Medical official path

Chapter 28 Emergency 1

Medical Official Road Chapter 28 [Emergency] (1)

In the evening, Zhang Yang invited guests to dinner in the four seasons. ( Full-text novel reading is all in Shilu Literature Network) {} I was invited to come here. Dai Xiangliang. He is also the protagonist today. Zhang Yangda is the flag bearer to congratulate him on his promotion.

Du Yufeng, deputy director of the police station. Now he is Zhang Yang's hardcore and alcoholic friend. He is naturally indispensable for drinking. Geng Xiuju, the head of the township government office. Xiao Wei and Wu Hongjin, a new member of the Family Planning Office, were also invited. Guo Daliang also brought Lin Chengbin, the director of the Township People's Congress, a close friend. Lin Chengbin brought his clerk and book Xiao Cui again. Eight people just made up a table.

After a while of politeness. Guo Daliang is still in the first place. Lin Chengbin sat next to his right hand. Geng Xiuju sat on his left hand side. All three of them are township members of the Standing Committee. This is also a matter of course. The rest of the people sat in order. The location of the door was occupied by Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "This is the checkout. Don't rob me!"

Although Lin Chengbin and Zhang Yang have not done much contact with each other. However, the director of the family planning office who suddenly landed has been famous for a long time. He spent his years at the grassroots level. I have been practicing a pair of golden eyes for a long time. Wang Boxiong and Guo Daliang clearly saw Yang's politeness. Although he hasn't figured out Zhang Yang's way so far. However, from the attitude of the above two people, we can guess that there must be a strong backer behind Zhang Yang. Director Lin dares not be guilty of this kind of person. So the banquet started for a long time. Lin Chengbin is low-key and cautious. In fact, he is quietly observing the situation. But he soon found out. Director Xiao Zhang is an active person and has an amazing drinking capacity. He had two drinks with almost everyone.

Guo Daliang is in good spirits when it comes to happy events. In addition, he is the protagonist tonight. Naturally, wine is indispensable. The red head of Guo Dai's face has always been a very self-controlled person. He knew that he would get drunk if he drank like this. Put your right hand on the glass. Xiao Cui is not allowed to pour wine. He smiled and said, "I can't drink it. If you drink it again, you will make a fool of it on the spot. Old. Not only can't I have enough energy, but I can't drink."

Lin Chengbin smiled and narrowed his glass: "If you can't, it doesn't mean I can't. I'm older than you!"

When Du Yufeng heard this sentence, he thought of it. Pass over. He spewed out a sip of wine. He took a breath and said, "Let's take a shower together." I think Guo Xiang will grow up better!"

Cheng Bin and Guo Daliang both said that Du Yufeng has a bad temper. And this man likes to tell jokes at the wine table. Thinking of this opening, he spoke directly to the two of them. Although both of them usually take airs, now they are drinking in private. They also can't stop joking. Lin Chengbin laughed and scolded, "Du Yufeng. You can get on this broken mouth. The mouth is full of yellow accent. Next time, you should take your mouth and close it for a few years.

Guo Daliang echoed: "It's better to be sentenced indefinitely. Let him never speak."

Xiao Cui Xiaowei and Wu Hong are both juniors. The three of us are at a low level. Even if I feel funny, I don't dare to laugh out loud. It's very embarrassed. Zhang Yang looked at Guo Daliang with a smile. Do you think you can be as big as me? This person is quite confident in his part. Geng Xiuju blushed and scolded with a smile, "Du Yufeng, I'm really in front of so many young people. You are also full of words. I really don't know how your daughter-in-law usually suffers from you?"

Lin Chengbin is also interested. Just right, he said, "Of course, it's enjoyment!"

A table of people laughed at the same time. After all, I didn't get married and didn't have a good face. On the pretext of going to the bathroom, Wu Hongjin also followed. Geng Xiuju glanced at Lin Chengbin and said, "It's not serious."

Lin Chengbin was in high spirits at this time. The director of the National People's Congress coughed and said, "This time I went to Huaxi to visit and learn to hear a joke. It's about the people in the mountains..." He paused deliberately. It is very skillful to attract other people's attention.

Guo Daliang smiled and said, "Old. Don't sell less and tell me!"

Zhang Yang and Du Yufeng are also looking forward to it. The director of the National People's Congress said that the level of meat jokes should be extraordinary. Geng Xiuju showed her shyness. But it can be seen from her shining eyes. She was also full of expectations for Lin Chengbin's jokes.

Lin Chengbin said, "Mountain people went to a hotel in Shenzhen to eat. The mountain man asked: Hello! Miss, how much is it? The waiter replied: Touch. 100! The people in the mountains asked, "What's down there?" Waiter: 00! Mountain people: I'm dizzy! Isn't it? What about the water? The waiter said: Sleep,! The people in the mountains were stunned. Oh, my God, why is this expensive? The waiter said: No! One hundred. People in the mountains are cooking: Oh, my God! It's so expensive! Why did the waiter say: all night? It's all at this price. Big brother! Mountain people: What if you don't take it here? Waiter: It's 1000 yuan to take it out!"

It is said that everyone in the same room again, Zhang Yang is also happy to cover the only woman present Geng Xiuju's beautiful face is covered with blush. It's getting more and more delicate. She said, "Lao Lin. Lao Lin. So you learned this when you went to Huaxi Village to study!"

Lin Chengbin smiled and said, "Everything has his two sides. I'm not talking about you. The same thing will have different meanings in the eyes of different people. That's why I tell this story. I want to tell everyone that we can't limit our light to the ravine of Heishanzi Township. Your eyes should be far-sighted. Only in this way can we promote the economic take-off of Heishanzi Township faster. Only in this way can we change the poverty and backwardness of our hometown as soon as possible. His political cultivation is indeed not shallow. It can actually connect the joke with the reality of Heishanzi Township.

Guo Da nodded and said, "It makes sense. We are really too closed. It is necessary to understand the outside world. Only then can we keep up with the development of the times.

Du Yufeng nodded pretendingly and said, "Director Lin's story is full of philosophy. But how can I listen to this mountain man who wants to sleep with the waiter so familiar?

Everyone looked at Lin Chengbin. Lin Chengbin smiled and said, "I am the oldest party member in Heishanzi Township. I can't stand the test!"

Geng Xiuju followed lightly: "I believe in Director Lin's revolutionary purity. Comrade Qiu Ling of our Commission for Discipline Inspection is watching. Even if he has that idea. I don't dare to take action!"

Guo Daliang burst into laughter. In fact, there is nothing between Lin Chengbin and Yu Qiuling. Director Lin and Du Yufeng have something in common. Both of them like to talk about meat jokes to adjust the atmosphere on the wine table. Although this way of talking is a little vulgar. But who makes our leaders in Heishanzi Township love this? Drinking a little wine. Eating wild animals. Talking about meat jokes. Unconsciously, they will be each other

It's getting closer.

The reason why Guo Daliang and Lin Chengbin can get along with each other is that he has no ambition. As a big director, Lin Chengbin is already a person who is about to retire. What he wants to do is to live a stable and smooth life and be a good person. Stay late until retirement. Guo Daliang had no ambition in the past because he was loved by Bo Xiong, and the two mountains could not raise his head. Now Hu Aimin has been suspended. Guo Daliang was relieved and his heart was also active at the same time. Desire and ambition are also beginning to re-emb. He has no intention of competing for power with Wang Boxiong for the time being. He didn't dare to put the fresh example of Hu Aimin in front of him. But he knew better the reason why Wang Boxiong successfully defeated Hu Aimin this time. Director Xiao Zhang has made great contributions. If you can get closer to Director Zhang, it is hard to say everything in the future.


Geng Xiuju also noticed Guo Liang's intention to attract Zhang Yang. I heard that he entrusted the reconstruction of Hongqi Primary School to Zhang Yang. For a moment, I couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd. Make her a little depressed. Make an excuse to go to the bathroom. Go out for air.

Who would have thought that this outing caused a incident that Geng Xiuju met Li Zhen and Li Zhendong, the former principal of Hongqi Primary School, in the yard. He was dismissed and given administrative de facto punishment because of the fire of Hongqi Primary School. I'm depressed. He was an old friend in the evening. Lin Ziyuan, the principal of Heishanzi Township Middle School. Wu Wenkai from the township health center invited him to drink here to comfort him. Originally, it was also Li Zhenmin. It is Vice Director Li who has become more low-key recently. In order to avoid suspicion. It didn't come at all. This group of people gathered together. It inevitably aroused Li Zhendong's sadness. I don't know if I drank too much.

When Geng Xiuju came to the yard. Coincidentally, Li Zhendong just vomited in the bathroom. A pair of drunken eyes look at Geng Xiuju. He scolded, "**!" Li Zhendong was originally a taciturn person. But he has one of the biggest characteristics. As long as you are drunk. That is, the heaven and the earth are the biggest. Even his own father dares to scold him. What's more, he blamed Wang Boxiong, the secretary of the township party committee, for all the dismissal. So I saw his old love, Geng Xiuju. Naturally, the anger came to her.

Geng Xiuju has always been unforgiving. Rely on Wang Boxiong to support her. There are really not many people in Heishanzi Township who dare to provoke her face to face. As for the gossip later, she didn't hear it. But Li Zhendong actually scolded her face to face ** How could Geng Xiu be patient? She raised her eyebrows upside down. A pair of Danfeng's eyes rolled round: "Li Zhen, who are you scolding?"

Li Zhendong, who was full of wine, scolded word by word with Geng Xiuju's nose: "What I scold is that you are scolded, you are the bitch holding Wang Boxiong's thigh..."

Xiu Ju's eyes are red. Although the matter between her and Wang Boxiong is a semi-public secret. But no one dares to scold her in front of her. Anyone who needs self-esteem, although Geng Xiuju can practice his own body. But she can't trample on her own soul. Geng Xiuju felt that the delicate and pure part of her heart that had been guarded was torn apart by Li Zhendong. Then he trampled it with his stinky feet. She bit her lower lip. Suddenly, he screamed and rushed up and raised his right hand and slapped Li Zhendong firmly.

This slap stunned Li Zhendong. It also aroused the fierceness in Li Zhendong's bones. Under the dual effect of alcohol and shame. Li Zhendong is crazy. He grabbed Geng Xiuju's hair and knocked her back. He shouted hysterically, "I'm paralyzed. You bitch, you dare to hit me..."

****************** Hearing the noise, everyone rushed out of the private room in a hurry. You can come to the yard. I saw Li Zhendong standing there in a daze. Geng Xiuju's pale face collapsed on the ground and the red blood was flowing down the back of her head. A winding red stream has been formed on the gray-white ground.

Because Zhang Yang sat at the door, he rushed to Geng Xiuju for the first time. He touched the pulse of Geng Xiuju. She quickly sealed several key points on her.

With the special feeling of the police, Du Yufeng immediately locked the suspect and grabbed Li Zhendong's arm and twisted him and roared, "Squat down!"

Li Zhen] is stupid. He was just in a hurry. The consequences are not taken into account at all. Who would have thought of this collision? Unexpectedly, he bumped Geng Xiu into a look. Looking at the blood on the ground. Geng Xiuju's face is as pale as paper. Not yet, she is dead or alive. Li Zhendong's eyes darkened. The wine woke up in an instant. The legs are soft and powerless. A voice in my heart shouted repeatedly. It's over! I became a murderer...

Guo Daming and Lin couldn't help frowning at the bloody scene in front of them. When you see the protagonist of this matter. Both of them had extremely heavy expressions.

In Li Zhendong's private room where he was drinking, Lin Ziyuan and Wu Wenkai also heard the sound. When they figure out what's going on. The two of them wished that they had never appeared at all. This is a big deal. Li Zhendong was drunk and killed people. Fundamentally speaking. That's drinking too much with them. What is the relationship between Geng Xiuju and Wang Boxiong? There is nothing that the cadres, big and small in Heishanzi Township don't know. The consequences of Wang Boxiong's crime. No one can imagine.

Guo Daliang was the first to react. He fingered Lin Ziyuan and Wu Wenkai angrily. He roared almost like a roar, "No one can run away today!"

Lin Chengbin said to Xiao Cui with a solemn face, "Contact Secretary Wang immediately. Um... All township members of the Standing Committee should be notified."


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