Medical official path

Chapter 141 Brewing Counterattack

After a long silence, the loud shout broke the silence and thunderous applause.

He Xinyan saw the publicity standing on the guest's table, and her full red lips curled up slightly, showing a knowing smile.

He Xinyan's talent is not limited to dance. Her piano and guzheng have a considerable level. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would be hard to believe that Zhang Yang would have believed that this is the little girl who holds a wine bottle and dares to play with her life with social ruffian. This is the beer girl I don't know whether He Xinyan on the stage is the same person as the one he knows!

He Xinyan's score is very high, far ahead of the 15 players who have already appeared. In fact, her comprehensive performance in the preliminaries is also the best. Several judges have privately determined that she is the final winner of the championship that night.

After the competition, taking advantage of the literary and artistic performance, the organizing committee held a short meeting. The jury has come up with the final results and rankings. The current meeting is to finally unify the opinions and then announce the final results.

According to the current scoring situation, there is no doubt that He Xinyan won the championship.

When Zhang Yang was sitting there and thinking about how to congratulate her, Li Huixia, chairman of the jury of this competition and director of the Literature and Art Department of the Provincial TV Station, said, "I just learned one thing. Some players contacted our organizing committee members in private before the competition, which was a big mess! I suspect that the content of our competition may have been revealed in some way.

The deputy director of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau said happily and in astonishment, "Will there be such a thing? The superior leaders paid considerable attention to this trial and stressed many times that the competition should be carried out in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice. If there is any violation of discipline, it should be severely punished!"

Li Huixia's eyes suddenly fell on Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang looked at her strangely. Although he was a member of the organizing committee, he had always played the role of handyman. Is it true that this matter had something to do with him? He suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Li Huixia said, "Sir Zhang, have you contacted He Xinyan, the No. 15 player, in private before the game?"

Zhang Yang just understood it. After a long time, she said that what she said just now was aimed at herself. I have always been low-key and modest since I came to Dongjiang. Damn it, I didn't mess with you. Instead, you provoked my head. Zhang Yang was so angry, paralyzed, which dog's mouth is so fast What's wrong with having a meal with He Xinyan? With so many people present, what can you prove?

He suppressed his anger and nodded and said, "Director Li, I have known He Xinyan since the past, but I haven't provided her any convenience, nor did I have helped her bribe anyone to the jury! Isn't it a little unfair for you to say that!"

Li Huixia said, "Although it is your Jiangcheng Propaganda Department and Tourism Bureau, we, Pinghai TV Station, as the co-organizer, should be responsible to the people of Jiangcheng and ensure the fairness of the competition! Someone provided photos of you and He Xinyan having dinner that night, and some people reported that there was a sexual bribe between you and He Xinyan!"

Zhang's face turned red. He could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He patted the bank angrily and said, "Fuck your mother's bullshit! Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, don't frame my innocence, let alone a little girl!"

Gively, when you heard Zhang Yang's blatant scolding, a face suddenly elongated, reminding Zhang Yang:

"Xiao Zhang, pay attention to your words and think about the consequences!"

Zhang Yang pointed to the happy nose and scolded, "Don't you guys just want to throw dirty water on me? I'm paralyzed. I really don't serve you! Fair and just, what is unfair and unfair to He Xinyan's score? Let me tell you, I won't do this! The score of the selection is played by you, and I'm just a handyman at all. What can I control the result of the game? Who the hell dares to frame me, I will never let him go!" He turned around and walked out of the door.

Li Huixia trembled with anger. She said in a trembling voice, "This is the quality of your Jiangcheng cadres... He... What is he... National cadres... A whole hooligan..."

He Yanyan stood in the corridor. When Zhang Yang was in a meeting, she was also called by the organizing committee to interrogate.

The two stood in the corridor and looked at each other. He Xinyan's eyes were slightly red, and her lips were tightly squeezed together.

Zhang Yang slowly walked over to her. For a moment, he didn't know what to say to her. What was the real victim of this matter? Because of him, He Yanyan's winning division champion was recorded like this.

He Xinyan raised her face and said word by word, "I spilled a cup of hot tea on his face!"

At this time, an angry voice sounded behind him: "He Xinyan! You are responsible for today's behavior!"

Zhang Yang laughed. He Xinyan was infected by his smile, and she also laughed. She tidied up her dance dress: "Wait for me, I'll remove my makeup. You must drink with me tonight. Don't get drunk. "Okay!"

Zhang Yang called Gu Mingjian and asked him to send Gu Yangyang home. He and He Xinyan left the provincial TV station without waiting for the announcement of the result of the game.

Gu Mingjian hung up the phone and said to Andeheng beside him, "Zhang Yang's phone!"

An Deheng smiled and handed Gu Mingjian the final list of winners in his hand. Gu Mingjian looked at it and saw that there was no He Xinyan's name on it. There was a proud smile on the corners of his lips. His chest was not wide. In the past, He Xinyan scolded him in the hospital. He had never forgotten that Some people exposed that He Xinyan and Zhang Yang had dinner together in advance. Gu Mingjian quietly gave some help, not only removing He Xinyan's division champion, but also excluding her from the final list of winners.

An Deheng didn't know what grudge he had between Gu Mingjian and He Xianyan. However, since Gu Mingjian made such a choice, he could only show respect. He saw He Xinyan's performance tonight and thought that He Xinyan was an excellent girl. To be fair, she won the championship of this division. Return.

Gu Mingjian said, "This kind of evil spirit can't be condoned, otherwise it will be difficult to continue the competition. I heard that the Hong Kong beauty pageant is very strict about fraud!"

And Heng nodded.

Gu Mingjian whispered in his ear, "I have got Fang Wennan's bidding book!"

Andeheng began to re-examine the son of the Gu family. In the past, he always thought that Gu Mingjian was a high-level son and an arrogant fool. However, as his understanding of Gu Mingjian deepened, he found that Gu Mingjian also had his wisdom. The tiger father had no son. Perhaps the unique frivolity of young people And connotation, but Gu Mingjian also has the biggest shortcoming. His heart is too narrow-minded. Once such a person turns against each other, he will be avenged. He Xinyan pushed her bicycle over and wanted to put it in the trunk of the Toyota car. She didn't expect it, but Zhang Yang's car broke down at this juncture. He couldn't afford to fire it anyway. The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yang took the initiative to grab the handlebar of the bicycle and said, "Let's go, I'm you!"

He Xinyan nodded and jumped lightly into the back seat of the bicycle. Zhang Yang's driving skills were indeed unflattering. He rode around. He Xinyan grabbed his back nervously and was afraid that he would be accidentally thrown out by this man. Dongjiang in April was still a little cold. He Huoyan was dressed a little thin today. When the night wind blew, he couldn't help but feel shabby. He wrapped his arms around his waist and abdomen and got closer to him. A kind of silent warmth, tolerant of her heart.

Zhang Yang also felt the faint warmth from He Xinyan, which seemed so real on the cool April night.

When the two came to the night market they visited last time, He Xinyan ordered snails, stinky dried dishes, lobsters and a box of beer. She didn't find any unhappiness or loss on her face.

Zhang Yang picked up the wine bottle and touched her. He was still a little guilty about what happened tonight. If it hadn't been for his own reasons, He Xinyan might have won the championship in the division.

"I'm sorry!" Zhang Yang said sincerely.

He Xinyan looked up and drank a small bottle of beer very refreshingly, and then put the empty bottle on the table. Her bright and beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Yang: "What's wrong?"

"I mean about tonight's game..."

He Xinyan shook her head: "Although I don't have money, I don't care. As long as I prove my own strength, it's enough!"

From the depths of He Xinyan's eyes, Zhang Yang still caught the grievance hidden in her heart. He raised the wine bottle and said, "In my heart, you are a real champion!"

He Xinyan smiled and said, "Can I dance well?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "I've never seen anyone dance so well!"

"In fact, I learned gymnastics when I was a child, but later I learned dance because of my figure!"

"You have a good figure. You should be big and small!" The guy said with a bad smile.

"Get out of here!" He Huoyan opened her eyes, but finally couldn't help laughing: "You must be petite and exquisite to learn gymnastics. At that time, I had two choices, either to learn rhythmic gymnastics or to learn to dance. Later, I felt that I was tired of gymnastics, so I changed to dance!" He Xinyan took a sip of beer and said, "I thought you wouldn't come. I was really happy to see you just now!" I just want to jump to show you!"

Zhang Yang chewed an unusual meaning from this sentence. The wine bottle gently touched He Xinyan's bottleneck and whispered, "Don't worry, I will help you get justice!"

He Xinyan Gege laughed and said, "What's fair? I don't care about the ranking. Previously, some judges hinted to me to help me move."

"Who is so kind?"

He Xinyan said with contempt, "Good intentions? The lustful heart is right!" After saying that, she couldn't help laughing: "But when he hinted at me, I had a heart and recorded all his words!"

Zhang Yang frowned. In the past, he had only heard of the judges' use of the hidden rules of the female player. He Xinyan said, "Actually, I really don't have any hope for the ranking. Qu Yuan didn't have the idea of being turbid and the world. Finally, he voted for Luojiang. It's Maybe my personality determines that I can't adapt to the life of the entertainment industry. This time I signed up for the Miss Tourism Competition in Jiangcheng. I just want to prove my strength. I really haven't thought about getting any ranking..." She paused for a moment and stared at Zhang Yang's deep eyes and said:

"What's more, you can come, appreciate my dance, and sincerely cheer for me. I'm very satisfied and happy!"

Looking at the stubborn girl in front of him, Zhang Yang suddenly felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart. He whispered, "When you want to dance, tell me that I will always be your most loyal audience!"

He Xinyan bit her lip, and her clear eyes were shrouded in a layer of misty water vapor. She looked up at the velvety night sky and looked at the twinkling starlight in the distance: "Don't say that, I'll take it seriously..."

"I'm serious!"

He Xinyan suddenly laughed and picked up a piece of stinky dry and stuffed it into Zhang Yang's mouth: "It's strange to believe you!"

................................................................................................................ The judge who hinted to He Xinyan that he could give convenience was Xinggui, the deputy director of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau. What made Zhang Yang angry was that Zhu Xiaoyun heard with his own ears that he was glad to report to the organizing committee that Zhang Yang and He Xinyan had dinner together. This The old man is an unscrupulous villain.

On the second day after the Dongjiang division competition, a special seminar was held in response to Zhang Yang's abuse of the chairman of the jury, Li Huixia, director of the Literature and Art Department of Pinghai TV Station, and Zhang Yang's convenience for the contestants. The meeting was held in the small conference room of the provincial TV station.

The meeting was attended by Wang Changjun, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, Gao Xinggui, Deputy Director of the Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau, Li Huixia, Director of the Literature and Art Department of Pinghai TV Station, and relevant personnel of the Organizing Committee. Before the meeting, Wang Changjun specifically talked to Zhang Yang. The leader's impact is too bad. The purpose of this meeting is to let Zhang Yang apologize to Li Huixia in person. Wang Changjun also said that he did not intend to continue to investigate. As a cadre of Jiangcheng City, he was more or less clear about Zhang Yang's roots, and there was no need to make a big deal of this matter. Zhang Yang's attitude was also very cooperative, and he immediately expressed his willingness to apologize to Li Huixia.

A minute after the meeting began, he came late. He sat down near the gate. Today, he is the protagonist. Everyone's eyes are looking at him, and most of them contain contempt. After all, the impression of this person is too poor. In officialdom, we must not rely on abuse and punches to solve problems. That's the lowest performance. However, no one denies the alternative of Zhang's official. It is precisely because of his fianternal temperament that many people are afraid of him. After all, no one wants to suffer the immediate losses, right?

The meeting was presided over by Wang Changjun. He first affirmed the work of the organizing committee, and then praised the achievements of the Dongjiang division. Finally, he turned around and fell on the issue of publicity. Wang Changjun said earnestly, "This competition is generally good, but there are also some problems in some parts, which is related to the understanding of individual comrades and our lack of organizational experience in relevant competitions." He looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Before the meeting, Comrade Zhang Yang and I had exchanged views, and Xiao Zhang had realized his mistake..." At this point, he stopped at the right time and motioned Zhang Yang to speak.

Zhang Yang stood up. He cleared his throat and said, "Everyone understands that the purpose of this meeting today is to criticize my mistakes and wait for me to review to Director Li!"

Wang Changjun's expression has changed a little. He is keenly aware that this boy may take the opportunity to make trouble. After all, it is difficult to do. He has heard it countless times before. He laughed and said, "Zhang Yang, everyone can make mistakes. As long as he can recognize his mistakes and correct them Good comrade!" After all, this is Dongjiang, and he doesn't want to make things bigger. As long as he returns to Jiangcheng, he won't bother to ask who should take care of this trouble.

Zhang Yang glanced around the faces of the crowd and finally fell on Li Huixia. He whispered, "Director Li, I admit that it was right to scold you yesterday, but the real reason why you said that there was sexual bribery between me and the contestant without evidence. Our Communist Party members pay attention to seeking truth from facts. He Xinyan and I used to be good friends, but I haven't disclosed any inside information to her, and I haven't worked for her in the judges. Everyone present today can touch their conscience. Have I said anything good about why Xinyan? Have you ever hinted to you alone?

Everyone kept silent, including Li Huixia.

Zhang Yang said, "How about the comprehensive quality of He Xinyan? What is her level? Anyone with eyes can see it. Because of a small report, you have recorded her championship, her rewards, and her right to play. If you just want to target me, it doesn't matter, but how will you reflect the fairness of your voice?

Li Huixia said coldly, "Miss Tourism is a comprehensive quality selection. No matter how excellent He Xinyan is, she can't be selected if her character is wrong!"

"Talto? How dare you say the word morality? Do you know what morality is? Zhang Yang suddenly stood up and stared at Gao Xinggui with bright eyes. Gao Xinggui was stunned by his fierce eyes.

He is the one who made the report. Of course, he is guilty.

Zhang Yang pointed happily and said, "High game, have you ever hinted to others before that as long as the player agrees to your non-point request, you will give her convenience in the game?"

Happy, his old face turned red. He said angrily, "Zhang Yang, don't jump over the wall in a hurry and falsely think I'm innocent!"

Zhang Yang walked to Xinggui step by step: "Your mother, say it again!"

Wang Changjun didn't expect that the form would turn sharply, but he was made to fight by Zhang Yang. He couldn't help saying angrily, "Zhang Yang, sit down!"

Zhang Yang took out a pocket tape recorder from his arms and gently pressed the play button. The happy voice echoed in the conference room: "Xiao He! Your comprehensive quality is good, but some places still need to be improved, otherwise it will be difficult to get the ideal ranking!"

"I don't understand what you mean!"

"Hey hey... How about you come to Room 308 of Botai Hotel in the evening, and I'll give you a separate guidance."

"I'm sorry, you've found the wrong person!"

He Xinyan is not a simple little girl. When Xing Gui came to talk to her alone, she left a hand and recorded all the suggestive words of this guy. Before breaking up with Zhang Yang last night, she gave the tape to Zhang Yang. The reason why Zhang Yang agreed to the meeting was to expose Gao Gui's ugly mouth in front of everyone. Face, he is now holding the evidence, one blow back, one blow will be hit!

Happy face has turned into pig liver color. He shouted, "You are slandering. This recording is fake!"

The participants looked complicated one by one. They heard it clearly. This was obviously the voice of Xing Gui. Many of them knew that Gao Gui was the one who denounced Zhang Yang. Judging from the evidence presented by Zhang Yang at present, this Xing Gui was simply a thief shouting to catch the thief, and it was his slandering Zhang Yang's innocence.

Xinggui was so angry that he rushed up to grab the tape recorder in Zhang Yang's hand. He did this was tantamount to taking the initiative to find death. How could Zhang Daguan let go of such an opportunity of revenge? His backhand was two big-eared scrapers, and then simply kicked Gao Xinggui to the ground and scolded with Damn it, what I hate most is an old hooligan like you!"

He was so happy that he could not stand his beating. He lay on the ground and hummed, wailing, "He hit me, call the police quickly... catch him."

Xinggui is a cadre of Jiangcheng. When he made such a thing, Wang Changjun's face was not good-looking. He secretly blamed Zhang Yang for not telling him this in advance. Zhang Yang came to his side and handed over the tape recorder to him: "Minister Wang, how to deal with this matter as a leader! This is material evidence. If you suspect that the evidence is not enough, I still have evidence!" He turned to Li Huixia and said:

"Director Li, do you still want me to apologize to you now?"

Li Huixia didn't know what to say for a moment. When Zhang Yang scolded her fiercely yesterday, she was very scared. Just now, she saw Zhang Yang beating her with her own eyes. As a woman, she had been scared to death for a long time, and the matter of making Zhang Yang apologize had already flown out of the sky.

Zhang Yang said, "It turns out that there are indeed some bad elements in our party. We can't let a piece of mouse shit ruin a pot of soup. For this kind of scum, we should be severely punished. Director Li, did he beat my little report?"

Li Huixia's face was pale, and she didn't even dare to look at him directly. After a long time, she said, "It may be a misunderstanding. Just explain it clearly..."

"Ha ha, Director Li is so nice to talk. Do you think this is over? Forget the mistakes you have made? Is such an excellent player excluded by you? Don't you keep saying that it is fair and just? Now that we realize the mistake, we have to correct it. Do we need to re-evaluate He Geyan's matter?

Li Huixia bit her lip, and she didn't have the final say in He Xinyan's matter.

Wang Changjun couldn't see it. He whispered, "Zhang Yang, let's talk about that later. You go back first!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I can't understand. If the problem comes to me, it will be solved immediately, but if the problem comes inside you, you have to escape. Am I so easy to bully? Didn't you say that my relationship with He Xinyan was ambiguous? I also tell you that He Xinyan and I are very good, and I can't see her being bullied. I have to give her justice. If you don't give me a satisfactory result, I will poke out the inside story. Is the provincial TV station awesome? Isn't there still a central station on it? TV stations don't want to broadcast, as well as newspapers and radio stations. Don't you have a dark story? I'm serious. If there is a dark story, we can find it out. If I have nothing to do, it doesn't mean that you are all right. If I can find out who did it, I will ruin his reputation. Life is not as good as death!"

Now everyone realizes the power of Zhang's official. Don't let him catch Li'er. It's better to stay away from such people. Unfortunately, it's too late for most people to realize this.

Zhang Yang slammed the door and went out. Wang Changjun, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, came out and shouted, "Zhang Yang, stop!"

Zhang Yang also had a pair of eyes. He didn't buy Wang Changjun. Since he was sent to organize this beauty contest, he held his breath and even looked at everyone. He Xinyan's matter made him find a breakthrough in the incident. He just wanted to stir up. Wang Changjun caught up with Zhang Yang and patted it very kindly. He patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Xiao Zhang, I know you have been wronged, but you should put the overall situation first. If you go on like this, you are smearing our Jiangcheng and damaging our own image!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "I'm smearing Jiangcheng. Why didn't I see you say that when they smeared me?"

Wang Changjun coughed awkwardly. He looked around and whispered, "Xiao Zhang, I wonder if this matter can be just like this? Don't let others see jokes..."

"People like you are shameless. Since things have been exposed, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Let the mistakes continue, which is really irresponsible!" Zhang Yang left this sentence and strode into the distance.

Although Zhang Yang seems to be cynical, he is a principled person. Although the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Tourism Bureau took the lead in this selection competition, it is actually manipulated by Andeheng. Andeheng is the real sponsor. Zhang Yang believes that the He Xinyan incident not only violates the principle of fairness and justice, Heng's own interests caused damage, so he directly found Andeheng, hoping to solve this matter through him.

Andeheng was not surprised by this matter. He nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, thank you very much for telling me about this. I didn't expect that there was such a thing in the mainland."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't want to make trouble in front of you. Since you funded this selection competition, the purpose is to promote the tourism resources of Jiangcheng. I think this matter is a damage to Jiangcheng's image. I hope Mr. An can change this matter and guide this competition to the right way."

An Deheng smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, I did this selection competition to promote the tourism resources of Jiangcheng. It can be said that the effect achieved so far is still satisfactory to me. As for the final image spokesperson, I may not be among these contestants!"

Zhang Yang was a little confused by his words. Ande Hengxing was engaged in the selection competition, but now he is saying such words. What's his plan?

And Heng said, "I am taking this opportunity to promote Jiangcheng tourism. In the future, future spokespersons will also use stars with international influence. Only in that way can we achieve a better publicity role, so the ownership of the champion of this selection competition is not important!"

Although Zhang Yang also recognized Si And Heng's point of view, he could not agree with his approach. He whispered, "Just because it's not important, you can let them mess around in the selection competition. Is it against the principle of fairness and justice?"

And Heng said, "The player you mentioned is really excellent. In this way, I can introduce her to the director of the film and television company as compensation for her. As for changing the result of the game, I think it's okay! The disclosure of this matter will only have a negative impact on Jiangcheng, and..." Andeheng deliberately paused for a moment. After a while, he said, "It's actually Mr. Gu's intention to remove her from the list of winners. She seems to have been unhappy with Mr. Gu in the past!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang has fully understood that it is Gu Mingjian who really affects the result of the game. The real reason why He Xinyan was removed from the title is that she has offended Gu Mingjian in the past. Zhang Yang can't figure it out in any way. Is it because of Zhao Rui's son-in-law? If this is the case, his brother-in-law is too narrow-minded.

................................................................................................... Even Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor far away in Jiangcheng, also called for this matter. He hoped that Zhang Yang would not make a big deal, think about the overall situation, and did not bring a negative impact to Jiangcheng because of this matter. Zhang Yang In a very unhappy mood, Li Changyu was also able to feel his mood at this time and promised him that the city would strictly deal with happiness and give him an explanation.

Hearing Li Changyu's promise, Zhang Yang felt a little better. Gu Mingjian's recent actions made him more and more disgusted. He felt that it was necessary to remind Gu Mingjian. He wanted to talk to Gu Mingjian, but Gu Mingjian was not interested in meeting him.

Just as Zhang Yang was considering whether to tell Gu Jiatong about Gu Mingjian's actions, Fang Wennan called and heard from Fang Wennan's voice that he seemed to be in trouble. He had something urgent to have an interview with Zhang Yang.

Fang Wennan did encounter a lot of trouble. The first thing he said when he saw Zhang Yang was: "What is Gu Jiatong doing?"

Zhang Yang was stunned by his words and whispered, "What's going on? Is there something wrong with your cooperation with Gu Jiatong?

Fang Wennan, who has always been calm, also lost his calmness in the past. He shouted excitedly:

"Do you know that Wang Xuehai secretly cooperated with Andeheng! Moreover, they have learned about the bidding plan that I have worked so hard for so long. Their bidding plan is all for us, and we are completely at a disadvantage!"

Zhang Yang frowned. He did not expect that Wang Xuehai would be mixed up with Andeheng. Fang Wennan's anger was that the bidding plan he had worked hard for months was known in advance by others. He obviously thought that this matter was related to Gu Jiatong, and it was Gu Jiatong who leaked their business secrets.

Zhang Yang said categorically, "It's impossible. Gu Jiatong is not that kind of person. She won't betray your business interests."

Fang Wennan said in frustration, "I also hope she didn't betray me, but all my information was known by Wang Xuehai and others. If it weren't for her, who would it be? I won't even tell Su Xiaohong about these inside information! Does she want to use me as a bid partner and let Liang Chenglong focus on me?

Zhang Yang shouted, "Gu Jiatong is not that kind of person!" He stood up and said, "I will ask about this clearly and give you an explanation!"

Fang Wennan shook his head in pain and said, "It's too late to say anything now. This time, I don't have any advantages in weaving the land of the department store, and I'm completely at a disadvantage!"

When Gu Jiatong heard Zhang Yang say this, she was full of surprise. These days, she has been making behind-the-scenes efforts for bidding for land. On the surface, Fang Wennan is dealing with it. This matter is also sudden for her. After hanging up the phone, she sat back on the sofa with heavy worries.

Gu Mingjian, who was in a suit and grass shoes, came down the stairs, called his sister with a smile, and was about to go out.

"Mingjian!" Gu Jiatong stopped him.

Gu Mingjian stopped: "What's the matter?"

Gu Jiatong said coldly, "Have you ever moved anything in my room?"

Gu Mingjian laughed, but his heart beat uneasily: "Sister, why should I go to your room? Didn't you say that you didn't like others to touch your things? Besides, I'm not interested in girls' things. You'd better ask to raise them!"

Gu Jiatong nodded and said, "It's good that you haven't moved, Mingjian. I heard that you have been doing business with Andeheng recently."

"It's just an ordinary friend. What kind of business? I don't have any eight characters. You know, I have no money and no power. Who will talk to me?" Gu Mingjian obviously didn't want to stay any longer. He excused that he had something to do and hurried out of the door.

Gu Jiatong looked at her brother's back, and an extremely complicated expression appeared in her beautiful eyes. She could conclude that the bidding plan was leaked because of her brother. She put the bidding plan in her room and raised her things at all. In the past, Mingjian did not enter her room casually, but when she knew that An Deheng and Wang Xuehai cooperated to participate in the bidding, she immediately thought of her brother. She detected that a new interest group had quietly formed between Wang Xuehai, An Deheng and her brother.

Gu Jiatong came to her father's study, turned on the surveillance, and installed hidden camera monitoring in the passage of the house. She took nearly a week's video and took two hours to finally find the picture of Gu Mingjian sneaking into her room. After everything was confirmed, Gu Jiatong fell into deep contradictions and pain. . When did my brother become like this? There is no difference between his behavior and that of thieves. Is it because he pays too much attention to business and ignores his concern for him?

Gu Jiatong bit her lip and stared at the picture of the monitor. After a long time, she clicked the delete button. She closed her beautiful eyes, her long black eyelashes flashed slightly, and two crystal tears slowly slid down along her beautiful face. She was not disappointed by the setbacks in her business. What made her sad was what her brother did.

Gu Mingjian's heart is extremely uneasy at this time. From his sister's reaction just now, he has realized that he had discovered that he had peeked at the bidding book. Pangdu VIP Club has become a place where he and his two business partners, Wang Xuehai and Andeheng often meet.

Wang Xuehai was keenly aware of Gu Mingjian's uneasiness. He picked up the red wine and smiled and said, "The tender has been handed over. We have a good chance of winning this time!"

And Heng said, "Our tea parts have completely surpassed Fang Wennan's Shengshi Group. It can be said that this opponent has been eliminated by us first, and now we only stop Liang Chenglong."

Wang Xuehai smiled and said, "Liang Chenglong's Fengyu Group built a Kyoto Building in Beijing and made a lot of money!"

Both An Deqi and Gu Mingjian knew that there must be something else to say, and both of them looked at him.

Wang Xuehai said, "I have some evidence about the quality of the Kyoto Building. If the evidence is made public, the reputation of Fengyu Group will be greatly affected, and he will face huge claims."

Only now is Andeheng really admiring Wang Xuehai. This person is definitely a sinister and cunning fox. On the surface, he is doing an open business, but in fact, his operation methods are all indebable means, including letting Gu Mingjian steal Fang Wennan's bidding plan, which are all Wang Xuehai's ideas Deheng had to admit that Wang Xuehai's disgraceful means were indeed effective. He picked up his wine glass and bumped into Wang Xuehai. Their eyes met, and both of them showed a meaningful smile. In many places, both of them have similar places. Fortunately, they have become business partners, not enemies, otherwise they will definitely fight for each other and lose both sides.

Gu Mingjian said, "Maybe my sister has found this abundance!"

Wang Xuehai picked up a glass of red wine and handed it to Gu Mingjian's hand: "The mall is like a battlefield. If you want to succeed, you must be surprised. In fact, I really want to cooperate with your sister. Unfortunately, she believed other people's lies and turned to cooperate with Fang Wennan! What a pity!"

Ande Heng smiled and said, "Isn't Mingjian doing better? I believe that the three of us are the best partners. In the future, we will make a vigorous career in Dongjiang, in Jiangcheng, and even in Pinghai.

"I decided to give up this bidding!" Gu Jiatong made this difficult decision after careful consideration.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Fang Wennan couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Gu Jiatong apologized and said, "The bidding plan has been leaked in advance. We have no chance of winning now. I admit that the failure of this bidding is all my reason, and I have caused Mr. Fang a loss!"

Fang Wennan has calmed down from the initial loss and anger. He whispered, "Miss Gu, this time Dongjiang weaving the land of the department store is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We give up, which is equivalent to giving up the best opportunity for development."

Gu Jiatong had made up her mind before she came to see Fang Wennan. Gu Mingjian's joining made her realize that the land of the Dongjiang imitation department store had become a pool of muddy water. She didn't want to continue to get involved. The other party Wennan was still full of apologies, but since she made a decision to quit

She whispered, "Mr. Fang, we are completely passive now. It is difficult to turn the situation around. I'm tired. I don't want to put more energy into this matter! I'm sorry!"

Fang Wennan nodded slowly. He is not an ordinary businessman. Since Gu Jiatong has made a choice, he will not be reluctant. Although Fang Wennan is very unwilling to lose this time, he believes that he will be able to stand up soon. He is a person who can afford to let go, otherwise his career will not develop to this day. The point of.

Zhang Yang has been sitting in the Mercedes-Benz outside the door and waiting for Gu Jiatong. Seeing Gu Jiatong coming out, he started the engine and drove slowly along the road along the river. Gu Jiatong's eyes turned red for some reason. Her head leaned weakly on Zhang Yang's shoulder and sobbed silently After entering the mall, she had never experienced such a setback and admitted defeat before fighting. She did not lose to her opponent, but to her family and her brother.

Zhang Yang stopped the car, spread his arms and took Gu Jiatong's delicate body into his arms, silently warmed and comforted her.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Gu Jiatong raised her beautiful eyes with tears and asked softly.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you want to say it, you will naturally tell me. If you don't want to say it, it's useless for me to ask!"

Gu Jiatong put his arm around his arm and put a pretty face on his shoulder: "I have given up bidding for the land of Dongjiang weaving department store!"

"Because of Mingjian?"

Gu Jiatong nodded. Zhang Yang had seen the crux of the matter. She whispered:

"Mingjian has changed!"

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone has the right to choose their own life. We have no right to interfere with his choice. We just hope that he can do things properly and don't do anything like Wang Xuehai!"

Gu Jiatong said gloomfully, "I suddenly feel that I'm really a failure!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "You won't fail. You have me!"

Gu Jiatong hugged the tension more hard. Zhang Yang took his delicate body into his arms and kissed her forehead and said, "It's not only Dongjiang Textile Department Store that is worth investing in. Although I don't know how to be awesome, I understand one thing. Everything should have a big picture and a short-term victory. It doesn't mean anything. The real winner should know how to control the overall situation and have the vision of others.

Gu Jiatong couldn't help laughing: "You sound like my father!"

Zhang Guanren understood her sentence as a kind of praise. He deeply admired Secretary Gu's political quality. Gu Jiatong's ability to say such words proves that his political cultivation has improved a lot recently. He whispered, "Actually, I have not been smooth at work during this period. Seeing that my achievements have been taken away by others, I was in the same mood as you are now, but now think about it, this may be a grinding of God, let me look at the problem from a different perspective. Jiangcheng's tourism is not only about Nanlin Temple and Qingtai Mountain.

Gu Jiatong nodded seriously and said, "Listen to what you said, it's not a good thing for me to give up the auction of the land of Dongjiang Textile Department Store, so that I can consider your suggestion and go to Jiangcheng to inspect Jiangcheng to see if there are any projects worth my investment!"

Both of them laughed at the same time.

Gu Jiatong said, "Do we have some? Spirit!" "

"Wrong! This is called revolutionary optimism!" Zhang Yangle talked about the right path.

................................................................................................................ Zhang Yang is a person who will not say failure easily, and neither is Li Changyu. After the Nanlin Temple scenic spot project was dominated by the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao, Li Changyu did not be depressed, but immediately began a new idea. During this period The person he visits most often is Qin Chuanliang, who is knowledgeable and has a deep understanding of the history and humanities of Jiangcheng. Li Changyu's concept of building a green river city also coincides with him, and the two have become tacit friends in contact and communication.

Zhang Yang returned to Jiangcheng and went to Li Changyu's house first. On the way, Li Changyu called him, asked him about the Dongjiang this time, and asked him to come back to report to him. When Zhang Yang came to Li Changyu's house, Qin Chuanliang was also playing chess with Li Changyu.

Zhang Yang was used to Li Changyu's house casually. After greeting the two, he put down the Dongjiang property that Zhao Jing bought for Li Changyu. He poured a cup of tea and drank it while watching the two play chess.

Li Changyu's chess skills obviously can't be compared with Qin Chuanliang's. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I lost, Lao Qin, you can't let me win once!" Give me more or less face in front of Zhang Yang!"

Qin Chuanliang smiled and said, "Didn't Vice Mayor Li often say that he should seek truth from facts?"

Li Changyu pulled out a cigarette with a smile and lit it. He turned his eyes to Zhang Yang and said, "You did a good job in Dongjiang. I beat your immediate boss!"

Qin Chuanliang didn't know what happened to Zhang Yang in Dongjiang, but when he heard that Zhang Yang beat people, he smiled with a smile on the corners of his lips: "You have business. You are ashamed. It's time for me to go back!"

Li Changyu hurriedly said, "There is nothing to do. It's all our own people. Let's chat casually. Incidental, I've already booked a seat in Hibiscus Garden. Let's go to dinner!"

Qin Chuanliang saw that it was difficult to be good-hearted, so he could only nod and agree.

Zhang Yang drank up the cup of tea before saying, "Where's Aunt Su?"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "I went shopping with your Aunt Ge! Let's go to the hotel!"

Furong Garden is located opposite the courtyard of the family of the Municipal Party Committee. Business is usually very prosperous. Li Changyu set up an elegant room on the second floor. Because he said hello in advance, the cold dishes were ready. Zhang Yang opened the Neigong Maotai brought from Li Changyu's home and poured a cup for each of them.

Qin Chuanliang seldom drank. He gave the glass of wine to Zhang Yang again and poured a cup of tea in front of him.

Li Changyu picked up his glass and said, "Come on, let's have a good drink. Xie You, you two have given me so much help during this period!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why do I listen to your words so politely? There is a kind of hypotheism in the officialdom!"

Qin Chuanliang laughed and said, "I didn't help much. It's thanks to Zhang Yang, otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance to follow the underground palace for archaeology, and I wouldn't have found the Buddha's relic."

He is obsessed with the ancient culture of Jiangcheng, which comes from the heart and does not have any politeness.

Li Changyu said, "Lao Qin, you are really my good teacher and friend. I agree with your idea of humanistic Jiangcheng. In the future, the tourism of Jiangcheng will be all-round."

Qin Chuanliang said: "Although the Buddha's relic brings an opportunity to Jiangcheng, in the excavation of the depth and breadth of tourism, we still need to start with human history. We can't just focus on a Nanlin Temple and a Qingtai Mountain. The total population of Jiangcheng is 940 million, and the urban population is 1.8 Yan, Jiangcheng itself alone, the domestic demand for tourism is already very large!"

Li Changyu nodded and said, "Now the reform and opening up is in the process of accelerating and deepening. With the improvement of the economic level and people's living standards, the need for tourism will become stronger and stronger."

"The development of material civilization will inevitably promote the development of spiritual civilization, and the two are complementary!" Qin Chuanliang put down the teacup and said, "Mayor Li, I don't know whether to say it or not!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "Lao Qin, if you treat me as a friend, don't cover it up. If you have anything to say! Don't worry, I will never retaliate, and I won't settle accounts after autumn!"

Qin Chuanliang and Zhang Yang both laughed.

Li Changyu stared at Zhang Yang and said, "What are you laughing at? I must settle your account with you!"

Zhang Yang smiled, dried the wine in the glass in one breath, and nibbled a duck head with relish: "The duck head tastes good!" This guy pretends to be stupid, but he is a little stupid.

Qin Chuanliang said: "Our country's system has produced a culture of officialdom. With all due respect, I have seen that many officials are not in office to do things, but to be officials. They think about how to make political achievements during their term of office. Only with political achievements can they get new improvements and continue to be in office. Continue to climb on the road. If they have such an attitude, I don't think they can do good things!"

Li Changyu understood what Qin Chuanliang was worried about. He was worried that he was also like many officials, shouting Green Jiangcheng. The slogan of Humanistic Jiangcheng was just to get political capital in the future. Li Changyu could not deny that he also wanted to get further political improvement, but he also wanted to be down-to-earth. He did something and dedicated his strength to the ancient city of Jiangcheng. During his double rule, he carefully recalled his past and looked forward to his future. His understanding of the meaning of the word "official" was deepened. Li Changyu said seriously, "Lao Qin, your words also represent the voice of the people of Jiangcheng. Don't worry, I just want to do something practical and do something good for the people of Jiangcheng in this position."

Zhang Yang said, "If things are to be done, political achievements are also important. If you do good deeds to the people, of course, there should be corresponding rewards. If you do a good deed and don't leave a name, I don't have that kind of realm!"

Qin Chuanliang smiled and said, "Then you can't just think about promotion and make a fortune!" Li Changyu smiled and said, "He is in this realm. It's useless to say it!" He remembered the disturbance that Zhang Yang provoked in Dongjiang, and couldn't help staring at Zhang Yang and said, "You are now a department-level cadre. Why are you still as rough as in the past? Do you think you are still working in the township?

Zhang Yang fell down his glass and said, "I'm glad that you deserve to be beaten. I didn't provoke him. He wanted to hide the rules of the contestant and put this on me. Can you hold back?"

Li Changyu said, "After all, he is your direct leader. The most taboo thing in our system is not to distinguish between top and bottom. You have to leave some mercy for him."

"He belongs to the kind of shameless person. Next time I see him, I will beat him!"

Qin Chuanliang couldn't help laughing. It is indeed rare for a national cadre like Zhang Yang.

Li Changyu said angrily and laughed, "Do you know what impression you have now?

Many people report that your quality is so poor that you don't look like a national cadre at all, but a little like a ruffian!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have a true temperament. I'm much better than those hypocrites mixed in the cadre team. I'm glad that I'm a good cadre. When I see the beautiful eyes of the little girl, I almost didn't fall off. I'm trying to make unspoken rules. Is this Is Li Guo a good cadre? He is of high quality in embezzlement and bribery, killing and robbery.

Li Changyu couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Yang said, "I can't change my temper and personality. I try my best to overcome what I can bear, but they all ride on my head. I can't stand what I said!"

Li Changyu said, "Do you know what the overall view is? When you go out, it represents the image of our whole Jiangcheng cadres. Even if you are happy to do something wrong, you should report it to the leader first. It is up to the organization to decide how to deal with him. You can only let others laugh at him in this way!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The overall situation, what is the overall situation? I think the overall situation is the interests of the country, not the image of the sub-cities, covering up the truth. Only the sharp situation that is in line with the national interests is called the overall situation!"

Qin Chuanliang was quite amazing when he heard Zhang Yang's words. This boy was really impressive.

Li Changyu smiled bitterly and said, "If I can't beat you, you will be twisted. Anyway, this incident in Dongjiang has attracted a lot of complaints and a lot of complaints! Many people think that your behavior has affected the image of our Jiangcheng. You'd better pay attention to convergence in the future!" He paused and said, "The organization has also dealt with Gao Xinggui, and we have decided to give him an intra-party warning!"

Zhang Yang curled his lips and obviously felt that the punishment was a little too light.

The sky darkened in an instant, the lightning flashed and thundered outside the window, and a rainstorm fell from the sky. Anyway, he couldn't leave. Li Changyu asked the waiter to serve a few more bottles of beer, and the three of them drank and chatted. Li Changyu and Qin Chuanliang talked about the future planning of Jiangcheng. Zhang Yang has lost his previous interest in Jiangcheng's tourism rules because of the Nanlin Temple. Li Changyu also realized this and said to Zhang Yang with a smile, "Zhang Yang, you, the director of the Market Development Department of the Tourism Bureau, are not a decoration. If you are in his position and don't seek politics, you are dereliction of duty

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Do you really think I care about the head of the market development department? I have nothing to do every day. I have a cup of tea and a newspaper. I don't do anything with money. I blush when I think about it!"

Li Changyu understood Zhang Yang's thoughts. Since Andeheng invested in the development and construction of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, Zhang Yang has actually been seized power by others, and the command of the scenic spot project has nothing to do with him. This trip to Dongjiang has no meaning, but Zhang Yang did not surprise him. Come back. Zhang Yang did not realize the significance of this matter, but Li Changyu appreciated the disturbance provoked by Zhang Yang in the bottom of his heart.

Li Changyu said, "You just lack patience. Don't just look at the current difficulties and setbacks, but also have a long-term vision. The future tourism development of Jiangcheng is not limited to Qingtai Mountain and Nanlin Temple. We also need the investment of all parties. You are not only the director of the Market Development Department of Jiangcheng Tourism The position of deputy director of the commercial office, as long as you can attract investment, as long as you can develop new tourism projects, you can also benefit the people and achieve results!" He paused and said, "The An family invested 200 million yuan in Nanlin Temple, which can't fundamentally solve the tourism environment of Jiangcheng. Your negative mood is wrong!"

Zhang Yang understood a little. It turned out that Li Changyu had a bigger plan. He picked up his glass and met Li Changyu with an open look and asked for advice. "Uncle Li, please give me some advice!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "If you have time, why don't you read Andeheng's plan more? His plan is very good, and the plan is also very grand, but if you look carefully, the utilitarianity is too clear."

Zhang Yang looked at Li Changyu puzzledly.

Qin Chuanliang, who didn't say anything for a while, said, "An Deheng's investment of 200 million Hong Kong dollars sounds like a lot at the beginning, but according to his plan, this investment will be to repair the Nanlin Temple, rebuild the Buddha Temple, improve the scenic road, demolish the textile factory, and build a new food This alone will cost more than half of his investment. As for the restoration of the ancient city wall, the re-re construction of the Tibetan cave, and the improvement of the overall environment and supporting facilities of the scenic spot, it will take a lot of money. I think he still needs to invest a lot of money.

Zhang Yang said, "The An family has a lot of money!" He doesn't think it's rare to live in money.

Li Changyu said, "But there are too many investments in the An family at the same time. An Deheng not only took the land of the textile factory, but also took a large area of land in the development zone to open a factory. From the perspective of economics, the risk of such a large investment at the same time is obviously huge. In his scenic spot, In the middle, the focus is to repair Nanlin Temple and open the scenic area to the public as soon as possible. At the same time, it is carried out the demolition of the weaving factory and the preparation of the food shopping mall. It can be seen that he wants to take advantage of the development of the food shopping mall and recover part of the investment as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang whispered, "You mean, he doesn't have the ability to carry out the development of so many projects at the same time!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "The reform of Ping is changing with each passing day. Jiangcheng is moving forward at a high speed. As the leader of Jiangcheng, we will not watch the capital problem slow down the development of Jiangcheng!"

He lit a cigarette and said confidently, "No matter how perfect the plan is, it will expose its shortcomings in practice, and our task is to find and change these shortcomings in time!"