Medical official path

Chapter 192 Progressive Youth

Zuo Yuanchao, the mayor of the dead, shook his head slowly and said! No way! Our city's finance can pay attention to their salaries, but we must not use the country's finance to pay for their internal mistakes! If this precedent is set, then any system and any enterprise can reach out to the government. This is a bottomless hole, a big hole that will never be filled!"

Li Changyu said: "In extraordinary times, you need to use unconventional means, and the rules also need to be flexible

Zuo Yuanchao replied resolutely, "It's not a matter of rules, but a matter of principle. Rules can be used flexibly, but principles cannot be changed.

Most of the Standing Committee, including Hong Weiki, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, agree with the views of Zuo Yuanchao. The principle cannot be changed. If the government will pay for the mistakes of the Education Bureau, then this precedent will cause enterprises and units to reach out to the government one after another, and the government will be overwhelmed. Zuo Yuanchao's attitude in this matter is irreproachable. He loosened his finances and agreed that the Finance Bureau would pay teachers' salaries in advance, but he also showed his own principles. The huge hole left by the education system fund-raising project can only be paid by themselves, and the government will not take care of it.

Li Changyu said, "Have you ever thought about how these teachers will react when they know that their fund-raising funds are missing?"

Hong Weiki, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, sighed and said, "So you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. You must do a good job in the education system!" Avoid them bringing dissatisfaction to work. This sentence is equivalent to telling Li Changyu clearly that you can do it by yourself. The matter of the education system is originally the scope of your management. We can't control it, and we don't want to manage everything.

Li Changyu was silent. He also understands that the government's funds are constrained, and it is obviously unreasonable for the government to pay for this matter. However, in the immediate situation, if those teachers realize that the fund-raising has become a bubble, the consequences are extremely serious. The listening incident of No. 8 Middle School may be staged again, and it is becoming more and more intense. The use of administrative intervention may have some deterrent effects, but how great can the effect be and how long can it last? For a long time, Li Changyu didn't have anything


Fortunately, the suspension of No. 8 Middle School did not happen again, but when the school paid the salary, there was an untimely refusal to receive it. All the teachers chose not to be paid. They expressed their anger and protest in this way. Anyway, they have not received the salary in the past six months, and it is not the same month. They What I'm most concerned about is the fund-raising. Zheng Xiantai, the director of the Education Bureau, ran away. Who did they ask for this money? The school has no money, and the Education Bureau has no money. All they can think of is the government, but is the government willing to pay for this fund-raising case?


Zheng Xiantai sat in the flamboyant jeep, with a very decadent expression and a complicated mood. Looking at the gate of Jingshan No. 1 Experimental Primary School in the distance, he couldn't help sighing: "Director Zhang, I, I, I will become a criminal if I do this!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "No one forces you. You can do it yourself!"

Zheng Xiantai suddenly said, "My second aunt is here!" He was so scared that he withdrew his seat.

Zhang Yang scolded the man in his heart that he was not promising. He followed his eyes, but saw a kind-looking old lady slowly passing by their jeep. Zheng Xiantai's second aunt came to pick up Cheng Jigao's twin sons from school.

Zhang Yang patted Zheng Xiantai on the shoulder, which scared Zheng Xiantai to death. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Have a good chat with your second aunt. As long as you achieve your goal, you don't have to use violent hands


Zheng Xiantai bit his lip and nodded vigorously.

Zheng Xiantai still has some ability. It didn't take much time to trick his second aunt and two children into a jeep. Zhang Yang handed them three bottles of drinks. The old lady and the two children fell asleep in a daze after drinking. Zheng Xiantai was frightened. This Yang's style of doing things is really elusive. His means of doing things are not like that of a national cadre. He is simply an experienced criminal.

"They will be fine, right?"

Zhang Yang laughed. He mastered the weight of the drug vex accurately and would never cause harm to the old lady and the two children. He drove the car to the roadside public phone booth: "Go and call. I don't believe that Cheng Jigao doesn't care about the lives of his mother and his two sons."

Zheng Xiantai didn't know Cheng Jigao's phone number. He first made a phone call to Cheng Jigao's home, and Cheng Jigao's wife answered the phone. Zheng Xiantai told her directly as he had discussed with Zhang Yang in advance that her son and mother-in-law had been taken over by herself for a few days, asked her to tell Cheng Jigao, and left Zhang Yang's mobile phone number. Cheng Jigao's wife didn't react at first, when she called Cheng Jigao. Cheng Jigao was suddenly in panic, and he immediately realized that my mother and his twin sons might have been kidnapped.

Not long after Zheng Xiantai finished the call, Zhang Yang's phone rang. Zhang Yang looked at the number and handed it to Zheng Xiantai with a smile.

Zheng Xiantai connected the phone. I heard Cheng Jigao's roar: "Zheng Xiantai, do you know what you are doing? If my mother, my son loses a hair, I will let you die without a place to be buried!"

Zheng Xiantai was still very guilty and nervous, but he couldn't help but get angry when he heard Cheng Jigao's threat: "Cheng Jigao. Don't threaten me! You cheated the fund-raising funds. Those are all the teachers' hard-earned money. Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of anything now, and I'm not afraid of death. You made me to the point where I am now. I have nothing. What am I afraid of? Your mother, your two sons are in my hands. What do you want? Call the police? If you have the guts, go and call the police! Anyway, I'm an unforgivable sinner and I don't care about committing one more crime.

When Cheng Jigao heard that Zheng Xiantai was not afraid of intimidation at all, he suddenly panicked, and his tone began to soften: "Cousin. What are you doing? Didn't I tell you? The money is all on the land, and I also want to give you money. But I don't have any money at all. What can you do for me?

Zheng Xiantai looked at Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang made a one-palm split to the three people sleeping in the back seat of the car


Zheng Xiantai gritted his teeth and said, "Cheng Jigao, don't play tricks for me. I'll give you three, if it's three hours later. If you don't transfer the money to my designated account, just wait and collect your son's body!" Zheng Xiantai hung up the phone after saying these cruel words.

Zhang Yang gave him a thumbs-up, and he had the talent to be a kidnapper.

Zheng Xiantai was very uneasy: "Zhang, Director Zhang, he, will he call the police

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If he wants to call the police, let him report it. Anyway, we didn't take hostages, but you asked them to get in the car and have a rest."

"But we are indeed hijacking now

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Don't be ours. I'm just driving. What you do has nothing to do with me. Don't want to get involved with me." He pushed it cleanly. In fact, he calculated that Cheng Jigao did not dare to call the police. No one did not care about the safety of his relatives. Although Cheng Jigao was a profiteer, he was no exception. He kept making Zhang Yang's phone calls, but Zhang Yang had no intention of answering the phone at all.

After an hour, Zheng Xiantai made another phone call. Cheng Jigao was obviously panicked. It was proposed that he could not collect so much money in a short time and promised to pay two million yuan first. Zheng Xiantai categorically refused and gave the account number to Cheng Jigao for two hours, so that he must transfer all the money to the designated account within the time limit.

This matter is also luck. Cheng Jigao cheated the education bureau's fund-raising funds for land speculation and earned a lot. Before the land price fell continuously, he had successfully sold all the land and cashed out. It's not that he didn't return the fund-raising funds to Zheng Xiantai, but he didn't want to pay it This kind of rogue businessman is used to playing such tricks. He thinks that Zheng Xiantai is a government employee. Moreover, when embezzling the fund-raising funds, he gave Zheng Xiantai a huge commission and took the softness of others. It was precisely because he caught Zheng Xiantai's psychology that he delayed endlessly. With Cheng Jigao's understanding of Zheng Xiantai, he thought that Zheng Xiantai did not have the courage to do such a thing as kidnapping, but the matter was beyond his expectation. Zheng Xiantai not only did it, but also kidnapped three at a time. In response to that sentence, the rabbit was anxious and bit people. Zheng Xiantai was anxious, and he didn't care about the consequences.

Cheng Jigao finally gave in. According to Zheng Xiantai's order, he obediently transferred the money to the established account.

Zheng Xiantai was sure that the money had arrived at the designated account, and his whole person was extremely excited. The fund-raising money was found, which meant that the responsibility on his shoulders was much lighter, and he did not have to escape from his hometown. He has changed his fear of Zhang Yang from the beginning to his gratitude now. If it's not publicity. I don't know when this fund-raising will come back.

Zhang Yang was sure that the matter had been done, so he called Li Changyu.

Li Changyu was stunned when he received the phone call. He didn't expect that Zhang Yang had been helping him deal with this matter when he heard that Zheng Xiantai was in Zhang Yang's hands. And the fund-raising money has also been recovered. It's hard to describe the gratitude in his heart. What bothers him most is this matter. If he can't calm down the storm of the education system, he will face another huge storm since he became the executive vice mayor.

"Thank you!" Li Changyu said these two words very rarely.

Zhang Yang laughed: "Cheng Jigao has transferred the money back to the designated account. You can ask someone to implement it. Zheng Xiantai and I will return to Jiangcheng tonight!"

Li Changyu has recovered the fund-raising in the implementation, and the weight of his heart has finally eased a lot. He reported this matter to Hong Weiki, the secretary of the leading party committee.

Hong Weiji heard that the fund-raising funds had been recovered, and Zheng Xiantai would also return to Jiangcheng today. He was also relieved. As the first leader of Jiangcheng, he did not want the education system to have such a big mess. Hong Weiji smiled and said, "It's good that the money can be recovered. There is really no doubt about the mountains and rivers. There is another village with willows and flowers!"

Li Changyu said with emotion: "This matter is thanks to Zhang Yang. When Zheng Xiantai escaped, he quietly followed him. Force Zheng Xiantai to spit out the fund-raising funds!" Li Changyu did not know the specific inside story of the fund-raising.

Hong Weiki said, "Zhang Yang is indeed very talented. He has made a great contribution to the education system this time!" He thought to himself that Zhang Yang was indeed Li Changyu's lucky star, if this fund-raising could not be recovered in time. There will soon be an unprecedented crisis in the education system, and Zuo Yuanchao will never let go of this opportunity to suppress Li Changyu. Hong Weiki took a sip of tea and said, "Chang Yu. Let these teachers know as soon as possible about the collection of funds, and the money should be paid as soon as possible so that they can feel at ease.

Li Changyu said, "I have asked someone to issue a notice, but I'm afraid it will take a few days for the money to be sent to individuals. The dividends promised by the Education Bureau in the past cannot be cashed."

Hong Weiji smiled and said, "It's fortunate to be able to get the capital back. I don't believe that there are still people in these teachers who want to pay dividends?" He put down the teacup: "Zheng Xiantai will be transferred directly to the procuratorate when he comes back. A director of education is so bold. More than seven million yuan was raised, and such a large amount of money was misappropriated without saying hello. He really doesn't treat himself as an outsider.

Li Changyu's mood is much more relaxed now. He smiled and said, "In fact, this phenomenon of private fund-raising does not only exist in the Education Bureau, but also in many enterprises and institutions. I think it's time to sort out this phenomenon, otherwise similar things will happen in the future."

Hong Weiji nodded: "Let's calm things down first. Now that the provincial newspapers have been published, I don't want things to be big. For more than a year, what the province has heard is all our negative things. The leaders will not think about the root cause of the matter. They will feel that we are not capable of us city leaders. I don't have the ability.

Li Changyu whispered, "I have an inescapable responsibility for this education system. I will make a public review at the next standing committee!"

Hong Weiki said, "The good thing has not caused too much consequences. Not only do you have to self-criticize this time, but our entire leadership should be self-criticized."


, update the four words first. The complaint two days ago was only a feeling, not aimed at book friends who care about medical ethics. As long as you read the book carefully, the octopus can accept good and bad opinions, and one book can write up to 40,000 words. I will always be a little tired. The writing has been reflected. The octopus is trying to change and adjust. Try to update another chapter tonight!) To be continued)