Medical official path

Chapter 36 Your and my love can only pass by

Zhao Xinwei stood there like a cold cicada, honestly listening to his sister's scolding. He didn't dare to talk back for fear of making her unhappy. ( This book is reprinted on Shilu Literature Network)

Zhang Yang saw that it was not appropriate for him to stay here and sneaked out.

He waited for 20 minutes in the corridor of the ward before seeing Zhao Xinwei come out. Zhao Xinwei had long expected that he would wait for him outside and said sadly, "I was scolded!"

Zhang Yang patted him on the shoulder with deep sympathy: "It is inevitable to be in a bad mood when you stay in bed for a long time. Please be more considerate of her."

Zhao Xinwei then asked Zhang Yang why he found this place. Zhang Yang casually made up a lie and fooled it. He said that he had heard Du Yufeng mention it, so he came to have a look.

Zhao Xinwei nodded with some emotion.

Zhang Yang knocked sideways and said, "I don't think Sister Zhao's condition is very good."

Zhao Xinwei sighed and said, "Isn't it? The doctor said that my sister still has half a year at most..." He took out a cigarette and put it on his face full of grief.

"Actually, you can try traditional Chinese medicine!" Zhang Yang found an opportunity to bring up this topic.

Zhao Xinwei shook his head and said, "My sister is very. Stubborn, she used to be a doctor and didn't believe in any traditional Chinese medicine at all. From the onset of the disease to now, we haven't even had a chance to hide it from her. We advised her to try other treatments, but she was all rejected by her. I think she has given up hope. When Zhao Xinwei said this, he felt sad. He took a sip of cigarette hard, and then threw the remaining half of the cigarette into the spittoon: "Don't say that, let's go!"

The two of them walked down the stairs halfway. Unexpectedly, she met Zuo Xiaoqing, who was going upstairs, unexpectedly. Zuo Xiaoqing seemed a little depressed and absent-minded. She didn't see Zhang Yang. Or did Zhang Yang deliberately block her way. Then she raised her head and saw Zhang Yang's beautiful eyes with extreme consternation, and then the expression became a little complicated. She smiled very hard. Strong.

Zhao Xinwei saw the love between the two people's expressions. He coughed and smiled at Zhang Yang and went downstairs first.

Zhang Yang and Zuo Xiaoqing looked at each other up and down the stairs. After a while, Zhang Yang just said, "Are you all right?"

Zuo Xiaoqing nodded, and suddenly there was an impulse to cry in her heart. But her stubbornness and self-esteem made her suppress the tears that were about to come out of her eyes and whispered, "Haven't you left yet?"

"I can't rest assured!" Zhang Yang's words are puns.

Zuo Xiaoqing put her hands in the bags of her white coat, and her eyes fell. With her toes, it is difficult for her to describe her mood at this time, and she has never been so uncomfortable in her life.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Let's go out for a walk?"

Zuo Xiaoqing shook. The head finally bravely raised his eyes to look at Zhang Yang, and said resolutely, "No!"

Zhang Yang did not expect Zuo Xiaoqing's refusal to be so straightforward. He realized that Tian Bin must have said something to her last night. Zhang's heart was full of loss and frustration at this moment. He thought that the relationship with Zuo Xiaoqing was about to come to pass, but Tian Bin's words could change her attitude, which shows that Zuo Xiaoqing is far less committed to himself than Zuo Xiaoqing. Although Zhang Daguan is very thick-skinned and has strong psychological quality, after all, he still has self-esteem and the smile on his face becomes a little stiff.

Zuo Xiaoqing slowly walked up the stairs. When she passed by Zhang Yang, her long black eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings in the wind: "Don't come to me again in the future, and I won't see you again..."

Zhang Yangmu stood on the stairs, and his sad smile was fixed on his face, but he didn't see that the moment Zuo Xiaoqing and he passed by, two lines of crystal tears had slipped down her bright face...


Zhang Daguan has always been a person who can afford to let go, but he is a person who will not easily admit defeat. The release in front of him is only temporary, and the release in front of him is just for a better pick up in the future. There is a saying: the future is no difficulty, the more difficult it is, the more forward! Zuo Xiaoqing's Ruozhi Ruoli has stimulated Zhang Yang's strong fighting spirit. One day, he will climb Zuo Xiaoqing's incomparable mountain.

Zhang Yang's loss did not last long, because he still has too much to do. After rebirth, he has just realized the value of life. People can't waste all this precious life on the love of his children.

Out of the ward building, Zhao Xinwei waited for him in front of Santana. Before he could speak, he paging and thinking about it again. There was a line of familiar small words on it - boy, you are dead! Zhang Yang was so angry that he almost dropped the pager. He was paralyzed. Since he came to Chunyang, he has received this inexplicable message from time to time. I don't know which damn guy has played such a prank on himself.

Zhao Xinwei handed the eldest brother to him, and Zhang Yang waved his hand: "No!"

Zhao Xinwei said, "Where are you going? Shall I see you off?"

Only then did Zhang Yang remember that he still had something to do. He smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, I just want to tell you something. I know an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Heishan, with excellent medical skills. Maybe he can cure Sister Zhao's illness."

Zhao Xinwei didn't show much interest. He shook his head and said, "I don't think it's a chance. My sister is definitely not willing to go." He shook the car key: "Where are you going? I'll see you off!" Zhang Yang had not completely freed from the shadow of being hit by Zuo Xiaoqing. He smiled and said, "Go ahead. I still have something to deal with!"

"It's done! Let's have two more drinks together when you have time!" Zhao Xinwei drove Santana away.

Zhang Yang looked back at the ward building. Originally, he planned to see Xu Jindi, but Zuo Xiaoqing's cold treatment just now made him lose his mood and walked out of the hospital aimlessly. The call rang again, and it was still the same line on it - boy, you're dead!

Zhang Yang came to the public phone booth angrily, dialed 126 directly, and shouted to Miss Paging Station, "What's the matter? Who always sends threatening messages to me? What's wrong with your Paging Station? This is called intimidation. Do you know that you are accomplices and crimes?

The paging lady was scared and trembling by his angry scolding. In fact, the message was not transmitted by others at all, but he still helped him investigate with a serious and responsible attitude. The one who called him was from Beiyuan Province, saying that it was his girlfriend.

Zhang Yang hung up the phone for no reason, girlfriend? Do I have a girlfriend? From Zuo Xiaoqing to Hailan, this is Pinghai, which is different from Beiyuan. The paging platform is probably to entertain itself. If you are unlucky, you really drink cold water and stuff your teeth.

Zhang Yang wanted to go back to Heishanzi, but thinking that today is Friday, he has to go to Li Changyu's house for dinner tomorrow night. It's meaningless to to toss back and forth. He decided to stay and go to Hailan's in the evening to soothe her injured heart. He Zhang Yang cursed unbearably, "Damn, if I find you, I have to cut you off!"

This time the paging was made by Niu Wenqiang. Zhang Yang didn't expect him to call himself. Niu Wenqiang smiled on the phone and said, "Director Xiao Zhang, now you are a celebrity of our Chunyang. You are the first hero. Why don't you contact me when you come to Chunyang this time? Do you look down on

Zhang Yang is a little puzzled. When did this one get so close to me? After thinking about it, I immediately understood that he was close to him. Thinking about Niu Wenqiang's performance in the karaoke bar last time, Zhang Yang still had a good impression on him, and his words were also more polite: "I just arrived yesterday and helped the countryside deal with some things, so I didn't care about your place!"

Niu Wenqiang smiled and said, "Now it's done. I booked a table for Jin Kaiyue opposite the cabaret in the evening. You must give me this face, and Team Jiang will also come!"

As soon as Zhang Yang heard Jiang Liang's name, he immediately understood that Niu Wenqiang had probably heard about his fight in the TV station, but Zhang Yang also meant to make friends with Jiang Liang. Anyway, he was going to stay in the county at night, so he readily agreed.


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang called Hailan again and said that he would not leave tonight. Hailan naturally understood the meaning of what he said, and there was a sense of joy in her heart, but she said, "Are you going to stay in Chunyang, and you don't plan to do the work of Heishanzi?"

Zhang Yang just talked about Niu Wenqiang's invitation to dinner. Hailan said anguly, "Go to dinner and leave me alone at home to starve?"

Zhang Yang originally thought that Hailan didn't want others to know about their relationship, so he didn't dare to mention going to the banquet with her. Now when he heard her offer, he was naturally surprised: "Yes! I'll pick you up when you get off work!"

"Don't bother so much. I'll go there by myself. At that time, you just want to thank me for arranging a news interview for you!" Hailan was quite a little eager to cover up, and Zhang Yang naturally agreed.


At six o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang and Hailan met at the door of Jin Kaixuan on time. Hailan wore a gray Chanel long-sleeved T-shirt, a pink short jacket, light blue LV jeans, brown frosted shoes, sunglasses covered most of her face, and a thousand-bird plaid scarf.

Zhang Yang looked at her with a smile. No matter how Hailan wears it, it always makes people feel a unique style, which is related to her star temperament. Although she wears sunglasses and her mouth and nose are buried in the scarf, her curly posture still attracts the attention of many passers-by.

Hailan came to Zhang Yang and looked up at him: "You have a conscience and know to wait for me at the door!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm waiting for a thousand years. How can I sleep with you?"

Hailan spat, afraid of attracting the attention of others, and took the lead in walking to Jin Kaiyue's lobby.

Niu Wenqiang booked a room in the rich and noble hall of 318. This Jin Kaiyue Hotel has just opened recently. Niu Wenqiang is also one of the shareholders. His business models are all copied from the Jin Kaiyue Hotel in Jiangcheng. Even the chefs are invited from Jiangcheng. From the opening to now, the If you want a private room, you usually need to book five days in advance.

Looking at the magnificent decoration of the hotel, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, "What a luxury!"

Hailan laughed, and she didn't feel anything special when she was used to big scenes.

Pushing open the door of the rich hall, there were already six people sitting in it. Except for Niu Wenqiang and Jiang Liang, he had never seen anyone else. Niu Wenqiang stood up with a smile. He didn't expect Hailan to come together and said with a smile, "The sea anchor is coming, let Jin Kai more prosperous!" You should know that when Jin Kaiyue opened, he specially invited Hailan to host, but was rejected by Hailan. Unexpectedly, Hailan would follow Zhang Yang to the banquet. With Niu Wenqiang's shrewdness, he knew that the relationship between the two must be very unusual.

Hailan smiled faintly and said, "I'm here uninvited. Director Zhang is your distinguished guest!"

Niu Wenqiang laughed and shook hands with Zhang Yang enthusiastically. Zhang Yang sat down beside Jiang Liang, and Hailan sat down next to him. Two of the six are shareholders of Jin Kaiyue, that is, Niu Wenqiang's partners, and the other two, one is Niu Wenqiang's classmate, Xie Chao, deputy director of the County Water Conservancy Bureau, and the other is Jiang Liang's deputy Pei Jingming.

After Zhang Yang sat down, he found that the middle seat was still empty. After a long time, he was not the main guest today. There should be another guest who had not arrived. When he was muttering in his heart, the guest arrived, and it was actually Xu Zhaobin, the director of the County Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

Although Zhang Yang and Xu Zhaobin have not had a deal with each other, they have been famous for this for a long time. He is the husband of Yu Qiuling, the deputy head of the township, and he is half of his mother's family.

It is indeed normal for Xu Zhaobin to sit on the main seat in terms of age. He greeted everyone with a smile and took the initiative to extend his hand to Zhang Yang: "Director Xiao Zhang, I heard that Sister Yu often mention you. You are really young and promising!" When Zhang Yang saw his kind attitude, he naturally had a good impression in his heart. Xu Zhaobin shook hands: "I have also heard about Director Xu for a long time. I didn't expect to have a chance to meet him today."

Xu Zhaobin smiled and said, "Thanks to Wen Qiang for creating this opportunity for us!"

Niu Wenqiang seemed to have a very close relationship with Xu Zhaobin. He smiled and said, "Let's close the door and we are our own brothers. Don't be polite!"

Xu Zhaobin laughed and said, "It's better for my brother to drink happily. Don't worry about corruption and bribery, and don't worry about being criticized by the people. I make the decision. Let's kill the rich tonight!" One sentence aroused everyone's unison response.

Zhang Yang observed Xu Zhaobin with great interest. Unexpectedly, Yu Qiuling's husband was such a person who was good at stiring up the atmosphere.

Niu Wenqiang's dishes according to Jin Kaixuan's highest standard of 1888, even Zhang Yang had to admit that this meal was the highest-grade meal he had ever eaten since his rebirth. Most of the focus of the banquet was on Xu Zhaobin and Hailan. He toasted Xu Zhaobin because he was the highest among the people present, and the Because Hailan is the star anchor of Jiangcheng, Zhang Yang was not depressed because he was neglected. He focused on dealing with Jiang Liang. With his drinking capacity, after a few rounds, Jiang Liang had no choice but to beg for mercy.

Xu Zhaobin is also a large number. After receiving a toast, he turned his eyes to Zhang Yang: "Director Zhang, it's really eloquent. Why don't I call you brother!"

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile. Unexpectedly, this guy had such a heavy Jianghu spirit. He said happily, "Then I'll call you brother-in-law!" Come on! Brother-in-law, I'll give you two cups!"

Xu Zhaobin smiled and said, "You'd better call me Brother Xu. Our brothers have the same temper. I have a hunch that we will definitely go closer to you than your sister Yu in the future!"

Niu Wenqiang couldn't help laughing: "I said Boss Xu, why are you so ambiguous? Is it possible that you will sleep with Director Zhang in your back in the future?

A group of people laughed at the same time. Xu Zhaobin scolded, "I know you have nothing to say." After saying that, he also laughed and had two cups with Zhang Yang. On such an occasion, Zhang Yang is more low-key and restrained than usual, and Hailan is also very satisfied with Zhang Yang's performance tonight. It seems that this person has finally honed some understanding in the officialdom.

Although Xu Zhaobin is good at drinking, he is very good at controlling the scale. When he drank about six taels, he covered the cup with his big hand and said, "I think I'll have a cup in front of the door today. There is still work tomorrow!" Since he said so, it is not easy for others to drink any more. At the same time, he raised his glass to dry the wine, and then ate and left.

Niu Wenqiang smiled and said, "Mr. Xu lives separately. I'm going home to take care of my sister-in-law tonight. All our brothers who are free will go to my karaoke bar to sing!"

Xu Zhaobin laughed and scolded, "I won't get along with you. Don't talk to me!"

A group of people broke up in front of Jin Kaiyue's door. Xu Zhaobin specially took Zhang Yang's hand and said, "Brother, you are kind-hearted and indecisive. If anything happens in the future, you, as a brother, you must help her!"

Zhang Yang thought that he was the deputy head of the township. I was a deputy director of the family planning office who didn't even have a formal establishment. What can I do to help her? It is estimated that Xu Zhaobin heard about the relationship between himself and Li Changyu, and now shook hands with Xu Zhaobin with a false smile on his face.

To Zhang Yang's surprise, Xu Zhaobin did not have a special car, but left on a tattered 26 Phoenix bicycle. Is the director of the Industry and Commerce Qing Lian Rusi?

Hailan also said that she had something to do, so she took a taxi and left first.

Zhang Yang knew that she wanted to avoid suspicion,


Women really can't figure it out. They obviously want to be together, but they have to create these illusions in front of people. They want to cover up and hide their ears and steal the bell.

Zhang Yang was not interested in singing, but he couldn't leave like this. So he followed Niu Wenqiang to the karaoke bar. Niu Wenqiang asked for a big bag, asked the waiter to send some snacks, fruit plates, and two bottles of black square. Since drinking Chivas with Hailan, Zhang Yang also has a preliminary appreciation of foreign wine, Niu Wenqiang and others talked about business topics. Zhang Yang and Jiang Liang were together as people in the system. They talked about yesterday's TV station. From Jiang Liang's mouth, they knew that there were so many interesting things behind the scenes. Hearing Jiang Liang's big back putting down Diao Degui down, they couldn't help laughing and raised their glasses and said Brother Jiang, have a cup!"

Jiang Liang did not hide his appreciation for Zhang Yang at all: "We are quite close. If there is any trouble on the ground of Chunyang in the future, you don't have to do it yourself. Just give me a paging. I'll be there as soon as I get there!" Jiang Liang is not only a close expression, but also a goodwill without leaving a trace. He is clear about the intimate relationship between Zhang Yang and Li Changyu. Li Changyu now has absolute power in Chunyang. After the promotion, this influence may not be reduced, and it will continue. Recently, there has been quietly news of changes in the public security system. Jiang Liang doesn't have much reliable relationship in the upper class, and the publicity in front of him is undoubtedly an opportunity for him to take advantage of.

Zhang Yang nodded cheerfully and had another drink with Jiang Liang. At this time, there was a sudden sound of crying outside the door.

Niu Wenqiang stood up puzzledly. There were not many people who dared to make trouble in his territory. He smiled and said to Jiang Liang and Zhang Yang, "I'll go out and have a look. You continue to play!"

Outside, there are two groups of drunken gangsters who make trouble because of singing. There are always a group of people in society who think they are doing well. Once they get angry, they never consider the occasion they are in, let alone the consequences of making trouble.

Niu Wenqiang made it clear that the two groups of people who made trouble were young people in their early twenties. Not even one of them was famous in Chunyang. He couldn't help curling his lips contemptuously, but tonight's business was particularly good. He didn't want this to disturb other guests. He came to the Little brother, you came to me to have fun. You all calm down. How much you spend tonight is mine. How about giving me some face? Niu Wenqiang has made a plan to appease them first, and wait for them to go out to settle accounts with these inconvincible boys.

A boy in a dark gray jacket nodded with a smile: "Boss Niu! You ** face is worth a lot of money!" The right hand hidden behind him waved out like lightning, and the beer bottle in his hand sucked! The ground fell on Niu Wenqiang's head. Niu Wenqiang was stunned, not only because of the physical impact of the beer bottle, but also because he didn't expect that someone would dare to attack him in his acre land.

Blood flowed down from the top of his head, and Niu Wenqiang's face was full of his face. He looked very terrible. The seventeen or eighteen gangsters in conflict raised their things and threw them in the karaoke hall.

There were four security guards on duty at night. They didn't wait to rush up. Someone had already waved a stick to attack them.

For a moment, the ghosts in the cabaret cried and howled in a mess.

Zhang Yang and Jiang Liang didn't take it seriously, but they heard that the movement outside seemed to be wrong. They looked at each other, put down their glasses at the same time, opened the door and rushed out. More than 20 gangsters in the hall were smashed and thrown around. The guests were scared to escape, and they simply got under the table before they could escape.

Because Jiang Liang was not in class, he did not have a gun. He was slightly stunned when he saw the scene in front of him and roared, "I'm a policeman!" He tried to deter the gangsters with his own identity, but he found that the gangsters ignored him at all.

Two gangsters are fighting around Niu Wenqiang.

Although Zhang Yang doesn't have a deep friendship with Niu Wenqiang, after all, he invited himself to dinner and sing. He can't watch him be beaten, right? He strode up and kicked a gangster chasing Niu Wenqiang out with one foot.

The other gangster was stunned, and his neck had been stuck by Zhang Yang's big hand, and then Zhang Yang's big hand! A slap on his face made the boy's face blossom.

Niu Wenqiang got up from the ground with bloodshot face, grabbed the wine bottle and smashed it on the boy's head: "I'm paralyzed, dare to touch me!" He was really annoyed. He usually thought that he was getting along well in Chunyang, black and white, but he didn't expect that someone would be beat up in front of his house at this time, and how could he meet people when it spread out.

Jiang Liang and Pei Jingming, who came later, also joined the battle group. Both of them were well-trained policemen, and they had a certain level of fighting and capture. In addition, Niu Wenqiang, who killed the red-eyed, and Wu ***'s unfathomable publicity, the war situation immediately changed. At this time, Jin Kai There was no reason to sit idly by. Seeing that the situation was not good, the gangsters who made trouble began to retreat out. However, six people were still caught by them.

Niu Wenqiang was opened on the head, but he did not hurt his bones. He insisted on not going to the hospital. He got some Yunnan Baiyao to stop the bleeding, covered it with a handkerchief, angrily came to the six people, raised his feet and kicked them on their stomachs one by one, and sc Did I send you here? Tell me, don't say I'll kill you son of a bitch."

Jiang Liang coughed. With the unique intuition of a policeman, he saw that this was a premeditated smashing incident. Niu Wenqiang probably offended someone, so he staged tonight's martial arts.

The six gangsters were also very tough, all of them closed their lips and didn't say a word.

Niu Wenqiang still wanted to take action, but was stopped by Jiang Liang: "I think you'd better leave this matter to me. You deal with the matter of Kara O."

At this time, the police car outside had arrived. After hearing the siren, Niu Wenqiang gradually calmed down. China is a society under the rule of law, so it is not allowed to abuse lynching. Besides, he is a businessman. It is better to go through the procedure for some things. He nodded. His relationship with Jiang Liang is called You can't rest assured.

Jiang Liang commanded the police to escort all the gang of hoodlums out. Before leaving, he smiled at Zhang Yang with full of appreciation. Tonight, he witnessed the strong combat effectiveness with his own eyes. If the chaotic scene just now was not Zhang Yang, he and Pei Jingming alone would not be able to calm down.

After the police left, Niu Wenqiang covered his head and looked at the messy karaoke hall. He was so angry, but he couldn't think of who he had offended for a moment. Xie Chao, deputy director of the Water Conservancy Bureau, just came out of the private room at this time and said goodbye to him with a pale face. Although Niu I'm not happy. After all, I'm an old classmate. I didn't let you share joys and sorrows with me. You won't hide until now. You nodded faintly, and there was no smile on your face.

At this time, Zhang Yang also came to say goodbye. To Zhang Yang, Niu Wenqiang was full of gratitude in his heart. In the melee just now, it was Zhang Yang who rushed out and rescued himself from the hands of the two hoodlums. Niu Wenqiang was a grateful person. He stretched out his big hand and shook Zhang Yang' In my heart."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not a trivial matter! But the security guard of your karaoke room should also be changed!" He was telling the truth. Just now, the four security guards almost did not make any resistance and let their sticks fall down. It was simply too bad.


After Zhang Yang left the god of love, he went straight to Chunning Community. Now he is familiar with the road. He climbed over the wall, quietly came to the door of Hailan's house, and gently knocked on the door. Hailan has been waiting for him, but he didn't expect him to come back so late. Seeing a lot of blood stain What happened? He exclaimed, "What's the matter? Are you injured?"

Zhang Yang shook his head with a smile, picked up her curvy and soft jaw and kissed her on the lips, and then told her what had happened just now.

Hailan helped Zhang Yang take off his coat and put it in the washing machine.

The bath water has been prepared for Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang took a comfortable bath, changed into the blue bathrobe that Shanghai Lan had just bought for him, returned to Hailan and sat down, reached out to touch Hailan's soft short hair, and whispered, "You are so beautiful!"

"Less meat!" Hailan gently hit the back of his hand, his face tilted, and smiled, "I heard a rumor that Xu Zhaobin, the director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, may mention the deputy county magistrate this time!"

Zhang Yang thought about it and immediately realized it. No wonder a group of people tonight showed so much respect for Xu Zhaobin. It turned out that they were going to improve.

Hailan said, "The most common thing in the officialdom is the circle. If an official wants to go up, he has to keep dealing with the circle. There are his own paintings and others in the circle. Xu Zhaobin is drawing a circle tonight."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's worth his soliciting place for me, the small director of the township family planning office?"

Hailanger smiled and said, "I also heard a rumor!" The beautiful eyes are full of charm and cunning.

Zhang Yang listened attentively.

"It is said that Comrade Zhang Yang, the deputy director of the Heishanzi Township Family Planning Office, is the illegitimate son of Li Changyu, the county party secretary..." Hailan couldn't help laughing before he finished speaking.

Zhang Yang really can't laugh or cry. He is more than 1,000 years old. Li Changyu just wants to give birth. Can he give birth to such an antique? I couldn't help scolding, "Who is talking nonsense? Let me catch this grandson to death!"

Hailan glanced at him, looked at the TV screen, and whispered, "Many things can be seen from the news. As an official, you don't even have the most basic political sense."

Zhang Yang stretched out his arms and grabbed Hailan Yingying's slender waist: "Sister, teach me!"

Hailan said, "For example, do you have any feelings about the emergency road construction that day?"

Zhang Yang shook his head after thinking about it.

Hailan stretched out her spring-like fingers and gently nodded his forehead: "You! Have you noticed Yu Qiuling?

After her reminder, Zhang Yang immediately understood. Yes, that night was a good time to get political capital. Li Changyu did not let it go, Wang Boxiong did not let it go, and he himself did not let it go. Why did Guo Daliang let this opportunity slip away? Of course, there is a reason why he accompanied deputy county magistrate Qiu Guangzhi, but Yu Qiuling has always kept a low profile, and her performance in this matter is a little abnormal. Thinking of Xu Zhaobin's enthusiasm for him just now, Zhang Yang vaguely felt something.

Hailan whispered to Zhang Yang, "I heard that your villagers' conference is about to be held. I think it is possible to highlight the strange soldiers!"

Zhang Yang nodded. When Hailan said this, he also felt that Yu Qiuling was likely to become a dark horse. Originally, he felt that it was a matter for Guo Daliang to remove the substitute to become the head of Heishanzi. Unexpectedly, after the mantis caught the cicada and the yellow finch, the things in this officialdom were really . Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's the same for anyone to be a township head. Anyway, it's not my turn now."

Hailan giggled and said, "You are really an official fan. In fact, you always stay in Heishanzi Township and can't get any name at all. If you want to go up, you must first get an identity for yourself. You have made a lot of political achievements recently. It should not be difficult to improve one step, but many things Step by step, it must be done step by step... Ah..." She felt that some part of Zhang Yang began to flirt with her again, and her delicate body began to become wet. He stared shyly and said, "Are you still not going to let me talk?"

Zhang Yang suddenly put his arms around her neck to make her delicate body down, and his beautiful face lay on his legs: "I like the way you talk to the microphone the most."

"I hate it..."

Then Zhang Yang felt that Hailan's warm and soft lips wrapped around him. He subconsciously grabbed Hailan's hair with both hands, and the ambiguous romance quietly spread with the night...