Medical official path

Chapter 184 You are my lover

A kind and warm smile appeared on Darvin's face, and he shouted sweetly! Sister!

An Yuchen met Andawen when he went to Taiwan a few years ago, but he was just a child at that time. Unexpectedly, he hadn't seen him for a few years. He has become a handsome young man. Maybe he should be called a teenager. She nodded with a smile: "Awen, I didn't expect you to come to Hong Kong."

Andawen said, "Grandpa is sick. I have been studying in the United States. Dad asked me to come and help take care of Grandpa. I have just graduated. It's flying over here!"

He Bo pushed An Zhiyuan to the position of chairman of the board of directors. Liu Guowen sat down beside him, and An Yuchen and Andawen stood behind An Zhiyuan. An Zhiyuan introduced to everyone: "Directors, because Zhou Xingwang, the group lawyer, suddenly fell off the building and died, I decided to hire lawyer Liu Guowen as the legal adviser of Century Antai and also served as my private lawyer!"

In Hong Kong, a society under the rule of law. It is impossible for such a large group to lack lawyers. An Zhiyuan's arrangement is reasonable. What's more, although he handed over the chairman's power to Andeheng, in fact he still holds the majority of the company's equity.

An Zhiyuan said, "I am the former chairman of the group and the largest shareholder of the group, in view of the current chaotic situation of the company. I used the power of emergency intervention to remove the chairman of Andeheng Century Antai Group!"

The scene was suddenly silent, so quiet that almost a needle fell to the ground. After a while, Li Wei, one of the members of the board of directors, said, "Mr. An, maybe you haven't come to the company for a long time. The last time you appointed Andeheng as chairman, you had given him 21% of the equity, and He also acquired some in some ways, and now the equity he controls should be 33%, An Lao. You have no right to remove the current chairman.

An Zhiyuan took a look at Liu Guowen. Liu Guowen distributed the document to everyone: "Please see, this is the equity transfer agreement just signed by the Xie family, that is to say, Xie Bai, the director of the group, after his death, his heir transferred the 5% of the equity he should have inherited to my client, so that my The group's shares owned by the client have reached 35%, which means that Mr. An has an absolute controlling interest in the group company!" One stone shocked a thousand waves, and the board of directors whispered one after another at the scene. Everyone saw that this was a war between father and son against the controlling the company. Obviously, An Zhiyuan took a look in this battle and gained an absolute advantage.

An Zhiyuan looked around the crowd with a smile and said, "What else do you have?"

Li Weixin spread out his hands and said, "What do you say about your own family?" He is an old man in the company. You are naturally bolder than others.

Hearing this, a trace of cold murder flashed in Andavin's eyes, standing behind An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan smiled indifferently and said, "No problem, it's settled!" He paused for a moment and said, "I'm old. I'm not in good health. I'm powerless in the position of chairman," he stretched out his hand, holding Andavin in one hand and An Yuchen in the other: "My few. The son's death is scattered. Fortunately, my grandchildren have been old, and they have reached the age of being alone, so I decided. Leave your career to them!" He shook his grandson's hand and said, "I decided that my grandson Andavin will be the chairman of Century Antai from today and exercise the decision-making power of the company. My granddaughter An Yuchen entered the board of directors and was responsible for all the investments of Century Antai in the mainland. It was full of people who were shocked. An Yuchen . After all, she has been working in the company and keeps practicing. It also solves a lot of problems on behalf of the company.

But Anda Chong is just a 19-year-old young man. He seems to be a high school student. I'm afraid he hasn't even entered the school gate of the university. Such a young child actually wants to be the chairman of such a large group company. Is An Zhiyuan confused?

Li Wei said, "An Lao. Although you are a big shareholder of the company, you can't be too hasty to choose the chairman. Besides, we don't know your grandson. It's not a child's play to control a group company."

An Zhiyuan's face turned cold in vain: "Are you doubting my eyes?


"That's good. That's how it was decided! My task has been completed!" He glanced at Andavin and said, "From today on, it's up to you!" An Zhiyuan waved his hand, and He Bo pushed him out of the conference room.

After An Zhiyuan left, the group's directors fell into whispering again. Andavin held his seat with both hands. He tapped his finger on it rhythmically, and then smiled and said, "Everyone is not familiar with me, so I'd better introduce myself first. My name is Andavin, my father is Andeyuan, and my grandfather is An Zhiyuan. Twenty years ago, my grandfather and father broke off the father-son relationship, so I have been in Taiwan with my father, and I have few opportunities to contact you. Last month. My grandfather and my father let go of the past. They restored the father-son relationship, that is to say, I returned to the An family and returned to the An family justly. I am the descendant of the An family. He politely said to An Yuchen, "Sister, are you okay?"

An Yuchen smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem!"

Andawen said, "I know that the directors present accepted my grandfather's decision on the surface, but they don't think so. You think I'm young, and I don't have the ability to manage such a big company. It's because you don't know me, so I won't blame you!" He paused and said, "I spent my primary and middle school career in Taiwan. At the age of 15, he was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. He obtained a bachelor's degree in economics at the age of 17 and a master's degree in economic management at the age of 18. Before coming to Hong Kong. I have worked as an assistant to the chairman of the Luo Kuan Hall Consortium for a year. They buried me and let me be the marketing manager, but I refused because I wanted to come here. The family needs me, and I want to come back to revitalize our own business. His eyes are burning. The strong self-confidence in his eyes made everyone present forget his age in an instant, and that he was just a 19-year-old boy.

Andavin opened the chair and sat down slowly: "Since I dare to sit in this chair, I have the ability to sit in this chair. I have the confidence to manage Century Antai well. You are all the old ministers and directors of Century Antai. You may be able to work hard, but don't forget the fact that we Anjia owns the most shares of Antai in the century, and what really has the right to speak is Ji Antai's development to today. I don't care who makes the most effort. As long as I see the present and the future, as long as I support our family and want to work together to accompany the family through the difficulties, I welcome it with both hands. If you have a bad attempt, or lose confidence in our family, you can leave now. I promise I won't embarrass you, but before you leave. Please sign the equity transfer agreement and keep the equity of Century Antai! In terms of price, we will be more expensive!" After saying this, his eyes were fixed on Li Weixin.

Li Weixin bit his lip and finally stood up: "I'll sign it!"

Andawen nodded: "You can ask lawyer Liu Guowen to go through the formalities!"

An Yuchen looked at this brother with surprise; she didn't expect that the fourth uncle's family had such an excellent son, although she didn't know anything about Andavin. However, judging from the current performance alone, Andavin can definitely be called a young master. It is definitely not an impulse for Grandpa to choose him as the head of the future of the family.

Zhang Yang, who played card games in An Yuchen's office, also noticed the appearance of An Zhiyuan. He got up and went out. An Zhiyuan also saw Zhang Yang and said with a smile, "Let's go home."

An Zhiyuan's fluent words stunned Zhang Yang there. When he realized that An Zhiyuan's old appearance and words were all disguised, An Zhiyuan had entered the elevator with the help of He Bo.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, the board of directors just ended, and An Yuchen took the lead in walking out of the conference room. With a gratifying smile on her face, she returned to the office. She mysteriously announced the good news to Zhang Yang. Century Antai was actually split into two parts, and the mainland's investment as one. In part, Hong Kong and other overseas business is another full part. She is in charge of the mainland business, while all other business is in the charge of Anda Wen.

After listening to An Yuchen's words, it took Zhang Yang to figure out the whole story of the whole thing for a long time. Although he figured out what happened, he still felt that everything was too strange. Obviously, what happened today was that An Zhiyuan had been planning for a long time, that is to say, he had been pretending before that. Mr It's so deep. As soon as Andeheng left Hong Kong, he instigated a shocking operation. Zhang Yang suddenly remembered what Mr. An said to him before, the timing! It turned out that he had been waiting for the opportunity.

An Yuchen said with relief: "I can't finally care about so many troubles. A Wen is here. I can enjoy life easily in the future!"

Zhang Yang reminded her, "Don't forget, you still have so many investment projects in the mainland. You quit. Who will I ask for money in the future?" He is really worried that the third generation of the An family suddenly came to power. Does this mean that the investment plan of the An family will change in the future? This Andavin looks like a high school student. What can he do? An Zhiyuan is really bold enough to hand over such a large consortium to Andawen. In the past, I heard that cadres wanted to be younger all day long in the system, but almost all the cadres above the level were over 30 years old. The higher the official position, the older the older. Look at Mr. An, this is the implementation of rejuvenation. Anda Wen has served as the chairman of Century Antai Group at the age of 19.

An Yuchen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I do everything from beginning to end. Since I am responsible for the investment in the mainland, I will be responsible to the end!"

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Actually, you are not a business agent. No wonder your grandfather didn't hand over the company to you!"

"That's because I'm not interested. Awen is really capable!" While the two were talking, Andavin appeared outside the office door and knocked gently on the door. He smiled and said, "Sister, can I come in?"

An Yuchen smiled and said, "The door is unlocked again. Besides, you are the chairman of the company, and you are the biggest here."

Anda Wen shook his head with a smile. He came to Zhang Yang and took the initiative to extend his hand to Zhang Yang: "You are Mr. Zhang Yang. I heard my father mention you. The last time he was in Hong Kong, thanks to you saved him!"

Zhang Yang suddenly had a good impression on this polite young man. He shook hands with Anda Wen: "Mr. An is really young and promising. I'm still studying in school like you this year!"

Andawen laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. I've heard from my grandfather about you. You are only two years older than me. Now you are a mainland government official. There is a Chinese saying. It's the official who is as strong as the people, mine. Chairman. It's much inferior in front of you, Director Zhang!"

Zhang Yang began to look at today's young people with new eyes. If you don't look at his appearance, it's hard to imagine that these words come from a 19-year-old boy.

Anda Wen said to An Yuchen, "Sister, you should be more familiar with the company than me. I want you to take me to the whole department to find out the situation!"

An Yuchen nodded.

Zhang Yang realized that it was not convenient for him to stay here and said goodbye to the two, "I have something else to do, so I won't bother you in the company!"

An Yuchen apologized and said, "So many things have happened in the company. I don't have time to entertain you when you come to Hong Kong!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry to leave. So many things have happened in your company. I don't want to stay here. Let's deal with the company's affairs first!"


Since I met Hailan in front of Xiamen just now. Zhang Yang began to feel uneasy. He had long wanted to leave here to find Hailan, but since he promised Mr. An to help take care of An Yuchen and was entrusted to be loyal to others, he had to have an explanation. Now he sees that Mr. An is pretending to be ill, and today, Century Antai also has a new chairman. Of course, Before he got into it, Zhang Yang had a plan to leave.

I walked out of the gate and found that it was raining again outside. Both opposite buildings have raised cordon lines, and there are still police on the scene to investigate. In the morning of Century Antai, there were two incidents of falling buildings. In such a situation, there are not many reporters in Ganzhou who guarded the door of the building and saw that there were claws in the building. They gathered around in a hurry, but they figured out that Zhang Yang was not an employee of the building, and immediately scattered away.

Because there were two murders in succession in this section of the road, there were few taxis passing through here. Zhang Yang waited for ten minutes without stopping a car. When he was a little impatient, Zhao Jun stopped beside him in the gray Sanpeng. He fell down the window and said, "Get in the car!"

Zhang Yang opened the door and sat in, asking strangely, "What's the matter? You haven't left?

Zhao Jun said, "Waiting for your news, what's going on in the company?"

Zhang Yang touched a bottle of mineral water from the beverage shelf and took two sips. Only then did he tell Zhao Jun what he knew. Zhao Jun was full of surprise and said, "This. Where did Andavin come from? An Zhiyuan has been pretending all the time!"

Zhang Yang said, "Whether he pretends or not, these things are the internal affairs of the settle down family, which doesn't seem to have much to do with Guoan!"

Zhao Jun said, "We have always focused on Ai Deyuan and An Deheng, but we didn't expect that An Zhiyuan would directly hand over power to his grandchildren."

Zhang Yang couldn't help staring at him and said, "Do you have a grudge against An family? Give the company to whoever they are willing to give to. What's your heart?

Zhao Jun was not angry, but laughed: "An Zhiyuan's doing this is equivalent to completely removing An Deheng from the company. I always feel that this series of murders has something to do with him


Zhang Yang pointed to the Sky TV Broadcasting Building in front of him: "Where can I get off! Head, I advise you that An Deheng is not a good thing. He deserves to die. Even if he is killed by someone, he deserves it. Don't make trouble with him.

Zhao Jun leaned his car against the side of the road. Zhang Yang pushed the door and walked down: "I'm here to help with the An family. Starting tomorrow, I have to do some of my own business. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

Zhao Jun looked at Zhang Yang's distant back, with a helpless smile on the corners of his lips. His mobile phone suddenly rang. He turned on the phone and whispered, "Head!"

"The goods have been received, and the things in Hong Kong can be put away first!"


The black cloth on Andeheng's eyes was uncovered, and the strong light pierced him so that he could not open his eyes. It took him a long time to adapt to the strong light and saw a middle-aged man with a bare head standing in front of him.

Andeheng narrowed his eyes and tried to distinguish the other party's outline. The other party looked at him through the light, and then sat down behind the table opposite him: "According to Article 248 of the Criminal Law of China, the illegal possession of more than one kilogram of opium, more than 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine More than one year of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, a total of 1,500 grams of heroin are confiscated in your suitcase. The circumstances are particularly serious and have violated the above provisions of the criminal law!"

Andeheng still remains quite calm: "Those things are not mine. You want to frame them


The bald man picked up the thick file and paused, and then threw it in front of Andeheng: "If we hadn't brought you here, now that you have gone to prison and set you up someone else, we wouldn't belong to using such low-level means. Think about it yourself. Who did you offended?"

"I am upright and upright. I haven't done anything illegal!"

The bald man laughed and said, "You are not surnamed An, your surname is Jiang, and your father is not An Zhiyuan, but Jiang Tianxing."

An Deheng's eyes showed a frightened light: "Who the hell are you?"

The other party ignored him and continued, "We have enough evidence to prove that the blood chatter incident in the Repulse Bay mansion of Anjia last year is related to you!"

"You say it clearly!"

"It doesn't matter to us whether you admit it or not. Xie Baichuan and his driver were killed this morning. At 9:15 a.m., Luo Jianliang, the chief accountant of Century Antai, fell from the office of the company's headquarters and died. An hour after he fell off the building, Zhou Xing, the legal adviser of Century An Wang also jumped down the Jinhao Building opposite the company. His family suffered misfortune in the next half an hour. We think this series of murders are all related to the bloody case of last year's family. Everyone who died today has helped or revealed secrets to you. They all end up like this. As this The mastermind of the matter, have you ever thought about what will happen to you?

Andeheng still said toughly, "Why do you think I did it?"

The bald man laughed and said, "An Deheng, it's not interesting to be like you! Do you know who is the chairman of Century Antai now? Do you know your father? Oh, I'm sorry, you should not admit that An Zhiyuan is your father. He has released all your rights on the board of directors in the morning and appointed a new chairman of the board of directors, Anda, Anda, the son of An Deyuan

And Heng's heart suddenly sank. Although he had already expected the deterioration of the situation in Hong Kong, he did not expect An Zhiyuan to take such a fierce move. He had worked so hard for so long and was completely defeated by An Zhiyuan in one day. He didn't even have the power to fight back. The old fox has been blinding him by pretending to be ill, and Andeheng's heart is burning with hatred and anger.

The bald man said, "Believe it or not. I'm putting you in prison now. In less than a year, you will be tortured to survive and die. If I give you freedom and you walk out of this gate, there will be a sniper to blow up your head!"

Ander Heng leaned weakly on the back of the chair. One day, he suddenly fell from the peak of his life to the trough. Now his fate is completely in the hands of others, and he can't be manipulated by himself. Even in this state, he still maintains his last reason. He knows that no matter who the other party is, he will not bring it here for no reason. If he wants to kill himself, he doesn't need to talk so much nonsense to himself. He is still worth using for them. And Heng slowly raised his head and looked at the other party's face shrouded in shadows: "What do you want me to do?"

"Wang Zhan! I want

"He's missing!"

"Even if a person hides again, he will always show some traces of girls. If you know him, I want you to tell us everything you know, and then help us find him out of the crowd!"

"What's the benefit of me?"

"Live down!"

Ande Heng was speechless. Is there any better reason than these three words?

Sky Satellite TV's security measures are very strict. Although Zhang Yang declares that he is a good friend of Hailan, he still has no chance to enter. He rubbed his mouth, and the security guard just helped him send the business card in. Since he said goodbye to Hailan Dongjiang. The two never met again, but the missing and desire for Hailan in his heart became stronger and stronger with time. He always thought that Hailan's original intention to leave was because of Xu Changde. Now that Xu Changde is dead, the obstacles that prevented him from meeting with Hailan have been removed.

When Zhang Yang spent a while waiting, many employees of Sky TV had already got off work, and Zhang Yang went to ask again. But when he learned that Hailan had left, it was hard to describe the depression in his heart. Zhang Yang really regretted it. Just now, when I was in peace with the century, I shouldn't have let Hailan go.

Just as Zhang Yang regretted it, a blue BMW... slowly stopped beside him, and Hailan's gentle and slightly strange voice sounded in his ear: "So heavy rain, are you standing outside and not afraid of gonorrhea?"

Zhang Yang stared at Hailan in the car, and suddenly a thousand thoughts surged up in his heart.

Hailan looked at Zhang Yang and suddenly remembered the various scenes where they met in the spring sun. Zhang Yang covered the rain splashed by the car for her. Zhang Yang blocked the falling stones for her with the back of her shoulder. The warm scenes were so familiar, as if it happened yesterday. Hailan's beautiful eyes were wet, and she always thought she had Forget it. But when she saw the affectionate eyes. She knew that she had never forgotten. And that feeling keeps accumulating in the depths of my heart, to the extreme. Extremely hot.

"Don't get on the bus yet?"

Zhang Yang opened the door and sat in the car. The wind and rain were blocked outside. The atmosphere in the car was like their mood at this moment. It was warm and warm. They looked at each other but did not say anything. Hailan's slender and tender white fingers tapped gently on the steering wheel. It is the expression of her uneasiness at this moment.

"When did you come here?" Hailan finally found the entry point of the topic.

"Yesterday! I came here to treat An Yuchen this time."

Hailan smiled indifferently and said, "There are really a lot of things about Anjia. This time it has affected all the mainstream media in Hong Kong."

Zhang Yang said, "When did you come to Hong Kong?"

"After leaving Dongjiang, I took a break, and later joined Sky TV because of the invitation of my old classmates. I've been making travel albums outside, and I just returned to Hong Kong last month.

Zhang Yang nodded. The sense of distance between the two people didn't know how to get closer for a while, although they were thinking about each other urgently. Zhang Yang suddenly realized that the increasing reason was not a good thing. If it had been in the past, he would have rushed up and desperately held Hailan in his arms, but the experience of officialdom had made him know how to control his feelings, and he had become more rational than in the past.

Hailan's long black eyelashes flashed: "I'll treat you to dinner!" Although Hailan has not lived in Hong Kong for a long time, she is quite familiar with the environment here. She drove Zhang Yang to Jiuji Niu Crisp. This old shop, which has a history of nearly 40 years, is most famous for its clear soup.

The two ordered two bowls of beef noodles, one dish of cool beef and two bowls of beef clear soup.

Hailan also knew about this store when she went to make a food album. She introduced to Zhang Yang, "The soup here is made of one or two hundred catties of beef bones and more than a dozen kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, which looks light. The mouth is rich and sweet!"

Zhang Yang took a sip of soup. Sure enough, it was as delicious as Hailan said. Hailan didn't ask for wine. She probably wanted to keep a clear mind.

Zhang Yang picked up a piece of Niu Nan and put it in his mouth and praised, "It tastes good. But it's still a little worse than the donkey meat in Qingtai Villa!"

When Hailan heard him mention Qingtai Villa, she couldn't help thinking of the scene when they saw the two donkeys** on the hillside. The begly face couldn't help blushing and bit the cherry lips. She thought that Zhang Yang had been in the officialdom for a long time and had learned to restrain, but she didn't expect that he was still such a bastard when he said something. But this can be heard in my ears. The heart is extremely warm and useful. Hailan whispered, "Is there any mistake? This is beef sting!"

Zhang Yang said happily, "Do you have a bullwhip? Give me a plate!" Seeing the charming appearance of Hailan's beautiful face, he suddenly felt itchy and couldn't help teasing. His voice is very loud. It made the diners around him look at him one after another.

Hailan is ashamed. These nine cattle are very famous in Hong Kong. There are many celebrities who come to visit every day. There are only a few acquaintances in Zhang Yang's eyes. The world is actually not big. The hooligan director Wang Zhunqiao and the big star Liu Dezheng also came here to eat cow breasts. Hearing Zhang Yang's voice, both of them recognized him almost at the same time.

Wang Zhun said in surprise, "Shang Zhang! What brings you down to Hong Kong?

Zhang Yang didn't expect to meet Wang Zhun in this small shop. After all, they are old acquaintances. He stood up with a smile and shook hands with Wang Zhun. When Wang Zhun saw Hailan, he stretched out his hand with a smile: "Miss Hailan, it's really you. I like the program Half of his hand was blocked by Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I said, can you not get close to it when you see a beautiful woman? It's really not easy to transform from a third-level film director. Pay attention to the image, pay attention to the image!"

Wang Zhun was extremely aware of Zhang's character and smiled secretly in his heart. The emotional world of this relationship is really wonderful. He can't help coming to Hong Kong. He doesn't know the past between Hailan and Zhang Yang.

Liu Dezheng greeted Zhang Yang from afar with sunglasses. He didn't dare to come over. After all, he was a public figure and was afraid of being recognized by others.

Wang Zhun smiled and took out a business card to Hailan, and then gave another one to Zhang Yang: "I won't delay you. Director Zhang. Why do you have to tell me when you come to Hong Kong? Well, call me tomorrow and we'll make an appointment.

Zhang Yang nodded. I left him my mobile phone number in Hong Kong.

Because she met an acquaintance, Hailan didn't want to stay here. She got up and settled the bill, ordered two more takeaways, and left with Zhang Yang.

It was still raining outside. Zhang Yang couldn't help complaining, "I haven't eaten enough yet." He didn't eat half a bowl. I'm leaving now!"

Hailan Yang's takeaway in Yang's hand: "I packed it up. There must be paparazzi in places with stars in Hong Kong. I don't want to follow them!" Sure enough, they just walked out of the door and saw two reporters holding telephoto cameras aiming at Liu Dezheng and Wang Zhun secretly.

Zhang Yang shook his head. There are all stranges in the world. If you don't let good people do it, you have to be a paparazzi. The two got into the car. Hailan's hand was just placed on the wave rod. Zhang Yang's big hand covered it: "It's so heavy rain. I'm still hungry!"

Hailan whispered, "No distance ahead is my apartment, and there is a bottle of good red wine at home!" Inviting Zhang Yang to her apartment was a difficult decision after some consideration.

Hailan lives in a one-bedroom and one-living room in Jiazhong Garden. When she opened the door, she was obviously a little flustered and the key fell to the ground. At this time, Hailan's mood was extremely complicated. She picked up the key. She bit her lip and suddenly turned to Zhang Yang and said, "I think maybe we should be friends

Before she finished speaking, the cherry lips had been blocked by the flamboyant and burning lips. Hailan was at a loss, after a short panic. Her left hand hooked Zhang Yang's back, and her right hand picked up the key and groped to open the door.

Zhang Yang's hot kiss made Hailan's whole body almost melt. She finally broke away from her open arms and turned on the living room lights. He blushed and said, "Don't mess around, I'll go." I'll prepare dinner for you!"

Zhang Yang put the takeaway in his hand on the table. He followed Hailan into the kitchen and looked at Hailan's delicate outline. With her charming fragrance, she suddenly spread out her arms and hugged her tightly in her arms.

Hailan closed her beautiful eyes and quietly felt the warmth brought to her by Zhang Yang. The feeling of warmth and security has been gone for a long time. Her reason is still controlling her. Maybe they really should not continue. Hailan's voice is extremely weak. She almost begged: "Zhang Yang, don't do this

The flamboyant face was close to Hailan's face, kissed her ear beads, and whispered in a voice that only Hailan could hear: "Sister. I want to be confused." This sentence hit Hailan's heart like a cannonball. In an instant, her hesitation and reason were annihilated by the bombing. She turned her face to meet Zhang Yang's hot kiss. Zhang Yang's big hand lifted her long skirt, held her ** with one hand, and picked her up in the air. In Hailan's delicate voice, she felt that her delicate body was against the cool wall of the restaurant, and then felt the firmness and scorching heat from Zhang Yang squeezed into her body little by little.

Hailan hugged Zhang Yang's head tightly and let his face close to his bullied chest: "Zhang Yang, I want to too"

Hailan's charming and lazy voice sounded in the dark: "I'm hungry!"

Zhang Yang's big hand stroked her silky smooth ** and said with a smile, "Feed you so much that you are still hungry!"

Hailan blushed and pinched his crotch flat, only to find that the part of the man began to show his face again. She was a little scared and said, "No, I'm going to be killed by you."

Zhang Yang laughed. Attached to Hailan's ear, he said, "There are only exhausted cows, and there is no ploughed land!"

Hailanjiao called out in a voice, "The problem is that you are a barbaric and rude iron cow." Halfway through that, she laughed again: "No" You are a donkey!"

Zhang Yang roared fiercely and said, "You scold me, okay, this will give you a taste of the power of my donkey!"

"Don't" The meaning conveyed by a woman when she says no is extremely complicated. Zhang's official is already quite careful in this regard. Just as he separated Hailan's snow-white and tender legs. When he was about to take the sword again, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Hailan pouted and motioned Zhang Yang to answer the phone. Zhang Yang picked up the phone with one hand, but his body suddenly straightened forward. Two hot breaths spewed out of Hailan's lovely nose, and then a pair of beautiful legs wrapped around his open body like an octopus.

The call was made by An Yuchen. Because she was busy with company affairs, she didn't get home until 11 p.m. and found that Zhang Yang didn't come back that night, so she called to say hello.

"Zhang Yang, why didn't you come back?"

"Oh, I'm outside, having dinner with my friends. When Zhang Guanren was talking, I suddenly felt that Hailan's delicate body was squirming rhythmically, and a pair of wonderful eyes were full of cunning. Of course, this man knew that the beautiful anchor was taking his tolerance.

"Are you coming back tonight?"

"I'm not going back. I'm going to play ball!" Zhang Yang's lies came as soon as he opened his mouth.

An Yuchen hummed with some disappointment, and then said, "My grandpa has something to do with you. Come over tomorrow if you have time."

After Zhang Yang agreed, he hung up the phone, threw his mobile phone aside, and looked at Hailan, who was tossing under him, and said, "Let's see how I deal with you!"

Hailan Jiaodi said, "I'm not afraid of you, bad guy, I can't even tell a lie. Are you playing ball?"

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, "Yes, billiards, one shot into the hole!"