Medical official path

Chapter 3 Strong New Concept 3

The two-step street night market is very famous in Chunyang County. In the early 1990s, the nightlife here was limited to eating in the night market and watching movies. It was really monotonous. ( Full-text novel reading is all on Shilu Literature Network)

Gao Wei chose to sit in Lao Li's casserole. Lao Li's casserole is the most popular one in the night market. A total of eight of them came. The boss asked the little worker to put two small tables together. Because Zuo Xiaoqing came in person, Gao Wei also performed quite generously. He ordered a total of four The two cold dishes of rice and fried fish are full on the small table.

Most of the interns were very knowledgeable. No one sat down on the bench on the right side of Gao Wei. That position was obviously reserved for Zuo Xiaoqing. Zuo Xiaoqing looked at the remaining two empty seats and did not sit down immediately. Zhang Yang, an intern of the health school, actually sat next to Gao Wei without a winny, and said It's rich!"

Zuo Xiaoqing sat down next to Zhang Yang, and all the interns couldn't figure out why Zuo Xiaoqing favored this intern so much tonight? In Gao Wei's opinion, Zuo Xiaoqing deliberately used Zhang Yang as her shield. What's a pity is that this health school student is so numb. Can't you see that the teacher is unhappy?

Gao Wei was very unhappy. He waved his hand and asked for two bottles of Red Star Erguotou.

Chen Guowei's interns hurriedly waved their hands and said hypocritically, "Mr. Gao, we don't drink!" In fact, these kids had an alcohol test when they were in college.

Gao Wei laughed and said, "Actually, I'm not a few years older than you. In the hospital, you call me Mr. Gao. When you go out of the hospital, you call me Brother Gao, or you can call me Gao Wei directly. Maybe we will be colleagues next year!"

The boss sent eight glasses. Gao Wei ordered two coke for the two girls, and then began to pour wine into the glasses: "Thanks to you today, your group of interns are the highest quality since I taught them. Of course, I mean the majority!"

Zhang Yang knew that Gao Wei had knelt down a few people, but he didn't have any reaction. He stretched out his chopsticks and took a large intestine and put it in his mouth: "It smells so good!" This man is indeed not polite, and his arrogant attitude is obviously fighting back against Mr. Gao.

Gao Wei scolded the boy in his heart for being disrespectful, but sitting in the teacher's position, he had to pretend to be a little generous and picked up his glass: "Come on, everyone's hard work. Cheers to our friendship!"

Regardless of Zhang Yang's past and present life, drinking has never been ambiguous. With one mouth, more than half of the cup of Erguotou has been drunk cleanly, Xiao Erliang! For a moment, everyone's eyes were against him. Zhang Yang didn't realize it. He picked up a peanut and stuffed it into his mouth in a hurry and chewed it sweetly. There was no cheers except him. Zhang Yang looked around strangely: "Didn't you say cheers? I'll do it first, Gao Wei, you proposed it!"

Gao Wei was stunned with half a glass of wine. He proposed to toast, but he didn't say that he really wanted to finish it in one bite. It's paralyzed. This is 56 degrees and two pot. This boy is actually a huge amount. Anyway, I'm also your teacher. You fucking call me by my name, but think about it Who can he complain about? Gao Wei's intention was to tell Zuo Xiaoqing that he was the same age as her. He didn't want to let Zhang Yang join the army instead.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, a group of interns all turned their eyes to Gao Wei. In their hearts, Gao Wei is the strong man. Some people dare to openly challenge the strong and put aside the right and wrong of things. Such courage is worthy of admiring.

What Gao Wei really cares about is how Zuo Xiaoqing looks at himself. As he said, he is also a young man. He is only 25 years old, and he has blood and impulse in his bones. What's more, he originally valued this face. His drinking capacity is not bad, and there is still no problem. In front of a group of students Unable to show weakness, he looked up and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile. Although his expression was kind, he still couldn't hide the coldness in the depths of his eyes.

Chen Guowei also did it in one gulp. Although the other interns were mediocre, they were young, and they still had gallbladder. They bravely drank the wine in the glass one by one. The alcohol was indeed a good thing. After drinking it, the atmosphere was much warmer. The voices of these interns were obviously much When the scene started, Zhang Yang calmed down. Among them was the reason why he was incompatible with these personalities. Another important reason was that he found that there was a 17-inch color TV in the night market, which was broadcasting the evening news, and the beautiful female anchor Hailan was broadcasting the Jiangcheng night news.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, and others didn't bother to pay attention to him. Gao Wei took the opportunity to talk to Zuo Xiaoqing, but unfortunately there was Zhang Yang in the middle, which was really not easy to get close.

Hong Ling is also an exquisite-minded master. From time to time, she quietly matched Zuo Xiaoqing and Gao Wei. Now she has guided the topic to the topic of going to the cinema the night after tomorrow. Zuo Xiaoqing doesn't want to go deeper into this issue. She quietly changed the topic and raised the coke in her hand and took the initiative Watching the TV attentively, Zuo Xiaoqing asked him to drink a toast. He didn't even think about it. He grabbed the glass on the table and dried it again. This time, it was full of Erguotou. Just now, Hong Ling took special care of him when she poured wine. Although Zhang Yang didn't say anything, he still became the focus of attention

Gao Wei laughed somewhat unnaturally. He had three or two pot heads in a full cup. He didn't feel sorry for the wine, but the amount of alcohol was too scary.

Zhang Yang put down a drop of glass left. Zuo Xiaoqing didn't expect that she raised the glass as a result. She said with concern, "Zhang Yang, eat vegetables quickly. How can you drink so much?"

Chen Guowei's boys can only be amazed.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This wine is fine!" The speech is clear, and as expected, he is not drunk at all.

Hong Ling unconsciously regarded Zhang Yang as the opposite. She stood up and poured wine for Zhang Yang. Zuo Xiaoqing saw that she had taken the opportunity to treat people and whispered, "Hong Ling, don't fall down. I have to go to work tomorrow."

Hong Ling was still afraid of Zuo Xiaoqing. Hearing her say this, she immediately gave up the idea of pouring wine for Zhang Yang.

Who would have thought that Gao Wei would speak: "I think Zhang Yang has a good drinker. If you like it, just open it! Now it's after work, everyone should relax as much as possible, which is called knowing life.

"Mr. Gao's words are philosophical!" Hong Ling missed the opportunity to flatter. Since she had Gao Wei's words, she immediately added a lot of wine to Zhang Yang.

Zuo Xiaoqing quietly touched Zhang Yang's knee with her left leg, reminding him to control himself.

Zhang Yang has always been an unyielding temper, not to mention that he was already very drunk. Seeing that Gao Wei and Hong Ling wanted to intoxicate himself, a nameless fire in his heart had already risen, but with a faint smile on his face, he picked up the glass: "What... Mr. Gao, I would like to toast you!"

Gao Wei didn't expect that this boy's counterattack came so quickly, but he had to raise his glass: "Drinking too much hurts the body, let's do whatever we want..." Before he finished speaking, he raised his neck and looked at Gao Wei with a smile. Obviously, he said that I have drunk all the students. Now when it comes It's the teacher.

Gao Wei asked himself that he didn't have the ability to drink three or two pots in one sip, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm still casual!" He is still a kind person. Gao Wei disdained to drink with Zhang Yang. I'm your teacher, and I'm strong. I'm just bullying you. What can you do?


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