Medical official path

Chapter 107 Conspiracy

When Su Xiaohong and Secretary Hong contacted each other, Fang Wennan did not stop running. He asked someone to find Tian Qinglong and Zuo Yuanchao. Judging from the feedback from all parties, this matter was not optimistic. Mr. Gu was more excessive than he thought. Fang Wennan finally understood that Mr. Gu was not a smart person. He was just a spoiled child, a dandeed dande. It was wrong to talk to such a person from the beginning. When Su Xiaohong told him that Secretary Hong was also helpless, Fang Wennan was really a little angry. From the beginning, he took out a hundred percent sincerity. He wanted to solve this matter, but the other party's unreasonableness and strength were unexpected at first. Zuo Yuanchao and Tian Qinglong were obviously on Gu Mingjian's side. The reason why Hong He didn't want to come out because he was afraid of Gu Yunzhi, and he didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble. Only then did Fang Wennan find out. Business people are not the most realistic, and these people in the officialdom are more realistic and ruthless than them.

After Hong Weiji refused to come forward for Fang Wennan. Fang Wennan fell into a short period of anger and confusion. What he was angry about was that his friendship accumulated with interests was so fragile and vulnerable. What he was confused about was that this matter was just a small matter in his eyes, which was so tricky to deal with, but the confusion was only temporary, and Fang Wennan quickly straightened it out. The key figure in this matter is still publicity. At first, Niu Wenqiang clashed with his son Fang Haitao. The initiative was in his hands, but the matter changed immediately after Gu Mingjian intervened. Looking at this matter calmly, it had nothing to do with Gu Mingjian at all. Gu Mingjian's intervention was entirely because of Zhang Yang. It was Zhang Yang who led Gu Mingjian in with one hand, and then the development of the matter suddenly reversed. Now he is completely in the situation of being passively beaten. Although Fang Wennan had already seen the key role of publicity, he did not realize that this matter would become so tricky. He thought that with his own energy, he could completely suppress and solve this matter. Hong Weiki's wise protection made Fang Wennan suddenly wake up. I'm not fighting with Gu Mingjian, but with the people around Secretary Gu Yunzhi. If it goes on like this, I can only suffer losses. Knowing that I will suffer losses, a real businessman will not continue to walk along this road.

So he thought of Zhang Yang again. He had to ring the bell. Since everything was caused by Zhang Yang, the matter should be solved by Zhang Yang, so he took the initiative to call Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was with Qin Qing when he received this call. Qin Qing, who had just lifted the double rules, obviously did not recover from his low mood. And Zhang Yang was also frustrated because of Zuo Xiaoqing's departure. It is also natural for two frustrated people to go boating and chat together in Yayun Lake to help each other send loneliness.

The warm autumn sun made people drowsy. Qin Qing stepped on the pedal boat and rippled in the middle of the lake. Zhang Yang sat opposite her. He fell asleep with his eyes closed like an old monk. Qin Qing looked at him quietly and couldn't help thinking of the moment when he walked out of the Red Star Guest House. In the wind and There was an indescribable warmth in Fang's heart, and she remembered the scene where the man sneaked into his cherry lips when he left his house. She didn't realize that she had a fever, and she was soberly aware of it. My feelings for publicity began to become uncontrollable.

The ringing of the phone interrupted Qin Qing's meditation and woke up the sleepy Zhang Yang. He turned on the phone: "Hey!" A smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Mr. Fang, what can I do for you?"

Fang Wennan's voice is as calm as ever, but there is indescribable kindness and sincerity in the calm: "Director Zhang, are you free at night? I arranged a room for the fragrance of fish and rice. Let's have a meal together.

Zhang Yang immediately reacted. People must ask for something. Fang Wennan must want to do something by himself. This matter is still related to Gu Mingjian. Gu Mingjian is indeed a little out of the road. Zhang Yang had eaten in front of him in the morning. Just as he was about to refuse, Fang Wennan said, "Director Zhang, I sincerely want to make you as a friend. The past has been written off, and everyone should communicate with each other. Director Zhang won't give me this face, will he?"

At this level, it is no longer acceptable to publicize and refuse.

Zhang Yang still said in an embarrassed tone, "So what... I'm with my friends..."

"Come here together, there will be no outsiders at night. I only asked Miss Su to accompany me!"

Zhang Yang reluctantly agreed. Close the phone. Qin Qing had stopped pedaling the boat. As the boat rippled in the middle of the lake, a pair of beautiful eyes as clear as spring water stared at Zhang Yang and said, "Go ahead. I'll go home by myself."

"Let's go together. Fang Wennan invited me to dinner. He took Su Xiaohong, and I was alone to be afraid that he would trick me. You can't die.

Qin Qing couldn't help laughing, bit the cherry lip and said, "Aren't you a member of the Communist Party? A beauty trick can shake your position. Prove that you are not qualified!" Her smile made the surrounding lakes and mountains gloomy, so bright and touching. Seeing that Zhang Daguan stayed there unconsciously, he swallowed his mouthful and said, "No party member can't resist your smile."

Qin Qingqiao blushed slightly and said softly, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kick you off the lake." After saying that, she immediately realized that there was a smell of flirting in her words, which had never happened in the past. It turned out that her feelings had changed unconsciously, and she did not show a blind refusal to publicity as at the beginning.

Zhang Daguan was happy to hear it in his heart. 1 novel W.1κ. \ The first release of the text version has become clearer and clearer about his ** feelings for Qin Qing. I knew the importance of mastering the scale, so I didn't continue to ** her. I pretended not to hear it, and sighed, "I have female companions. I'm not too faceless, then... You should take it as a humanitarian and accompany me at night.

Qin Qing bent down, and her white and delicate hands gently copied into the water, feeling the coolness of the lake, so as to calm down her inner turmoil. She finally nodded and said, "I have nothing to do at night, so I'll follow you to have a meal for free!"

The hometown of fish and rice is also a hotel owned by Shengshi Group. It was only renovated and completed two months ago. It focuses on high-end business. The prominent feature of dishes and drinks is an expensive word. However, the emerging millionaires and government cadres in Jiangcheng are still flocking. In just two months, the business is booming, and the Two, the operating revenue has exceeded the prosperous era of the emperor on the other side of Yayun Lake, but the hometown of fish and rice specializes in catering, and does not engage in diversified business like the prosperous era of the emperor.

Zhang Yang and Qin Qing came to the hometown of fish and rice on time. First of all, I was attracted by the music fountain in the square in front of the door. With the melody, the fountain is changing into different colors and shapes. Different brands of cars are neatly parked in the wide parking lot. It can be seen from the number plate that many of them came from the municipal authorities. Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that when he went to Jing'an with Chu Yanran, he was secretly photographed by a reporter in the parking lot. I don't know if there was such a bold reporter in Jiangcheng. Qin Qing whispered, "The atmosphere of eating and drinking with public funds is getting worse and worse. It's time for the government to catch it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "From the center to the place. From ** to Chunyang, where is not eating? At least it has revitalated the catering industry and let a small number of people get rich first.

The two walked into the lobby. In the pool in the center of the lobby, there were two crocodiles, which were for human consumption. Taking this as a gimmick to attract the attention of guests, Zhang Yang leaned over and took a look. The two crocodiles were not about two meters long. They lay there motionless, and Qin Qing left here with rude Zhangyang. After all, people come and go. When I see them together, I'm afraid I'm going to wear some gossip again.

At this time, a delicate and charming voice sounded: "Director Zhang, why did you come here!" But Su Xiaohong welcomed him out.

Zhang Yang looked at Su Xiaohong with a smile, but saw Su Xiaohong wearing a blue cheongsam, covered with black fox skin shoulders, slender waist, ** Feng, swaying and noble.

Su Xiaohong just noticed Qin Qing beside Zhang Yang. Qin Qing was dressed very simply tonight. He dressed in a light gray stand-up collar sweater, stone-milled blue jeans, and his hair was casually tied into a ponytail. Although he didn't dress too much, he had a different and touching fresh temperament. Qin Qing's elegance and nobility The glory of Superman. Although Su Xiaohong is also a beautiful woman, she is dressed up tonight, but in front of Qin Qing's freshness and elegance, her charm looks a little tacky, far less subtle and beautiful than Qin Qing.

Qin Qing is very famous in Jiangcheng. Su Xiaohong has also admired her for a long time. She knows that the youngest beautiful county magistrate in Pinghai politics has just been solved. She and Zhang Yang appeared at the same time, which also verified what Fang Wennan said to her. Zhang Yang's small deputy subject is not simple and can let Comeing to the banquet can never be explained by friendship or work relationship.

Fang Wennan left the Crystal Pavilion on the top floor of the fragrance of fish and rice. Usually, this private room is only used by him to entertain the most important guests. The Crystal Pavilion is completely a glass room. Sitting in the Crystal Pavilion, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of Yayun Lake, and the crystal pavilion is located at the highest point of The people's Congress has a certain social position, thinking about how to trample them all under their feet. It's also a pleasure. Of course, this is just a private idea of Fang Wennan, which is mentioned to others.

Fang Wennan welcomed the arrival of Qin Qing. In the past, he has had several exchanges with the former municipal party secretary of Jiangcheng City. After four seats, night had come. Fang Wennan asked people to pull up the curtains of the Crystal Pavilion on three sides, leaving only one side near the lake.

You can see the night sky when you look up. Through the floor glass on the north side, you can see the beautiful Yayun Lake. The starlight and fire reflect each other. How can eating in the bad well here not make people feel relaxed and have a big appetite?

Fang Wennan smiled and said, "The head of Qin County can come and make the shop shine."

Qin said with a light smile, "If you take the liberty to visit, I hope you don't mind!"

Fang Wennan laughed and said, "I can't invite you on weekdays. Don't be polite, magistrate Qin!"

After the four people sat down, the waiter began to serve the dishes, and the dishes prepared by Fang Wennan were mainly seafood. The dishes are also extremely exquisite. The wine has been used in Maotai, which has been hidden for 30 years, so we can see Fang Wennan's sincerity in treat.

Fang Wennan asked Su Xiaohong to accompany her, mainly to enliven the atmosphere on the wine table, and Su Xiaohong is indeed eloquent. What's more difficult is that she is a good drinker. Although she doesn't have the ability to drink a thousand cups, there is no problem in drinking a catty of Maotai.

Zhang's official behaved very well. In Qin Qing's opinion, this man is pretending to be **. Usually, Zhang Yang, who is not happy without wine, actually rarely covered the mouth of the cup: "Then why am I not good at drinking? Can I drink?"

Although Fang Wennan made a detailed investigation of Zhang Yang's official history and interpersonal relationship, he only missed the same thing. He did not investigate how much he drank. Zhang Yang's timidity at the beginning did confuse them. Su Xiaohong began to take the initiative without knowing the other party's drinking capacity.

It was not easy to persuade Zhang to drink liquor. The man drank every cup reluctantly. Qin Qing couldn't help laughing when he saw his pretentious appearance, but of course she would not expose the flamboyant trick.

What made Zhang Yang unhappy was that Fang Wennan didn't drink a cup, and Qin Qing drank juice, leaving only him and Su Xiaohong.

Su Xiaohong obviously wanted to win the first game in terms of drinking, and kept taking advantage of the victory to chase. Zhang Daguanren drank more and more smoothly. When Su Xiaohong realized that this man was simply a thousand cups, the wine began to rise.

Now Zhang Yang took the initiative to attack with a smile: "Well... Miss Su, it's impolite for you to come and go. I also offer you eight cups!"

Su Xiaohong's beautiful face turned red, and she looked at the wine glass in front of her and cried. The man really didn't have a good thing, and she looked like a dog. Thinking of so many twists and turns in his stomach, a big man doesn't bully women like this. She said delicately, "Director Xiao Zhang is so bad that he can bully people. I'm a woman and you are a man. It's unfair to drink like this. You drink two cups, and I'll have one... This is fair!"