Medical official path

Chapter 125 Painful and happy

1013 Medical Official Road Chapter 125 Painful and Happy

※ Director Changyu arrived at Shi Chunyang on the afternoon of the twentieth year. At the time of tattoo, the sky had already opened a small snow. Before it snowed, Zhang Yang had asked his second brother Zhao Liwu to drive a business car to send his family there first. He stayed alone and waited for Li Changyu to come.

Li Changyu drove a Santana of Jiangcheng Government. He didn't expect that it would snow on the way. He got off the car and rubbed his hands with cold: "Zhang Yang, there was a group meeting in the city in the morning, so he was late!"

Zhang Yangle nodded. From Li Changyu's words, Vice Mayor Li began to participate in the political activities of the city's senior leaders again, which is a gratifying phenomenon.

He stretched out his head and said hello to Mrs. Su and Ge Chunli inside, pointed to the three-way jeeps parked not far away and said, "It's better to drive a jeep. It's snowing. It's safe to drive a four-wheel drive.

Li Changyu's family packed up their things and got into the jeep.

This jeep is temporarily borrowed by Zhang Yang from Zhao Xinwei's Bowei garage. The car is in good condition and is most suitable for running on snowy mountains.

Ge Chunli and Mrs. Su get along very well with each other, and they chatted endlessly from time to time


Zhang Yang said to Li Changyu while driving: "Uncle Li, I heard that your concubine has been in her former position?"

Li Changyu smiled faintly, and he whispered, "Thanks to Secretary Gu" and thanks to you!" Li Changyu made no secret of his gratitude to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's the politeness of our family!" In a word, Li Changyu's heart was warm.

Li Changyu nodded again and looked at the snowflakes flying outside the window. He whispered, "Are you interested in going back to Jiangcheng to work?"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, and there was a burst of joy in his heart. It seemed that Li Changyu was going to be rewarded for his meritorious deeds. Although he was free in the Beijing office, after all, the unit did not show the power of power. Zhang Daguan could not find any pleasure of being an official. He wanted to make further. He Nodding incessively.

Li Changyu said, "I want to transfer you to the Market Development Office of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau to be in charge of the tourism development of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau. You are more proficient in this field, and it is relatively easy to get started.

"Market Development Office of the Tourism Bureau!" Zhang Daguan was somewhat disappointed when he heard about this unit. He was clear about the situation of the Chunyang Tourism Bureau. At all, it was a grass-roots team. People were floating in trouble, Qingshui government, and he usually couldn't even get the year-end bonus. It's not much better to come to Jiangcheng. After all, Jiangcheng is not a tourist city at all. Basically, those who travel here every year are passers-by. Think about it, who will travel to a heavily polluted heavy industry base?

Li Changyu saw Zhang Yang's loss and smiled and said, "The development of tourism will be the top priority of Jiangcheng in the future. Don't underestimate tourism development."

"I don't underestimate it. I've known for a long time that you won't give me the work that is not difficult. Who makes us capable!" This one has never been modest.

Li Changyu laughed.

Ge Chunli in the back seat smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, the Tourism Bureau is a beautiful place. Isn't it like a fish in water when you go there!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "Chunli, don't teach him bad. I'll let him go to work, not let him fall in love!"

The snow is getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Yang didn't dare to be distracted, and his attention was focused on the road ahead. The car is slow because of the snow. It took more than two hours to get to the villa.

Two strings of red lanterns were hung on the gate of the villa, adding a bit of festive atmosphere to the villa. Zhang Yang's family has arrived. Zhao Tiesheng and Xu Lihua are there to prepare New Year's goods. Zhao Jing saw the car coming and jumped up to meet him. Li Changyu got off the car and shouted kindly, "

Li Changyu laughed. Ge Chunli took out the red envelope prepared in advance and handed it to Zhao Jing. Zhao Jing shouted sweetly again: " godmother!"

All the people in the group laughed. Although Ge Chunli was used to the scene, her face couldn't help but be a little red. She and Li Changyu didn't have a name yet. She was happy and shy to hear Zhao Jing's name.

Xu Lihua came over and greeted Mrs. Su hand in hand.

Zhao Tiesheng is just an ordinary worker. He knows that he is full of big shots today and can't even say anything. He just stands and giggles.

An Deheng held an umbrella and pushed An Lao to enjoy the snow outside. Li Changyu took the initiative to walk to Mr. An, squatted down in front of Mr. An, held Mr. An's thin hands and said, "Mr. An! Remember me

An Zhiyuan smiled and nodded: "Li Vice President!"

Li Changyu said, "It's just a family to come here for the Spring Festival. Just call me Changyu!"

When everyone was talking, An Yuchen came behind Zhang Yang and punched him on the waist. Zhang Yang was almost angry and said angrily, "Dear, what's wrong with you!"

An Yuchen whispered, "It's agreed not to disturb the official. You're good, you've got all the executive vice mayor of Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He is my sister's godfather and his own family!"

"It's your family, and it's an official for us!" An Yuchen was a little unlucky.

When the two were talking, Mrs. Su and Xu Lihua stood in the distance and stared at them. An Yuchen immediately felt that the two elders were full of picky eyes on them. Their beautiful faces couldn't help blushing. Zhang Yang also realized this and dragged her to Mrs. Su and Xu Lihua and said with a smile, "Aunt Su Let me introduce it to you!"

Mrs. Su smiled reluctantly: "No need to introduce, I know and I'm very impressed." I'll go to the kitchen to cook!"

Xu Lihua also smiled and turned around and followed.

An Yuchen's cherry lips couldn't help pouting, and she was so angry that she stamped her feet on the snow and said, "As for it? Looking at me one by one, I was full of disgust, as if I had cheated you!"

Zhang Yang looked at her with a playful smile.

An Yuchen said angrily, "Look! Look! What a bullshit! What's good about you? I don't like you like you one by one!"

"Dad. No, we are masters and apprentices. How can you contact this?

Only then did An Yuchen realize that she had made a mistake. She blushed even more and turned her head and ran to Grandpa.


The snow became bigger and bigger, and the whole mountain soon dyed the whole mountain white. An Yuchen was born in Hong Kong and never spent the Spring Festival in the snowflakes flying. She was as excited as a catty of children, which was also the happiest time for her after the An family's bloody case.

Li Changyu and Mr. An chatted in the room, while An Deheng played mahjong with Zhao Lijun, Zhao Liwu and Zhao Tiesheng. If it weren't for the specific environment and specific time, no one could believe that a rich man in Hong Kong with hundreds of millions of dollars would have three catties. The poor working class plays mahjong.

Mrs. Su is busy in the kitchen with Xu Lihua and Ge Chunli. Zhang Yang piled up a snowman in the middle of the yard with Zhao Jing and An Yuchen, who were still childlike.

Looking at the flying snowflakes in the sky, smelling the seductive aromas from the kitchen, listening to the laughter from time to time, Zhang Yang's blade once had the feeling of being integrated into the crying era. Before the meal, Zhang Yang dragged a string of red from the door to the center of the yard, and then lit it, and the In the silent villa, An Yuchen and Zhao Jing cheered at the same time. They pulled Zhang Yang's arm, dragged Zhang Yang to the snow, and then grabbed the snowball and smashed it at Zhang Yang's body.

Zhang Yang laughed happily like a child, and he was covered with snow on the ground.

It was not until Xu Lihua came to call them that he got up from the ground. Xu Lihua smiled and said annoy, "How old are you? You still look like a child!" Come on, come in and eat!"

Twelve people sat around the big round table, which was really happy. As an elder, An Lao distributed a red envelope to everyone. Of course, the thickness of the red envelope is still different. It is necessary to count the thickest of the three younger generation, Zhang Yang, An Yuchen and Zhao Jing. Zhang Yang pinched it and obediently Liglong, with at least 10,000 Hong Kong dollars. This is New Year's money. Zhang Daguan's heart was at ease.

When saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new, everyone's face was full of cheerful smiles, for Li Changyu. The New Year means that he rises from the trough, which means the arrival of the second spring of his official career. For the Zhao family, the New Year means the improvement of their relationship with Zhang Yang, the reunion and beauty of the family. For the An family, the New Year means that they can forget the sadness of the past and start a new life. For Zhang Yang, the New Year means that he will be transferred from a deputy to a regular department. When he returns to Jiangcheng from Beijing, he will move to a new job. The New Year doesn't mean anything to everyone. But everyone hopes that the new year will become better and better.

The family banquet lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and then the phone calls began to rise and fall one after another. The busiest ones were Li Changyu and Zhang Yang. One was the executive vice mayor who was in the second spring, and the other was the director of the Beijing office in the political circles of Chunyang. The phone call for New Year'

In order to avoid disturbing others, the two consciously went elsewhere to answer the phone, and Zhang Yang simply came to the yard. The snow has stopped. It feels good to stand in the snow and answer the phone. Zhang Yang not only needs to answer the phone. Many phone calls still have to be made, such as the godmother Luo Huining, the secretary of the provincial party committee Gu Yunzhi, the father of Qin Qing, Qin Chuanliang, and Chu Yanran's grandfather Chu Zhennan, all of which need to be taken care of.

But some phone calls are easy to make. Some calls can't be made at all, and few people know Luo Huining's phone calls. Few people call Qin Chuanliang's home. So it's a hit.

Gu Yunzhi and Chu Zhennan's phone became a hotline, and they were busy all the time.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to give New Year's greetings. First of all, he called Gu Jiatong. When Gu Jiatong heard that he wanted to pay New Year's greetings to his father, he couldn't call him, so he couldn't help laughing. It turned out that Gu Yunzhi asked her to pull out the phone at home. He was too lazy to bother. Gu Jiatong whispered, "Don't be busy. I'll give him New Year's greetings for you later!" Where are you now?

Only then did Zhang Yang tell Gu Jiatong about her New Year in the villa. Gu Jiatong listened leisurely. Her last experience in the villa was still fresh in her memory. She wish she could spend the New Year with him at this time.

The two said a few more love words, and then Gu Jiatong reluctantly hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang called Chu Yanran's phone again. It's really hard to be a man. It's even more difficult to be a man who is popular with many beautiful girls! The situation of Chu Zhennan and Gu Yunzhi happened to be the opposite. The old man was on the phone with his old comrades-in-arms and his former subordinates all night. He was so busy that it was naturally difficult to call Zhang Yang's phone.

Chu Yanran has been staying in Jing'an to take care of her grandfather during this period, but her phone contact with Zhang Yang has never been interrupted. She ran to her grandfather with her mobile phone, hung up on his phone, and then put her mobile phone next to her grandfather's ear.

When Chu Zhennan saw her scene, he already knew who called the call, and Zhang Yang's voice had come from the phone: "Old chief, I wish you a happy New Year. I wish you a happy New Year and everything

Chu Zhennan laughed and said, "Okay, okay, help me bring a good one for your family. When you are free, come to Jing'an as a guest. I'm much better in good health. I can have two drinks with you."

Chu Yanran said coquettishly, "You still dare to drink, Comrade Chu, do you still want to die!"

Zhang Yang asked about Chu Zhennan's recent physical condition and was sure that he was about to recover. Chu Yanran originally wanted to tell Zhang Yang full of words, but after all, it was inconvenient in front of her grandfather and whispered, "Please help me greet my uncle and aunt for a happy New Year!"

At this time, Xu Lihua came out of the room and said with a smile, "Wait!"

He came to Xu Lihua and handed the phone to his mother. He said to the inside, "Yanran, this is my mother!"

Although Chu Yanran was so far away, she blushed with shame, and her heart jumped and hesitated for a moment. Just now, he summoned up his courage and said softly, "Happy New Year, auntie!"

"Alas! Hello, girl. Help me say good wishes to your family a happy New Year! For some reason, Xu Lihua felt comfortable listening to Chu Yanran's voice.

Zhang Yang took the phone and walked aside. Chu Yanran recognized that it was him. He just whispered, "It's so bad. I'll ignore you in the future!" When he said this, his heart was sweet. Did Zhang Yang admit the identity of his real girlfriend in disguise?

It's already midnight, and the sound of firecrackers is deafening. They can't hear what the other party is saying. I can only hang up the phone.

Zhao Liwu and Zhao Lijun also came to the yard to light the long red. Zhang Yang closed the phone and took a deep breath. The smell of gunpowder smoke is full of indescribable joy, and it should be better and better for him next year.

The phone bell rang again, and Zhang Yang connected the phone, and a familiar and strange voice sounded inside: "Happy New Year!"

Zhang Yang's whole body was stunned as if he had been hit by a Thunderbolt. The owner of the sound turned out to be Hailan. He was stunned for half a minute before he said, "Happy New Year! "Are you all right now?"

Hailan's smile statement is fast and happy: "I'm fine, Zhang Yang! I hope my blessing can make you happy!"

"I miss you."


"Are you happy?"

"Hmm. Being yourself is the real happiness!"

I don't know when the snow fell quietly again. Hailan has hung up the phone. Zhang Yang still stood quietly in the snow with the phone. Maybe Hailan has thought about the way to go in the future from the moment of running away. She still has to choose her own life and Zhang Yang opens her palm. A snowflake wandered in his palm. Soon melted by the heat of his palm, the crystal water swayed in the palm of his hand, like a tear from the sky,


In the early morning of the first day of the lunar new year, a visitor from the throne came to the villa. To Zhang Yang's surprise, the visitor was actually Qin Qing. She drove a Toyota Prado from the county government. It was difficult for ordinary vehicles to cope with the snow

Perhaps because of the Spring Festival, Qin Qing was wearing a red down jacket, dark blue jeans, and black hiking shoes. His tall figure did not show any bloated because of the thick clothes, and he was still so light. The reason why she came early in the morning. It is a special trip to pay New Year's greetings to Mr. An. Although Mr. An does not want any official intervention when he returns home for the Spring Festival, he is the parent official of Chunyang. Qin Qing must do his best to restore the tourism development project of Qingtai Mountain as soon as possible in the new year and drive back the lost time.

Zhang Yang wanted to meet him, but Andeheng once again took the lead. The official was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

Qin Qing originally paid New Year's greetings to An Lao, so Zhang Yang, who only walked to the distance, smiled, and then walked into the room side by side with Ande Heng.

Zhang's official was very angry. Originally, Qin Qing's appearance surprised him, but Qin Qing's indifference to himself annoyed Zhang Yang. He was even more convinced that Andeheng was not a good thing, and he dared to rob me!

Zhao Jing came over and saw that he didn't look good. She said curiously, "Why is this? Who provoked you during the Spring Festival?

Zhang Yang said upsetly: Little girl film, what's bothering you? Stay away!"

Zhao Jing raised her lips and said, "Use your mobile phone for me!" Zhang Yang gave her the phone. He held a snowball on the ground, aimed at Qin Qing's jeep, and smashed it hard to vent his dissatisfaction.

Qin Qing chatted in it for a short time. When he came out, he saw Zhang Yang taking her jeep as a target. He bit his lower lip and forced a smile: "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang waved his arm and said, "I'm helping you watch the car. I'm afraid that those wild black pecked will cost your car paint." Another snowball was thrown out, and two mountain birds foraging in the snow flew out with their wings.

Qin Qing said, "I'm going to visit a few poor households in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. Do you know the way?"

Zhang Yang looked at Qin Xiao and said, "Didn't you bring the TV station staff here?" According to the rules, this kind of visit is often in the news.

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Why do you need to visit the news? There are several old martyrs in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, and family life is very difficult. I brought some condolences!"

Zhang Yang nodded. He worked in Heishanzi Township for a period of time and was very familiar with the terrain of this area. Zhu Xiaoqiao Village is still more than ten miles away from here. Although it is not far from the car, it is all mountain road. In addition, the road is wet and slippery after the snow, so someone still lead the

They started the car, and Andeheng chased out of the room. He pulled the door and threw a paper bag on the back seat, and then smiled and said, "Gift, no respect!"

Qin Qing frowned and did not refuse at that time.

The jeep drove out of Shangqinghe Village. Zhang Yang grabbed the paper bag. When he opened it, he found that there was a leather coat inside. I couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm giving you clothes!"

Qin Qing said oh, and there was no other expression. Zhang Yang's heart became more and more uncomfortable. Is she going to be a subordinate? He whispered, "Don't blame me for not reminding you that we are state cadres. Communist Party member. Corrosion starts bit by bit.

Qin Qing smiled and said, "This fur coat costs at least tens of thousands of yuan; it's not bit by bit!"

"Then it can't be accepted, otherwise won't it fall into the future?"

Qin Qing smiled secretly in his heart, but he said, "It's my problem whether to accept it or not. It seems that it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Zhang Daguan was jealous and drunk. He sighed and said, "I'm kind to remind you that the party tells us to treat comrades with spring-like warmth. I want to give you warmth!"

"It doesn't seem to be necessary, and I don't lack warmth. If I really feel cold, I will put on my fur coat." When Qin Qing spoke, he found that there was no way ahead: "Hey! Where is this?"

Zhang Yang just talked and forgot to observe the road. He looked around and looked at the vast expanse of white everywhere. He really couldn't tell where it was. He pushed the door and jumped down, looked for the direction of Qingyunfeng, pointed to the left and said, "It should be this road."

Qin Qing asked him to get in the car and slowed down to the left path. The sky began to snow again. She had to turn on the wiper. The scenery in front of her became more and more blurred, and the road became more and more difficult. Qin Qing did not dare to continue to drive forward: "It seems not right. Do you know the way?"

"I recognized it in the past. When it snowed, it was white everywhere. I was also confused. Don't worry, I'll call and ask!" Zhang Yang went to touch the phone in his arms, and then remembered that the phone was borrowed by Zhao Jing. I left in a hurry just now and forgot to ask her that she was coming back.

Qin Qing sighed and said, "My phone is out of power!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. Let's turn around and print back along the wheel."

It is impossible to turn around on a narrow road. Qin Qing shook his head. You can only try to drive a distance forward to find a relatively open place so that the car can turn around. After driving about half a mile, he finally found a flat ground. Qin Qing carefully turned the car around, but when he arrived at the car, the car fell into a snow pit. The snow pit was very deep, the four wheels kept skidding, and the four-wheel drive temporarily lost its function. Zhang Yang pushed the door and jumped down: "I'll push it!" He asked himself that his strength should be able to lift the jeep.

Qin Qing said with concern, "Be careful!"

Zhang Yang nodded. After coming to the car, he stepped on the snow under his feet and was sure that the snow was on the ground. Then he put his hands against the buttocks of the car and said, "I said to start, you can refuel the door."

Qin Qing nodded.

Zhang Daguan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, gathered his internal force on his arms, and roared, "Get up!"

Qin Qing stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Zhang's official tried his best. Under the simultaneous action of the two forces, the jeep suddenly rushed out of the snow pit. Unfortunately, the two thrusts were too large, far beyond Qin Qing's estimate. Although Qin Qing stepped on the brakes in time. The jeep still rushed down to the snow slope ahead, the four wheels hugged to death under the emergency brake, and the jeep bumped down the snow slope.

Zhang Yang was shocked, damn it! That's not bad. I actually sent the county magistrate Meiren to the foot of the mountain. He chased down in panic.

Qin Qing was in the car, which was even more thrilling. Her face turned pale with fear. The jeep rushed down the snow slope at high speed. She tried her best to control the direction and dodged the thick trees growing on the snow slope. The body bumped on the snow slope, and the trunk rubbed against the body to make a harsh creak The reflector disappeared in the collision. The jeep rushed down about 50 meters, finally completely out of control and rolled down the snow slope.

Zhang Yang jumped up and flew up in the snow, but he still couldn't catch up with the out-of-control jeep.

The jeep finally rolled to the bottom of the valley. When Zhang Yang chased the car, he found that Qin Qing was lying on the steering wheel and the airbag had been opened. I don't know whether she was dead or alive. Zhang Yang grabbed the door and pulled it open it open with all his strength. He wanted to take Qin Qing out of it, When there was a reaction, the jeep sank down.

Zhang Yang grabbed Qin Qing out before the jeep sank, but this also affected the speed of his escape. He followed the jeep and fell into the gap seven meters deep.

Qin Qing was confused by the shock this time, and slowly opened her eyes. The scene in front of her was so brittle. After flattery, it slowly became clear from the ground knife fee. She said dreamly, "Where is this? Am I still alive?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Silly girl, of course you are alive."

Qin Qing did not object to his name and whispered, "You put it down and I'll say it later." Zhang Yang put Qin Qing down. Qin Qing looked at the seriously deformed jeep sandwiched in the gap not far away and couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Yang said, "This jeep can only be dragged out later. Let's leave here first


Qin Qing nodded. When she overturned the car just now, she sprained her ankle, limped to the front of the car, and took out some more important items from the car. When the mobile phone fell like this, the screen did not light up. What surprised Zhang Daguanren most was that she actually put on the fur coat that An De

There seemed to be a light in the front right, so Zhang Yang gave up his plan to climb up with Qin Qing on his back. Although Qin Qing walked hard, he refused to let Zhang Yang carry himself and took two steps. The pain in his ankle was really unbearable. You can only stop there to rest.

Zhang Yang turned around and couldn't help but carry her up,

Qin Qing blushed and pounded him on the shoulder: "Let me down!"

"Don't be able to do it! Good boy!" This man was surprisingly bold today. He actually reached out and patted the plump buttocks of the beautiful county magistrate. Qin Qing bit the cherry lips, but his heart was not angry at all. Maybe because there were only two catties here, so Qin Qing showed such obedience for the first time and acquiesced to the man's presty.

The further you go, the higher the temperature seems to be. It's a little strange. The snowflakes on the top of the head are still falling, but walking in the cracks at the bottom of the valley, they start to sweat a little.

Qin Qing said, "You put me down so that I can't breathe."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you put it down, I'm afraid you won't be obedient." He didn't finish his words. His feet suddenly slipped, and his whole body suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. Qin Qing pressed on his body. Fortunately, he didn't hurt him. Without waiting for the two of them to figure Go and fall into a warm pool at the same time.

The pool is clear. There is a faint mist floating on the water. This is the formation of rising water vapor. Six or seven springs keep coming out with hot water. It seems that the pool water is boiling. In fact, the temperature is more than 40 degrees. Unexpectedly, the two of them accidentally fell into a hot spring group in Qingtai Mountain. This place is called a strange spring by the locals. Because of the remote terrain and the difficult road, few people usually come here, and there is a legend that the hot spring water is saliva sprayed by the Lord of Hell, which is very unlucky, so the people in the mountains usually Here, today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and no one will come if the wind and snow are so strong.

Zhang Yang and Qin Qing's clothes were soaked, and they were very heavy after being stained with water. He and Qin Qing swam to the shore. Snowflakes kept fluttering in the sky, but his body was soaked in the rolling hot spring water. This scene was really romantic. Qin Qing was also infected by the beautiful scenery in front of him and almost forgot the pain in his ankles. He said happily, "In the past, I only heard that Hokkaido, Japan, could enjoy the snow scenery while soaking in hot springs. I didn't expect that Hetai Mountain had such a scenery."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter where it is. The important thing is to be able to wash with you

This man is really hateful. I don't know whether Qin Qing's face is shy or steamed by the heat. He is extremely cute. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "God-given you a good opportunity. Shall we enjoy this hot spring water?"

Qin Qing spat, "I warn you, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise I

There were no outsiders next to him, and Zhang Yang became bold: "Otherwise, what?" He leaned over to Qin Qing.

Qin Qing retreated, his heart jumped straight, and his long black and curled eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings in the wind: "Go away!" This sentence was extremely weak, and even Qin Qing himself felt that it was not like a refusal, but like a seduction.

Zhang Daguan looked at the water-drenched beauty county magistrate, and the desire in his heart was sharply warmed by the hot spring water. He grabbed Qin Qing's arm and pulled her into his arms. Qin Qing seemed to be confused by the warm spring. He was held tightly in his arms and had no time to resist. The cherry lips had already kissed Zhang Yang, and the Zhang Yang kiss was very gentle. Qin Qing became less nervous under his kiss. The cherry lips opened slightly and catered to his kiss. In the confusion, Zhang Yang took off Qin Qing's clothes. Her skin was as white and tender as ivory, like a layer of moonlight. The snow-white body was white, tender and full of flesh. She had endless ** to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang took off his clothes three times. When Qin Qing realized that the two had completely ** Zhang's official had to send it like an arrow on the string.

He picked up Qin Qing's delicate body and came to the slate by the water! Kissing her hair, eyes, nose, cherry lips, and kissing along her curvy neck, Qin Qing felt that his whole body seemed to be anesthetized by his kiss. If she wanted to resist, she even lost the strength to lift her arms. All she could do was to close the crystal slender legs tightly, and it was easy to show off. After separating them, he suddenly pierced his strong part into Qin Qing's body, and Qin Qing's delicate body suddenly conjud. She subconsciously hugged Zhang Yang, and her fingers were deeply pinched into Zhang Yang's solid back. Her eyebrows frowned tightly and let out a painful moan. An unprecedented sense of fullness and fullness spread from her legs to her whole body.

Zhang Yang realized something from Qin Qing's expression. He kissed Qin Qing's lips affectionately. Qin Qing's lips trembled, and his nose buzzed violently because of his movements. Suddenly, he opened his cherry lips, bit Zhang Yang's lips with neat teeth, and gently. The long black eyelashes flashed, and the clear eyes were shrouded in a layer of smoke-like water vapor.

Zhang Yang kissed her again, and Qin Qing's slender ** hooked his calf: "Have you" been planning for a long time?"

Zhang Yang's low judo: "Yes, I've been planning for a long time. From the first day I saw you, I've been waiting for this moment. I like you, I want you to be my woman, and I want to completely occupy your body and mind!"

Qin Qing felt that the heat in her body was expanding, and the person became more and more excited. She held Zhang Yang's face and stared at him affectionately, but her eyes softened little by little, and then her delicate body softened.

The rising smoke makes everything here look like a fairyland. Next to the blue waves of the hot spring water, the two ** bodies are lingering in love. In the sad and sad groans of Qin Qing, the public lust has reached its peak. He will pour out all his longing and deep love for Qin Qing, so happy and domineering. Qin Qing's limbs were tightly wrapped around Zhang Yang. For the first time in her life, she felt what a real woman was,

Zhang Jianguan used dead branches to dry their clothes, and Qin Qing's down jacket couldn't be dried for a while. The fur coat sent by Andeheng naturally came in handy.

For Qin Qing, change is only a moment, but it becomes eternal. From this moment on, she has become a real woman. A flamboyant woman. After waking up from the confusion, her first conclusion was that Zhang Yang was scheming, and the oral office Ling Deheng appeared. The tattoo guy seemed to feel a kind of crisis and a strong possessive desire for self-ranking.

Zhang Yang confessed to this: "Well, I saw him following you like a pug, and I was annoyed from the bottom of my heart, so I thought about you"

"You are so despicable."

Zhang Daguan stroked Qin Qing's wet hair affectionately and said, "I even wanted to drug you!"

Qin Qing's beautiful eyes widened: "Are you still a human? Are you still a member of the Communist Party?

"Communist members also have seven emotions and six desires. Qin Qing, in fact, I made a New Year's wish!"

Qin Qing looked at him.

"I hope to tear up the mask of your leading cadres' deliberate management as soon as possible and help you become a real woman!"

Qin Qing's face turned red again with shame and said, "Shameless!" But he understood in his heart that he had almost no decent defense in front of him today, otherwise how could he succeed easily? Looking at the cherry blossoms on the slate, Qin Qing was shy and impatient. She picked up the spring water from the hot spring to wash the traces on it, but no matter how she washed it, the blood seemed to have penetrated into the slate and could not be washed.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. Qin Qing said, "You are still laughing. You made a mess of me!"

Zhang Yang patted the slate and said, "In the future, I will erect this slate and stand it here as a monument. There is a monument to the loss of the governor of Qin.

"Bastard!" Qin Qing couldn't help laughing.

After all, Zhang Yang did not tell his privacy to the world. He turned the slate over. The slate weighed at least half a ton, and ordinary people could not lift it. Naturally, he could not find the secret hidden behind the slate.

The snow showed no sign of stopping. They could not stay here all their lives. The two walked along this canyon in the direction of Qinghe Village.

Qin Qing still seemed to be a little difficult to walk. Zhang Yang said with concern, "Does your feet still hurt?"

Qin Qing shook his head and said with shame, "It's not you who caused it."

Only then did Zhang Yang understand and said with a smile, "A man dares to act. Come up, I will work for Qin County!"

Qin Qing was not polite to him this time. He put his arms around his neck and let him carry himself on his back. His beautiful face was behind Zhang Yang's neck, and Fang's heart was extremely warm.

Zhang Yang walked with Qin Qing on his back in the snow field. There was heavy snow flying all over the sky, dense layers, and it could be seen that it was snowflakes nearby. A little farther away, the snowflakes were woven into boundless snow gauze, shrouded in mountain trees, hazy, and further away, it turned into a God, I can't see anything.

At the beginning, Zhang Yang can still distinguish the direction of Qingyunfeng. But the more you walk, the more snow will be. Qing Yunfeng, who can no longer see the road signpost, has no problem with his physical strength, but it is not a way to go on aimlessly. What's more, he forgot his mobile phone, and Qin Qing's mobile phone is out of power. There is no way to get in touch with others.

Zhang Yang began to regret it. He shouldn't have left the hot spring just now. At least the temperature there is very high. If you feel cold, you can go to the hot spring with the beauty county magistrate to soak in the hot spring. By the way, romanticize and exercise. It's better than walking aimlessly in the icy and snowy mountains.

"Are you tired?" Qin Qing said with concern, and after Zhang Yang broke through this last barrier, she became much gentler.

Zhang Yang shook his head and whispered, "We seem to be lost!"

Qin Qing covered Zhang Yang's cold red ears with his hands and whispered, "Let's find a place to avoid the wind and snow first!"

Zhang Yang nodded and continued to walk into the woods ahead. After walking for more than half an hour, I found a small wooden house in the forest. In the past, it should be the place where the forest guard lived. The door of the wooden house was locked and the door lock was rusty. It can be seen that no one has lived here for a long time. Zhang Yang put down Qin Qing. He grabbed the door lock with his left hand and twisted it hard, and immediately broke the door lock.

Qin Qing couldn't help smashing his tongue. Even if Zhang Yang was not an official, he would do a good job as a thief.

The wooden house has not been cleaned for a long time, and the area is full of dust. There is only a small square table in the room, a chair that is about to fall apart, and a wooden bed. ** with thick dust accumulated, Zhang Yang turned the bed board over. I wiped it clean with toilet paper. Speaking of this toilet paper, Qin Qing remembered to bring it when he left the jeep. Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing when he wiped the bed board.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Did you expect us to be there for a long time when you brought out toilet paper?"

Qin Qing has always been used to being dignified. Today, not only was his chastity taken away by Zhang Yang, but this man's speech is becoming more and more presumptuous. The pretite face couldn't help blushing and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't talk to you anymore."

Zhang Yang smiled and dared not continue to talk nonsense.

He found an axe under the bed and said to Qin Qing, "You wait for me in the cabin. I'll go out and chop some firewood to make a fire to keep warm!"

Qin Qing nodded and piled up the wood next to the cabin. Although she has her opinions, after all, she is a woman. She dares not leave Zhang Yang too far in this barren place. This kind of bird-like feeling makes Zhang Yang enjoy it very much.

Before long, Zhang Yang came in with firewood in his arms. When they left, they brought a fire engine and successfully lit a bonfire in the mud of the hut with waste paper. The wood was very dry, making a crackling sound. The fire was very strong, and Zhang Yang added some wood to the fire from time to time. Qin Qing was still sitting in **, staring at the flames. She was still thinking about the scene that happened in the hot spring today. The wooden house quickly warmed up, and the humidity and cold were forced to retreat. Qin Qing untied the bun coiled behind his head, and her long black hair poured down like a waterfall. She spread her hair on her chest and came to the bonfire. She baked the frozen down jacket close to the bonfire. The firelight reflected Qin Qingming's beautiful He looked at her and whispered, "Qin Qing, you are so beautiful!"

Qin Qing lowered his head shyly, then raised his head again, and whispered, "Zhang Yang, can we not disclose our affairs for the time being?"

Zhang Yang asked knowingly, "What's the matter?"

Qin Qing blushed and said, "You know.

For Zhang Yang, he obviously wants to keep this relationship a secret for the time being. After all, if this matter is made public, it will be a deep blow to other people who love him. Zhang Daguan has no concept of stepping on a few boats in his heart. He just thinks that he should be able to work more. He wondered why Qin Qing was still unwilling to disclose their relationship after having close contact with him. Is she afraid of affecting her and her official career?

Qin Qing said, "I am still working as the county magistrate in Chunyang now. If our relationship is known by others, we will definitely gossip, and Qin Qing will stop talking.

Zhang Yang asked in a low voice, "What?

Qin Qing said, "I once swore that I would never marry again in my life, so" we won't have any results

Why did the World Association take matters of business? He smiled and said, "Qin Qing. In fact, I care about the paper marriage book. As long as the two of them are happy, why do they care about those things!" This one is basically making excuses for his own playful heart.

Qin Qing is such a smart figure. Although he has experienced the most important stage of his life today, he still has the ability to distinguish right from wrong with Zhang Yang's sweet words. She whispered, "I know that what you love in your heart may not be me!"

"I said, can you not doubt my feelings for you?"

Qin said with a light smile, "Zhang Yang, do you think I don't know you? Since I chose to give myself to you, I have figured everything through. Marriage only brings me painful memories. I'm afraid of marriage. The reason why I give myself to you is not to be grateful to you, nor to be confused by you. It's because I like you and I love you." When Qin Qing said his last sentence, his voice was sudden. However, it went down. And it trembled slightly. There was a stir in Zhang Yang's heart, and he stared at Qin Qing affectionately. Qin Qing sat back to the little ** silently, Zhang Yang added a few pieces of wood to the fire, and came to Qin Qing's side and sat down with her. The more the bonfire burned, the more prosperous the cabin was reflected in red.

Their faces were a little hot, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier outside. Only the sound of snowflakes falling on the branches was heard. Zhang Yang gently pulled Qin Qing and let her snuggle in her arms. Qin Qing closed his eyes. He slowly raised his head and opened his cherry lips slightly. This was a hint and encouragement to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang's blood boiled again, hugged her in his arms and kissed her deeply. His hand took off Qin Qing's leather coat and freed her from it. Qin Qing's bright jade body lay on top of the fur, so flawless and beautiful. Zhang Yang quickly took off his clothes all over his body, climbed to the little **, and knelt down between Su Qing's beautiful legs. Qin Qing closed his eyes. I feel the feeling of being invaded by publicity.

The bonfire on the ground crackled, and the fire was blazing, reflecting the red of the two young carbs.

Under Zhang Yang's increasingly violent movements, Qin Qing couldn't help hugging his body tightly. The small wooden bed creaked, as if it could not bear the weight of the two people. Qin Qing, who had tasted the affairs of men and women for the first time, obviously couldn't help Zhang Yang's long time. His eyebrows were raised, Her body suddenly tightened, and her hair was hoistful. Zhang Yang hugged her delicate body tightly, as if to fuse the bodies of the two people together,

Qin Qing didn't know when she went to sleep. When she woke up, the twilight had come and she found that the bonfire was still burning, but Zhang Yang had disappeared. She sat up in panic. Although she knew that Zhang Yang would never leave her alone, she was still a little afraid to stay alone in the mountain and forest.

Qin Qing tidied up his clothes and put on a leather coat. The down jacket she baked by the bonfire had been dried. Qin Qing put the down jacket in it, and then wrapped himself tightly in a leather coat. Then he opened the door of the wooden house and went out. It was very snowy outside. As soon as the net went out, Two sneezes.

Qin Qing didn't dare to go far. She wrapped her body in a fur coat and walked around the wooden house. It was getting darker and darker, but the wind and snow showed no sign of stopping. She became more and more afraid.

The cold wind mixed with wind and snow roared in the mountains and forests, which sounded like the howling of countless beasts. Qin Qing looked into the wind and snow with difficulty, and finally saw a vague figure coming towards her in the forest directly in front of her.

Zhang Yang finally appeared in front of her. His body was covered with snowflakes, and he looked like a snowman from afar. He also held a hare and some yams in his hand. Just now, he went to look for food hair nearby when Qin Qing was asleep

Qin Qing's nose was sore, and she quickly ran to Zhang Yang. He rushed into his arms desperately and cried, "I thought that no matter how strong I am, a woman has a fragile and weak side. In today's environment, Qin Qing's fragility and softness have no reservations.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Silly girl, how can I leave you?"

Qin Qing was seven years older than Zhang Yang, but he called her like a little sister. Zhang's official thought it was very natural. After all, he came from the Sui Dynasty. I don't know how many generations older than Qin Qing.

The two hugged each other and walked into the cabin, and the bonfire was about to go out. Zhang Yang shook off the snow on his body. He hurriedly blew and fanned. It was not easy to rekindle the bonfire, and his face had been stained with a lot of stains.

Zhang Yang picked up the skin of the hare with a portable knife, put it on with dry skills, and roasted it on the bonfire. As for the three big potatoes, they were thrown directly into the fire. Before long, the aroma of the yam mixed with the fragrance of meat spread in the narrow space of the cabin.

Qin Qing looked at Zhang Yang. The snowflakes on Zhang Yang's hair slipped, and the drops of water slowly slid down his resolute face. Zhang Yang smiled at Qin Qing, showing his white and neat teeth. Unexpectedly, they would spend the first day of the New Year in the snowy mountains and forests. The day was full of twists and turns, with overturns, hot springs, thrills and romance.

Qin Qing said softly, "In the past, when I was studying in the United States, I went to Canada and encountered the same wind and snow. At that time, I was trapped in a small hotel and waited for three days to go out, nibbling cold and hard dry bread and drinking water every day. At that time, there was only one feeling, that is, hunger!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will never starve when you are with me." He poked out the roasted potato with a wooden stick. Qin Qing waited until the yam was a little colder. She picked it up with her hand and patted it. Generally, the burnt skin was removed. The aroma of the yam became stronger and stronger. She took a bite and closed her eyes intoxicatedly: "This work. Taro is much more delicious than Canadian dry bread!"

Zhang Yang laughed. Qin Qing put the skinned taro to his mouth. Zhang Yang took a bite and said with a hippie smile, "I didn't expect the Qin county magistrate's saliva to be so fragrant!"

Qin Qing spat, "Don't call me in private in the future." Bo's anger is light and angry, which makes people feel pity.

Their New Year's dinner is also rich, with fragrant yams, and hare meat roasted by Zhang Yang. The two have filled their stomachs and their physical strength has recovered a lot. Although it is romantic and warm in the cabin, another practical problem is still in front of Qin Qing. They have left for so long without a reply. Others will be worried. She said what she thought, and Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, no one will worry about us!"

Zhang Yang was right. The people in the villa were not worried during the day, because when Zhang Yang and Qin Qing left, they didn't say they would come back for lunch. When the sky was getting darker and the snow was getting bigger and bigger, they still didn't see them come back. Everyone thought that because of the slippery snow, they were sheltering from the wind and snow elsewhere.

Zhang Yang's mobile phone was in Zhao Jing's hand again. Li Changyu called Qin Qing and could not get through. In Li Changyu's opinion, there must be a problem between Zhang Yang and Qin Qing. The two of them may go somewhere to fall in love, and have the same point of view with Li Changyu. When Gongyou An Yuchen talked about all kinds of things with Zhao Jing, he gritted his teeth and Brother Ji was really a guy who valued sex over friends. He threw so many people in the villa and went to have sex with Qin Qing by himself


Zhao Jing blushed and didn't forget to defend her brother, "My brother is not that kind of person!"

An Yuchen sneered, "He is not that kind of person. There are no such people on these!" She seems to know a lot about Zhang Yang.

No matter what they guess, few people will worry about what will happen to them. After all, the impression that Zhang Yang left for everyone is almost omnipotent. What can happen to such a person?

This night. Zhang Yang and Qin Qing hugged each other and slept. They warmed each other with their body temperature. Of course, they also wanted to thank Andeheng for providing this leather coat. If An Deheng knew that the gift he gave had created so many convenient conditions for both of them, he was afraid that he would be angry to death.

Zhang Yang and Qin Qing woke up from their sleep in the morning. The bonfire in the room had been extinguished, and the indoor temperature dropped a lot. There is a strong affection in each other's eyes.

Zhang Yang took the lead in getting up and opened the door. Outside was a world wrapped in silver. The mountains and rivers were all covered with thick white snow, and the trees with fallen leaves nearby were covered with towering cheese. Those evergreen pines in winter and summer were covered with fluffy and heavy snow beads, and a gust of wind blew. The trees swayed gently, and the beautiful silver bars and snow beads shook flat. The jade-like snow fluttered in the wind, and in the early morning sun, they turned into colorful rainbows.

Qin Qing followed Zhang Yang out and was deeply intoxicated by the beautiful snow scene in front of him.

Zhang Yang suddenly smiled. He pointed straight ahead, and Qingyunfeng stood not far from them. That is to say, Shangqinghe Village was no more than three miles away from this forest. Yesterday's wind and snow made them lose their way, but it was a blessing to lose their horses. If it hadn't been for this wind and snow, how could it A romantic day and a night?

The appearance of Zhang Yang and Qin Qing still aroused everyone's strong curiosity, but no one took the initiative to ask about it. Zhang Yang and Qin Qing unified the caliber before they came back, saying that the car got lost in the wind and snow. After rushing down the hillside, there was a rollover, and then I made do with it in the cabin at the foot of the mountain for a night. The specific situation is not for outsiders, and whoever wants it can think of it.

Qin Qing has re-made the unsmiling female county magistrate in the past, and Zhang Yang also pretended to be innothing. This guy has not got the habit of cheap publicity everywhere. In addition to An Lao, all of them have to stay in this villa for two days. Everyone else is ready to go down the mountain today.

Although the snow on the mountain is very thick, it does not block the road up and down the mountain

Zhang Yang and Zhao Liwu drove away from the villa one after the other. Along the way, he arrived at Chunyang safely.

On the way, Li Changyu had revealed to Qin Qing that Zhang Yang was about to be transferred to work in Jiangcheng. Qin Qing did not object to this. After all, their relationship had been criticized by many people before. At that time, they had nothing substantive at all. After what happened yesterday, even if they could control it well. Sooner or later, he will still be found by others, and Qin Qing can't guarantee that he will pretend to treat Zhang Yang as if he did in the past. Perhaps Zhang Yang's complete transfer from Chunyang's system is the best way to avoid other people's gossip.

Li Changyu also attaches great importance to An Lao's return to his hometown. In the past two days, he exchanged some views with An Lao, An Deheng and his son, and made sure that there was no change in the An family's plan to invest in Qingtaishan tourism development. After the Spring Festival, the money they invested will be received one after The incoming funds must be strictly checked and made sure that there is no problem before accepting the investment. Anjia also fully understands their practice.

Zhang Yang's mind has been thinking about the hot spring. He is about to be transferred to the development department of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau. This hot spring development can be his first eye-catching political achievement. This man still hasn't forgotten his level problem. Before breaking up, he asked Li Changyu, "After I went to the Tourism Bureau, will it be Is it Cheng Zhengke?"

Li Changyu nodded with great certainty and said, "100% Zhengke!"

Qin Qing returned to Jiangcheng with Li Changyu's family. Before leaving, he couldn't help looking at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was also looking at her. Their eyes met, and they both showed a heartfelt smile.

This wind and snow has made the traffic of the whole city much more difficult. Li Changyu's driving skills are not good. Qin Qing took the initiative to take on the responsibility of driving and slowly went to Jiangcheng. Li Changyu whispered, "Qin Qing. Feng Ailian's case involved many people. Now Chen Jigao of Yuda Real Estate Company is also involved.

Qin Qing frowned. She didn't have any good impression on Li Guozheng's family. On the day of her wedding, it was Li Haohui who drove her unmarried rice Zhenyang to death. It was stimulated by this incident that she entered the political arena until today, but the purpose of Li Changyu's telling this matter did not seem It's so simple.

Sure enough. Li Changyu paused for a moment and said, "Chen Jigao has many violations in the acquisition of the land of the old pharmaceutical factory. He mentioned a key person many times after the case, Li Zhenyang!"

Qin Qing's heart trembled, and the accelerator under his feet obviously increased a little. He hurriedly braked. The car slipped on the snow and stabilized the car. Qin Qing's breathing obviously became short: "What does this have to do with him?"

Li Changyu said, "According to the preliminary grasp of the situation, there is reason to believe that many secret operations were carried out through Li Zhenyang at the beginning. Li Zhenyang should have a lot of evidence in his hands, and these evidences are likely to be detrimental to Li Guozheng. Li Changyu did not continue to talk about it.

Qin Qing's heart was extremely heavy, in fact, before Li Zhenyang died. There are all kinds of signs that he has a very heavy mind. Is Li Zhenyang really involved in an unknown dark story? And his death was not an accident? The scene of the wedding day suddenly appeared in front of Qin Qing's eyes. When Li Zhenyang walked towards her in a black suit and holding flowers, a car crashed into his body crazily, and Li Zhenyang flew into the air like a broken kite. The silver-covered world in front of you seems to be covered with a layer of scarlet blood"


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