's go to him!" If it can develop well, it is also a good thing to absorb him into our alliance!"

Through a simple dialogue, Li Jiaguan has realized that this so-called prince is absolutely different from ordinary underworlds!