Medical official path

Chapter 92 Brothers are for sale

Zhang Defang said, "What are you going to do?"

Gu Mingjian shook his head sadly and said, "I don't know. ( Full-text novel reading, all in .16κ.(1κ.O. Text. I really don't know, who knows why she is so troublesome!" When he first knew Zhao Ruiwen, he thought Zhao Ruiwen was a let go girl. Unexpectedly, he got along with him to such a point.

Zhang De sighed and said, "I have already advised you to take it easy. Well, something has happened. Since you are going to share it with her, don't get involved." Zhang Defang still knows Gu Mingjian quite well. He knows that he is indecisive, otherwise things will not be dealt with in a mess.

Zhang Yang caught the sadness deep in Gu Mingjian's eyes. He realized that Gu Mingjian was not a free and easy person. He obviously had feelings for Zhao Ruiwen. If he didn't care about Zhao Ruiwen's life and death, he would not come over at all. In fact, up to now, Zhang Yang has not figured out the relationship between According to the analysis, Gu Mingjian and Zhang Ruping are cousins, so there should be no entanglement, otherwise he and Zhang Defang can't be like this. As for Cheng Xiuxiu and Zhao Ruiwen, it's hard to say.

Zhang Yang is still very concerned about Gu Mingjian. After all, Gu Mingjian once helped him, and he and Gu Jiatong still have that kind of relationship. What... To put it be said, Gu Mingjian is his actual brother-in-law, and everyone is also a relative. They all say that they don't help relatives, but there are few people who can really do this. Zhang Guanren has no resistance to men with a few more confidants, but he thinks that since you like them and have done this to them, you have to be responsible, and you have to be responsible, which is also where he has a lot of complaints about Gu Mingjian.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Mingjian, what are you going to do?"

Gu Mingjian said truthfully, "It's not that I don't like her. I just feel that I gave my life to a woman so early that I'm at a loss!"

Zhang De laughed. He knew Gu Mingjian better than Zhang Yang. Gu Mingjian was definitely the kind of soft-hearted and indecisive role, which was fully reflected in his emotional treatment. This man was not a prodigal son after playing every scene. He was affectionate. He was playful, but he didn't know what to do when he Deal with it, this is not something that others can help.

Zhang Yang said, "Stable her mood first, don't kill people!" While talking, Gu Jiatong called. Zhang Yang looked at the number and went to the distance to get through the phone.

Gu Jiatong asked him where he was, because she still had business to talk about in the evening. I can't have dinner with Zhang Yang. I'll contact him later.

Zhang Yang knew that Gu Jiatong had a business to do, and now Gu Mingjian's affairs were not suitable for her to know. After chatting with Gu Jiatong, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Ruiwen was obviously deeply in love with Gu Mingjian. After Gu Mingjian said two good words, the girl was tender and affectionate to him. He Xinyan was so angry that she couldn't help scolding her for being born cheap, and warned Gu Mingjian a few words. She took the lead in leaving the hospital.

Zhang De looked at He Xinyan's back and couldn't help laughing, "This girl has a lot of character, but it's better for men not to touch it. Touching it is equivalent to causing endless trouble." He also had a lot of things to do and said goodbye to Gu Mingjian.

Gu Mingjian asked him to call Zhang Ruping to accompany him, and he accompanied Zhao Ruiwen in the hospital first.

Zhang Yang saw that the storm had passed temporarily, and he had nothing to do here, so he also said goodbye and left.


After Zhang Yang and Zhang Defang broke up, he was ready to find a restaurant to eat casually, and then went back to Jiatong's villa to rest. He didn't take two steps, but he saw He Xinyan standing at a roadside snack stall. He Xinyan also saw Zhang Yang at the same time and waved to him with a smile.

Zhang Yang walked over with a smile: "What's the matter? What about eating? I said you are too unrighteous. We are barely friends in adversity, and we don't say hello for dinner!" He just deliberately joked and didn't think that He Xinyan was serious. He said to the snack stall owner, "Master, give me another bowl of wonton and two poached eggs!"

Zhang Yang's eyes widened, and this was the highest courtesy to him. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, I won't eat that thing, He Xinyan. Are you all right at night? I'll buy you a drink!"

He Xinyan blinked her big eyes and pointed to the snack stall and said, "I've paid!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "Look at your stingy look, let's go! I'll treat you to a big meal!"

"You said it! Then treat me to KFC!"

"Damn it, I don't eat that thing!"

He Xinyan smiled cunningly: "Then go to Haibawang to eat seafood buffet!"

I didn't know until the sea overlord Zhang Yang that the consumption level here is really not low, 188 yuan per person. This girl obviously came with the mentality of a big eater. Looking at the unpredictable neon in front of the sea overlord's door, He Xinyan sighed with her eyes shining: "It's my dream to eat seafood here this It can be realized. Unexpectedly, you helped me achieve it two months in advance.

Zhang Yang suddenly had a feeling of being regarded as a wrongdoer. He hasn't spoken yet. He Xinyan has turned her face, and his heavy makeup still failed to cover her strange elf's expression: "You are so kind to me. Don't you have any idea about me?"

"Yes, I really like the scene of you smashing people with wine bottles. Why don't you practice it for me again?"

He Xinyan giggled: "I'm not afraid of it. I regard you as a good person. If you have bad intentions towards me, I will smash the wine bottle!"

When the two walked into the gate, they were stopped by Miss Yingbin. They looked at He Xinyan with strange eyes. Indeed, He Xinyan's dress was really eye-catching. Coincidentally, there was Carlsberg and Blue Ribbon in the Sea Overlord, but there was no Buds. Miss Yingbin said, "Sorry, we are

Zhang Yang was stunned, and then his eyes fell on He Xinyan's advertising skirt and couldn't help laughing. He Xinyan was regarded as a drink.

He Xinyan's eyebrows stood upside down, and her beautiful eyes were wide open: "Did I bring wine? Are such big eyes a decoration?


"It's my own business to wear it. I just like to wear advertising skirts. I'll wear Carlsberg tomorrow!"

Miss Yingbin was stunned, and the only smile on her face was frozen.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "We are here to consume. Are you really going to shut customers out?" One sentence reminded Miss Yingbin that she smiled again and invited the two people in.

He Xinyan's dress is still quite eye-catching. When she walked from the gate to their seat, at least three customers shouted to her, "Miss, two bottles of Budwegwei!" She was surprised and said, "I didn't expect Budweiser to be so popular!"

Zhang Yang said, "The drunken man's intention is not to drink, but to be popular!"

He Xinyan glanced at it: "I found it. You are not a good thing!"

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Zhang Yang was still shocked by He Xinyan's amount of food. Looking at her dishes folded like a hill in the plate, Zhang Yang couldn't help saying, "Dear, can't we be so exaggerated? If you can't finish it, it will be a waste. It's shameful to waste it!"

He Xinyan said, "How do you know I can't finish it? I've been hungry all day. Besides, you spent 188, and I have to eat the money back, or we will suffer more!"

"Dear, you can't have trouble with your own stomach!"

"Don't worry. I have a great appetite!"

He Xinyan's appearance of eating is very elegant and quiet, but her combat effectiveness is also really amazing. Looking at the plates in front of her empty one by one, Zhang Yang finally understood that this girl really can't afford to raise her.

Zhang Yang got a catty of fine Yanghe. He Xinyan drank Xiao Erliang, and the rest went into his stomach. When He Xinyan got up to pick up the vegetables, he brought him another bottle.

Zhang Yang looked at He Xinyan puzzledly: "Why is this? Do you really want to get me drunk?"

He Xinyan smiled and said, "The market price of this wine is 88, and it's basically enough for you to drink two bottles!"

Zhang Yang is really impressed. It's the first time he has seen such a calculating girl: "What... wine can be messy!" He reminded in a low voice.

He Xinyan opened the cap of the bottle and filled the cup in front of Zhang Yang: "I have two wine bottles in my hand. I'm not afraid of being smashed. Just show it to me!" The girl's toughness can compete with An Yuchen, but An Yuchen's toughness is based on her strength, and He Xin

When He Xinyan went to the bathroom, a fat middle-aged man greeted him: "Miss, hello, I'm a Hong Kong director. I think you are in good condition and want to ask you to make a movie..."

He Xinyan pointed to Zhang Yang in the distance and said, "You go and ask my brother first!"

Only then did the fat man notice Zhang Yang, who was sitting in the distance drinking. He suddenly had a smile on his face and strode over: "Director Zhang, it's really predestined to meet you thousands of miles away. I didn't expect to meet you in Dongjiang!"

Zhang Yang did not expect to meet the rogue director Wang Zhun here. In fact, he is also a serious director now. The two are also old acquaintances. Zhang Yang and Wang Zhun shook hands. Wang Zhun sat down without waiting for Zhang Yang's invitation: "I came here to be a visiting professor at Dongjiang Art College this time!"

He Xinyan is a student of Dongjiang Art College. Hearing that Wang Zhun was going to become a visiting professor in his school, he also showed some interest and whispered, "Are you really a film director?"

Wang Zhun immediately took out his business card and handed it to He Xinyan and said, "Wang Zhun!" This person only said two words, which fully proves that he is very confident and feels that he is very famous at home and abroad.

Unfortunately, He Xinyan has not heard of his name: "I'm sorry, what movie has Director Wang made?"

Before Wang Zhun could answer, Zhang Yang took the lead and said, "Fengyue Baojian, dance with Lang!"

Wang Zhun's expression on his face was so embarrassing. Damn, we don't have such a bad thing. I have made two triode films in my life. You remember clearly, why don't you talk about the film I won the Golden Statue Award?

Zhang Yang added, "Foreign is called restricted level, and Hong Kong and Taiwan is called triode film!"

Wang Zhun's face was really unbearable. He smiled and said, "Director Zhang is really humorous..."

He Xinyan quietly threw the business card on the ground as if she felt hot.

Zhang Yang didn't want to see Wang Zhun in his heart, but Wang Zhun's appearance reminded him of Mr. An. He smiled and said, "I heard that Mr. An has been in poor health recently. I don't know the specific situation?"

Wang Zhun said, "Longsheng Film Company is only a subsidiary of Century Antai. I don't know much about Mr. An's situation, but I heard that he has not come out to preside over the board of directors for a long time. Now the specific affairs are presided over by An Defeng, the second son of the An family."

Zhang Yang added a set of tableware and poured a glass of wine for Wang Zhun: "Director Wang, I can't hide something from you. Recently, Mr. An's investment in Qingtai Mountain suddenly stopped, which made people panic. The outdoor shooting base you established has not come to shoot recently. Is there something wrong with the An family?"

Wang Zhun picked up the glass and stopped talking. After thinking about it, he said, "Why don't you just ask Mr. An or Miss An?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "An Yuchen's phone is always turned off. I can't find her, and I can't get in touch with An Lao."

Wang Zhun took a sip of wine and finally said, "An Deming, the boss of the An family, was investigated by the ICAC!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. He was not clear about the specific situation of the An family. Naturally, he did not know that the An family also had a son who was working in the government department.

Wang Zhun said, "I don't know exactly what happened. Anyway, it seems to be a little troublesome to settle down this time!" He obviously didn't want to continue talking about this topic. After a few words, he got up and left. Before leaving, he still said to He Xinyan, "Miss, your condition is really excellent. As long as you pack a little, you can definitely become an international superstar!"

He Xinyan shook her head and said, "I'm not interested in your film!" Under the guidance of Zhang Yang, she has positioned Wang Zhun as a triode film director.

Wang Zhun showed a wry smile to Zhang Yang, but his heart was very strange. Why are all the beautiful women in the world involved with this?

Zhang Yang was much depressed because of what Wang Zhun just said. He picked up his mobile phone and called An Yuchen. The other party was still in a state of shutdown. Zhang Yang began to realize that the incident of the An family this time might be very serious, otherwise An Yuchen would never turn off the phone for so many days.

He Xinyan saw that Zhang Yang had something on his mind and whispered, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "Are you also at Dongjiang Art Academy? What's your major?"

He Xinyan said, "Dance!"

"Oh! When will you jump for me?"

He Xinyan smiled and said, "Let's celebrate the New Year. During the New Year's performance, you come and support me, and I will definitely show you!"

"Good! If I have time, I will definitely come!" Zhang Yang's words are full of perfunctory meaning. After all, he is now in the Beijing office. The more the Spring Festival is, the busier the Beijing office is. It's hard to say whether he is open or not. Besides, he and He Xinyan are just a general friendship, and it is impossible to come to Dongjiang for her.

He Xinyan is very serious: "Then I will take it as if you have agreed. Be honest when you speak!"

Zhang Yang's phone suddenly rang. He thought it was Gu Jiatong, but he didn't expect that it was Li Changyu who called. Zhang Yang got up and left the noisy hall, came to a relatively secluded place, and whispered, "Hey!"

Li Changyu's voice seemed a little flustered: "Zhang Yang, have you been in touch with Mr. An?"

Zhang Yang frowned. He didn't understand why Li Changyu showed such concern about this matter. He said truthfully, "I have contacted him several times, but I can't get in touch with him, but I just heard that something seems to have happened to the An family..."

Li Changyu's voice became lower and lower: "Zhang Yang, I'm afraid the tourism development of Qingtai Mountain is a little troublesome. Now someone is talking about it. If there is a problem with the An family, I'm afraid it will be very involved." Although his words are very euphemistic, the meaning has been quite clear. If this matter is transformed into a bad side, he will be involved first. When he was in Chunyang, he tried his best to take over the achievements of An Lao's investment in Chunyang. He also performed most actively in the whole process and became the executive vice mayor. This is also one of his dazzling political capitals, but people often have no eyes. Who knows that now a good thing has begun to turn into a bad thing.

Zhang Yang thought that Li Changyu must have something to hide from him. He whispered, "Uncle Li, what on earth have you heard?"

Li Changyu was silent. After a long time, he said, "Someone reported that Anjia is actually a Hong Kong gangster. He has been smuggling and trafficking drugs for many years, so he can accumulate so much amazing wealth. Now Century Antai Group looks very white on the surface, but it is actually the place where Anjia comes to launder money..." He He said, "An Lao's investment in Qingtai Mountain is also regarded as one of the means of money laundering... So..."

Zhang Yang has fully understood. No wonder Li Changyu showed such worry. If Mr. An really uses his investment in Qingtai Mountain to launder money, the consequences of this matter will be extremely serious. He is just a small deputy department. Even if the deputy director of the Investment Office is included, he should not be involved much, but the investment All the personnel of the office, Li Changyu, the deputy mayor, and Qin Qing, the county magistrate who signed a contract on behalf of Chunyang, are unlucky because of this matter, and even destroy the future political future. Li Changyu should be the first to bear the brunt.

Li Changyu said, "F figure out this matter as soon as possible and find a way to contact Anjia to see what's going on. Is there any problem with their investment in Qingtai Mountain?"

Zhang Yang whispered, "Don't worry, I'll figure it out as soon as possible."

The mood of hanging up the phone is much heavier. It's really a wave after wave. Li Changyu's call is not only a reminder, but also the main thing is to ask for help. The higher the position of people in the officialdom, the more afraid of losing. Li Changyu has worked hard for so many years before climbing to the current position. Qingtai Mountain Travel wrote him brilliant political achievements, but greed laid the groundwork for his future predicament.

Zhang Yang's absent-mindedness was all seen by He Xinyan. She picked up the tissue and wiped her lips and said, "I'm so full! Hey, let's go!"

Zhang Yang stood up. At this time, Gu Jiatong's phone call came. Zhang Yang asked Gu Jiatong to pick him up at the door of the Sea King. He Xinyan came to the door and called a taxi for her first. He Xinyan got into the car. When the car was about to start, she rolled down the Hands.. Zhang Yang leaned over, and He Xinyan handed Zhang Yang a tissue with his pager number: "Call me next time in Dongjiang!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said with a smile, "The wine girl is not suitable for you. Don't smash people with wine bottles! It's okay to hurt others. If you accidentally hurt yourself, you will be in trouble.

He Xinyan rarely showed a trace of obedience: "I know!"


Gu Jiatong arrived at the Sea Overlord more than ten minutes later. As soon as Zhang Yang got on the car, she smelled the strong smell of alcohol on him and couldn't help laughing, "What's wrong? I'm alone, so I drink to drown my sorrows?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "As for my handsome and handsome jade tree facing the wind, how can I be without beautiful women around me?"

Gu Jiatong spat, "I find that you feel so good about yourself that I can't stand you!"

"Can't you stand me? So you have to do it every time?"

Gu Jiatong blushed and said, "Is it okay to be a little decent?"

Zhang Yang noticed the tiredness on her face: "Are you tired?"

Gu Jiatong nodded and said, "After talking about business all day, the company has a lot of things to do recently. None of these guys have a backbone. Everything is waiting for me to go back to deal with."

"I said that your chairman can't hold the power too tightly. You can let it go. It's impossible to do everything!"

Gu Jiatong sighed and said, "I want Mingjian to come to the company to help me. Look at him. He is so idle all day long that he only knows how to hang out with a group of girls. I haven't seen anyone for several days."

Zhang Yang remembered that Gu Mingjian was also embarrassed now. He didn't realize that he was laughing and whispered, "Why make yourself so tired? Even if a woman's family makes a big career, she has to find a home in the end?"

"You are really male chauvinist, annoying! By the way, when will you go back to Beijing?

"Tomorrow! It's not a matter of staying like this in Dongjiang. When I go back to Beijing, I will contact Liu Chuankui and ask Liu Dazhu to go to Beijing to give us a spoon!"

"I still have something to do. I guess I'll be a week late. I wanted to go with you!" Gu Jiatong said with some regret.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "A little farewell is better than a newlywed. When you go there, I will treat you well!"

Gu Jiatong's beautiful eyes showed infinite charm, and she said in a delicate voice, "I'm a landlord in Dongjiang. I'll treat you tonight!"


It doesn't matter who entertains whom. The important thing is that they can satisfy each other and comfort each other. After the frenzy, Gu Jiatong lay quietly in Zhang Yang's arms, listening to his powerful heartbeat, and said softly, "Sometimes, I can't help thinking that it's good to be an ordinary woman, at It's a matter of deception."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In the world, this kind of thing is inevitable. I have so many troublesome things in my small deputy department all day long. You, the chairman, must work much harder than me." He stroked Gu Jiatong's silk and satin-like beautiful back, and the tip of his tongue **d Gu Jiatong's crystal earlobe, which made her moan comfortably and softly. Zhang Yang remembered what Li Changyu told him. It was supposed to be known that such a big thing, so he whispered about the trip to Qingtai Mountain.

After listening to this, Gu Jiatong said with a slight frown: "If the family has a underworld background, this matter will definitely be very troublesome. If there is a chance, I will ask my father to see what's going on. Don't worry. You were just the deputy director of the China Merchants Office. There was someone on it, and you were cleared from the China Merchants Office before signing the contract. It can be said that the whole matter is not related at all. Even if something really happens, it

Zhang Yang has already thought of this layer, but if something really happens, he can't sit idly by Li Changyu and Qin Qing.

The phone suddenly rang. This time it was Zhang Yang's mobile phone. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Gu Mingjian's number. He made a silent gesture to Gu Jiatong. Gu Jiatong also saw that it was his brother's call. His face turned red unconsciously, and there was a feeling of being broken.

There is a reason why Gu Mingjian called so late. Cheng Xiuxiu didn't know how he knew that he was accompanying Zhao Ruiwen in the hospital, so he went over. The two women pinched them face to face. Cheng Xiuxiu was angry and cut her pulse on the spot. Now it's a mess. Gu Mingjian begged Zhang Yang to .

The two were talking on the phone. Gu Jiatong was already curious and listened to what had happened to her brother. Zhang Yang originally wanted to avoid her, but now they are lying naked in a **. Gu Jiatong wrapped herself tightly like an octopus, so that it was impossible for her not to know at all.

Gu Mingjian's tone was very anxious: "Zhang Yang, you must come. Your brain is working, and Zhao Ruiwen is willing to listen to you again. This time you have to help your buddies!"

Zhang Yang looked at Gu Jiatong awkwardly, and Gu Jiatong nodded to signal him to agree.

After Zhang Yang agreed, he immediately hung up the phone.

Gu Jiatong grabbed his ear angrily: "Well, you, Mingjian has done such a big thing and you are hiding it from me. Do you want to make me angry?"

Zhang Yang begged for mercy. Gu Jiatong let go of his ears and urged him to put on his clothes. The two of them put on their clothes. Gu Jiatong must follow Zhang Yang to the hospital. She had just heard that Gu Mingjian was in Baisha District People's Hospital. Even if Zhang Yang didn't let her go, she could still

Zhang Yang originally wanted to persuade her to pretend that she didn't know, but when he saw Gu Jiatong's anxious appearance, he knew that this matter could not be concealed at all. Anyway, Gu Mingjian was afraid of him. Gu Jiatong, who was an elder sister, should not betray his brother.

Because he was worried that Gu Jiatong would make a mistake, Zhang Yang took the initiative to take on the driving task. Gu Jiatong said, "This bastard, I told him not to entangle with several girls at the same time. He just didn't listen. Now it's okay, something happened!" When he spoke, he couldn't help thinking of Zhang Yang. His heart was itching with hatred for a moment. He stretched out his hand and twisted it fiercely on Zhang Yang's thigh. Zhang Yang screamed in pain: "Damn it, do my shit!"

"It's all because of you!"


Women seem to like to say this sentence most. When Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong felt that in the emergency observation room, Cheng Xiuxiu had cut her pulse. Fortunately, it was not cut deeply. The doctor on duty had sewn it up. Now she is also lying in the observation room. In the same observation room, in the same ward, there is Zhao Rui

"It's all because of you!" Zhao Ruiwen said with resentment.

"It's all your fault!" Cheng Xiuxiu said so.

Gu Mingjian sat between the two beds with a sad face, and a cigarette butt was scattered on the ground.

Zhang Ruping hid at the door and was idle. When she saw Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong coming over, she was scared to death for a moment. Among the few cousins of the Gu family, she was most afraid of Gu Jiatong. She felt that this big cousin was usually the most serious one and the most difficult to approach. Gu Mingjian caused such a If she hadn't introduced the relationship, Gu Mingjian wouldn't have known her two classmates. She timidly shouted, "Cousin!"

In fact, Gu Jiatong has never had much good impression on Zhang Defang's brother and sister. Without looking at Zhang Ruping, she pushed the door and walked into the emergency observation room.

Gu Mingjian didn't expect his sister to suddenly appear here. He was so scared that he stood up. When he saw Zhang Yang behind Gu Jiatong, he immediately understood what was going on. He stared at Zhang Yang with some depression and said to himself, I told you not to reveal it to me. Your boy also swore to me in the afternoon. In a blink of an eye, you sued my sister. You are so unrighteous. Gu Mingjian was angry, but Gu Jiatong knew that it was much better than the old man. He said with a bitter face, "Sister!"

Gu Jiatong stared at him and looked at the two girls lying in **. He nodded with hatred and said, "You are really promising!" She put the two fruit baskets she bought at the head of the two girls' beds, and her brother got into trouble. This sister must help him deal with the aftermath.

Gu Mingjian is still staring at Zhang Yang. The anger in his heart is paralyzed. Is the brother used to sell? Zhang Yang spread his hands helplessly and said, "Don't look at me like this. I'm also forced to be helpless!"