Medical official path

Chapter 38 I'm not Chen Shimei

Guo Daliang walked by himself. He walked out with a smile and self-confidence. He met Geng Xiuju head-on. Geng Xiuju didn't know that he was crazy. He greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Guo!"

Guo Daliang nodded with satisfaction, and there was a trace of pride on his face naturally: "Ha ha, Xiao Geng, I didn't expect that you were quite well-informed. Well, do a good job!"

Geng Xiuju stood there confusedly, and then noticed that Lin Chengbin was desperately squeezing his eyes at him in the distance. ( Full-text novel reading, all in .16κ.(1κ.O. Text. Learning Network)

The second person Guo Daliang met was Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was busy directing the move. Seeing Guo Daliang, he also greeted happily, "Mr. Guo, thank you for approving this office for me!"

Guo Daliang enthusiastically grabbed Zhang Yang's hand and held it, and the other hand patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, I appreciate your drive and work hard. I will rely on you to support my work more in the future. There will be a future."

Zhang Yang immediately noticed Guo Daliang. He looked at Guo Daliang's departure with a stunned face. At this time, Geng Xiuju ran to him in a small step and whispered, "It's a bad thing, Director Guo is crazy!"

"Crazy?" Zhang Yang turned around and looked downstairs, Guo Da. Liang has come to the gate communication room to shake hands with the old grandson.

Geng Xiuju sighed and said, "It's really good. Lian, I heard that Yu Qiuling, the candidate for the head of the township, immediately became like this. He thought he had been elected as the head of the township!" There are a lot of regrets in the words.

Zhang Yang understood that Guo Daliang was crazy because of the cruel reality in his heart. He completely closed himself in fantasy. He was unwilling to admit defeat. Becoming a township head has become a part of his life and is deeply integrated into his blood. For the first time, Zhang Yang realized that the officialdom was much more cruel than the battlefield. If you failed on the battlefield, you may still survive. But if you fail in the officialdom, you don't even have a chance to be a normal person. Guo Daliang's failure did not frustrate Zhang Yang's aggressive determination, but further aroused his fighting spirit to A strong man, and officialdom is exactly the best place for him to live.

The reconstruction project of Hongqi Primary School is going quite smoothly, with the main building. It has been completed, and the rest are some small tasks such as interior wall painting and road renovation. Lin Chengwu did not pay close to these finishing work. After Zhang Yang's selfless supervision, his profit margin on this project was already very small, so he simply finished the work early, and the rest of the small work was given to Joe. Four sweeps to the end.

Zhang Yang doesn't like to deal with him. According to the pre-agreement, give. He issued a note asking him to go to the countryside to sign and collect the final payment.

Lin Chengwu took the work. When people walked out of the construction site of Hongqi Primary School, they looked back at the direction of the headquarters with resentment. What businessmen hated most was that others cut off his way of money, and Zhang Yang just did it. Lin Chengwu silently made up his mind that he would never give up with Zhang Yangshan this time.

For Zhang Yang, Lin Chengwu is just a passer-by in his life, an inconspicuous little person. He didn't take him to heart at all, but as soon as Lin Chengwu left, he received another call - boy, you're dead!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. During this period, this pager harassed him almost every day. Now he is not surprised. If he can't find this information in a day, he will feel abnormal. It suddenly occurred to him whether the paging would be played by Lin Chengwu. On the other way, there are not a few people who have offended themselves in Heishanzi Township, and this inference is obviously unfounded.

Guo Daliang's voice came from outside: "After so many days, why hasn't it been completed yet? What about Xiao Zhang? I want to ask him how he works!"

Zhang Yang walked out. Guo Daliang dressed neatly and stood in front of the construction site. The news of his madness had spread all over the Black Mountain Township almost overnight. The only possibility that he felt normal was himself. Unlike other crazy people, other crazy people might show madness and attack. In addition to thinking that he is the head of the township, Guo Daliang's performance is no different from that of normal people. He will come and walk on time every day. When he has time, he will go around, observe the people's feelings, and inspect the progress of the project.

At the beginning, the staff of the township government were a little scared, but later they got used to it and it didn't matter. After talking with Guo Daliang's family on behalf of the township leaders, Wang Boxiong decided not to ask Guo Daliang's behavior for the time being. He could do whatever he wanted. Even the township head's Some people are still afraid that this person is Yu Qiuling, the only candidate for the township head. Since Guo Daliang went crazy, she has been on sick leave. It is estimated that she will not come back until the township people's congress is held.

Qiao Si's group of migrant workers no longer regard Guo Daliang as a township head. Qiao Si smiled and said, "Mr. Guo, I heard that you are going to be promoted again?"

Guo Daliang mysteriously said, "You can't talk nonsense about organizational things!"

A group of migrant workers laughed at the same time. In their opinion, the former superior has become what it is now, and what they feel most is the pleasure of gloating.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming over with a bad face, Qiao Si hurriedly greeted the migrant workers to work.

Guo Daliang saw Zhang Yang and picked up the topic just now: "Xiao Zhang, I have to criticize you. Why hasn't the reconstruction project been completed yet! It's not good to have a working attitude!"

Zhang Yang was taught with an open mind, "What Mr. Guo said is that I will definitely speed up the progress and complete it before the villagers' congress is held."

Hearing that Guo Daliang remembered something at the National People's Congress, he nodded: "It's broken, I have to see the layout of the venue!" Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Zhang Yang to correct his working attitude and strictly guard the construction quality.

Looking at Guo Daliang walking out of the construction site with his hands behind his back, a group of migrant workers laughed at the same time.

Zhang Yang sighed, and Guo Daliang's end to the present is really pitiful. Heart disease still needs heart medicine. Although he has excellent medical skills, he can't help this disease. At this time, I suddenly saw Xiao Wei running over in panic, and his face was full of panic: "Director Zhang, go and save people!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned and asked Xiao Wei to stabilize his mood and make it clear what had happened.

Xiao Wei was out of breath and said, "Today we received a report from the public that someone in the countryside used B-ultrasound to illegally identify the fetal sex, so I and Xiao Wu went to the spot to check the situation and found that the situation was true... Xiao Wu gave them a rectification and fine notice... But they tore up the ticket and Wu beat up..." Xiao Wei just fell in love with Xiao Wu. It was the time when he was affectionate. Who came up with this matter?

As soon as Zhang Yang heard it, he became very angry. This is not bad. He violated the family planning regulations and beat the staff. Who is so rampant? Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Wei! Take me there!"

When Qiao Si heard that Zhang Yang had something to do, he hurriedly asked the brothers to follow him. Zhang Yang turned around and scolded angrily, "What's wrong with you? Stay and work!" Although he was angry, he also knew that the nature of this matter must have changed when Qiao Si's people intervened. First, he returned to the command post to call Du Yufeng, asked him to go to the police to assist, and then quickly rushed to the scene of the accident with Xiao Wei.

The place where Xiao Wu was beaten is not far from the township health center. It used to be a small building selling agricultural machinery. Later, when he was idle, he was rented and started the sex identification of the fetus.

When Zhang Yang arrived, Wu Hongjin lay in the middle of the road covered with scars, surrounded by a group of people, including three pregnant women with big bellies. Some of them pointed to Wu Hongjin's nose and scolded him for being nosy.

Xiao Wei squeezed out of the crowd and helped Wu Hongjin up. Zhang Yang roared, "What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll arrest you all?" Seeing that Wu Hongjin was beaten like this, Zhang Yang was suddenly furious. Director Zhang's notoriety had spread widely in Heishanzi Township. Seeing his aggressive killing, the group of villagers hurriedly dispersed aside.

Wu Hongjin covered his bleeding mouth and shouted pitifully, "Director Zhang!" It's like a child who is wronged and sees his parents. His heart is sore, and tears are in his eyes.

Zhang Yang scolded this soft guy, but thinking that he was also beaten for work, he would come out for him anyway. He pointed to the small building in front of him and said, "Is it here?"

Wu Hongjin nodded.

Without saying a word, Zhang Yang strode over and kicked the closed door open.

A middle-aged woman in a white coat greeted her aggressively: "Who are you? Do you know that it is a crime to break into a private house?

Zhang Yang snorted coldly: "Give me the murderer!"

The female doctor was invited from outside, and she didn't know how arrogant she was. She screamed, "I don't know how to hit him. It's because his mouth is not clean. Others can't see it. He beat him and left!"

Zhang Yang pushed her aside and walked upstairs. The woman followed and cursed.

Zhang Yang came upstairs and found that there was a B-ultrasound machine, a diagnostic bed, and two pregnant women with big bellies sitting in **. There was no one else. The two pregnant women touched their stomachs and looked at Zhang Yang proudly. There was no need to ask the murderer who had already escaped. Zhang Yang said angrily, "

The female doctor followed up and scolded fiercely. Zhang Yang didn't even look at the shaking her hand, which was a big mouth. She beat the woman to the buttocks and sat down on the ground. She was stunned. Unexpectedly, the young man actually told the woman to hit her. It took a long time to react and screamed, "I'm fighting As soon as he stood up, Zhang Yang hit her to the ground with his mouth. The woman was afraid of being beaten and cried sharply, "Are you ashamed? The big man beats the woman... I won't live..."

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Good men don't fight with women. You are paralyzed. You are not a woman in my eyes!"

At this time, Du Yufeng rushed over with a policeman, and Qiao Si and the group of migrant workers also rushed to help. Du Yufeng couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw the scene inside. This man really had to deal with women.

The woman got up from the ground and grabbed Du Yufeng's arm and said, "Comrade policeman, catch him quickly... He broke into the house and beat me!" She raised her red and swollen face to show Du Yufeng.

Du Yufeng said angrily, "Let's go back to the police station with me first!"

Zhang Yang said, "Du, she is practicing medicine illegally here and engaged in fetal sex identification, all of which are her tools!"

Du Yufeng immediately understood Zhang Yang's meaning and nodded and said, "Okay, pull everything back!"

The woman was stunned and finally understood that the policeman was with the young man in front of her. She rushed to the front of the B-ultra machine with an arrow step: "I'll see who dares! Do you know who this B-ultrasound is?

Zhang Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense to this shrew. He said to Qiao Si, who followed him, "Qiao Si, pull all the things for me!"

Zhang Yang walked out of the small building and heard the woman's howling from the building, and there was a proud smile on his face. There was a saying that the monk could not run away from the temple. I would like to see who is so bold in this black mountain that even the people in my family planning office dare to fight.


As soon as he went to work the next morning, the behind-the-scenes owner of the B-ultrasound came over. What made Zhang Yang unexpected was that this person was actually Lin Chengwu, which was really not a feeling that the enemy did not get together.

Lin Chengwu also bravely came to the door. This B-ultrasound machine was bought by his wife. It hasn't been in this industry for a long time. The female doctor has just been hired by them. Who would have encountered this matter in a few days? It was his two brother-in-law who hit Wu Hongjin just now. Lin Chengwu also just heard about this. His wife saw that the B-ultrasound machine was pulled away by the family planning office, so she told him the whole matter. Lin Chengwu was so angry that he scolded his wife. He knew it best. Unexpectedly, the matter of Hongqi Primary School had just ended and fell into his hands again.

Lin Chengwu said with a smile on his face, "Director Zhang, do you think this matter can be solved in this way? I will be responsible for Wu Hongjin's medical expenses and missed work expenses. I will compensate him another 500 yuan, so I will pull back the B-ultrasound machine first."

Zhang Yang shook his head decisively: "No! Your wife has violated the family planning law to find someone to illegally engage in fetal sex identification, and she also dares to openly beat law enforcement officers. This is a crime plus a crime. Boss Lin, I'm not to give you face. It's really too much. Just now, our family planning office discussed it internally. According to the relevant regulations of the state, the The tools must be confiscated. In addition, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the party concerned will be fined from 1,000 to 5,000 yuan. Since you, Boss Lin, I can't help but give you face. On behalf of the family planning, I will fine you 1,000 yuan. I didn't say much about Wu Hongjin's beating. Now Xiao Wu insists on punishing the murderer. If you can't hand over the person, we have to go through the procedure.

Lin Chengwu is so angry that he doesn't give me any face at all. It doesn't matter to lose some money, but the B-ultrasound machine was bought by his wife for more than 100,000 yuan. If it is confiscated by the Family Planning Office, wouldn't the loss be great? With his experience of dealing with Zhang Yang many times He nodded and left. He left.

Zhang Yang looked at Lin Chengwu's back and couldn't help sneering. This matter must not be given up. Although behind Lin Chengwu is Lin Chengbin, the director of the National People's Congress, he can't watch Wu Hongjin be beaten and indifferent, not to mention that this time he caught Lin The physical evidence is all there. If you want him not to die, you have to take off the skin. Zhang Guanren wants to use this matter to show the whole Heishanzi Township that the township family planning office is absolutely untouchable!

When Lin Chengwu encountered this kind of thing, of course, he wanted to find his eldest brother. Lin Chengbin was so angry that he opened his mouth and scolded him. He pointed to Lin Chengwu's nose and said, "Can't you care about your mother-in-law? If you have nothing to do, just sneak to the villages to make some money. You have to make such a big move. It's all right now!"

Lin Chengwu said with a bitter face, "Brother, I also told her, but she said that no one cares about this in our countryside, so..."

Lin Chengbin said impatiently, "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense in front of me. I won't know what the virtues of your couple are? Let's talk about this when I'm done with the township people's party!"

Lin Chengwu called his brother again. Lin Chengbin simply opened the document and pretended to review him. Lin Chengbin's real intention was to deal with this matter first. After all, his brother and his wife were wrong first. They not only carried out illegal fetal sex identification, but also injured the staff of the township family planning office. As the director of the township people's congress, it is now on the occasion of the township people's congress. If you do it too obviously, you will definitely lose your tongue. Besides, the leadership of the township government has been in the wind recently, and Lin Chengbin doesn't want to have anything to happen at this critical moment.

However, Lin Chengwu could not understand the difficulties of the eldest brother. In his opinion, the eldest brother's concession in this matter proved one thing. The eldest brother was afraid of Zhang Yang, and a director of the township people's Congress was actually afraid of a director of the family planning office. This incident made Lin Chengwu feel humiliated and angry. Full of loss, he thought of a lot of things, from the reconstruction project of Hongqi Primary School to the matter in front of him. In his struggle with Zhang Yang, he was obviously at a disadvantage everywhere. Lin Chengwu turned around and looked at the window of the township family planning office. His eyes showed an extremely resentful look, and he secretly said in his heart, " I won't let you go!"


Zhang's official's call rang again, and it was still the same line on it - boy, you're dead!

Zhang Yang laughed, and the phone rang almost at the same time. He picked up the phone and said, "Hey!"

"Kon, you're dead!" A negative sound came through the receiver.

Zhang Yang immediately recognized the deliberately disguised coldness in the voice. Although he did not know the identity of the other party, he could conclude that the other party was a woman and couldn't help laughing: "Who are you?"

"I'm a ghost! The fierce ghost who asks you for your life!"

"It's boring!" Zhang Yangpa! The phone hung up, and the phone rang quickly and stubbornly.

Zhang Yang picked it up and hung it up crisply, and the phone rang again. Zhang Yang picked up the phone with tears and laughter: "Hey, stop playing!"

"Zhang Yang!" This time, the call came from Hailan.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "Sister! We don't play like that. What kind of female ghosts do you pretend to be in broad daylight!"

"Boh! Who pretended to be a female ghost to you? Did you blasphre the god of a fairy in the wilderness? Hailan Jiao said with a smile.

Zhang Yang is careful. His voice is indeed a little different. Hailan's sound quality is very kind and nice. The female ghost's voice just now is lower than that of Hailan's, and the sound quality can't be disguised. Zhang Yang knew that he had the wrong person and couldn't help laughing: "Why, sister, do you

Hailan spat softly, but her voice became soft because of Zhang Yang's **. She whispered, "Today I have an interview task to go to Jiangcheng. I guess I'll stay for a few more days, and you won't come over on the weekend."

Zhang Yang hummed, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seemed that he had accumulated a week's desire and bullets with nowhere to vent. Soon he felt a little ashamed of his idea. It seemed that the relationship between him and Hailan was purely this kind of physical relationship. The two had no deeper communication on the spiritual level. In fact, Zhang Yang wanted to communicate with her. It was Hailan who stuck to her defense line and never got along with Hailan. The longer it is, the longer the distance between the two is. This feeling is quite strange, but every time the two are together, it is like dry firewood, leaking * points. Zhang Yang really doesn't know what the relationship between him and Hailan is.

Hailan said, "This time I went to Jiangcheng to interview Mr. An Zhiyuan. You should be careful. Maybe he will come to Chunyang in the next few days."

Zhang Yang's heart was warm. From this sentence, it could be seen that Hailan still cared about him. The two said a few words, and Zhang Yang forced Hailan to kiss herself twice on the phone, and then put down the phone contentedly.

At this time, the door was gently knocked, and a sloppy middle-aged woman held a little girl in her left hand and a little boy in her right hand. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the scene in front of him: "Sister-in-law, who are you looking for?"

The woman said to the little girl beside her, "Mao Ya, Erdan, this is your father!"

Zhang Yang was hairy, and their eyes almost fell to the ground. The two children rushed up. One of them hugged Zhang Yang's thigh and shouted kindly, "Dad!"

Zhang Daguan has never encountered such an embarrassing scene in his previous life and this life. No matter how high he is, he can't take action against these two little children. The little girl shouted at her father and laughed secretly. The little boy absolutely had a talent for acting. He shouted at his father loudly, and his tears and snot flowed out together. After wiping his nose, he wiped it on Zhang Yang's body. Zhang Yang is really miserable. You know, his clothes are a famous brand given to him by Hailan, and now the two children have been wiped in a mess.

The woman began to cry: "You are a murderer. You have no conscience. You don't care about our orphans and widows. You are Chen Shimei in the new era..."

Many staff of the township government were attracted by the woman's crying. Zhang Yang's depression is poisonous enough to make an old woman bring two children to disgust herself. Who is he? Can he even think of such a negative trick?

When Zhang Yang saw more and more colleagues outside the door, he smiled helplessly. He said to the woman who rolled on the ground, "Sister-in-law, I don't know you, and I don't know why you want to trouble me. Do you know that you are disrupting the order of the government's work and it is already illegal You may be detained."

The woman was obviously scared by Zhang Yang, but she still said firmly, "If you are Chen Shimei, won't you be my mother to expose your evil deeds?"

Geng Xiuju also squeezed in at this time. She saw that the woman was a little familiar with her. After thinking about it, she seemed to be the one who used to go to the four seasons to beg. She pointed to the woman and said, "Aren't you in the four seasons beg?" Why did you go to the township government? Believe it or not, I'll call the police to arrest you!"

The woman's identity was seen through, and a ashamed expression suddenly appeared on her face. She pulled the children and fled out in a hurry. The little boy named Erdan still did not get rid of the performance and cried, "Dad... You don't want me?"

The slightly older Mao Ya whispered, "Erdan, he is not our father. Our father is feeding pigs at home!"

This sentence was heard by everyone, and the onlookers burst into laughter, and the mother and son fled the township government with laughter.

Geng Xiuju couldn't help laughing and said, "There are really all kinds of strange things these days, and there are also people who recognize their father!" She drove away those colleagues who were watching the bustle. Zhang Yang reported a grateful smile, looked at the small black fingerprints on his body, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It seems that I'm a villain!"

Geng Xiuju said, "There are all kinds of people in Heishanzi Township, and it is the easiest way to offend people in family planning. You'd better be careful."

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking of Lin Chengwu. Because the B-ultrasound was searched by him, Lin Chengwu must have hated himself to death. It is very likely that he caused this matter, but thinking that this matter was really cleverly planned. If Geng Xiuju hadn't recognized the identity of the woman, I'm afraid it would be


Zhang Yang was in a state of mind after being so noisy. Although the whole township government knew that he was wronged, it still regarded this matter as a joke. For a while, Zhang Yang's limelight could almost be discussed with the crazy Guo Da's appearance. The most annoying thing was that Guo Daliang, the head of the crazy township, somehow heard about Zhang Yang's office sat down opposite him, and his face was so grim that he wanted to talk to Zhang Yang about the style of life.

Zhang Yang could no longer stand Guo Daliang's chatter. He slipped out of the family planning office on the pretext of going to the toilet. As soon as he left the township government, another line appeared on the call: "Ha, ha, ha..."

Zhang Daguan is so angry, Lin Chengwu, Lin Chengwu, if I find the evidence, I have to beat you all over the ground.

As soon as Zhang Yang walked out of the gate of the township government, a red jeep rushed towards him at high speed. Zhang Daguan was stunned! Irrelyzed, murder! In broad daylight, he was too bold. Instead of choosing to retreat, he rushed forward. His body jumped up, and his left foot tapped on the hood. His body completed a difficult 360-degree turn in the air and landed firmly behind the jeep.

The jeep didn't really mean to hit him. He stepped on the car in time. Zhang Yang was so angry. What's the matter with him? Is he too old today? An arrow rushed to the door of the car, opened the door, raised his right fist, and roared, "Do you want to die..."

Chu Yanran raised her snow-white face, with an innocent and charming smile on her face. She wore an all-black sports jacket, a pair of simple and slim washed jeans, and a pair of avant-garde sunglasses like ski equipment, which looked refreshing and capable. Her rich lips were gently squeezed, revealing the strength of ordinary girls. Yiwei, seeing Zhang Yang's angry appearance, she laughed unscrupulously, revealing a mouthful of snow-white and neat teeth.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that it was Chu Yanran in the car, and his anger suddenly disappeared. What... Seeing such beautiful women who harmed the country and the people, which man was still angry?

Chu Yanran shrugged her shoulders playfully: "Director Zhang, I'm going to settle accounts with you!"

Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the phone call just now. The sound quality of the female ghost was seven points similar to that of Chu Yanran. He suddenly realized and pointed to Chu Yanran and said, "Daughter, is that the female female ghost just now?"

Chu Yanran said, "What is a female mole? Why can't you get ivory out of your mouth?" She is turning around and scolding Zhang Yang for being a dog.

Zhang Yangle said happily, "You're unlucky. I'll sue you for intimidation later. I've been squatting you for a year and a half. When you come out, maybe your skin will fade."

Chu Yanran snorted, "I can't see you, a small township family planning agent... The director is still so good at talking big, who doesn't know who got who in? Let me tell you, Zhang Yang, I haven't settled with you about the last time you chased me to the bottom of the cliff!" The little girl's sharp teeth didn't give up.

Zhang Yangle said, "Why do you have no conscience? You belong to the mouse, don't you? Just let go of your claws and forget it! If I hadn't brought you up from the bottom of the mountain, you would have weathered into a pile of white bones, pink skeletons! It's terrible to think about it. Besides, if I hadn't helped you with your bones, you must have been a female critish now, girl. I'm not talking about you. You have to have a conscience. Although we can't repay our kindness with our bodies, we can't take revenge, can we?

Chu Yanran was laughed at by Zhang Yang's call. She waved to Zhang Yang and said, "Get in the car!"