Medical official path

Chapter 76 Awakening

At this time, Zhang Yang was sitting in the Yuejiang Pavilion of the Ford Building for dinner. Zhang Defang was indeed an un creative person. He had the same private room in the same restaurant, but the dishes prepared in the evening were richer than at noon. He drank Chivas produced in 1970. From this point, Zhang Yang saw that Zhang Defang's main It's not himself, but Gu Jiatong. He politely said that he killed two birds with one stone. Zhang Defang used a meal to sell two people's love, but Gu Jiatong did not drink and asked for juice. ( Full-text novel reading is all on Shilu Literature Network)

Gu Jiatong's performance at night is still normal. Once it comes to the outside, Gu Jiatong is Chairman Gu. She behaves appropriately, elegant and noble.

Zhang Defang invited her mainly to help people buy a few computers. In the early 1990s, computers were still a rare thing. Of course, Zhang Defang's purpose was to be cheap. Although Gu Jiatong didn't like this cousin, he still had to give at least face. So as soon as Zhang Defang opened his mouth, she said that she would This is already a great face. Zhang Defang is also quite satisfied. He is happy and said, "I called my brother-in-law tonight and asked him to come with me, but he has something to do in his factory, so I can't come over."

When Gu Jiatong heard Zhang Defang mention her husband Wei Zhicheng, her face suddenly changed. She secretly scolded Zhang Defang for being too much trouble.

Zhang Defang didn't wink. However, he grabbed the topic and mentioned that he hadn't had dinner with them for a long time, which made Gu Jiatong's beautiful face suddenly sink. Once she was unhappy, she would not give anyone's face. She got up and said, "I have something else to do. You can continue to eat She left the words and left the table.

Zhang Defang doesn't know when. The sinful Miss Gu looked at Gu Mingjian at a loss, and Gu Mingjian smiled helplessly.

At this time, the loud call rang, his hand. The phone had not been repaired, so I had to borrow Gu Mingjian's mobile phone to go back. The call came from the Provincial People's Hospital. When Zhang Yang heard what they said, his face suddenly changed. Since Gu Mingjian met Zhang Yang, he had never seen him so panicked. Zhang Yang turned around and ran out of the door, and even didn't .

When Zhang Yang rushed out of the Ford Building, Gu Jia. Tong just drove out of her Mercedes-Benz. The man suddenly rushed to the front of the car, which scared Gu Jiatong to step on the accelerator in a hurry. Her anger tonight was also burning, and she put her head out of the window and screamed, "Are you looking for death?" After saying this, I recognized that the guy who suddenly rushed out was Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang also recognized her, opened the door, and rudely turned into the car. Sitting on the co-driver's seat: "Send me to the Provincial People's Hospital!"

Gu Jiatong was full of fire, and a pair of eyes stared at Zhang. Yang, who is this man? Why does he dictate to himself? She said angrily, "Get out of the car!"

Zhang Yang's voice is louder than her: "Don't talk nonsense, drive quickly!" His roar. Gu Jiatong was so scared that she didn't continue to argue with this. She bit her lip and drove to the Provincial People's Hospital.

Zhang Yang received that. The phone was that someone informed him that Hailan had an accident. Now he has been sent to the Provincial People's Hospital for emergency treatment. He is in a deep coma. I don't know whether he is dead or alive. The hospital made a lot of calls through Hailan's phone book. One of them informed Zhang Yang that Hailan has no relatives and friends Avoid, even the provincial TV station is the same, because she has resigned from the provincial TV station, so she is unwilling to take this trouble.

Gu Jiatong took out a mole cigarette from the cigarette box while driving and lit it with a fire. Zhang Yang's face was pale, and his whole body was about to collapse. He picked up the box of cigarettes, smoked one of them, and picked up the cigarette lighter to light the cigarette.

Gu Jiatong secretly scolded this guy for being extremely rude. He not only forcibly expropriated his own car, but also smoked his own cigarettes. Unexpectedly, he showed such peace of mind. The most annoying thing is yourself. Who have you ever been afraid of in your life? I was so scared by his loud roar just now that I lost my mind. Damn, I'm actually afraid of him? Gu Jiatong thought contradictoryly, but her woman's unique ** realized that the publicity was very wrong. The man's mood was restless, and his eyes flashed with compassion and pain. What on earth could make this guy so painful and worried? Gu Jiatong finally resisted what she wanted to scold him.

When the car arrived at the parking lot of the Provincial People's Hospital, Zhang Yang pushed the door and rushed to the emergency center. Gu Jiatong hesitated for a moment and decided to park the car and follow him.

Zhang Yang was in a panic and made no choice. On the way, he collided with the little nurse pushing the treatment car in the emergency room. The things on the treatment car were scattered all over the ground. The little nurse said angrily, "You don't have long eyes when you walk?"

Zhang Yang shouted, "Is there a patient named Hailan?"

"Who are you?" The little nurse obviously had no good impression of this man. She stared at him fiercely and squatted down to clean up what he had knocked to the ground.

Zhang Yang was already anxious. Seeing that the little nurse's bad attitude was no longer able to hold back his anger, he roared, "It's paralyzed, what's your attitude? Believe it or not, I'll smoke you!"

The little nurse is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Liu Mei stood upside down and said, "R hooligan, this is a society under the rule of law. I think you dare to fool about it!"

Zhang Yang kicked the treatment car away and stretched out his hand to catch her. If it were Zhang's official at ordinary times, he would not have been so rude, but his concern would be chaotic. Now his mind is full of Hailan's life and death, and his quality and demeanor had already been thrown aside by him.

The little nurse didn't know that she was scared until she saw Zhang Yang's fierce appearance, and she was so scared that she screamed loudly.

Gu Jiatong came to Zhang Yang's side in time, grabbed his arm and said, "What are you doing? Calm down, okay?"

At this time, an emergency room doctor came over. After asking what had happened, he whispered, "Hailan is being rescued in the operating room. The patient's head was hit. The situation is not optimistic!"


When Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong rushed to the door of the operating room, the operation was still in progress. Zhang Yang rushed to the operating room desperately and was stopped by the two policemen in front of the door. Zhang Guanren now obviously lost his mind. His eyes were full of blood and stared at the two policemen: "Get out of here, or I It's over!"

Gu Jiatong is really convinced by the courage of this one. I don't know whether to say that he is bold or stupid. She was really depressed. How could she be confusedly involved in this trouble? She came to Zhang Yang: "Zhang Yang, what's wrong with you? Now that they are rescued inside, what's the use of you rushing in? Can you help me?"

Zhang Yang roared, "I'm going to save people! Whoever he stops me, I will destroy it!"

The two guarding policemen were also aroused: "You have guts, come and have a try!" As he spoke, the light in the operating room went out, and the first one to come out was the doctor in charge of the operation. Zhang Yang walked over: "Doctor, how is Hailan?"

The doctor looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Are you her family?"

When Zhang Yang saw the unsmiling look on the doctor's face, his heart was half cold. Since his rebirth, he had never been so afraid. Suddenly, he had a feeling that his fate was completely out of control. He had a magical medical skill, but when Hailan needed him most, he was not in her body. Bian, if... Zhang Yang almost dares not continue to think about it.

Gu Jiatong was afraid that Zhang Yang could not control his emotions and did something crazy. He hurried forward and said, "Hello, we are friends of the injured. How is she?"

"Life is saved, but it is difficult for me to guarantee when I wake up and what will happen after waking up."

Zhang Yang's whole body was like a collapse, as if he was going to sit on the ground at any time. Knowing that Hailan was still alive, his high heart finally fell to the ground.

Three medical staff pushed Hailan out of the operating room. Zhang Yang hurriedly greeted her, but was stopped by one of the nurses: "Sorry, the patient needs to enter the intensive care unit. You go through the formalities first and go back to the ICU to visit!"

Zhang Yang ignored her and pushed her aside and came to Hailan. However, he saw that the blue silk on Hailan's head had been completely shaved, and her head was wrapped in white gauze. Her beautiful face was pale, her breathing was weak, and her beautiful eyes were closed. Obviously, she was still in a coma. Zhang Yang held The pulse is weak, but what comforts him is that Hailan's vitality is still tenacious.

The nurse still fully understood Zhang Yang's behavior: "The effect of anesthesia has not passed yet. You'd better let the patient have a rest and calm down, okay?"

Zhang Yang finally calmed down. He followed the cart to the door of the ICU. Gu Jiatong reminded him, "Now the patient is still unconscious. Even if you follow him, it won't help. Let's figure out what's going on first!"

Zhang Yang nodded and found three policemen coming towards him. One of them was Luan Shengwen, deputy director of the Baisha District Public Security Bureau, who commanded the arrest operation last night. Luan Shengwen did not expect Gu Jiatong to be here. He couldn't help but be stunned. He knew Gu Jiatong and knew that this was the daughter of the I didn't know him, so Luan Shengwen did not take the liberty to say hello, but went directly to Zhang Yang: "Zhang Yang! I want you to cooperate to investigate some situations.

Zhang Yang is now upset. He shook his head and said, "I want to investigate the situation. Let's talk about it later. Now I just want you to tell me why Hailan has become like this?"

Luan Shengwen said, "She was on Shenyuan Road. The driving Alto car lost control and crashed on the guardrail and rushed down the slope. The smell of wine in the car was very strong. The driver may have drunk a lot of wine before. Because of the remote terrain, no one found the process of the car accident at that time, so the accident He paused for a moment and said, "Can you tell me where I'm going from noon today?"

Zhang Yang's mood was extremely bad. He looked at Luan Shengwen coldly and said, "Get out of here!"

Luan Shengwen's face turned red. Damn, this man is really too arrogant. Anyway, I'm the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Baisha District. What's your attitude? When he was about to get angry, Gu Jiatong came over and whispered, "He was in my house all afternoon. Everyone in our family can prove this for Tomorrow, we will have dinner together in the evening. I have enough reasons to prove that Zhang Yang has nothing to do with this matter.

When Luan Shengwen heard Gu Jiatong say this, he could only give up. What is Gu Jiatong's identity? At the same time, this sentence also implies that the relationship between Zhang Yang and Secretary Gu's family is not ordinary. If he continues to investigate, he will definitely find himself ugly. Looking at Pinghai Province, is there anyone more credible than the testimony of the secretary of the provincial party committee?

After some negotiation, Zhang Yang finally got permission. The ship's sterile suit entered the ICU. Because she was worried that Zhang Yang's mood was out of control, Gu Jiatong also changed into a sterile suit and followed him. Even she herself did not understand why she was confused and dragged into this trouble.

Hailan lay quietly in **, like a deep sleep, with a peaceful expression on her pale face. Her blood pressure and pulse were shown on the bedside monitor. Zhang Yang sat down beside Hailan, held her cool right hand, and her eyes were slightly red. No matter what the cost, he would help Hailan recover as soon as possible. Come back. He whispered, "Sister... wake up... wake up, I can't live without you... Tell me, who is hurting you? I will never let him go!"

Hailan didn't say anything, and she was still lying quietly.

Zhang Yang looked at her quietly like this. After half an hour, he stood up. A little nurse came to him and handed him the arrears bill. The cost of the emergency surgery was paid in advance by the hospital. He owed more than 10,000 yuan on the arrears bill. Zhang Yang didn't have so much cash on his body. A penny Zhang Daguan said in a low voice, "Why don't I send the money tomorrow!"

The little nurse sighed and said, "You know, if the hospitalization fee is not in place in time, many drugs and treatment measures cannot be used. This is also the rule of the hospital, and we do not have this right..."

Gu Jiatong took the arrears and took a look and said, "Small problem, I'll solve it, Zhang Yang. I don't want you to pay back this money. As long as you heal my sister's leg, the money will be regarded as your reward!"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "One is one, two is two. I must pay you back for the maintenance and treatment. I haven't thought about remuneration!"

Because of the special regulations of the ICU, the two of them were still invited out. Gu Jiatong paid the medical expenses for Hailan in advance, which gave Zhang Yang a new understanding of the Miss Gu family. It seemed that Gu Jiatong was not unreasonable and still showed extraordinary atmosphere at the critical moment.

After calming down, Zhang Yang cooperated with the police to record a confession. With Gu Jiatong's testimony, Zhang Yang had no doubts about this matter. He was quite curious about the police's intervention in Hailan's car accident. When recording the confession, Gu Mingjian and Zhang Defang also rushed to the Provincial People's Hospital. Through Zhang Defang The reason why the public security organ intervened in this traffic accident is that Hailan's main injury is in the back of the head, which is inconsistent with the injury caused by the car accident. Perhaps the specific details can only be known until Hailan wakes up.


Xu Changde held the phone and his face was extremely pale. He gritted his teeth and said, "Is that what you did? She is still alive. So you sent her to the Provincial People's Hospital?

An annoyed voice came from the receiver: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that she was dead, so I caused a car accident. I didn't expect her to be still alive..."

Xu Changde bit his lip hard: "No matter what means you use and at what cost, I have to wipe this matter for me!" I will never allow this to implicate me..."

"Don't worry, I will do it well!"


After completing all the formalities, it was already two o'clock at night. Zhang Yang deeply remembered the affection of Gu's sister and brother. Without Gu Jiatong, he would have encountered many problems tonight. Thinking of his attitude towards her during the day, Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling a little guilty. He whispered to Gu Jiatong, "Thank you, Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me.

Gu Jiatong couldn't help laughing and said, "I will settle that account with you sooner or later, but for the sake of being a affectionate man, I should forgive you."

Zhang Yang looked at the time: "It's very late. You all go to rest. I'll stay here!"

Gu Jiatong nodded. Gu Mingjian and Zhang Defang came to Zhang Yang and said, "In terms of public security, we will try our best to help you pay attention to it and see if we can find a result in this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "Well, I may not be able to go to your house tomorrow. Help me explain to Yangyang. Anyway, I may not leave Dongjiang in the near future. When the situation in Hailan is stable, I will go there immediately!"

Gu Mingjian patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you need any help, just say it directly. Our guys don't need to be polite."

Zhang Yang nodded. He was a person who knew how to be grateful. Zhang Daguanren firmly remembered the Gu family's affection for him.

Zhang Yang sat down outside the ICU and looked at Hailan in the ward through the glass window. Under the dim light, Hailan slept so quietly and peacefully. After knowing that Hailan's life would not be in danger, Zhang Yang calmed down a lot. He carefully sorted out the messy thoughts in his mind and got it so far. In terms of the situation, Hailan is likely to be framed, but what enemies does Hailan have in Dongjiang? She is so beautiful and kind, and who is so cruel to kill such a beautiful life?

Zhang Yang rubbed his eyebrows hard. At this time, a tall man pushed the treatment car slowly towards the direction of the ICU. Zhang Yang looked at him and his eyes drooped down again. There were rhythmic footsteps in his ears. Zhang Yang felt a little stunned. The man's steps were so accurate, almost The distance of each step is the same, and the way of landing is strange. It seems to deliberately restrain the strength of landing. This situation usually only happens to the master. Zhang Yang raised his head again and found that the man was wearing a mask, and his eyes under the black-framed glasses were deep and calm. He pushed open the door of the ICU.

Zhang Yang noticed that he was wearing sneakers on his feet, and the inconspicuous part of his right foot was stained with a piece of yellow mud. He should have rushed over from the outside. While Zhang Yang was observing the man, he had pushed the cart in.

Zhang Yang suddenly stood up. He felt something was wrong. He suddenly pushed open the door of the ICU. The man was putting on a sterile suit. Zhang Yang roared, "Stop!" He rushed to the man.

The man was stunned for a moment and realized that he had been seen through. He raised his right foot and kicked the treatment car fiercely. The treatment car hit Zhang Yang's body at high speed. At the same time, he raised his right hand and three scalpels shot at Zhang Yang like lightning.

Zhang Yang flashed sideways, with a scalpel! Du! ! Du! ! Nailed to the door panel next to him, the man saw that Xingzang was seen through and did not dare to stay any more. At the moment of Zhang Yang's avoidance, he escaped from the gap beside him.

Zhang Yang was unwilling to let him slip away. He grabbed the treatment car with both hands and smashed the whole man, accurately on the man's back, but the man was also extremely strong. After being hit by the treatment car, his body just staggered, and he continued to rush towards the elevator.

Zhang Yang took off a scalpel from the door and gritted his teeth and chased him. With his martial arts ***, the other party could never escape from the palm of his hand.

The elevator door opened, and Gu Jiatong came out with Zhang Yang's handbag. Just now, when she was about to leave, she found that Zhang Yang's handbag was still in her car, so she sent it back to him. Who would have thought she would encounter such a scene?

The man grabbed Gu Jiatong's neck and pushed her into the elevator. The scalpel pressed against Gu Jiatong's throat and roared, "Don't come over!"

Zhang Yang didn't expect that Gu Jiatong would go and return. Seeing that Gu Jiatong was restrained, he had to stop and shouted, "Let her go, I'll let you go!"

The elevator door slowly closed, and the man stared at Zhang Yang with cold eyes, as if to keep him firmly in mind.

Zhang Yang looked at the elevator, and the elevator began to drive down.

Zhang Yang ran to the stairs. When he ran to the hall downstairs, the man had dragged Gu Jiatong out of the gate.

Zhang Yang continues to chase closely, which is not only because of Gu Jiatong's safety, but also because of a more important reason. Some people want to control Hailan to die, and he wants to find out the real culprit behind the scenes.

The man saw that Zhang Yang was still with him. He put his scalpel against Gu Jiatong's carotid artery and roared, "Go back, or I'll kill her!"

Zhang Yang's eyes stared at the man's eyes, and the murderous atmosphere spread in the night. His eyes were very sharp, and he felt a murderous opportunity from the man's eyes. If he did not control the other party in time, Gu Jiatong would be more dangerous, but killing the man was equivalent to a clue. All were cut off, and Zhang Yang fell into a deep contradiction.

The man kept retreating. At the moment he took the scalpel away from Gu Jiatong's neck, he raised his right hand. The scalpel drew a cold light in the night and shot at the man's forehead like a comet.

The scalpel accurately pierced the man's forehead, penetrated the hard forehead bone, and pierced deeply into his brain until there was no handle. The man straightened down.

Gu Jiatong screamed because of shock. Zhang Yang rushed up at the first time, pulled Gu Jiatong to his side, and then grabbed the man who fell to the ground and pointed to him like the wind. He continuously clicked his several acupuncture points, and his internal strength penetrated into his acupuncture points, stimulating the potential vitality of this person. Zhang Yang He roared, " Say it! Who asked you to come here?"

The man's eyes were full of incredible expressions. His mouth and nose began to overflow with a lot of blood. He said with difficulty, "Dreaming..." Then his head tilted and died in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang shouted angrily. If he hadn't been too worried about Gu Jiatong's safety, he would have been able to capture the man alive just now, and he would have asked something from his mouth, but he didn't dare to bet on Gu Jiatong's life, so he still tried his best when he took action, and the scalpel The department directly caused his death.

There were more and more people watching. Zhang Yang stood up. He had heard the sound of the siren. Gu Jiatong stood there with a pale face and looked at the man's body. He was still not completely free from the panic just now.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Are you all right?"

Gu Jiatong shook her head in despair, and she felt like she was about to collapse.

The police rushed here when they heard the news. Luan Shengwen had just left. Unexpectedly, there was a murder case here. When they saw the scene, everyone was shocked. The scalpel was deeply pierced into the killer's hard forehead bone. Such wrist strength was not what ordinary people could achieve at all.

After Zhang Yang's murder, it seemed that nothing had happened. He accepted the police's routine inquiry and evidence collection. At that time, the scene was seen by many people. If Zhang Yang did not take action, it should be Gu Jiatong who was killed now. The evidence of the people around him was in Zhang Yang's favor.

After Gu Jiatong regained her composure, she also told the situation at that time.

Luan Shengwen finally came to Zhang Yang. Through these two days of dealing with Zhang Yang, he has changed from disdain to respect for the small cadres in this northern county. There is no lack of respect in this respect. No matter what era, any country, heroes are often easy to get the recognition of others, and Zhang Yang doesn't know whether to do I have established the image of a hero.

"Zhang Yang, how do you know he is a killer?"



"He is very murderous, and it is difficult for a doctor to control his footsteps and strength so accurately!" Zhang Yang smiled disdainfully: " Fortunately, he met me!"

Luan Shengwen nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will send more people to guard the guardianship room to ensure the safety of the victims. But I hope you won't leave Dongjiang in the next few days. We will need your assistance in the investigation at any time!"

"No problem, Luan Bureau, I hope you can thoroughly investigate the Hailan incident. I can conclude that this matter is by no means as simple as an ordinary car accident."

"As a policeman, I will uphold justice. As a national cadre, I will give the victims and their relatives a satisfactory explanation!"

After recording the confession, it was already four o'clock in the morning. After Zhang Yang visited Hailan, he walked out of the ICU and found that Luan Shengwen had arranged two policemen to be on duty at the door. After the assassination incident just now, Hailan's security has received enough attention, and the police's security work was obviously much

Gu Jiatong sat on the bench in the corridor. She did not choose to leave. What happened just now made her deeply stimulated. She was scared from the bottom of her heart, because she didn't want her family to worry about her. She made an excuse to help Zhang Yang take care of Hailan and stayed in the hospital. As for the kidnapping by the killer Confidential, although Luan Shengwen readily agreed, Gu Jiatong also knew that in his own identity, this matter could only be concealed for a while. Sooner or later, he would be known by his father. As long as it is not now, Gu Jiatong is upset now and really doesn't want to face his father's inquiry again.

Zhang Yang came to Gu Jiatong's side and asked with some surprise, "Haven't you gone back to rest yet?" This night's experience made them suddenly let go of their prejudices and hostility.

Gu Jiatong nodded and handed Zhang Yang's handbag to him.

Zhang Yang took the handbag and couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt in his heart. If Gu Jiatong hadn't come back to deliver the bag, that shocking scene would not have happened. He sat down beside Gu Jiatong: "Are you afraid?"

Gu Jiatong answered some questions: "I'm hungry!"

Zhang Yang laughed. This was the first time he smiled tonight. His smile was very infectious, and his teeth were white and neat, just like the sun dispelled the clouds. Looking at his smile, Gu Jiatong also felt an indescribable warmth, and her inner fear was relieved a lot in an instant. She finally understood why her sister believed it. As such a stranger, Zhang Yang does have a unique charm. His eyes are firm and trustworthy, which makes people feel a kind of trust and a kind of security. Strangely, why didn't he find it before? On the contrary, I have always felt that his eyes are evil and strange? Maybe everything changed from Zhang Yang saving her from the brink of death.

Zhang Yang is in a much better mood now. Just now, he explored Hailan's pulse again and found that Hailan's pulse is gradually getting stronger. He has always rejected Western medicine in the past, but Hailan can survive, relying on Western medicine. Surgery and blood transfusion are still effective for the treatment of emergencies. Zhang Yang has begun to accept the resistance of the past, and even has the idea of having time to study Western medicine. Hearing Gu Jiatong say this, he also felt a little hungry: "Let's go, I'll treat you to something to eat!"

Gu Jiatong nodded cheerfully, got up and walked out with Zhang Yang.


It's not easy to find a place to eat at four o'clock in the morning. There is a barbecue stall in the alley next to the Provincial People's Hospital. In fact, this is the only place they can find to eat. In normal times, Gu Jiatong would never eat in such a place, but today she put away her previous pickiness. .

Zhang Yang asked for half a catty of mutton, half a catty of meat tendons, green peppers, grilled fish, and a catty of two pots. After the wine was brought up, Gu Jiatong unexpectedly took the initiative to pour a cup. Zhang Yang remembered that she didn't drink last night. Now she is probably trying to suppress her shock First of all, it's easy to get drunk when drinking on an empty stomach. He handed a piece of grilled fish to Gu Jiatong. Before handing it over to her, he wiped the iron stick with a tissue: "Be careful not to be hot!"

Although it was an inadvertent move, it made Gu Jiatong feel warm in her heart. In her impression, even her husband Wei Zhicheng did not care about herself like this. People often think of a lot of things after experiencing major changes. In the eyes of outsiders, Gu Jiatong was born as an official eunuch and a director of Blue Ocean Culture Long aura, how superior such a condition is, how enviable such a position is, but who knows the loneliness and sadness in her heart.

Zhang Yang picked up the glass and touched Gu Jiatong. He looked up and dried the glass. The two sword eyebrows gathered together. He was still thinking about the scene that had just happened. Who was framing Hailan? Hailan was just a female anchor of the provincial station. Who would be so cruel and did such a thing to her?

Gu Jiatong thought that Zhang Yang was worried about killing the killer. She took a sip of liquor elegantly and whispered, "Don't worry about tonight's matter. I asked Luan Shengwen, and you should not be held accountable."

Zhang Yang shook his head slowly: "I'm not afraid to take responsibility. I just think about who is the real culprit behind the scenes? If I find any clues, I will never let him go..."

Gu Jiatong reminded him, "Don't forget that you are a national cadre. Whatever you do, you must first consider the principles of the law."

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "I don't allow anyone to hurt the people around me. I have my own rules!"

Gu Jiatong picked up his glass and said, "Anyway, I want to thank you tonight. Without you, I'm afraid I've died under the knife of the killer."

"Don't thank me. If I hadn't forced you to drive to the hospital, you wouldn't have been involved in this matter. Let's take this meal as an apology to you!"

Gu Jiatong opened her beautiful eyes in surprise: "You are so stingy! How dare you deal with me with a barbecue!"

Zhang Yang found such a frank element from her for the first time. He laughed and said, "Well, after this matter is solved, I'll treat you to a good meal. You can choose the time and place!"



Hailan woke up the next afternoon. Zhang Yang had been by her side all the time. Looking at Hailan's confused eyes, there was a gratifying smile on his face. From last night to now, he had not closed his eyes at all. His eyes were full of blood. He held Hailan's slender hand and said softly, "Are you

Hailan's expression was full of strangeness. She struggled to pull her hand out of Zhang Yang's big hand. Zhang Yang was stunned: "Hailan!"

Hailan bit her pale lips: "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"I'm Zhang Yang, don't you remember me?"

Hailan shook her head. She frowned and thought hard, but her mind was always blank. There was something wrong with her memory. She even remembered that she had just walked out of the door of the Central Broadcasting Institute, and she didn't remember anything else.

"Hailan, listen to me..." Zhang Yang tried to tell Hailan something, but Hailan was a little scared and said, "I don't know you, and I don't want to hear it. Go out!"


"You go out!" Hailan's mood suddenly became excited.

The nurse next to him hurried over when she saw the scene in front of her and advised, "Sir, I think the patient is very excited. You'd better avoid it."

Zhang Yang stood up helplessly and retreated. The doctor who heard the news came to Hailan and did a series of examinations for her.

Zhang Yang stood at the window outside and looked nervously. He didn't expect Hailan's situation. Judging from her reaction just now, she didn't seem to remember herself. As soon as the bed doctor came out, Zhang Yang greeted her at the first time: "Doctor, how's it going?"

The doctor looked at Zhang Yang and couldn't help sighing, "The situation is not bad, but... the patient should have amnesia!"

"Amnesia? You mean she forgot everything about the past?

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's not everything, but for a period of time. She is selective amnesia, which has little to do with the impact of the brain. It should be cardiogenic amnesia. This kind of amnesia is difficult to explain with physiological factors. It is her own subconscious that Remember something you want to forget.

Zhang Yang showed a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, what Hailan forgot was exactly this paragraph about himself. He whispered, "Look, how long will it take for her to recover her memory?"

"Maybe a few months, maybe a few years, maybe I can't remember it in my life." The doctor looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically: "Maybe you have to be prepared for a long time."

For the first time, Zhang Yang had a feeling of uncertainty about the disease, and the heart disease still needed to be treated by the heart. Although he was unparalleled, he was also helpless about this kind of heart disease.

While Hailan was still asleep, Zhang Yang checked her body and was sure that Hailan's body should not leave any serious sequelae, but amnesia was not within his expectations. His medical skills could cure physical diseases, but he could not cure Hailan's mental illness. Zhang Yang did not know. Why did Bai Hailan show such resistance to herself that she would even feel panicked and emotional when she saw him, which made Zhang Yang feel an unspeakable sense of frustration. This situation has not improved with the passage of time, and it has become more and more serious.