Medical official path

Chapter 145 Turn defense into attack

Each master skillfully performed tea in front of them.

Looking at the tea artist's orchid-like fingers, Zhang Yang couldn't help lamenting the exquisiteness of her skills. Fang Wennan's success is by no means accidental. His sense of business is indeed superhuman.

Li Changyu didn't leave his hand. Since he became the executive vice mayor, his addiction to smoking has become bigger and bigger. Ge Chunli has advised him many times, but he has never been able to give up this old habit.

Fang Wennan made a hand that asked for tea and said respectfully, "Mayor Li, please!"

Li Changyu picked up a warm towel from the tray and wiped his hands. Then he picked up the tea cup. First, oh, oh, the heartfelt fragrance of tea. Then he wet his lips, sipped the tea little by little, and closed his eyes for a long time before sighing, "Good tea!"

Zhang Yang is also a person who knows how to drink tea, but his actions are not as exaggerated as Li Changyu. In his opinion, when people's official position reaches a certain level, he will take out a kind of style. Li Changyu can't avoid vulgarity. This performance is also a little exaggerated. Can you die without pretending? The demagogue was secretly slandered in his heart.

Fang Wennan felt four words from Li Changyu's actions, which is unpredictable. He has confirmed through Su Xiaohong that Li Changyu has been responsible for the project of the Third Ring Road, that is to say, Li Changyu has an absolute voice in this matter. A person who holds power can't perform too much, especially when the person he faces still wants himself.

Fang Wennan waved his hand. He signaled others to quit, which led the topic to the Third Ring Road, according to his understanding. At the level of Li Changyu, they are good at playing Tai Chi and selling customs, but they don't like others to beat around the bush. If so, they will think it is an insult to their IQ and a waste of time, so Fang Wennan chose the most direct way: "Mayor Li, I heard that the city has decided to build the Third Ring Road?"

Li Changyu did not intend to sell his customs. When Zhang Yang told him Fang Wennan's intention, he had already guessed the other party's purpose. He did not directly answer Fang Wennan's question, but asked rhetorically, "Your news is very well-informed. The city has not officially announced it yet. How do you know?" This sentence is equivalent to admitting that you will be responsible for this matter, and at the same time reminding Fang Wennan that your source has been guessed.

Fang Wennan smiled and said, "Through an old friend, it is inconvenient for me to disclose my name. I hope Mayor Li can understand!"

Li Changyu nodded. Fang Wennan indirectly admitted that his relationship with Hong Weji was extraordinary. Hong Weji revealed the news to Fang Wennan and asked Fang Wennan to find himself. That is to say, Hong Weiji intended Fang Wennan to take over the project. He did not want to come forward. He was really an old fox. Li Changyu cursed secretly in his heart, but Feng Qing: "The city's finances are very tight, and the project will need to pay a lot of money in advance!" He is not alarmist, nor does he let Fang Wennan retreat in the face of difficulties. He wants to tell Fang Wennan the reality, and he is very clear about Fang Wennan's strength. He is the only one in Jiangcheng who has the ability to take over this project.

Fang Wennan nodded and said, "Mayor Li, I'm fully prepared for this!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "I have some understanding of Shengshi Group. You are a star enterprise in Jiangcheng and have certain strength. For the project of Jiangcheng, of course, the first thing we consider will be local enterprises, which can support the enterprises in our hometown and is also conducive to the establishment of a new image of our Jiangcheng." He paused and said, "When the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area is ready to be built, I hope that the private enterprises in Jiangcheng can stand up and show your strength They all looked outside, hehe, isn't the business opportunity at the door of the house a business opportunity?

Fang Wennan heard that Li Changyu said that he would not contribute to his hometown, but he thought about it carefully. There seemed to be other meanings in this statement.

Zhang Yang smiled without saying anything; "Fang is always a person who does great things. At that time, he stared at the plot of the imitation department store in the provincial capital, and this project in front of his house was not interested at all."

Fang Wennan began to realize that Zhang Yang was cooperating with Li Changyu to set a trap for him. Although he was on guard from the bottom of his heart, he still couldn't help but continue to go through the pit dug by others. This project was too tempting. Fang Wennan smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, you should know my situation. I added the bidding of Dongjiang imitation department store and saw that the fat meat in front of my house was attractive, but unfortunately I couldn't swallow it.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "So, your bidding failure is a good thing. The fat of Nanlin Temple has been swallowed by outsiders. There are many highlights in our Jiangcheng tourism. The ancient city walls and old streets are also one of the key tourism projects in the future. Mr. Fang must not miss the opportunity this time."

Fools can know that the ancient city wall has nothing to do with the Third Ring Road, but Zhang Yang is stunned to connect these two things. Fang Wennan couldn't think about it any more. He soon realized that he dared to have a lover's family. If you want to take over the Third Ring Road project, you have to take over the repair project of the ancient city wall. Isn't it buy one and get one free? He looked at Li Changyu.

Our Vice Mayor Li leisurely tasted the tea, and his eyes rimmed on the ink treasure on the wall, as if this matter had nothing to do with Ben and him.

Fang Wennan smiled bitterly and said, "I know it's fat, but I may not be able to eat it at the same time!" In his opinion, the ancient city walls and old streets are obviously worth something. If possible, he still tries his best to get rid of this hardship. The businessman's purpose is to maximize his interests. What he is interested in is the Third Ring Road project, and he is not interested in the scenery belt of the ancient city wall.

Li Changyu suddenly said, "You can consider the way of cooperative investment! I heard that you and Gu Jiatong have cooperated in the past!"

Fang Wennan completely understood that Li Changyu's sentence is tantamount to clarifying. If he wants to take over the Third Ring Road project, one is to take over the ancient city wall scenic spot project. Another condition is to let Gu Jiatong join. I'm afraid one of the two conditions is indispensable.

Li Changyu is so shrewd. Hong Weiji kicked him the ball, which determines that he is bound to have a antagonistic relationship with Zuo Yuanchao in the project of the Third Ring Road. At present, his strength and confidence are a little insufficient. If Gu Jiatong is pulled in, the acting mayor of Zuo Yuanchao Yuancha

Li Changyu has fully expressed his meaning, and there is no need to stay. He took the lead in leaving the teahouse.

Fang Wennan sent Li Changyu away. When he came back, he looked at Zhang Yang with a bad smile and shouted bitterly, "I said, brother, we don't have such a trick!"

Zhang Yang picked up a cup of tea. Learning from Li Changyu's talent, he sipped slowly and slowly closed his eyes. The same action looked different in Fang Wennan's eyes. It was natural and normal for Li Changyu to do it, but it made people hate it, and he wished to punch him in the face.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Fang. I don't like to beat around the bush, so I can't get a wolf. If you want to take over the Third Ring Road project, you have to bring the ancient city wall to the scenic spot. Small.

"I really don't have such a big appetite!"

"Gu Jiatong has begun to prepare for the Third Ring Road Project. Don't you want to join

Fang Wennan shook his head with a wry smile: "You, you, I really don't understand what's going on in this scenic area?"

"You have to have an attitude, right?"

Fang Wennan Road: "As long as I can take over the Third Ring Road project, I will take over the repair of the ancient city wall


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't care about this. I have to look at Gu Jiatong!"

When Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, announced that Li Changyu was responsible for the construction and command of the Jiangcheng Third Ring Road Project, Zuo Yuanchao's reaction was astonished. As the acting mayor and the proponent of the Third Ring Road Project, he was finally excluded. Zuo Yuanchao's inner anger was Although he also knows that the Third Ring Road Project is a difficult bone, the more difficult it is, the more prominent the future political achievements are. In a sense, the Third Ring Road Project and the construction of the development zone almost occupy an equally important position. He does not want to give up such achievements to others.

When Hong Weiki said this decision, he had already consulted the members of the Standing Committee in advance. Since he took office, he has rarely made such a straightforward decision. Everyone can see that their Secretary Hong is making a balance. Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao has been so popular recently that he can't even watch Hong Weiki, who has always liked Yu He Ni. He wants to use Li Changyu to beat Zuo Yuanchao, but this method is more old-fashioned and common to the members of the Standing Committee. Hong Weiji's approach has been reduced in the hearts of many members of the Standing Committee. No one opposes to playing with political tactics, but Hong Weiji's use of power is too clear. He Obviously, it is the mystery that creates internal contradictions.

In the whole process, Li Changyu behaved peacefully, and he knew Hong Weiki's purpose better than anyone else. But this matter means a good opportunity for him. No matter what Hong Weiki's starting point is, at least now he and himself are standing in the same camp. Political struggle is to make use of all the factors that can be used. If Hong Weiki wants to use himself, why don't he use him? Who can make it clear whether to win or lose? Li Changyu understands that the contradiction between him and Zuo Yuanchao is inevitable, and the conflict of political interests determines that they will inevitably become opponents. Zuo Yuanchao won him in the construction of the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. Now he has a chance. He wants to let Zuo Yuanchao know his strength, and he wants everyone to see his means.

Li Changyu soon made Zuo Yuanchao realize his ability to take advantage of the victory to pursue. He raised the issue of repairing the ancient city wall, which had been raised many times before and did not attract enough attention from Zuo Yuanchao. But today, Li Changyu not only mentioned the ancient city wall, but also threw out another of his tourism rule to build a scenery belt of the ancient city wall! In the past, the ancient city wall and the Nanlin Temple scenic spot were proposed together.

belongs to the scope of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, but after the collapse of the ancient city wall, Andeheng took the initiative to divide the development of Nanlin Temple and the ancient city wall scenic spot. He is not optimistic about the prospect of the ancient city wall, and he is a person who is interested in immediate interests. He still has reservations about this kind of meaningless The reason for the unhesitating investment to develop Nanlin Temple is because he is interested in the follow-up impact of the Buddha's relic and the endless benefits that may be brought in the future. More importantly, he can use this investment to exchange a large number of policy preferences and conveniences from the Jiangcheng government. Now his goal has obviously been achieved. Yes.

The biggest difference between officials and businessmen is that the former considers political interests, while the latter considers economic interests first. When Andeheng took the initiative to plan out the ancient city wall scenic spot, Zuo Yuanchao only thought that this was the result of his weighing the pros and cons, but he did not expect that this matter would be grasped by Li Changyu, and made a big deal on the problem of the ancient city wall. Now that he has attracted enough attention and vigilance, Li Changyu did not give up because of the frustration of the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. He once again proposed to repair the ancient city wall and build an ancient city wall scenic area. He is simply intending to fight with the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. Li Changyu wants to take this as a breakthrough to regain the development of The right to speak. What annoyed Zuo Yuanchao more was that the construction command of the Third Ring Road fell into Li Changyu's hands, which was not a good thing for him.

Zuo Yuanchao's mood at this time is extremely complicated, but his facial expression is still old. When he is an official, he must be happy and angry. The more angry you are, the more proud your opponent will be. Zuo Yuanchao would not give the other party this opportunity. His eyes looked at Li Changyu warmly and kindly, just like looking at an old friend who had been dating for many years. He said calmly, "Comrade Changyu, we not only need enthusiasm to do things, but also take into account the actual situation of Jiangcheng's finances."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "If we want to accelerate development and deepen reform, we must open up ideas. The model of Nanlin Temple is very good. Mayor Zuo has given us a good example, and we must use it to follow up."

This sentence is very clever and to the point. On the surface, it affirms Zuo Yuanchao's contribution to the investment promotion work in Nanlin Temple, but in fact, it is telling everyone that you, Zuo Yuanchao is capable, I can do the same, and I can even do it better! Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, laughed and said, "To do revolutionary work, we also need to be enthusiastic. We can't do anything without enthusiasm. I hope that our leadership in Jiangcheng can be closely united and adhere to the socialist road; adhere to the people's democratic dictatorship; adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party, adhere to Marxism-Lenin Zedong Thought

There are less than an ugly hour left. April is about to pass. The octopus is still trying to code words. I hope that all readers of the medical Tao will encourage me, continue to work hard, vote for the rest of the monthly ticket, and strive to make a successful end to April, and make an appointment for a clear monthly ticket. The oc Update the quantity and strive to improve the results of next month. Finally, I would like to remind everyone to clean up the inventory and vote for all the monthly tickets in hand. During the double period, one vote will top two votes!