Medical official path

Chapter 145 Turn the defense into an attack

Gu Jiatong looked carefully at the ancient city wall scenic spot planning group provided to her by Zhang Yang. From the city wall to the moat to the old street scraping, the planning map is very detailed, and the future development of the scenic area is also very clear. Gu Jiatong even re-examined the hippie smiling face in front of her. She couldn't believe that such an excellent plan was made by Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This is not my credit alone. I just participated in some opinions, mainly Professor Qin's credit." Zhang Yang's words are a little modest. In fact, many of the ideas of this plan come from him. After all, he lived in the Sui Dynasty and was very familiar with the customs at that time. In current words, he has a life experience. Only in this way can he make such an excellent plan.

Gu Jiatong suddenly smiled. She pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the table and put it on her lips. But when she saw the open eyes, she timidly put down the cigarette and whispered, "I'm used to it, but I seldom smoke."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not that you are not allowed to smoke, but that you care about your body!"

The warmth was washed in Gu Jiatong's heart. She said softly, "Don't worry, I will quit!" She held Zhang Yang's big hand and said with a sweet smile, "Have you and Vice Mayor Li discussed in advance and set this trap for Fang Wennan to get in? Then you want to drag me in again?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "We are not so complicated or insidious. Fang Wennan wants to come in by himself. He doesn't want to pick up the Third Ring Road project, and someone else will come in. He is not optimistic about the ancient city wall scenic spot. We really don't have the element to embarrass him."

Gu Jiatong said, "Buy one get one free. Your move is really smart!" Knowing that Li Changyu wanted to intervene in this matter, Gu Jiatong immediately understood that Li Changyu wanted to use her father's influence. The political struggle in Jiangcheng was indeed very complicated. Obviously, Li Changyu and Zuo Yuanchao were not so in harmony. Putting aside political factors, Gu Jiatong carefully considered the whole situation, including the ancient city wall. According to the planning plan, the prospect of Jiangcheng is still promising. After taking the initiative to give up the plot of Dongjiang wandering department store, Gu Jiatong has always been in a bad mood. If she insists, it may not be known who will die. Because of her brother, she made a decisive choice. She doesn't want to let the outside

People watch jokes.

Zhang Yang said, "Fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. I have always liked to take care of my own people!"

Gu Jiatong whispered, "The Third Ring Road, the ancient city wall scenic spot, and the amount of funds needed are not small numbers. I must go back to Dongjiang to plan this matter."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That means you have agreed to join?"

Gu Jiatong looked at him with all kinds of amorous feelings and said, "You have thought of everything. Is it up to me to choose?"

An Deheng soon learned the power of Zhang Yang. The mausoleum he built for his grandfather suddenly stopped work. The foreman in charge of repairing the tomb had received a ticket from the Municipal Tourism Bureau, which destroyed the vegetation and environment of Qingtai Mountain and the mountain structure. The number of fines was amazing. The ticket was Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau and the It was issued jointly. The contractor looked at the ticket with a bitter face. It was not that the enemies did not get together. The contractor who was punished was Lin Chengwu, and the ticket was issued by Zhang Yang. The ticket was covered with the red stamp of the Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau and the Environmental Protection Bureau. Zhang's official also signed his name on it.

Lin Chengwu thought that Zhang Yang had gone to Jiangcheng. From then on, the mountain was high and the emperor was far away. The Lord of Yan would never bother him again. Besides, he is now the director, and he would not have trouble with his little foreman, but he has been in his hands again, 50,000 yuan, even If you repair all the graves of An Dahu, you won't make so much money if you get a lot of money. Lin Chengwu is bleeding with a ticket. The employer An Deheng is now in Hong Kong. Who should solve this matter?

Zhang Guanren didn't give Lin Chengwu too much time to react at all. Shortly after Lin Chengwu received the ticket, the three brothers of the Shi family rushed to the tomb scene with more than 20 strong men from Xiaohe Village. After these people arrived, they waved sticks, beat them when they met people, beat Lin Chengwu's workers, and The reason why the stone horse was smashed is very simple. The four masters of the three brothers and two uncles of the Shi family were buried here in those years. In order to repair the grave of the beard, they leveled their graves.

Shi Sanzhu kicked Lin Chengwu's stomach fiercely: "It's paralyzed, it's up to you. You repaired the graves of the bandits and leveled the graves of my ancestors. Now that there are no bones, how much are you going to give?"

Lin Chengwu was almost angry and vomited blood. The three brothers of the historian threatened him more than once, because he hired three of them to murder Zhang Yang. From then on, the three of them haunted him and spent a lot of money on them every day. What did he do to help An Dahu repair their graves? Then they rushed to blackmail again. Lin Chengwu really had no choice. He screamed, "I don't have any money, and I haven't paid my salary. Why are you looking for me? Have the guts to find a home!"

The three brothers of the Shi family said harshly: "Tell my mother to the An family that I will give him seven days, and I will not repair my family's ancestral grave within seven days. I will dig the grave of An Dayu, an old bandit!"

Ande Heng is in Hong Kong. After hearing about this, he was also extremely angry. This incident happened in Chunyang. The first thing he thought of was to find Qin Qing, the secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee. Anjia's investment in Qingtai Mountain is for the benefit of the people of Chunyang. Now his grandfather's grave has been destroyed You should give an explanation.

When Qin Qing received a phone call from Ande, he was standing in front of Qingyun Bamboo Sea, looking at the Bamboo Sea, which had been greatly damaged by the construction of the tomb. Her beautiful eyes showed a look of deploration and anger.

Tai Chuanliang and Chen Chongshan, who stood aside, were even more angry. Qin Chuanliang looked at the damaged bamboo sea and shouted, "Is this development? Is it a crime? You can't do whatever you want because they invest in Qingtai Mountain. Qingtai Mountain is a country, not their home!"

Chen Chongshan is also very angry. He has sincere feelings for Qingtai Mountain. How can he not be sad to see that his living environment has been trampled on so much? He has never opposed the development of Qingtai Mountain, but if this situation continues, the development of Qingtai Mountain will only turn into a large-scale destruction. Instead of becoming better, it will lose its past.

An Deheng's phone call was very bad. He said indignantly, "Secretary Qin, the original intention of our family's investment in Chunyang was to help our hometown and benefit the people, but now we are facing such unfair treatment. I ask for strict

Punish the perpetrators and give us an explanation!"

Qin Qing's words are very simple and clear: "Mr. An, China is a society under the rule of law. There is a law to do anything. I will deal with this matter fairly. In addition, you have many violations in the development of Qingtai Mountain. I hope you can come to Chunyang as soon as possible to give me an explanation!" After saying that, Qin Qing hung up the phone.

An Deheng was stunned. Although he could still feel Qin Qing's tough tone through the phone. He could hear that the secretary of the beauty was very unhappy now. An Deheng always pretended to be the benefactor of Chunyang. Chunyang has always been very polite to him. Qin Qing's attitude today has changed a lot. Ande was stunned for He angrily threw the phone aside.

When he saw An Yuchen pushing his father over, he immediately changed his face to a smile: "Dad, you're here!"

An Zhiyuan shivered and said, "Chunyang... out... what happened?"

"It's okay!"

An Zhiyuan shook his head: "Little demon, go... go and prepare for the plane, "I want to go back..."

An Yuchen advised, "Grandpa, the fifth uncle said it was okay. You have been in poor health recently, and the doctor won't let you go out!"

An Zhiyuan held the chopping girl's hand and said, "Go...go..."

Wang Zhun was invited to Jiangcheng with his crew. As a representative of the Tourism Bureau, Zhang Yang received Wang Zhun and his party very warmly. He personally took Wang Zhun to the ancient city wall to inspect. In Wang Zhun's impression, Zhang Yang had never treated him like this kind of courtesy, and he was quite flattered.

Although Wang Zhun came to Jiangcheng many times, he visited the ancient city walls and old streets. After watching it, he sighed very much. He really didn't expect that there was such a place in Jiangcheng. He immediately decided, and the scene of the film's wall duel was selected to be filmed here.

Zhang Yang invited Wang Zhun to come not only to set up the ancient city wall as an outdoor base, but also to publicize the ancient city wall and the old street through Wang Zhun's martial arts films. He also took the opportunity to make a small request and asked Wang Zhun to help arrange a role for He Yanyan in the film.

After the competition in the Dongjiang Division, Zhang Yang always felt sorry for He Xinyan. He always thought that he had influenced He Xinyan, otherwise she would definitely be the champion of the division, and recommending her to act in the movie was also a small compensation for her.

Wang Zhun agreed happily and asked Zhang Yang to arrange He Xinyan to audition. There is a female killer in this wall fight, and there is no suitable candidate so far. He can arrange He Xinyan to play this role.

Zhang Yang was happy as soon as he heard it. It was really appropriate for He Xinyan to play a female killer. At that moment, he called He Xinyan. He Geyan heard that Zhang Yang arranged an audition for her. He was not very interested in it. But when she thought that she could see Zhang Yang in Jiangcheng, she agreed happily. Whether it It's a good trip.

Wang Zhun didn't expect that the actor Zhang Yang recommended to him was the beautiful girl he met in Jiangcheng Haibawang last time. Last time he invited He Yanyan to make a movie, he was also ridiculed by Zhang Yang. Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative to recommend him this time.

He Xinyan was also stunned when she saw Wang Zhun. Isn't this the third-level film director he met last time? She stared at Zhang Yang fiercely and said, "I don't shoot that kind of film, Zhang Yang, are you looking for scolding?"

Zhang Yang laughed.

Wang Zhun also explained awkwardly, "Miss He, you misunderstood. We made a serious martial arts film. Director Zhang used to joke with you!"

He Xinyan looked at Wang Zhun suspiciously. Wang Zhun asked the deputy director to give the script to He Geyan,

He Xinyan sat there and watched it. She was sure that the play was indeed not a tertiary film, so she was relieved.

Wang Zhun told her the role he wanted her to play and smiled and said, "With Miss He's conditions, there should be no need to audition. Tomorrow we will officially start shooting. You can come on time, and you don't have many lines. I heard that you have learned dance in the past. We will have a special martial artist to guide It's done."

He Xinyan mentioned a key question: "How to calculate the remuneration?"

Wang Zhun laughed and said, "You don't have much to play. Well, the friendship price is 3,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

Three thousand Hong Kong dollars is already a lot for He Xinyan, not to mention that according to the script, the role she played can shoot all the scenes in one day. Just as she was about to agree, Zhang Yang sighed and said, "I said, why are you Hong Kong people so stingy, one price, five thousand!"

Wang Zhun laughed. For him, there was not much difference of five thousand and three thousand. Anyway, the shooting of the exterior of the ancient city wall this time still needs the strong assistance of the tourism bureau. Thinking of the venue provided by Zhang Yang for free, Wang Zhun agreed without hesitation and took it as the venue fee for others.

Zhang Yang regretted seeing that he promised so happily. He smiled and said, "If you can't finish shooting in the scheduled time, you still have to pay more!"

Wang Zhun smiled and said, "I didn't expect Director Zhang to be a good agent, okay! I'll give Miss He an extra 5,000 Hong Kong dollars for a day!"

Wang Zhun did not expect that it would not go well after the official shooting began. The cause was not He Xinyan. There was no problem with He Xinyan's appearance, and there was no problem with her acting skills. She had a good dance skills and practiced kung fu. Even the martial artist praised her talent.

The problem was the Hong Kong film queen Xi Ruolin. When she filmed the fight scene between her and the female killer, she felt that all the limelight seemed to have been robbed by He Xinyan. She compared herself in both her appearance and figure and fighting actions.

Women's jealousy is very strong, and once it rises, it will be irresipable.