Medical official path

Chapter 160 Can't Stop Download

Liang Chenglong's dinner that day was the most depressing one. After the land of Dongjiang imitation department store was robbed by Wang Xuehai, he felt that he could not raise his head in Dongjiang. There were many kinds of businessmen. Wang Xuehai was definitely the most despicable one. This person's energy was so great that he could actually find out that some of the abundant construction projects in Beijing did not meet the standards. If When he comes out, Chenglong may face a large amount of compensation, and his abandonment of Dongjiang Textile Department Store is also the final result of consideration. This incident was a huge blow to his face. His uncle was the secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee and the deputy governor of Pinghai, Liang Tianzheng. At his doorstep, the land within his uncle's sphere of influence was not taken. It had been seen as a big joke by his peers in the industry. The public words made Liang Chenglong realize that he and Wang The war between Xuehai did not end because of the dust of the land. He had never put up with this tone. The Bailemen incident also proved that Wang Xuehai's energy would not be less in the future. What he really scrupled about was that Wang Xuehai had mastered the evidence that he did not meet the standards in the Kyoto Building project, which made him It's hard to eat and sleep.

Liang Chenglong was the first to say goodbye." Zhou Yunfan saw that he was in a bad mood and did not keep him. When Liang Chenglong left, everyone else also dispersed. Zhou Yunfan originally wanted to invite everyone to go to Bailemen, but what happened in Bailemen made the guests linger. No one responded to his call. Originally, He took He Yiyan to sing, but Gu Jiatong's phone called at this time. Gu Jiatong was in the izakaya and called him to drink.

Zhang Yang looked at the time. It was eight o'clock in the evening. It was not too late. He Yinyan was very understanding. Seeing that he had something to do, he whispered, "Go ahead. I'll take the bus back by myself." Hu Yinru smiled and said, "How can I? I'll see you off!" She pointed to the forced car not far away and nodded: "Then please!" He Yinyan took two steps, and Zhang Yang called her behind her and said, "I'll come to you tomorrow!" The reason why he said this was a little guilty. He Xinyan smiled faintly and followed Hu Yinru into her Audi car.

Hu Xiaoru started the car, turned on the music, and whispered, "Men are all like this. They are busy with their careers and spending a lot of time. It's good to think of you in their busy schedule!" He Yinyan smiled and said, "Miss Hu seems to be deeply touched!" Hu Yinru said, "What do you feel? No one is chasing me!" She skillfully reversed the car out. Then he drove to the distant road, and Zhang Yang still stood in front of the jeep and waved to them.

He Yinyan fell down the window and waved to him, and then said, "How can it be that Miss Hu is so beautiful that no one chases her?" Hu Xiaoru smiled and said, "I'm also strange. When I was seventeen years old, I fell in love with someone and worshipped him! But people can't see me at all. I have been in love for a year. I watched them and my girlfriend enter the marriage hall. Since then, my emotional world has become blank, and no one is chasing me! There is no one chasing me. He Geyan listened to her interestingly. Ge Ge couldn't help laughing.

Hu Yinru said, "Miss He is so young and beautiful that there must be a lot of people chasing her!" "Yes, there is, but I don't like it!" He Yinyan is not a worried girl.

Hu Yinru smiled and said, "Zhang me mud?" Hearing Zhang Yang's name, He Yinyan blushed and his heart beat. He turned aside with a beautiful face and looked at the wandering Chehe beside him. After a long time, he said, "Do you think he is a calm guy?" When Zhang Yang arrived at the izakaya, he knew that the reason why Gu Jiatong called him here was that someone wanted to see him. Mei Hezi, the owner of the izakaya, was Gu Jiatong's good friend. Her husband, Inoue Qing, had been engaged in Sino-Japanese trade in Dongjiang, and Inoue Qing and Nakajima Kawa Worldly wisdom. The Japanese also have their own network. After Nakajima Kawata was restrained by Zhang Yang, he was really scared out of his courage. He knocked on the side that night and asked the two people who fell down were Zhang Yang. From the description of the two men, Nakajima Kawata had speculated that Zhang Yang Shi You ** sneaked into his residence that night and planted bones for The masked man with the needle.

Nakajimagawa is too scared. Zhang Yang's strength is too strong. He has always been a karate master, and he can also be called a first-class master in Zhongyuan. However, in front of others, he doesn't even have the power to fight back. After thinking about it over and again, he contacted Gu Jiatong through the relationship between In

Of course, these middlemen don't know the story between Zhang Yang and Nakajima.

Zhang Yang walked into the izakaya. Mei Hezi greeted him with a smile and bowed to him respectfully. Zhang Yang also went to the countryside to learn from the custom and arched her waist. Mihezi led him to the room. Zhang Yang took off his shoes and went in. He watched Gu Jiatong and two Japanese kneel down and talk about something. One of them was Nakajima Kawata. Zhang Yang immediately understood the main purpose of Gu Jiatong to let him come here tonight.

Gu Jiatong introduced Zhang Yang to the two Japanese present with a smile. Inoue Haru and Nakaokawa Tai are both Nakayuantong, and there is no problem in language communication with Zhang Yang. Nakajima Kawata has seen from Zhang Yang's figure and figure that he was a masked person who sneaked into his residence that night, and his eyes showed an Zhang Yang realized from Nakajima Kawata's expression that the little Japan had recognized him. With the existence of the bone needle, he completely controlled Nakajimagawa Taiji in the palm of his hand. Naturally, there was no fear. Zhang Yang sat down next to Gu Jiatong. Meihezi came to her husband Inoue Qing to sit down and filled the sake for each guest.

Although Yasushi Inoue was less than 40 years old, his hair had been completely white. He picked up his glass and said, "We just talked about the Buddha's relic of Nanlin Temple in Jiangcheng. I heard that the underground palace was visited by Mr. Zhang, so I asked Miss Gu to invite Mr. Zhang to come over. I hope you Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Mr. Inoue, you're welcome. Sister Jiatong's friends are my friends. Since they are all friends, we don't have to be polite. There is a song in our middle garden. When a friend comes, there is wine. If the jackal comes to greet him with a shotgun, then what?" Let's This sentence contains a double meaning. Nakajima Kawata knows best that wine is to welcome people. I have been greeted by Zhang Daguan's shotgun first.

Inoue Qing doesn't know much about Zhang Yang. He only knows that he is Gu Jiatong's friend. Gu Jiatong's ability in the Pinghai business community. He knows that the person who can make Gu Jiatong so important is definitely unusual, and he can see at a glance that the relationship between the two is full of warmth and ambigu

After a few glasses of wine, Zhang Yang deliberately brought the topic to Zibailemen.

Nakajima Kawata did not avoid this question. He sighed and said, "The two of my disciples are still lying in the hospital. I heard that Mr. Zhang was also present that night. This sentence is asked knowingly.

Zhang Daguan replied frankly, "Ha ha, they were beaten by me!" Nakajima Kawata and Gu Jiatong had already known the truth of the truth, but Inoue Haru and his wife were stunned when they heard the words. Unexpectedly, this young man was so powerful. Nakajima is a master of karate. His two students were also tough generals, but they didn't expect that they couldn't even make a move in vain in front of Yuanzhong Island Chuanta's judgment, if he knew, I'm afraid he would be even more shocked.

Nakajimagawa laughed and said, "There is an old saying in Zhongyuan that you don't know each other. On behalf of my two students, I apologize to Mr. Zhang. Chinese martial arts is unfathomable. Mr. Zhang is so young and has such a cultivation. It's really admirable!" Nakajima Kawata's modesty tonight surprised Mr. and Mrs. Inoue Haru. You should know that he is arrogant and self-considerate. He rarely shows such humility on weekdays. How do they know that Guan's life in Nakajima Kawata's hands is in Zhang Yang's hands. Not to mention a few polite words, he is willing to let

Zhang Yang and Nakajima Kawa touched the wine glass, and he fully took the initiative. Of course, we should be generous. We middle gardeners have the courage. No matter how brave you are, you are a jackal, and you can't escape my good hunter's shotgun. Zhang Yang thought proudly, smashed it and said, "Japanese sake has no taste. It's better to have the fun of Erguotou!" Meihezi smiled and said, "A gardener has a gardener's food culture. We Japanese like to cultivate our mind, and the national reason is more than enthusiasm!" If there is too much reason, there will be no humanity. Life must be full of joy. Don't make the golden sky against the moon. Living in this world, only reason has no enthusiasm. What kind of sadness should it be!" Inoue Haru did not agree with Zhang Yang's point of view. He smiled and said, "Japan has a Japanese humane. Different gardeners decide to deal with different relationships in all aspects." Gu Jiatong knew that no one would see Zhang Yang's madness. He didn't like the Japanese very much. After a while, he might say something more hurtful. He interrupted their conversation with a smile and said, "Zhang Yang, everyone wants to hear how you look at the underground palace!" Zhang Yang took a sip of sake, took a slice of sashimi, dipped it in some mustard sauce, and tasted it for a while before briefly telling the scene of the day.

Several Japanese listened very carefully. It can be seen that they are quite interested in the ancient culture of Zhongyuan. Yasushi Inoue said, "It's a pity that the Buddhist culture in Zhongyuan has suffered a lot of damage in the later stage. In comparison, it is not as complete as our Japanese Buddhist culture." Inoue Qing did not mean to slander the Buddhist culture of Zhongyuan, but when he said this, he inevitably brought the pride of the nation.

Although Zhang Yang is not an angry youth, he doesn't like the superiority of the Yamato nation like Yasushi Inoue. He disdained and said, "Japanese Buddhism is still carried forward by Jianzhen Dongdu. If it weren't for Jianzhen monk, Japan would not have today's Buddhist culture. In addition, your Japanese medicine is also He brought all the traditional Chinese medicine. To put it rudely, Japan can only be a vassal of our middle garden in culture. This sentence is quite rude.

Yasushi Inoue's face suddenly changed, and Nakajimakawa was very calm. He completely conquered Zhang Daguan, and his words were also true. Nakanoen's history and culture humiliated almost every part of Japanese culture.

Gu Jiatong secretly scolded Zhang Yang for his merciless words and was busy saying, "In fact, Japanese culture also has its own uniqueness." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's very unique. There is one of the most famous ones, so what?" It seems to be a suicide culture. Once you can't beat others, you will cut your abdomen. What is it called "Samurai Road?" Nakajima Kawata's face is not good-looking. In their eyes, the spirit of Bushido means tenacity and unyielding. After Zhang Yang's words, it has become a suicide culture, and the meaning of sea humiliation is obvious.

Shi Ke can't be killed and humiliated. Inoue Qing was the first one who couldn't stand it: "Is Mr. Zhang's kung fu very good?" Yasushi Inoue is a master of kendo and belongs to Beichen Yidao. Seeing that Zhang Yang is so arrogant, he can't help challenging Zhang Yang.

Gu Jiatong reached out and quietly twisted his flamboyant thighs under the table. Mr. and Mrs. Inoue are her good friends. She doesn't want Zhang Yang to get off the stage.

Zhang Yang understood what she meant. He smiled and said, "What do you like about Japanese martial arts? It sounds like unpredictable. Most of them are branches of our middle garden martial arts." Inoue Qing looked at Zhang Yang coldly: "Are you awesome?" If it hadn't been for Gu Jiatong's face, he would have drawn his knife and rushed out.

Zhang Yang suddenly stood up, came to the east wall, and took off the samurai sword hanging on it. He whispered, "The Japanese samurai sword is sharp and light, which is very suitable for the short size of the Japanese. The move is clear in a single room. You can learn it as soon as you learn it, but it is fierce and spicy. It is like a splashing wind in actual combat. It is like a ghost, which is unpreventable. This knife is the representative of Japanese weapons, but tracing its history, it was born from the Zhongyuan Tang Dao!" Zhang Yang held the hilt and slowly pulled out the samurai sword, and the blade was like a cold light flashing in the autumn water.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There are many famous knives in this izakaya. It seems that Mr. Inoue should be a master here. Do you know what the high realm is with knives and swords?" Inoue Haru and Nakajima Kawata looked at each other. Both of them had a spiritual understanding of martial arts. Nakajima Kawata was a person who had suffered a lot of losses and spoke very cautiously. Inoue Haru blurted out, "A knife and man are one, one knife must be killed!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of several realms of using knives? The first realm is that you have a knife in your hand, and there is no knife in your heart. The second realm is that you have a knife in your hand. There is a knife in the heart, the third realm. There is no knife in the hand, but a knife in the heart. The highest level is that there is no knife in the hand and no knife in the heart. Both Inoue Haru and Nakajima Kawata have heard this truth, but they can only ask themselves that they can have a knife in their hands and a knife in their hearts.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not good at using knives. I can only reach the third realm, that is, the unity of knives and people!" This sounded too arrogant in Inoueqing. The unity of swordsman is what he thinks is the highest level. From the perspective of the history of Japanese martial arts, only a few people can do it, and it is only limited to the legendary characters. Looking at Zhang Yang's appearance, he was only in his early twenties. Even if he began to practice the knife method from his mother's womb, it was only more than 20 years ago. He dared to say that he had achieved the unity of swordsman.

Zhang Yang motioned to Gu Jiatong to hand himself a glass of sake, looked up and drank it up, and then threw the glass into the void. The knife in his hand flashed, and he had waved several knives like lightning in the air. Everyone was dazzled, the body of the knife was flat, and the glass , without seeing any change, Zhang Yang moved the samurai sword and tilted at an angle. The glass was just scattered and cut into five circles.

Yasushi Inoue was stunned. He knew that this hand could not be done only by relying on the sharpness of the knife body. Zhang Yang's mastery of strength and speed had reached a shocking level.

Zhang Yang looked at the screen five meters away in the distance, and a knife was cut out of the air. An invisible knife gas skimmed out of the knife body at a high speed, and the screen was split in half by the wary knife gas.

Nakajimagawa has a deep understanding of Zhang Yang's real strength. Zhang Yang's appearance in swordsmanship is not beyond his expectation. However, in Inoue Qing's view, Zhang Yang's strength is really shocking. No wonder he was so arrogant just now. A person with such strength is not arrogant, that It's called self-confidence.

Gu Jiatong's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement. The change of her expression did not escape Meihezi's eyes. Women can only be proud of their beloved men. Gu Jiatong is exactly like this.

Inoue Haru picked up the glass and said respectfully to Zhang Yang, "Chinese martial arts is extensive and profound, and I have benefited a lot tonight." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In fact, there is no end to the way of martial arts. There is an old saying in Zhongyuan that there are people outside, and there is heaven outside." Nakajima Kawata has witnessed Zhang Yang's appearance and has completely given up the idea of being against him. If he wants to live a better life and get rid of the bone needle planted in his body as soon as possible, perhaps only being obedient is the best choice.

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