Medical official path

Chapter 14 Functions of condoms 1

[Update in the morning, please recommend, please collect!]

Wang Boxiong stood up in time: "The evil spirit in the countryside should be a good moment. We cadres should serve the people, but we can't even have the most basic security guarantee. How can we work if it goes on like this?" He turned to Guo Daliang: "Deputy head of Guo, you should reflect on this matter. Why did the public security in Heishanzi Township become like this? Call the police officers of the police station for a meeting. What were they doing when it happened? I think if they are more efficient today, things will not go back to this point. ( When the book was talking, he looked coldly at Hu Aimin and said to himself, "You son of a bitch, jump. Today, you and Guo Daliang went to deal with the disputes of the township government. How far is it from Hongqi Primary School to the township government? Why did it take so long to arrive? Don't you want to work with me?

Guo Daliang nodded aggrievedly. Today, it seemed that all the spears were aimed at him. His deputy township head was quite a little bit of a person. He scolded in his heart, Wang Boxiong and Hu Aimin, you two fought and did nothing. Why do you always talk to me?

Wang Boxiong added: "Spring planting is about to begin, and a working group should be set up in the countryside to go deep into every natural village to check the preparation of spring planting. In view of the fire in Hongqi Primary School, I suggest to carry out fire inspection of villages and primary schools while doing a good job in spring planting, and also pay attention Only then did Wang Boxiong notice that Zhang Yang was looking at him with his eyes. Obviously, he was looking forward to the work arrangement. Wang Boxiong added with a smile, "By the way, there is also the top priority, family planning work!"

All the people who attended the meeting were a little confused. When did this family planning become a top priority? I can't help but look up at Director Xiao Zhang again.

The working group decided on a candidate at this meeting. The leader of the working group is Guo Daliang, the deputy head of the township. Because he is the deputy head of the township in charge of fire protection and public security, Guo Daliang has been pushed to the forefront of the storm today, and Guo Daliang is really depressed and does not want to continue to stay in Can't you afford to hide if you can't afford it? Out of this consideration, Deputy Director Guo wisely chose the grass-roots level. Zhu Chuan, the township propaganda officer, is responsible for publicity, Dong Kaizheng of the township agricultural science and technology station is responsible for the guidance of agricultural science and technology, and Du Yufeng, deputy director of the township police station, is responsible for public security work. Zhang Yang, who has just come to Heishanzi Township as the deputy director of the family planning office, is In order to highlight the importance of family planning, Secretary Wang appointed Director Xiao Zhang as the deputy leader of the working group on the spot, which is also the policy of Secretary Li Changyu to add some burdens to Zhang Yang. However, this decision still amazes many township standing committee members. A deputy director who has just taken office and a small person who does not even have a formal The man actually became the deputy leader of the working group. The reason behind this can't be thought too much. Hu Aimin, the head of the township, has already had the idea of investigating and publicizing the background.

Back to the family planning office, Zhang Yang found that even Xiao Wei's eyes looking at him were also very different, and his eyes were full of worship and respect. By the way, in the face of a brave man who can single-handedly challenge 43 fierce villagers, anyone will feel like Gao Gao Shan, not to mention that this brave man is still Xiao Wei

The news that Zhang Yang was the deputy leader of the working group also reached Xiao Wei's ears. She whispered her congratulations to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang still knew nothing about the specific procedures for going to the countryside. Fortunately, Xiao Wei knew more and told Zhang Yang that the main task of going to the countryside was nothing more than It is to eat and drink. Of course, it is necessary to publicize the importance of family planning work. Another thing is to give the common sense of contraception to the people. In the past, when Director Xu went to the countryside, he would bring two large boxes of condoms and distribute them to the villagers in need.

After all, Xiao Wei is an unmarried young woman. When she reported to Director Zhang, she was always blushing, which more or less added a little charm to her. Zhang Yang listened to her with a smile. The original intention of this guy was to pretend to be approachable to his subordinates, but in Xiao Wei's view, he intuitively felt the In the end, the voice has become like a mosquito. Fortunately, Director Zhang did not harass verbally and in action. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's it, Xiao Wei, go and help me prepare two boxes of condoms!"

Xiao Wei retreated with a red face and couldn't help complaining in his heart. Director Zhang really didn't shy away from talking. He was not married yet.

After Xiao Wei left, Zhang Yang's eyes were immediately focused on the phone on the desk. The phone was 80% new. I don't know if it was released from that department. Dial-disk. If the township government wanted to call the outside line, he had to dial 9 first. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang had to call the County People's After going to the operating room for an internship, Zhang Yang was somewhat frustrated. He put down the phone and thought of his acquaintances in Chunyang County. Finally, he thought of one. Mrs. Su, Li Changyu's sister-in-law, was good to her. Besides, it was still necessary to report his work to Secretary Li in the past two days. Zhang Yang The phone called Li Changyu Weiyuan's residence. After rang twice, Mrs. Su's timid voice came from the other end of the phone. Although the old lady had been in the city for many years, she still had a considerable sense of mystery about the phone. After all, she felt that it was better to talk face to face.

"Who is it?"

"Dear, it's me, Zhang Yang!"

"Zhang Yang, you child, I was just talking about you. I stewed spareribs tonight. Come over for dinner!"

Zhang Yang felt a burst of warmth in his heart. After all, there are still people in the world who care about themselves and care about themselves. People are often moved by some trivial things. Zhang Daguan Ren found that he has begun to slowly integrate into the world, began to adapt to his role, and began to feel all kinds of different emotions. This may be the sensibility often said in the book. He said with a smile, "Madam, I'm in Heishanzi Township. I can't go back until the weekend. The native chickens here are good. I'll bring you two when I go back."

"Montenegro? How can it be so far? Why didn't you listen to Uncle Li? Then you must come over for dinner on Saturday!"

Zhang Yang readily agreed and asked the old lady about her recent health, and then hung up the phone.

Xiao Wei sent two large boxes of condoms to the family planning office. When he saw Zhang Yangzheng on the phone, he put the condom on the desk, turned around and went out again.

Zhang Yang muttered with the phone and wanted to call his mother about his mother's recent situation. Unfortunately, there was no phone at home. With a try, he made a phone call to the orthopedics department of the County People's Hospital.

The little nurse over there who answered the phone has heard his voice: "Looking for Zuo Xiaoqing? Coincidentally, she just got off the stage and seems to have gone to the toilet! Why don't you call back later?"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Your voice is so beautiful, like the announcer of China Central Radio. Anyway, I have nothing to do. Can you chat with me?"

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