Medical official path

Chapter 132 Fury

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Forget it, let's go back!" If he cares, he will be in trouble. In fact, his current mentality is perfectly normal.

That night, they did not return to Jiali International, but came to Gu Jiatong's villa on the shore of Qiuxia Lake. The two sat in front of the fireplace and looked at the burning flames in the fireplace. Gu Jiatong put on a pink nightgown and curled up beside Zhang Yang. Usually in front of the public, she would pretend to be a strong woman. Only by Zhang Yang's side could she completely put down everything she deliberately managed and become a real woman. .

Zhang Yang stroked her hair and smiled, "I have handed over my work at the Beijing Office. In the future, the focus of my work will be shifted to Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau."

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "The leisurely unit of the Tourism Bureau is not suitable for your temperament. I really don't know why Li Changyu arranged such a seat for you."

Zhang Yang said, "I have just arrived at the Tourism Bureau, and I am not familiar with the situation, but I have heard from them that the focus of the reform of Jiangcheng in the future is to build a first-class tourist city in the country, and the Tourism Bureau will also become a key functional department." He has just come to work at the Tourism Bureau. In fact, he is very confused about what he wants to do in the future and what he can do. He has not sorted out a complete clue.

Gu Jiatong hugged Zhang Yang's waist and whispered, "The political situation in Jiangcheng has been very chaotic recently. I heard that former mayor Li Guozheng has been arrested. Many officials have been involved, and many people have been disbanded." Zhang Yang was still very concerned about what happened around him. He whispered, "Is there any latest progress in this matter? What does the province plan to do?

"I don't know. My father doesn't talk about business at home. Anyway, Jiangcheng is very shocked this time. In my opinion, a large number of cadres above the Jue department level will come down, which may be a good opportunity for you." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not greedy. Gangzhou has been promoted to Zhengbu. I can't bring me a small place right away. If that's the case, the whole cadre team in Jiangcheng will be jealous of me." Although this one wants to go further, he also understands that it is unrealistic to be promoted again in a short time.

Gu Jiatong didn't believe it. When Zhang Yang thought about other people's feelings, he always did it frankly. Not to mention mentioning it to him, even if he gave him a mayor, he was equally at ease.

Zhang Yang said, "Yes, Ding, I brought some local specialties to your father in Jiangcheng this time!" Gu Jiatong understood what he meant..." He said, "I'll bring it to you. He has been very busy recently and doesn't have time at home all day. If you go, he has no time to pay attention to you."

Zhang Yang nodded, "How's the finalist preparation for tomorrow?"

Gu Jiatong said, "What else can I do? It's just a form. No matter how many eight circumferences there are, they still have to compete in the three families in the end. One is the Fengyu Group of Liang Chenglong, the other is Fang Wennan's Shengshi Group, and the other is Wang Xuehai, who has just found a new partner.

Zhang Yang put his shoulder around Gu Jiatong and said, "What are the odds of winning?" The final bidding will not be held until the end of the month, and now I dare not say that I am fully sure.

Xu Changde took the initiative to find Gu Yunzhi, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. First of all, he sincerely reviewed his ignorance of the Zhangwulou mine accident incident, and then expressed his shame that he was unaware of such a major corruption and disciplinary case as Li Guozheng during his tenure in Jiangcheng. He was trying to save the impact of this Instead of waiting for others to accuse you of your nose, it's better to do self-criticism first, so that you can also gag other people's mouths first.

Gu Yunzhi's attitude was kind, which was somewhat beyond Xu Changde's expectation. He thought that Gu Yunzhi would be furious because of what happened in Jiangcheng, and then took the opportunity to make trouble at him.

Gu Yunzhi said indifferently, "It's better to expose the problem than to cover it up forever. Since we can find the problem, we have the ability to solve it. Comrade Changde, the matter of Jiangcheng does not only exist in Jiangcheng, but also in individual cadres. This matter is given to our party members and our cadres. Wu sounded the alarm. We should recognize the problems in the management of our cadres through this matter, and realize that solving the problem is our ultimate goal!" Xu Changde obviously felt that Gu Yunzhi's words were so empty that there was no substantive content. He could not hear any accusations from him, as if he did not mean to hold his leadership accountable, but Xu Changde had a considerable understanding of Gu Yunzhi's temperament. He dared to conclude that Gu Liangwuzhi would never let go of this pair. Pay your own chance, this Pinghai boss will not take action easily, and he will hit it with one shot.

Although Gu Yunzhi's eyes were calm and peaceful, Xu Changde felt the forced murder hidden behind this calmness and peace. Xu Changde felt a trace of sadness in his heart. Once he thought that Jiangcheng had become an independent political fortress in the north of Pinghai under his management, which was his political foundation, and for many years Come on, Gu Yunzhi has never shown hostility to him, but when he was promoted as he wished and became the governor of Pinghai Province, he found that Gu Yunzhi had always sharpened the knife silently. It was not that he did not want to wave this knife, but chose the time to wave the knife. The highest level of the killer is to hide the murderous spirit and return to peace, and the highest level of political cultivation is also introverted and peaceful. Gu Yunzhi's current peace is precisely because he is still choosing the angle of the last swing of the knife, and the place where the knife should fall on Xu Changde.

The sadness in Xu Changde's heart gradually turned into a kind of anger and resentment. From coming to Dongjiang, he was always in a passive situation of being beaten. Gu Yunzhi regarded himself as a weak person who had no ability to fight back. Xu Changde shouted silently in his heart that I would not fall down.

Gu Yunzhi's peace did hide deep sadness and anger. Xu Changde concealed the mining disaster. If it was only to whitewash the peace and was afraid that it would affect his official career, it would be reasonable. If Xu Changde was also involved like Li Guozheng, then the corruption of Jiangcheng's political circles had reached the point of outrageous A breakthrough, through which more and more cadres are involved, this is the misfortune of Jiangcheng and the sadness of Jiangcheng. Gu Yunzhi is waiting for the day when the water to come out, he wants to settle all this with Xu Changde.

At the moment he walked out of Gu Yunzhi's office, Xu Changde paused slightly, then straightened his waist and took a big step.

When people are afraid, it is often when they can't see their future and destiny clearly. Xu Changde has seen the worst possible result of this incident. On the contrary, he is not afraid. At the time of Jiangcheng, he is a cadre who can severe. In the past, it is still the same. After coming to Dongjiang The light is hidden, but his forbearance has become a kind of retreat in Gu Yunzhi's eyes, but it has become a kind of cowardice. He will not give up. He wants to reverse the current predicament.

There are four finalists in the final auction of the imitation department store. In addition to Fengyu Group's liang Chenglong, Shengshi Group's Fang Wennan, and one is Pinghai Dongning Construction Group, which belongs to the nature of accompanying the standard, and the last one is Wang Xuehai's Tengzhong Group Company. The result of the matter was reasonable and did not exceed anyone's expectations. After the lengthy speeches of leaders, the organizers issued tenders to the four finalists, which means that the competition between the four companies will enter the final sprint stage from today.

The four leaders of the bidding company sat very close. Liang Chenglong sat in Fang Wennan and Wang Xuehai. He stretched out his hand to the two with a smile and shook hands with them politely, "From today on, we will become competitors." In the view of sorghum Chenglong, only Wang Xuehai is qualified to be his opponent. However, that life is in the past. Since Gu Jiatong made it clear that he would withdraw from the bidding and no longer continue to work with Wang Xuehai, Wang Xuehai's combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced in his heart. Now Wang Xuehai's competitiveness is even Shengshi Group of local enterprises.

Wang Xuehai smiled and said, "China's market is becoming more and more mature, and the market needs healthy competition. We are opponents, but not enemies. Through this bidding, we hope we can become friends." Liao Chenglong smiled and said, "It's not a dragon but a general. Mr. Wang came to Dongjiang to grab the job of our local enterprises!" Wang Xuehai said indifferently, "The strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, not to mention that Mr. Liao's Fengyu Group has become a dragon. This time, I actually want to seize food from the tiger's mouth. It's very difficult, very big!" Sorghum Chenglong glanced at Fang Wennan and said, "This time, I'm not the only one." Fang Wennan smiled and said, "The reason why Shengshi Group participated this time is mainly to adapt to the competition mode of modern society for the purpose of visiting and learning. Although success is gratifying, there is no regret for failure." Wang Xuehai said meaningfully, "Does Mr. Fang really think so much?" Fang Wennan sighed and said, "Whoever sees the big cake in front of my house will be moved, and no one wants others to pick it up. My mood is very contradictory, very contradictory!" The three of them laughed loudly.

After the meeting, Wang Xuehai drove to Pangdu at the Mililan Hotel. In the four clubs, a distinguished guest named Zheng Xiaoyuan, had arrived here before him.

Wang Xuehai walked into the room, took off his windbreaker with the help of a beautiful woman in a red dress, and walked over with a smile, "Mr. An, I'm sorry!" Andeheng slowly greeted Wang Xuehai and gave him a warm hug. The two sat down opposite the coffee table. Andeheng smiled and said, "What's the result?" Wang Xuehai picked up the teacup and took a sip and said, "It's expected, but I still can't figure out Fang Wennan's foundation!" Ande said, "The focus of his career is on Jiangcheng. Why did he participate in this standard?"

Wang Xuehai shook his head, then leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and said thoughtfully, "Everyone knows that Liang Chenglong's backstage is Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee. Those who dare to participate in this bidding should not only have a strong economic foundation, but also have a strong political background. At least the figures .

And Heng said, "You didn't find out his background?" Wang Xuehai said, "I have done something with Fang Wennan. This noon man is very simple. He is calm and has a strong view of the overall situation. As far as I say, he has a good relationship with Hong Weiki, Secretary of the Jiangcheng City Party Committee. However, Hong Weiki should not come forward and fight head-on with Liang Tianzheng for him. Besides, the plot of the slow weaving department store is located in Dongjiang, and Liang Tianzheng will not give him face. Wang Xuehai will not believe that Fang Wennan only has the purpose of visiting and learning. The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. Fang Wennan is an excellent businessman. He must have seen the future development prospects of this land, so he intervened in it.

Andehuan whispered, "I went to Chunyang for the Spring Festival a few days ago and found that Fang Wennan and Zhang Yang had a good relationship." Wang Xuehai's heart was shocked by a careless sentence, and his face changed slightly.

"What?" If the relationship between Fang Wennan and Zhang Yang is very good, and the relationship between Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong is that kind of ambiguous, then Fang Wennan is very likely to build Gu Jiatong through the bridge of Zhang Yang. Is it possible for Gu Jiatong to abandon himself to cooperate with Fang Wennan? Fang Wennan had the backing of the Gu family, so he dared to participate in the competition. A series of speculations made Wang Xuehai extremely depressed and angry. He had a feeling of being teased.

Ande said, "It's not easy to publicize this!" Wang Xuehai sneered, what's not easy? It's nothing more than relying on Gu Jiatong's nepotism." Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of Luo Huining. Zhang Yang also had a godmother, who was the wife of the Vice Premier. The boy's foundation was indeed extraordinary.

Ande Huan said, "I've always wondered why your cooperation with Miss Gu's family was suddenly interrupted?" Wang Xuehai sighed and said, "It's not because of the sudden blood splashing incident. After that incident, Gu Jiaban was very wary of me!" Has Mr. Wang ever done it? Wang Xuehai smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I will be so stupid? Splash her blood, and then make this series of clumsy performances to make her believe that it was done by sorghum Chenglong, make her hate sorghum cheng dragon, and then stand on my side more firmly? Andeheng didn't say anything. In his opinion, Wang Xuehai's way of doing things did not rule out such a possibility.

Wang Xuehai said, "I suspect that Liang Chenglong did this matter. He wants to disintegrate the alliance between me and Gu Jiatong!" Ande Huan smiled and said, "It is much more complicated to do things in the mainland than in Hong Kong, and all aspects of relationships should be taken care of. The competition in business is not strength, but by back!" Wang Xuehai doesn't recognize Si Ande... But, "In fact, the background is the embodiment of strength. Now everything pays attention to comprehensive strength. It doesn't matter without background. In the land of China, it's difficult for you to walk at all."

An Dehuan took a sip of the tea ceremony and said, "Mainly, what I can guarantee is the funds. I have a headache when I think of these intertwined relationships in all aspects. You'd better deal with it!"

Wang Xuehai laughed, but his heart was not as happy as he showed. If Fang Wennan really joined hands with Gu Jiatong, then he would undoubtedly become the most vulnerable party in this bidding. The reason why he fell into this dilemma is undoubtedly Gu Jiatong's reason. If Gu Jiatong gave up his cooperation with Fang Wennan, it would be treachery, which made Wang Xuehai intolerable.

Gu Jiatong gave all the superficial work to Andeheng. She and Zhang Yang stayed in the villa in Qiuxia Lake until noon the next day. It was rare for them to enjoy such a leisure time. When they were in the cow, Fang Wennan called Gu Jiatong and informed her. Gu Jiatong talked with him for nearly 20 minutes about the specific situation of the meeting next morning, and then hung up the phone and returned to Zhang Yang's side. He smiled and said, "Wang Xuehai still hasn't given up the bidding. It seems that the competition for this plot is unprecedentedly fierce." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not easy to deal with him. You can ask Fang Wennan to sort out Wang Xuehai's past commercial information and send them all to the competent unit to see if this kind of person who has speculated and sold land is qualified to participate in the bidding." His method is straightforward and simple.

Gu Jiatong said, "It's not the time for him to participate, at least part of the energy of Liang Jackie Chan." She put her mobile phone on the glass coffee table. "These people are all human spirits. It won't take long for me and Fang Wennan to join hands."

Zhang Yang said, "Actually, I can't figure it out. Is there anything wrong with the land in Dongjiang? It's better to go to Qingtai Mountain for investment. Well, I recently found a hot spring. It's really great. I'll take you to take a bath some other day. You can spend money to build a hot spring resort center there, and you can make money! Since he had a spring breeze in the hot spring with Qin Qing, he has been unforgettable there.

Gu Jiatong laughed and said, "You can't take business for granted. Wentai Mountain has almost no development now. No one will go there for vacation." Anjia has stated that the development of Qingtai Mountain will be accelerated this year!" Gu Jiatong faintly heard the sound of the phone, looked at her mobile phone on the coffee table, and turned to look into the villa. Zhang Yang touched his body and remembered that his mobile phone had been thrown out of **. He got up and went to the villa to pick up the phone. As soon as he turned on the phone, he heard an anxious voice inside, "Are you Zhao Jing's brother?" Zhang Yang was stunned. It was me!" You come to the Provincial People's Hospital immediately. Your sister has an accident and is being rescued!" Zhang Yang was stunned and rushed out of the villa to the garage.

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Gu Jiatong immediately realized that there was trouble and hurriedly caught up with him, "What's wrong? What's the matter?" "..." Jing has entered the hospital. Give me the car keys quickly!" Only then did Gu Jiatong realize that the matter must be very serious. She hurriedly picked up the car key. She was worried that Zhang Yang would make a mistake in his busy schedule and drove Zhang Yang to the Provincial People's Hospital in person. On the way, she called Fang Wennan again and postponed the appointment to meet in the afternoon.

Zhao Jing was beaten. She was beaten very hard. She suffered many injuries on her body and ruptured her spleen. After being sent to the hospital last night, she had an emergency operation to remove her spleen and blood transfusion. She managed to save her life. Now she has been sent back to the ward after surgery. According to the I can't keep it.

Zhang Yang looked at his sister lying sick** and felt that his legs were weak and too weak to move. Kong Li and Ge Yan from Zhao Jing's dormitory in the ward were accompanying her, and Jin Mei, a first-year counselor of Dongjiang Normal University.

Zhang Yang came to Zhao Jing's side and held her pale and cold little hand, "Xiao Jing" Jing"

Zhao Jing was still in a coma. Zhang Yang explored her pulse and found that Zhao Jing's pulse was still stable, and his heart was slightly stable. His heart was full of sadness and anger. Who was so cruel that he tortured a girl like this?

Jin Mei said, "Are you Zhao Jing's brother?" Zhang Yang nodded, Xinmei pointed to the outside, and Liyi and the others went outside to talk.

Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong followed out.

When she came to the corridor, Jin Mei sighed, "Our school also received a notice from Gangzhou. The police came just now. The beating should have happened at about three o'clock last night, near the Zero Bar. We don't know who Zhao Jing is with, but..." She paused for a moment, and then said, "According to the doctor Check, Zhao Jing should not have been sexually assaulted, which is also an unfortunate Wan Ping!" Zhang Yang leaned against the wall, his chest fluctuated violently, and his pale face gradually showed a trace of blood. The blood color quickly expanded on his face and dyed his ears, neck and eyes.

Jin Mei couldn't help shivering when she saw Zhang Yang's bloodthirsty eyes.

Zhang Yang nodded and walked out without saying a word.

Gu Jiatong hurriedly chased out and grabbed his arm, "Zhang Yang, what are you going to do?" Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "I know who did it!" Gu Jiatong hugged his arm desperately and said, "Even if someone commits a crime, there will naturally be laws to sanction him. Don't mess around!" Zhang Yang angrily stared at Gu Jiatong and shouted, "It's my sister lying inside!" If I hadn't let her go out yesterday, this wouldn't have happened. It was my negligence that hurt her so much. I want to give her one, justice!" He threw off Gu Jiatong's arm and strode out of the gate of the hospital.

Gu Jiatong had tears in her eyes. She knew that no one could stop Zhang Yang now. Zhao Jing's misery had angered the lion. He wanted to revenge, and he wanted to revenge at any cost.

Gu Jiatong stabilized her mood. While chasing Zhang Yang in the back, she called her cousin Zhang De. After all, Zhang De worked in the police. Maybe he had a way to stop Zhang Yang. After hanging up the phone, she contacted Fang Wennan again. Fang Huonan was also extremely shocked when he heard this. He immediately said that he would use all the relationship to find Zhang Yang's whereabouts.

But Zhang Yang hit a car when he went out, and disappeared into the endless traffic in a blink of an eye.

Gu Jiatong returned to her car without a master. She didn't know where Zhang Yang would go. It was not easy to force herself to calm down. She suddenly remembered Zhang Yang's words. I knew it was capable. Zhang Yang must think that Zhao Jing's current one was all made by the boy named Ding Bin. Zhang Yang didn't know Ding Bin Identity, the only place to find him is the school. Gu Jiatong reminded herself to calm down. She caught fire and drove to Dongjiang Normal University.

Zhang Yang kicked open the door of Ding Bin's dormitory. Ding Bin was not in it. His three roommates were sitting there eating, looking at the uninvited guest outside the door in surprise.

"Where is Ding Bin?"

"Who are you? A tall boy came over.

Zhang Yang looked at him coldly, "Where is Ding Bin?"

, why should I tell you?" before he finished speaking, Zhang Yang grabbed his collar and picked him up. The boy was so scared that his face turned pale. "He, he..." home... In Ningjing Road, the door of Ding Weifeng, Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, was knocked by others countless times, but he dared to kick the door For the first time in the history of Ding Weifeng's tenure, Zhang Yang quietly sneaked into the courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee on the 16th day of the first lunar month and pioneered the opening of the family of the Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee.

The loud roar resounded in this small courtyard, "Ding Bin, get out of here!"

Ding Weifeng has four sons. Ding Bin is the most popular one. On that day, Ding Weifeng was not at home because of work. His eldest son Ding Zhaowei was at home. He is now at the headquarters of the Dongjiang Garrison District. He has the rank of major. The first one who was shocked by Zhang Yang's roar was him The door of his house was kicked open, and a young man rushed in murderously. Ding Zhaowei's first feeling was that he had misread it. He would not have thought that anyone could be so arrogant at all.

In broad daylight, dare to open the door of the secretary of the provincial political and legal committee, which is not only a provocation to the Ding family, but also a challenge to the authority of the government.

Ding Zhaofu greeted him angrily. When he got up, he had asked the guard at home to inform the guard at the door.

Zhang Yang was blinded by hatred. Now he is all about seeking justice for his sister. What status and rules have long been thrown out of the sky by him. He is such a person. He can't see that his relatives are wronged at all and hurting his relatives is to challenge his bottom line.

Ding Zhaowei is a well-trained soldier. His capture and fighting once won the third place in the military competition of the military region. Seeing Zhang Yang limping in, he stopped Zhang Yang's way and said, "Do you want me to throw you out?" Zhang Yang looked at him coldly.

Ding Zhaowei's left leg suddenly took a step forward, and his right hand went to Zhang Yang's neck, but Zhang Yang grabbed the finger of his right hand and twisted it. Ding Zhaowei squatted down in pain, and Zhang Yang waved his fist to hit Ding Zhaowei's face.

A panicked voice sounded behind him, "Sit!"

Gu Yangyang's pale face appeared at the broken door. After receiving the phone call from her sister, she rushed to the door of Ding Shufeng's house to intercept Zhang Yang. She saw the scene of Zhang Yang swinging his fist to hit Ding Zhaowei.

Zhang Yang's eyes were wide open, and his waved arm was held by Gu Yangyang's weak little hand. Gu Yangyang said in a trembling voice, "Zhang Wu, don't mess around! Let him go, let him go, and have something to say!"

Zhang Yang nodded hatefully, and he let go of Ding Zhaowei's hand.

Ding Zhaowei rubbed his finger that was almost broken by Zhang Yang and looked at him with lingering fear. The boy's action was too fast. He looked at Zhang Yang's side and said confusedly, "What's going on? Who is he?"

Gu Yangyang doesn't know what happened to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's eyes turned red, "If you hand over Ding Bin to me, my sister will be killed by him!"

Ding Zhaowei heard Zhang Yang's words, and then realized the seriousness of the matter. He subconsciously looked back at the building. Last night, his brother came in the middle of the night and had been hiding in the room. He only said that he was sick. Not only did he not go to school, but he didn't even eat.

Gu Yang took Zhang Yang for fear that he would continue to rush in. He whispered, "Brother Ding, see if Ding Bin is here and let him make things clear!" Ding Zhaowei is not an unreasonable person. When he heard that his brother had harmed his sister, he also dissipated a lot of anger at Zhang Yang just now. He nodded and said, "He's in there. I'll find him!"

Suddenly, there was a scream behind him, and Ding Zhaowei's face changed. He heard that it was his brother who made the sound, and several people ran to the place where the sound was made.

But he saw Ding Bin lying on the grass behind the small building. It turned out that he had seen Zhang Yang rushing into the house through the window in the house. He was so scared that he jumped out of the window from behind. Who would have thought that he would have lost his feet when he landed.

When Zhang Yang saw Ding Bin, his eyes were on fire. He wish he could rush up and give him two big slaps. Gu Yangyang has been guarding him, grabbing his arm and preventing him from coming forward.

When Ding Zhaowei saw his brother's appearance, he had guessed that the boy must have done something against his will. No wonder he would kill his door aggressively.

Zhang Yang roared, "Ding Bin, what did you do to my sister?" The expression on Ding Bin's face was full of panic, and he actually cried, "I haven't done anything. "Zhao Jing's matter has nothing to do with me..." Zhang Yang said angrily, "I saw you together in the Lunar Lake last night!"

Ding Zhaowei whispered, "Little, Bin, what's going on? Do you know what to say? Don't be afraid!"

Ding Bin finally summoned up his courage and said, "Last night, after Zhao Jing and I saw the lights, we went to the Zero Bar to play. When we left the bar, a few people suddenly came over. They hit me... Then, and then hit Zhao Jing again. I called the police." When he said this, his heart was full of guilt. Be brave. If she didn't choose to escape, Zhao Jing would not have been so seriously injured.

Zhang Yang pointed to Ding Bin's nose and scolded, "Cow! As a man, why don't you know how to protect the girls around you?

Ding Bin lowered his head in shame.

Gu Yangyang looked at Ding Bin and also looked at him with contempt. On the other, a man actually abandoned his girlfriend at the most critical moment, which was really disgusting.