Medical official path

Chapter 142 The Glory of Human Nature

The rain in Jiangcheng City came suddenly, but it lasted for a long time. After two days and two nights of heavy rain, the water level in the ditches inside and outside the river city has risen significantly. According to the forecast of the meteorological station, affected by the eastward movement of the west wind trough of the river and the warm and humid air flow in the southwest, the rainfall process will continue in the next three days. The cumulative average rainfall of The cumulative average surface rainfall has reached 123 mm, with the maximum rainfall. Chunyang Daqing Hebei Jizha 226 mm. Affected by this round of rainfall, the Qingjiang River water system has the largest spring flood in the same period since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the flood peak water level is knife rice. Exceeding the warning water level (27.5 meters) 1.22 meters, the flood peak flow of 3,210 cubic meters per second, the flood control situation in Jiangcheng suddenly became serious.

The Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee held an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee in response to the flood situation, and made clear arrangements for the prevention of mountain torrents, landslides and other disasters that may be caused by the spring flood. Hong Weiki, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, had many experience in commanding flood control and flood fighting in Lanshan City in the past. Although he did not have much psychological preparation for the sudden arrival of spring flood in Jiangcheng, he did not show too much panic. Hong Weiki put forward four major principles for flood control:

The first is to strengthen leadership. Implement responsibilities, strengthen leadership, implement leadership responsibilities, strengthen monitoring, and arrange personnel to inspect and implement small ponds and dams with more water storage and small reservoirs. Be fully prepared for the possible flood control situation.

The second is scientific analysis. Do a good job of scheduling. Carefully analyze all kinds of water storage projects and rivers, scientifically calculate the storage volume of spring floods, and reasonably store and discharge according to the carrying capacity of the project. For disease-risk reservoirs and small-scale water storage projects with poor engineering conditions, we will resolutely overcome the idea of blindly cherishing water. Anyone who endangers the security of the project should In case of a dam collapse accident, in accordance with the reservoir dispatching management authority, do a good job in safety supervision during the spring flood, and find problems in a timely manner.

The third is to investigate carefully. Eliminate hidden dangers. Carry out a comprehensive inspection of disease insurance projects, key towns and towns for flood control, water-related projects under construction, and areas prone to mountain disasters, especially small water storage projects with a lot of water storage and poor quality of the project and small river embankments, pay close attention to them carefully investigate, and designate feasible dangerous and wrongs in the dangerous industrial and dangerous sections and Implement the flood control plan to ensure the safety of the spring flood.

Fourth is to be prepared. Emergency rescue at any time, flood control departments at all levels have entered a state of war, requiring all relevant departments in all regions to act quickly, strengthen writing, pay close attention to weather changes, make preparations for the war, designate scientific emergency rescue and disaster relief, transfer emergency plans for personnel, implement emergency teams, emergency supplies, and invest in emergency rescue at any time.

After saying these four policies, Hong Weji concluded: "This year, the flood control work in Jiangcheng is extremely severe. Our cadres at all levels and every staff should strictly guard against the battle of spring flood control, and create conditions for the city's spring ploughing production under the premise of striving to ensure the safety of spring floods."

Hong Weiki's four major policies are still deeply recognized by the Standing Committee. He personally served as the commander-in-chief of the flood control and flood control headquarters. The members of the Standing Committee are also responsible for the flood control command of each county.

Zuo Yuanchao, the acting mayor, is the actual person in charge of the flood control command, and he is responsible for the specific work.

Among the six counties under the jurisdiction of Chunyang, the most severe flood control situation is Chunyang County, which has weak infrastructure. There are two tributaries of the Qing River, the Xiaoqing River and the Daqing River. The annual flood season will bring a lot of trouble to the local agricultural production, which is a key area.

Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu used to serve as the county party secretary in Chunyang and understood the situation in Chunyang best, so he was responsible for the flood control work in Chunyang.

The command of municipal leaders is actually a kind of inspection and supervision. Li Changyu has extremely deep feelings for Chunyang. After the flood control emergency meeting, he immediately contacted Qin Qing, Secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee. The situation in Chunyang is indeed much more serious, and the water level of Xiaoqing River and Daqing River has greatly exceeded. During the same period in history, the water level of the Daqing River has exceeded the warning line by 1.1 meters. At present, the officers and soldiers of the county have participated in emergency flood fighting operations.

This kind of flood fighting action is the easiest to produce heroes, and it is also the easiest time to make political achievements. The various organs of the municipal party committee and the municipal government have set up a flood fighting and rescue team, and the tourism bureau where Zhang Yang is located has also set up a flood fighting and rescue team. Zhang Daguan was elected as the captain and led Go to the front line of flood fighting. Zhang Yang took the initiative to go to Chunyang to fight the flood. Not only is the spirit of the revolutionary fearlessness shining, but also a very important point, that is, his home is in Chunyang. Qin Qing, the secretary of the Chunyang Meiren County Party Committee, is his confidant, and the remnants of feudalism are still working in his heart. This The country needs me, the party needs me, the people need me, my family also needs me, Qin Qing needs me even more. I must be on the front line of flood fighting and emergency. To defend the country is to defend the small family. To defend the interests of the people is to defend the interests of Qin Qing. I am both public and private, and I am the sublimation of the noble moral sentiments of Communist Party members!

Other death squads don't know this little Jiujiu in Zhang Yang's heart. At that time, when the flood fighting and rescue team signed up, Zhang Yang was the first to jump out, which really impressed everyone in the Tourism Bureau. No wonder he became Zhengke at a young age. This political awareness is different. In Zhang Daguan Inspired by the inspiration, four young people from the Market Development Department of the Tourism Bureau participated in the rescue team without exception, which also allowed the Market Development Office to occupy more than half of the seats of the rescue team in one fell swoop, which was very powerful in the Tourism Bureau.

Jiang Le had participated in the flood fighting and rescue operation before, but it was in Jiangcheng. This time they went to Chunyang. It rained heavily all the way. They sat behind the liberation truck and wandered for more than an hour before arriving at their destination, the Yinzhuang section of the Xiaoqing River in Chunyang.

Jump off to liberate Kafeng. It was found that the water on the ground had reached their ankles, and hundreds of PLA soldiers were carrying sandbags and building high dams not far away.

As soon as Zhang Yang and his group arrived, they were assigned tasks by the on-site command. The person in charge of the on-site command was actually Zhang Yang's old acquaintance, Hu Aimin, the former head of Heishanzi Township. Hu Aimin has now served as the director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce of Chunyang County. The county has made an emergency work deployment for the flood situation. The leaders of all functional departments have gone deep into the front line to command. Hu Aimin happened to be assigned to the Yinzhuang section of the Xiaoqing River, which is also one of the three most urgent places for the

Hu Aimin was obviously surprised to see Zhang Yang. In the past, when Zhang Yang was in the Heishanzi Township Family Planning Office, the cooperation between the two was not happy, but the matter has passed. Zhang Yang has now become a section level, and has been promoted from a non-staff member to Hu Ai in just one year Section-level cadres of the same level as the people, and Hu Aimin is just in another political low tide. His old leader, Yang Shouyi, was suddenly killed in the double rule because of embezzlement and bribery. Hu Aimin is now in a rather nervous mood. While he lamented his good life, he couldn't help but be a little more in awe of him. The cadres of the Chunyang system, large and small, don't know the close relationship between Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, and Zhang Yang, and who doesn't know the ambiguous relationship between Zhang Yang and Qin Qing. Now Zhang Yang is no longer the same Wu Xia A Meng.

Zhang Yang came to Hu Aimin in a raincoat and shouted, "Mr. Hu!"

Hu Aimin grinned. He shook hands with Zhang Yang enthusiastically and looked at Jiang Le behind Zhang Yang. Jiang Le carried a red flag on his shoulder. The flag was soaked, but it was still blown up by the storm, making the sound of hunting in the wind, and the five characters of the flood fighting and rescue team on it were shining. Hu Aimin knows the meaning of these words. In the past, he has seen such a group with strong political and performance significance more than once. In his mind, these young people can't help much. They took advantage of this flood fighting and rescue. He was baptized by the revolution and made some achievements, but he would not hinder him. Hu Aimin nodded, because the wind and rain were very loud, and his conversation with Zhang Yang must be shouted at a loud voice. He pointed to the distance, where a group of young people were digging earth to fill sandbags, and then handed over to the People's Liberation Army Director Zhang, you go... help pack the sandbag!" Hu Aimin had nothing to do with these young people in the city (good impression? Guess, I don't know if there are two words missing).

Zhang Yang nodded. They took their team members to the excavation site, and they also brought some tools with them. Hu Aimin underestimated that they were not unreasonable. Most of these rescue team members had not done any farm work. From the posture of their latte lifting the shovel, it can be seen that Hu Aimin specifically asked his assistant to explain. It doesn't matter how much these people work, but don't hurt yourself.

Zhang Yang has always been an unconvinced master. He also saw that people did not regard them as help at all. Nine times out of ten, he felt that their group of people came to make political achievements, find opportunities to join the party, and make contributions. Looking at the People's Liberation Army running around in a hurry, and then looking at the group of people he brought, Zhang Yang also felt a little ashamed. He walked to the sandbag without saying a word, picked up a bag of sandbags, and then said, "Jiang Le, Chen Jian, give me another one!"

Jiang Le and Chen Jian saw that Director Zhang was serious and hurriedly raised a sandbag to Zhang Yang's shoulder. Zhang Daguan ran to the river embankment with two sandbags on his shoulders. Zhang Yang's hand immediately attracted countless eyes. However, he didn't mean to show off. This is because of his strength. Not to mention two bags, he can carry eight bags. Zhu Xiaoyun clapped desperately like a fan who saw his idol: "The boss is great!"

The amount of sand packaging is very heavy. It is 200 meters from the place of filling the earth to the embankment. Zhang Yang walked to the place without a breath, put down the sandbag, turned around and continued to put into the team that transported the sandbags.

Hu Aimin looked at Zhang Yang's solid back and unconsciously showed a smile on his face. For the first time, he found that this guy also had such a lovely side.

The rain was getting worse and worse, and he wet Zhang Yang's clothes. He simply took off his coat and wore only a black bodybuilding vest. He let the wind and rain blow on his strong body. Only when he came to this environment in person could he feel the urgency and responsibility in his heart. What Zhang Yang wanted at this time was to guard this dam Only by guarding here can the people downstream be exempted from the disaster of floods.

Everyone present has devoted themselves to flood fighting and rescue. No one cares about personal gains and losses, and no one thinks about how to make political achievements. What they think is to do the things in front of them well. At the critical moment, their thoughts will suddenly become simple.

When Hu Aimin was nervously commanding the flood fighting, a young man ran over in a panic. He shouted from afar, "Director Hu... A class of students in Yinzhuang Primary School were trapped... Go... Go..."

Hu Aimin was stunned, and everyone was stunned. Hu Aimin roared, "What did you say?"

The young man was out of breath and said, "There was a class in class, but the mountain torrent suddenly came, and the water level suddenly rose, trapping the students in the school..."

Hu Aimin touched his forehead. When has it been notified that all schools are suspended and transferred, and there are still people in class at this time. In the future, the relevant person in charge must be held accountable. He shouted, "Lu Jicai, you stay here to command. In any case, the dyke can't be lost!" Lu Ji is the deputy director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and also the deputy commander here.

Hu Aimin looked back at the dam. The rain was still falling, and the water level of Xiaoqing River was still rising. There is no room for mistakes here. It is obviously unrealistic to transfer manpower to save people from here.

Zhang Yang came to his side and took the initiative to say, "Mr. Hu, I'll go with you. We are very good!"

Hu Aimin nodded. Anyway, Zhang Yang's team members can't help. It's better to take them to save people.

The group hurried to Yinzhuang Primary School, which was only more than two miles away from the dam, but because the water was very deep. It took them twice as long to get there as usual. Some people also went to Yinzhuang Village to ask for help. However, Yinzhuang Village is farther away than the dike, and most of the villagers in the village have been mobilized to fight floods and rescue. Even if they go there, they can't find many helpers.

When he came to the gate of the primary school, he found that the school gate had been half flooded: the water had not reached their chests.

Zhang Yang saw that the children who stayed in school had climbed to the roof, about 30 or more, including a middle-aged female teacher. Seeing their group coming over, he desperately called for help from them.

Including Hu Aimin, a total of eleven people have come here. The youth of the eight tourism bureau brought by Zhang Yang is very good, and these people have finally found a martial artist. Because there were no tools available for transfer at the scene, they could only swim there again and again to carry the children out.

After discussion with Zhang Yang, it was decided that two of them and five other water-based team members were responsible for saving people. Zhu Xiaohong and three other slightly less water-based were all left on the soil slope more than 200 meters northwest of the primary school to settle the rescued students.

The water level rose faster than they thought. In a short time, the flood had flooded the eaves, and more than a dozen students on the roof were not rescued. Zhang Yang swam to the eaves and carried a little girl on his back. He said to Jiang Le beside him, "Take out your strength. We must hurry up!"

Jiang Le nodded and carried a little boy on his back.

Send one student to a safe place at a time. Zhu Xiaohong will always cheer. Only by experiencing this process can she experience the excitement and happiness of saving lives.

Hu Aimin's water quality is also excellent. He has rescued three children with his own hands, and now he is swimming to the school building. The female teacher and two little girls are still sitting on the roof waiting for rescue.

Although Zhang Yang started a little later than him, he swam to the roof at the same time with him, and Jiang Le also came. Zhang Yang took the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of the female teacher, and Jiang Le and Hu Aimin were each responsible for a little girl.

Seeing that the rescue mission was about to be completed, Hu Aimin was also much more relaxed. He smiled and said, "I will definitely swim faster than you this time!"

Zhang Yang's back that the female teacher had jumped into the water. He smiled and said, "Try it!"

Hu Aimin took a breath. After all, he is old. After this series of rescue operations, his physical strength has been a little overdged. He kindly stroked the top of the little girl's head with his palm and said with a smile, "Little girl, let uncle take a breath, and then I take you there, okay?"

The little girl looked at Hu Aimin with big black eyes, with an innocent and pure smile on her face. The fear in his eyes also quietly receded at this time.

Zhang Yang and Jiang Le have swam more than ten meters. Zhang Yang turned around and smiled and said, "Mr. Hu, if you don't set out, you won't be able to catch up!"

Hu Aimin nodded, but suddenly the roof under his feet collapsed, and this old and dilapidated school building could no longer withstand the immersion of the flood and collapsed in the water.

Zhang Yang watched Hu Aimin and the girl disappear under the water. He roared with his eyes wide open. Because he was still carrying the female teacher on his back, it was impossible for him to return to rescue Hu Aimin. All he can do is to swim back to the mound desperately. Send the female teacher to a safe place before returning.

Chen Jian, who sent the students to the mound first, moved his sore limbs and jumped back into the water.

Zhang Yang also pushed the female teacher up. He didn't have time to take a breath and swam to the place where the school building collapsed. After Jiang Le sent the students to the mound, he also swam back.

Everyone looked at the surface of the water. Zhu Xiaoyun suddenly cheered in surprise, but he saw Hu Aimin's head emerging from the water in the distance. He still carried the little girl on his back. Although he swam slowly, he had a smile on his face.

Zhang Yang, Chen Jian and Jiang Le cheered together. Zhang Yang shouted, "Mr. Hu, good job!"

Hu Aimin smiled warmly and proudly. He seemed to want to say something, as if he wanted to tell everyone that he was the winner of this game...

Standing high, Zhu Xiaoyun was the first to find the wrong situation. She saw that the blood was infiltrating along the surroundings of Hu Aimin.

Zhang Yang and others also found that they tried their best to swim to Hu Aimin one by one.

The little girl hugged Hu Aimin's neck tightly: ""

Hu Aimin was still laughing. The pain made him speechless. He didn't dare to speak, for fear that he would exhaust the last strength in his body as soon as he spoke. He was afraid that he would sink into the flood and could no longer reach the other side. What floated in front of him was the little girl's innocent and pure smile. He wanted to do his best to give her a beautiful tomorrow...

Zhang Yang and Jiang Le grabbed Hu Aimin's arm at the same time. Chen Jian held the little girl, but Hu Aimin was still swimming forward slowly. He insisted. The blood was stained with the turbid flood.

Zhang Yang, the three of them escorted Hu Aimin to the other side. At this time, Hu Aimin's face was pale and his consciousness was blurred. Zhang Yang and Jiang Le helped him out of the flood, only then did they find that Hu Aimin had a thumb-thick steel bar in his chest. When the school collapsed just now, Hu Aimin fell down and happened to hit a steel bar. He persisted without falling with a strong will. He found the drowning little girl in the water and floated out of the water with her on his back.

Hu Aimin's mouth closed one by one, and Zhang Yang held his pulse. He only felt that the pulse was weak. He tore open the clothes on his chest, but saw the steel bar pierced from his left chest and piercing his heart. Even if Zhang's medical skills were unparalleled, there was nothing he could do at this time In the past, Hu Aimin's trembling hand reached out to the little girl: "It's okay... It's okay..."

The little girl saw the scene in front of her and cried loudly.

Zhu Xiaoyun took the lead and couldn't help covering his lips and crying bitterly.

Everyone's eyes, including Zhang Yang, are red. Before today, Zhang Yang had always been disgusted with Hu Aimin, believing that Hu Aimin was a cadre who did everything in order to climb up. But such a person can actually make such a choice at the critical moment of life and death, which shocked Zhang Yang to the extreme. He suddenly found that everyone actually has a shining point in their body. When Hu Aimin and Guo Daliang stepped into the official career, they may have the ideal of dedicating their youth and strength to the country and the people. In reality. They have changed. In order to adapt to this system, they have made various changes involuntarily.

Guo Daliang found himself after going crazy.

But Hu Aimin was at the critical moment of life and death and found his former self. At the last moment of his life, he finally understood the meaning of being an official. He defended the title of a Communist Party member with his actions. His trembling hand gently stroked the little girl's face, and then fell down weakly. His life had passed But he has no regrets in his heart...

Zhang Yang felt that his throat was blocked by an indescribable emotion, and he slowly stood up. He bit his lips hard, but two lines of tears still fell uncontrollably with the rain. He thought that he had traveled through thousands of years and had already ignored the meaning of life and death, but when he saw Hu Aimin die in such a way, he was still inevitably moved, no matter what Hu Aimin had done. At this moment, he has drawn a satisfactory end to his life, and his life is noble.

Zhang Yang gently rubbed the top of the little girl's head. He said in a low voice, "Look at him. It was Uncle Hu who saved you..."

Everyone has dignity, and everyone has their own views on the meaning of life. Hu Aimin defended the girl's life and defended his dignity.

When the news of Hu Aimin's sacrifice came to the Yinzhuang dam construction site, there was a lot of tears at the scene. The sad news did not make the soldiers and civilians fighting the flood fall, but gave them cohesion. Everyone turned grief and indignation into strength and threw themselves into this struggle with nature.

After the rainstorm continued to ravage all night. It finally began to weaken. Zhang Yang stood on the Xiaoqing River dam in the drizzle, looking at the rolling torrent, and sighed in his heart. He began to find that at the critical moment of life and death, the glory of human nature could not be hidden, and everyone would show their most real and sincere side.

A green jeep slowly parked under the dam. Li Changyu and Qin Qing, who were busy inspecting the flood situation all night, got out of the car. They saw themselves standing proudly on the dam.

Li Changyu took a sip of a cigarette and threw it on the ground. He said meaningfully, "I hope this storm can make him mature!"

Qin Qing slowly walked up the river embankment. She saw the bruises on Zhang Yang's shoulder and the soil on Zhang Yang's face, which did not affect Zhang Yang's image in her mind at all, but looked more and more brilliant and tall.

Zhang Yang turned his head and saw Qin Qing's haggard face. He laughed reluctantly.

Qin Qing whispered, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Zhang Yang shook his head. He pointed to the soldiers and civilians who were still loading sandbags in the distance: "They work hard!" He pointed to the soldiers who had just arrived to rest in the temporary rain shelter: "They have worked hard!" He pointed in the direction of Yinzhuang Primary School, but did not say anything.

Qin Qing squeezed her cherry lips, and the crystal tears flashed in her beautiful eyes. This flood relief made her witness countless touching scenes, made her feel proud to be a Communist Party member, and made her deeply proud of the words of national cadres. In the past, she was once confused, and in the face of this natural disaster, she realized her responsibilities and understood what people expected of them.

Li Changyu also walked on the dam. He just received the news that the largest flood peak since the spring flood of the Xiaoqing River has been safely crossed. The feedback from the weather station shows that the rainstorm will gradually stop in the afternoon, and the flood situation will be eased to a certain extent. Li Changyu patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder: "If you are tired, go to rest. The most difficult time is over."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Hu Aimin sacrificed!"

Li Changyu and Qin Qing looked at each other. They have all heard of this matter. Li Changyu said, "I already know the deeds of Comrade Aimin, who sacrificed himself to save others. I will report this matter to my superior leaders!"

After saying this, he and Qin Qing went to express our condolences to the officers and soldiers and the masses at the scene. After a while, Qin Qing returned to Zhang Yang's side. She whispered, "Zhang Yang, pay attention to your health. Hong Feng has passed. We don't need so much manpower here. If you have time, you can go home and have a look!"

Zhang Yang nodded and whispered, "I'd better stay to help. I'm young and in good health, and these officers and soldiers haven't rested for a day and a night!"

Qin Qing whispered, "Pay more attention to yourself!"

"You too!"

Both of them care about each other, but in this case, they can't say what they want to say freely. They all have work to do. After entangling her eyes for a while, Qin Qing turned around and left. She also had to accompany Li Changyu to visit other places in Chunyang.

Hu Aimin's death was very shocked by Zhang Yang. For the first time, he did not consider his political achievements, did not consider taking advantage of this opportunity to be promoted, and devoted himself to the work of flood fighting and rescue.

After two days and two nights of fighting in the Xiaoqing River, the most dangerous time of this year's spring flood finally passed, and Zhang Yang and his flood rescue team also completed the task. Zhang Yang did not return to Jiangcheng immediately with the other team members, but went to Chunyang to see the disaster at home.

In the past few days of heavy rain, Chunyang County has also suffered from floods. Now, although the flood has receded, the mud left behind can be seen in the streets and alleys. There is a smell of wet mold in the air. The sun has come out, but the sun still feels sticky on the body.

There is still a lot of deep water in the yard of the dormitory of the agricultural machinery factory. This kind of old factory dormitory has poor drainage facilities. Zhang Yang came to the door of the house with knee-deep water. He saw Zhao Tiesheng and Zhao Lijun putting quilts on the table and wanted to use the sun to dry the clothes and cups at home.

Seeing Zhang Yang, both of them greeted each other with a smile. Since the Spring Festival, their relationship has also become harmonious.

Zhang Yang called Uncle Zhao, called his eldest brother, and came over with water.

Xu Lihua, who was cleaning up in the room, heard Zhang Yang's voice and also came out of it. He smiled and said, "San'er is back. The day before yesterday, the magistrate of Qin came to inspect the disaster and said that you came to Chunyang to fight the flood. Unexpectedly, he didn't come here until today Although Qin Qing has become the secretary of the county party committee, the people are still used to calling her the county magistrate of Qin.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I have been in the Xiaoqing River for rescue. Now that Hongfeng has passed, I have time to come over. How about home? Did you suffer a lot of disaster?

Zhao Tiesheng came over and sighed, "Everything is soaked, but luck is that there is nothing valuable. Living in a bungalow is like this. It has also been affected in the past. This year, there are still some preparations, and the electrical appliances have been properly put away."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as there is no big loss!" He called his mother to the room and gave her another thousand yuan.

Xu Lihua had to stuff it back for him. He said an annoy, "There is no shortage of money at home. Keep it by yourself. If you are such an adult, you have to spend money to make friends!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "They all know how to save money for me!"

Xu Lihua didn't like to hear this. He said with a straight face, "You child, you can't have no characterization all day long. If you are such an adult, your partner should be set early. Those girls are good. Don't cheat others!"

Zhang Yang was a little bossy when he heard her say that. He hurriedly said that he had something important to deal with when he went to the county, so he turned around and fled home.

Zhang Yang came back to Chunyang this time. He had another idea. He wanted to go to Hu Aimin's home. He had no contact with Hu Aimin, so he didn't know where Hu Aimin lived. He contacted Wang Boxiong, the director of the Taxation Bureau, in advance. Wang Boxiong drove to the agricultural machinery factory to

As soon as Zhang Yang got on the car, Wang Boxiong told Zhang Yang one thing. Hu Aimin was found to be involved with Yang Shouyi before he died. He had given gifts to Yang Shouyi many times in the past.

Zhang Yang frowned and said, "Is this true?"

Wang Boxiong nodded and said, "Really, someone reported this matter to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection!"

Zhang Yang said, "No matter what Hu Aimin has done in the past, his behavior of sacrificing himself to save others is obvious to all. You can't deny his current credit because of the mistakes he has made in the past."

Wang Boxiong said, "This may be the reason why the county has not vigorously publicized this matter so far. I think we should be cautious before the county makes a final decision."

Zhang Yang said angrily, "I'm afraid of a bird! If you don't go, I will go too. I saw with my own eyes when Hu Aimin died. He is a man, and I must send him off!"

Hu Aimin lives in the staff dormitory of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, and the rumors of Hu Aimin's bribery of Yang Shouyi is so popular that few people know that he sacrificed bravely for justice this time. There are even rumors that Hu Aimin committed suicide in fear of crime.

The pressure on Hu Aimin's wife and children in these days is huge, at the beginning. Some people say that Hu Aimin died to save people and was a hero. But later, some people said that Hu Aimin committed suicide because of bribery and bribery. The spiritual shed was set up for a few days. Only a few relatives and friends came to mourn, and no one came to the official.

When Zhang Yang and Wang Boxiong went to mourn, Hu Aimin's wife Wang Jingru cried very sadly, because Zhang Yang and Wang Boxiong had worked with Hu Aimin in Heishanzi Township in the past. She did not know the kindness and resentment between her husband and them in the past. In her opinion, the appearance of Wang

Zhang Yang noticed that Hu Aimin's son, Hu Yuanjian, was doing his homework on the square table in the shed. While doing his homework, he wiped his tears. The child was only 12 years old and was in the first year of junior high school in Chunyang County. He studied very well, and his father kept crying silently after his death. But you have to pretend to be strong, afraid that your mother will see the sadness and heart.

Zhang Yang and Wang Boxiong bowed three times in front of Hu Aimin's portrait, and then came to Wang Jingru. Both of them left 500 yuan each. Zhang Yang originally wanted to keep more, but after all, he came with Wang Boxiong. After all, he had to take care of his face. Besides, 500 yuan is a lot now.

Wang Boxiong expressed deep sympathy and advised Wang Jingru to mourn the change. Wang Jingru said with tears, "Secretary Wang, I have something to ask you!" She looked at her son, "Little ship, you go out!"

Hu Yuanjian nodded and walked out of the shed with red eyes.

Wang Jingru saw her son leave. He just said, "Secretary Wang, did our Lao Hu make a mistake? Did he commit suicide in fear of crime as others said?" Her name for Wang Boxiong is still the same as that in Heishanzi Township. This matter has been pestering them for the past two days. Wang Jingru needs an answer.

Wang Boxiong really couldn't answer her question. Although he also sympathized with the mother and son, Hu Aimin did bribed. No matter what he did before his death, the mistakes he had made could not be erased. Wang Boxiong is now neither the leader of Hu Aimin nor a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has no say in Hu Aimin's problems. He said cautiously, "Xiao Wang, if you believe in the organization, you will definitely give Director Hu a fair explanation!" Saying this is the same as not saying it.

Wang Jingru's eyes were full of disappointment.

Zhang Yang couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted, "Sister-in-law, the head of Hu is a hero. He saved the little girl's life. I can testify about this. Many people present at that time can testify. Don't worry, there will be justice in this matter!"

Wang Jingru nodded excitedly. He covered his mouth and sobbed in a low voice. Since her husband's death, it is the first time that someone has said in front of her that his husband is a hero and a martyr for justice.

When Wang Boxiong and Zhang Yang came to the front of the car, Hu Aimin's son caught up with him. He came to Zhang Yang: "Uncle! Uncle!"

Zhang Yang stopped.

Hu Yuanjian's red eyes looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Uncle, you just said that my father is a hero!"

Zhang Yang nodded heavily: "He is a hero. You should be proud of having such a father!"

Hu Yuanjian squeezed his mouth, but his tears couldn't stop flowing.

His public heart along the way was heavy and depressing. His eyes were always shaking the tears of Wang Jingru and Hu Yuanjian, and there was an unspeakable emotion in his heart to vent. Wang Boxiong is also silent. He has worked with Hu Aimin for many years. In the past, there was an open and secret struggle between them. He did not have any good impression on Hu Aimin. He always felt that this person was too utilitarian and only wanted to speculative franchise. In fact, his attitude in his official career was not like this. When he heard the news that Hu Aimin had sacrificed to save people, his first thought was that he could not believe that such an exquisite person would make such a passionate choice at the critical moment of life and death. When he confirmed all this, he shed tears, and he even began to reflect on his past. If he was in the same position as Hu Aimin, he could not guarantee that he could have the same courage as Hu Aimin. At the moment when Hu Aimin chose to save people, the brilliance of other people's nature has been interpreted in front of everyone, which is a kind of spiritual shock.

Wang Boxiong's emotion was buried silently in his heart, but Zhang Yang could not be silent. He asked Wang Boxiong to send himself to the Chunyang County Party Committee and County Government. He wants to ask for an explanation for Hu Aimin, and he wants to ask for an explanation for the wife and son of the deceased!

When Zhang Yang appeared in the county party secretary's office, Qin Qing realized from his compassionate expression why he came today. She asked the secretary to go out, and then pointed to the sofa to signal Zhang Yang to sit down.

There are very few subordinates who can make Secretary Qin bring tea and pour water. Zhang Yang is undoubtedly the most qualified one. As a result, Qin Qing brought the tea. The teacup is her own. Zhang Yang took a sip and looked at Qin Qing. The flood control and flood control work has been extremely severe in the past two days. She has obviously reduced a lot, and the anger in her heart has subsided a little. What's more, Qin Qing showed such a sincere and modest attitude from the beginning. Even if he had a little resentment, it was not easy for him to attack. Zhang Yang put down the teacup and said, "Secretary Qin, I came here to talk to you about Hu Aimin this time!"

When Qin Qing heard his name, he knew that he came under the banner of business, which also proved that he was very dissatisfied with his handling of Hu Aimin's affairs. Zuo Qing cared about Zhang Yang's feelings very much. She whispered, "Zhang Yang, this matter is very complicated. The matter of Hu Aimin's sacrifice to save others is really touching, but the Commission for Discipline Inspection has mastered the evidence that he bribed Yang Shouyi in the past. In order to serve as the director of the Bureau of Industry and

Zhang Yang shouted, "He is dead! Even if you did something wrong in the past, it's over!"

Qin Qing bit her lip. She patiently said to Zhang Yang, "We are people in the system, and everything should be done in accordance with the established rules. I admit that it is a fact that Hu Aimin sacrificed himself to save others, but it is also a fact that he paid bribes. We Communists pay attention to seeking truth from facts. We can Wrong..."

Zhang Yang roared, "Do you know that the dead are the most big? Have you ever seen his wife and children, a woman who lost her husband, a son who lost his father, and rumors of Hu Aimin committing suicide are still spreading outside. How can it be fair to them? Have you ever thought about how much pressure they are under? What do they need? They need justice! They need to know to have a heroic husband and a proud father!" Zhang Yang's mood was obviously excited, and his chest fluctuated violently.

Qin Qing bit the cherry lips. She whispered, "Zhang Yang, the city has decided not to publicize or investigate Hu Aimin's affairs!" Her pretish face showed a rather helpless look. In the matter of Hu Aimin, she did not agree with the city's approach, but the city obviously showed great ** to everyone involved in Yang Shouyi's case. After Hu Aimin's matter was reported, the city convened a special standing committee, and finally made a decision not to publicize or investigate

Zhang Yang stood up and said, "I'm going to find them. I don't believe that there is no justice in the world!"

Qin Qing grabbed Zhang Yang's arm: "Don't go, you can't change your decision!"

Zhang Yang roared, "No matter what price I pay, no matter who I go to, I will give him justice and comfort!"

Qin Qing's eyes turned red. Her heart was deeply shocked by the loud roar. She finally made a difficult decision: "Don't worry, I will attend Hu Aimin's funeral!" This is already rare for her. Her attendance at Hu Aimin's funeral means that the Chunyang County Party Committee and County Government's affirmation of Hu Ai's civil deeds.

Zhang Yang looked at Su Qing silently. Looking at her confused tears, she suddenly felt a trace of guilt in her heart. This was not Qin Qing's decision. Hu Aimin's after-law involved the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He should not vent all his grievances on Qin Qing.

Zou Qing's decision to attend Hu Aimin's funeral is not on behalf of the official, and she does not have the right to represent the official, but her presence is of extraordinary significance to Hu Aimin's wife and children. In their eyes, Qin Qing represents Chunyang and the official's recognition of Hu Aimin's heroic deeds.

When Qin Qing saw Hu Yuanjian's clear and sad eyes, she cried. She finally understood why Zhang Yang was so excited. She finally understood why Zhang Yang was desperate to give Hu Aimin justice. The deceased has passed away. No matter what mistakes he has made in the past, he has not hesitated before his death, and has burst out all the glory of other people's sex in an instant.

Before coming here, Zhang Yang gave 5,000 yuan to Qin Qing and asked Qin Qing to give it to Wang Jingru in the name of the county party committee and county government. Qin Qing knew that Zhang Yang wanted to use this method to gently prove to the poor mother and son that Hu Aimin was a hero, and Qin Qing did not refuse.

When Wang Jingru received the money, she cried loudly. After she calmed down, she returned the money to Qin Qing's hand. She whispered, "Secretary Qin, we can't accept this money. The death of loving the people makes our mother very sad, but we know why he Die, and be proud of him. No matter what others think of him or think, I don't think he will regret his choice. He will always live in our hearts..." She wiped her tears and said, "Secretary Qin, really, we have a feeling that he is always by our side and looked at me with a smile. Guys... He really didn't go far..." Speaking of this, Wang Jingru cried, and Qin Qing also cried, both because she was moved and guilty. She felt that the Chunyang County Party Committee was indeed unfair in dealing with Hu Aimin's affairs.

Wang Jingru said, "I have a job, and I can support my son. I will donate this money to that primary school on behalf of our Lao Hu. To the children who lost the school building, Lao Hu sacrificed to save those children. We can't increase the burden on the country, and we can't shame him..."

Zhang Yang, who was standing aside, couldn't bear to listen any more. He suddenly turned around and saw a little girl holding a white daisy in the distance coming to the memorial hall with tears in her eyes. There were more than a hundred children behind her, each holding a bunch of daisies in his hand, hundreds... Thousands of Yinzhuang villagers who came spontaneously, and the villagers who heard about it silently followed her.

Zhang Yang found familiar and strange faces from it. He saw Liu Chuankui, Guo Daliang, Wang Boxiong, Yu Qiuling, and Geng Xiuju... Everyone is using their most sincere remembire to see Hu Aimin off... The blood is always hot!

Under the gloomy canopy. The square in front of the memorial hall was already full of people who came to mourn, and an old and sad voice shook in front of heaven and earth: "Mr. Hu! You are a man, and we are all here to see you off. Have a good journey!" Liu Chuankui spilled a bowl of wine in his hand in front of the memorial hall, and then knelt on the ground with his knees down. The villagers knelt down. They expressed their most sincere respect for the deceased in this oldest way.

Looking at the people kneeling in the square, Wang Jingru bit her lips hard. She held her son's hand tightly and knelt down to face everyone. She said to her son word by word, "This is your father. You should be proud of him..."