Medical official path

Chapter 210 Let You Install

The moon was sixteen round on the fifteenth day. When Zhang Yang climbed out of the pool, a full moon had risen in the night sky. He did not finish all the words and climbed to the shore. Chen Xue had finished translating the Korean at hand and whispered, "There should be some more!"

Zhang Yang said lazily, "No, it's just the palm of Shura. This kind of vicious martial arts can't be translated!" He went back to the car and changed his clothes and found that there were already many un answered calls on his mobile phone, most of which were from Yanran. He was not in a hurry to fight back and returned to Chen Xue. He said curiously, "This pool was by no means available in the Sui Dynasty. It should have been less than a hundred years, because of the excavation of the quarry."

Chen Xue nodded and said, "In the Sui Dynasty, North Korea had no words. Their words were really formed in the Ming Dynasty. So it's not the Sui Dynasty that you find stone carvings under the pool!"

Zhang Yang whispered, "So this stone has nothing to do with Jin Yuwu? It was engraved by later generations!"

Chen Xue said, "It should be after the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhang Yang looked at the watch. It's already 7 ten in the evening. He smiled and said, "It's late. We should leave!"

Chen Xue nodded. He followed Zhang Yang to the car, took two steps, and suddenly a purple lightning shot at her. When Chen Xue reacted, the lightning mink had bitten her shoulder and quickly jumped into the depths of the grass, which was gone in an instant.

When Zhang Yang heard Chen Xue's exclamation, he knew it was not good, but he realized that it was too late for Chen Xue to be attacked by lightning mink. Chen Xue covered her shoulders and felt that her body was sore and weak. He fell to the ground softly. Zhang Yang rushed forward. She hugged her delicate body, shot like the wind, and clicked several acupuncture points in her body to stop the poisonous blood from going up.

Chen Xue bit the cherry lips and said with a pale face, "What is it?"

Zhang Yang said, "Let me see your wound!" "He couldn't help tearing Chen Xue's neckline, but saw that Chen Xue's white jade-like fragrant shoulder was printed with two eye-catching blood holes, and there was a faint halo around the blood hole.

Zhang Yang's secret cry is not good. Lightning mink makes a living by taking poisons, which is extremely toxic. If the treatment is not timely, Chen Xue will only have a way to die. He didn't have time to think too much. He bent down and put his lips on the wound on Chen Xue's shoulder. Chen Xue said in a shocked voice, "Don't." From the feeling of the crisp and itchy wound, she also judged that the lightning mink must be poisonous. Zhang Yang obviously took a great risk for her to take drugs with his mouth.

Zhang Yang sucked out a few mouthfuls of poisonous blood, and then went to the pool to open his mouth. When he leaned over and rinsed his mouth, he suddenly heard the wind behind his head. He subconsciously lowered his head, and a crossbow arrow flew out from the top of his head and was lost in the water at high speed.

Zhang Yang roared, "Who is it?" He cared about Chen Xue, but saw another cold light shooting directly at his chest. His eyes burst out with cold light. He grabbed the crossbow arrow, and the high-speed crossbow arrow was held by him, and he still trembled. Zhang Yang was worried that Chen Xue would be attacked again. He rushed forward in a hurry and took Chen Xue into the car. Fortunately, the other party probably thought that Chen Xue would be killed by the lightning mink, and did not launch an attack on Chen Xue.

Zhang Yang drove down the empty mountain.

The woman in black skirt on the top of the mountain was full of long hair and the night wind was flying. A pair of cold eyes stared at the direction of the car's departure, and the corners of her thin lips showed a cold smile. She raised the crossbow in her hand to aim at Qi Mou, but finally did not continue to shoot. The purple lightning mink jumped on her side, and one person and one beast stood on the top of the mountain, forming an extremely strange picture?

Zhang Yang took Chen Xue to the Beijing Office in the fastest speed. He walked out of the car with Chen Xue in his arms. At this time, Chen Xue's delicate body kept shaking. Yu Xiaodong couldn't help but be a little surprised to see Zhang Yang coming back with a girl in his arms. She greeted him and said,

Zhang Yanggu explained to her, "Don't let anyone in!"

He carried Chen Xue back to the room and quickly filled the bathtub in the bathroom with water. Chen Xue's mind was a little blurred at this time. Zhang Yang took off her T-shirt and immersed Chen Xue, who was only wearing a bust, into the water. Chen Xue was soaked in water. The curves around him are exquisite. Although he is beautiful at present, Zhang Daguan is not in the mood to appreciate it at this time. He only kept Chen Xue's head out of the water, and then put his hands into the water, against Chen Xue's beautiful back, and constantly sent his internal strength into Chen Xue's meridians. He has to force out the toxins in Chen Xue's body with internal force, which is the most energy-consuming, but also the most direct and effective method.

From Chen Xue's shoulder. Gradually, the poisonous blood penetrated out, and the poisonous blood was purple. The blood mist infiltrated the water. With the process of poisoning, more and more poisonous blood has oozed out, and the water in the whole bathtub has been completely dyed purple.

Zhang Yang slowly withdrew his internal force. After changing the water, he continued to work hard.

Yu Xiaodong locked the door of the car, but heard the rapid ringtone of his mobile phone. He saw that Zhang Yang left his mobile phone in the car because he was in a hurry. She couldn't help smiling. She picked up her mobile phone and was about to send it to Zhang Yang. But she thought that Zhang Yang had just hugged a little girl in. She was too indifferent to disturb her now. When she was disturbing, she saw a Beijing jeep driving to the hospital, and Chu Yanran got out of the car in a hurry.

Chu Yanran has come to the Chunyang Office in Beijing many times. Yu Xiaodong is quite familiar with this Zhang Yang's genuine girlfriend. Seeing Chu Yanran coming, Yu Xiaodong was shocked. How could it be such a coincidence? Chu Yanran didn't come early or late, but now she came over. This Zhang Yang is really nonsense. With such a good girlfriend, she still does such a thing behind her back. Men really don't have a good thing. Yu Xiaodong is thinking nonsense in her mind, but she has a principle that she will not forget, that is, to cover it up for Zhang

Chu Yanran said, "Sister Yu, has Zhang Yang ever been here?"

"No, I'm looking for him too!" Yu Xiaodong responded very quickly. Anyway, let's coax Chu Yanran away first. Don't let Zhang Yang's affairs be exposed.

Chu Yanran was full of worry and said, "I called him all night and didn't reply. Sister Yu, you can ask him to call me when he comes back, and I'll find him somewhere else!" The reason why Chu Yanran was so worried was that Zhang Yang had attacked Qiao Pengfei. The power of the Qiao family was by no means ordinary. Although Zhang Yang's martial arts skills were strong, no matter how powerful the master was, he was afraid of being plotted. She turned to the jeep and pressed the replay button again.

The bell rang, and Yu Xiaodong's face changed. She didn't have time to turn off Zhang Yang's mobile phone. Chu Yanran turned around with a puzzled face, and the voice sounded from behind Yu Xiaodong. Yu Xiaodong picked up the phone and pretended to open it and walked aside: "Hey! Wrong number!

She turned off the phone casually.

How intelligent Chu Yanran was deceived by Yu Xiaodong's blindfolding method. She whispered, "Sister Yu, I know Zhang Yang's mobile phone!"

Yu Xiaodong was exposed by Chu Yanran on the spot, and her expression was extremely embarrassed. She whispered, "I'm sorry, Director Zhang forgot to bring his mobile phone today, so I used it temporarily. I'm really sorry!" She is still trying to cover up for Zhang Yang.

Chu Yanran walked upstairs without saying a word. Yu Xiaodong panicked: "Yanran, he is really not here!"

Chu Yanran came to the door of the room where Zhang Yang lived and whispered, "Director Yu, will you open the door for me or let me break in?"

Yu Xiaodong bit his lip and said, "He's really not here..."

Before the words fell, Chu Yanran had already kicked on the door. What... Miss Chu was also a practitioner, and the woman's self-defense was not learned in vain. In anger, she used twelve points of strength to kick the door open. Yu Xiaodong closed her eyes. She almost expected what would happen in the room. .

But the ** of the room is empty, and neither Zhang Yang nor Chen Xue are **.

Chu Yanran was also stunned. Yu Xiaodong opened her eyes and was very lucky to see everything in front of her, but immediately she heard the sound of water.

Chu Yanran walked to the bathroom, disturbed for a while, and then twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. When Chu Yanran saw the scene in front of her clearly, her eyes suddenly turned red. She bit the cherry lips hard, forcibly suppressed her tears, and turned around and walked out.

Yu Xiaodong also took a look. Zhang Yang hugged Chen Xue. The scene in front of him made people blush and heartbeat. Yu Xiaodong secretly scolded Zhang Yang. You are so ridiculous! She closed the door casually.

It's not that Zhang Yang didn't see Chu Yanran come in, but he was scratching when he was driving the key to force the poison. He watched Chu Yanran leave with tears, but he was unable to explain it. Since the matter had reached this point, Zhang Guanren could only focus on detoxifying Chen Xue. Yu Xiaodong chased out with Chu Yanran. Seeing Chu Yanran get on the car with tears in her eyes, she hurriedly said, "Yangran, listen to my explanation!"

Chu Yanran didn't say a word. Start the jeep and drive out the door.

After Zhang Yang's internal force ran in Chen Xue's body for two weeks, he slowly withdrew, and Chen Xue leaned weakly in his arms. Zhang Yang picked up Chen Xue and put her in **. Chen Xue's beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Yang quietly. Even in this case, her expression was still calm, and this calmness alone was difficult to see among ordinary people.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Have a good rest!" He took his clothes and went to the next room to change them. When he walked out of the door, Yu Xiaodong stood there helplessly and said with a wry smile, "Miss Chu is gone. I can't stop her!"

Zhang Yang nodded and remembered the scene just now. Not to mention Chu Yanran, anyone who saw it would misunderstand.

Yu Xiaodong's mobile phone was handed to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang picked up the mobile phone, found Chu Yanran's number and pulled it back. Chu Yanran had turned off the phone.

Yu Xiaodong looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically: "Go chase her!"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "Go and help Chen Xue find clothes and change them. I'll come as soon as I go!"

Zhang Yang did not chase Chu Yanran. Even if Chu Yanran caught up in anger, she couldn't explain it clearly. What's more, although the toxins in Chen Xue's body were forced out by him with his internal force, he still could not ensure that it was completely eliminated. Zhang Yang did not dare to be careless. He went to the Chinese medicine store to grab some detoxifying traditional Chinese medicine. When he returned to the Chunyang Office in Beijing, he found that Chen Xue had changed into Yu Xiaodong's long white skirt and sat quietly in front of the window, looking out of the window with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Yu Xiaodong sat there with her. There was no common language between her and Chen Xue. Zhang Yang gave the traditional Chinese medicine in his hand to Yu Xiaodong: "Sister Yu, help me decoct the medicine. I have written the amount on it."

Yu Xiaodong nodded. She took the traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, Yu Xiaodong had already understood 70% or 80% in her heart. When she changed her clothes for Chen Xue, she found that Chen Xue's trousers were still easy to wear, which reminded her that Zhang Yang was also neatly dressed just now. Although she didn't know that Zhang Yang's skills were unparalleled, she still Hearing this, when she saw Zhang Yang coming back with traditional Chinese medicine, she had already speculated about the situation. After doing it for a long time, Zhang Yang treated Chen Xue. Yu Xiaodong also just recognized Chen Xue. In the past, when she went to Qingyunfeng to see this little girl in the Chunyang Investment Office. As for the relationship between Chen Xue and Zhang Yang Guess, the world of Zhang Yang's feelings is rich and colorful. Even if she wants to speculate, she can't figure it out.

After Yu Xiaodong left. Chen Xue turned around. Because of her weak constitution, her lips showed light pink. I really felt sorry for her. Chen Xue said, "I'm sorry that you were misunderstood by your girlfriend!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I should say I'm sorry. If I don't take you to the Longji quarry and don't go to the empty mountain, I won't be plotted!" "Thinking of this matter, he can't help but blame himself. When he went to the empty mountain, he was plotted by others,

Chen Xue said, "I thought I would die this time!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "With me, you'll be fine!" He stretched out his hand. Chen Xue's naturally reversed his wrist, which made him explore his pulse. Zhang Yang felt that Chen Xue's pulse was gradually calm and gentle. Knowing that the toxins in her body had been successfully removed, he was relieved. Just now, when he was healing Chen Xue, Zhang Yang felt that there was only a pure and flexible internal force in Chen Xue's body, but because of the emergency, he didn't have time to think about it. At this time, when he sent the internal force into Chen Xue's meridians to explore, he found that he was surprised and said, "Chen Thinking of what he saw when Qing Yunfeng and Chen Xue went to find Chen Chongshan not long ago, Zhang Yang increasingly concluded this speculation.

Chen Xue smiled indifferently and said, "When I was a child, I often went to Zixia to play. Taoist priest Li gave me a small picture book. Originally, I just looked at it casually, but later I found that it was a map to practice internal strength. Because I was curious, I practiced according to the above movements. Unexpectedly, it I have improved a lot, and the disease has nothing to do with me. Later, I specifically asked Taoist priest Li, and he also felt puzzled. He asked me to come to the pamphlet. After reading it, he realized that it was recorded as an internal skill of the Taoist family, but there must be women to practice, and it was a coincidence for me to Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm sure I guessed correctly!"

Chen Xue said, "But I don't understand martial arts!"

Zhang Yang nodded. At this time, Yu Xiaodong fried the traditional Chinese medicine and brought it over. Zhang Yang asked Chen Xue to stay in the Chunyang Office in Beijing that night. In order to avoid repeated illness, after she took the medicine, she drove to the Great Wall Hotel.

Come to the place. After asking, I knew that Chu Yanran and his grandmother had checked out and left. Zhang Yang was quite helpless about what had happened. It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to explain to Chu Yanran in the future.

Back to the Chunyang Office in Beijing, he found that two people were waiting for him. Zhang Yang did not know these two strange visitors. Among them, the man in his forties went to show off. He smiled and stretched out his hand: "Director Zhang, hello, I'm Yin Guangsheng!"

Zhang Yang only thought he was here to visit himself and stretched out his hand, but when he held his hands, he suddenly felt that the palm of his opponent was full of calluses and his strength was so great. When he was about to resist, Yin Guangsheng withdrew his strength and nodded to Zhang Yang with a smile, "Qiao Pengfei is my brother! I came here this time to send a message on behalf of my eldest brother. Director Zhang, please go to Sihaitang for a gathering at noon tomorrow. Let's learn martial arts.

Zhang Yang suddenly understood that the person in front of him was from the martial arts and Qiao Pengfei's brother. He came to fight. Zhang Daguanren was not afraid of this kind of challenge, but these people were really good at challenging when they were in the weakest body. Zhang Yang smiled.

Yin Guangsheng said excitedly, "Director Zhang dare not go?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Let's set the time and place, and I'll be there tomorrow!"

Yin Guangsheng told the specific time and place, and Zhang Yang nodded: "Go back and tell Brother Ling for me, I will definitely go!"

After sending these two martial arts people away, Zhang Yang called Yu Xiaodong over and asked her to book a ticket for tomorrow morning for herself. He was not afraid, but did not want to cause unnecessary trouble. I don't know how many brothers Qiao Pengfei had. He is a national cadre. He can't fight with others every day like a Jianghu It's cruel, meaningless, and I'm not in the mood.

One the next day. Zhang Yang got up and heard Yu Xiaodong say that Chen Xue had left. Zhang Yang cleaned up and remembered that he was attacked in the Longji Quarry last night. Seeing that it was still early, he drove to the Longji Quarry. He picked up a few pieces of red mud from the quarry and brought them to Mr. Tianchi's house. Mr. Tianchi has seen and heard a lot, and may be able to see some mystery from it.

When Mr. Tianchi saw the rubbings brought by Zhang Yang, he jumped down for a while and whispered, "These words should have been newly engraved!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned: "How can I see it?"

"The words of the North Koreans appeared in the Ming Dynasty. These words obviously have nothing to do with Jin Yuwu, and these fonts are not axes. It seems to be written directly with sharp weapons, such as swords, but no one can engrave words on hard stones so easily.

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. If he carved a sword on the rock, he could do it after recovering 70% of his power. But looking at this era, the so-called martial arts masters are just like this. Everyone should have this ability.

Mr. Tianchi said, "From the pen of the text, it lacks the momentum of opening and closing, but it is full of a cold and grumpy atmosphere. The ten ** who carved this text is a woman." He shook his head: "Zhang Yang, where did you get these things?"

Zhang Yang didn't want to explain. After talking to Mr. Tianchi, he said goodbye and left.

Zhang Yang returned to Jiangcheng on the evening of the 2nd. As soon as he got off the plane, he called Chu Yanran. It was still turned off. It seems that Chu Yanran was really angry this time. Zhang Yang got into a taxi and was considering whether to take time to go to Jing'an tomorrow. Anyway, he is still on holiday. In fact, it doesn't matter to him whether he has a holiday or not. He is the only one who has the final say in the Enterprise Reform Office. If you find a name for a business trip, you can go out for free.

Jiangcheng news was playing on the radio, and the female announcer's pleasant voice floated out of it: "Last night, there was a fire at the Dihao Shengshi Hotel on the shore of the Yayun Lake in our city. Because the fire happened in the middle of the night, the fire was rapid, causing huge Dead, twelve people burned..."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Reaching out to turn up the sound of the radio, the emperor's prosperity is the industry of Fang Wennan. Unexpectedly, such a serious accident happened.

Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone. I immediately called Fang Wennan. As a friend, I have to ask about this kind of thing.

After connecting the phone. Fang Wennan's hoarse and low voice came from that end: "Zhang Yang, come back

"What's wrong with the prosperous era of the emperor?"

"I'm in the old street 1919, come and have a drink!"

The old street 1919 was not open to the public that night. There were only Fang Wennan and Su Xiaohong in the big bar. When Zhang Yang walked into it, he saw the light at the bar. Fang Wennan sat on the bar chair with his body. The double support is on the bar, holding a wine glass in his hand.

Su Xiaohong stood behind the bar, put her hands on her cheeks and looked at Fang Wennan with pity.

Although he hasn't seen him for a few days, Fang Wennan seems to be ten years old. His hair is mixed with a lot of silver silk, and the beard on his face is also exposed, and his eyes are full of blood. It was the first time that Zhang Yang had seen him so decadent.

He threw his travel bag on the ground and sat on the bar chair next to Fang Wennan. Su Xiaohong poured a glass of whiskey with ice and put it in front of him. Zhang Yang took a sip and looked at Fang Wennan: "I heard it from the radio."

Fang Wennan nodded: "Two people died, and three injuries were unstable. Twelve people were lying in the hospital."

Su Xiaohong added softly: "The city has ordered all industries under Shengshi Group to suspend business for rectification and strictly investigate firefighting." Although her old street 1919 is not within the scope of closure and rectification, except for such a big thing, she was not in the mood to operate and hung a suspended sign. This is also to accompany Fang Wennan and help him relieve his depressed mood.

There was such a serious fire in the prosperous era of the emperor, and it was not too much for the city to make such a decision. Zhang Yang whispered, "Since it happened, don't be too sad. Everything will pass

Fang Wennan took a sip of wine. In the past, he rarely drank. This behavior proved that he was extremely contradictory and painful in his heart at this time. He whispered, "Except for the Third Ring Road Project, all other business has stopped!" He paused and said, "Someone is messing with me. I guess I'm going to be in trouble this time." Zhang Yang thought about it. Fang Wennan has indeed ignored it for a long time recently. First, his son Fang Haitao was arrested for taking drugs, and then there was a fire in the prosperous era. The fire can be big or small. Maybe someone will go to prison for this.

Fang Wennan said: "I have always been very strict about fire management. I don't understand why this happened, and the fire passage, which has always been open, was locked last night.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Do you suspect that someone is framing you?"

Fang Wennan smiled bitterly and said, "I can only blame myself for my bad luck!" His eyes showed pain: "Haitao was very bitter inside. I went to see him when I was fifteen. He was very miserable..." Fang Wennan's eyes were a little red when he said this, and no matter how strong a man was, he couldn't bear to see his son suffer.

Zhang Yang really didn't know how to comfort Fang Wennan and silently accompanied him for a few glasses of wine.

Fang Wennan said, "Thank you for listening to my complaints. It's very late. Go back and have a rest

Zhang Yang nodded, smiled at Su Xiaohong, picked up his travel bag and left the bar.

Fang Wennan looked up at Su Xiaohong, and his eyes were full of pain and entanglement: "You still don't

Su Xiaohong bit her lip: "Do you really want me to go?"

Fang Wennan nodded: "I just want to be alone and be quiet!"

Hong Weiki sat in front of the window, looked at the bright starry sky, and smoked silently. He tried to completely relax his nerves, but soon realized that he could not do it at all, and there was always a thick layer of dark clouds in his heart.

Su Xiaohong, dressed in golden pajamas, came behind him and pinched his shoulders for him thoughtfully, but Hong Weiki frowned impatiently and leaned forward. Get rid of Su Xiaohong's hands and whisper, "What can I say?"

Su Xiaohong hated his style from the bottom of his heart. Once he left the bed, once his desire was vented, he behaved like a strange passer-by, so cold and indifferent, which made Su Xiaohong feel humiliated. In Hong Weiki's heart, he could not even call it a plaything. She tried her best to adjust her inner mood and whispered, "For two things, Fang Haitao was made to suffer a lot in the detention center. Can he be released on bail?"

Hong Weiji shook his head: "It's impossible!"

Su Xiaohong said again, "Fang Wennan will try his best to compensate for the fire in the prosperous era of the emperor. I hope the impact of this matter can be as small as possible."

Hong Weiji said, "Someone has to come out and take responsibility!" He flicked the ash and said, "Now the province is staring at Jiangcheng. There are some things that you can't control if you want to control the impact!" It's not that Hong Weiki doesn't want to help Fang Wennan, but he really can't do anything about Fang Haitao. Judging from Tian Qinglong's reaction, Fang Haitao really can't escape the suspicion of assassinating Tian Qinglong, and he is suspected of drug trafficking, which are all felony. The Provincial Public Security Department has taken I don't have that ability either.

As for the fire in the prosperous era of the emperor, it happened to happen on the day of the National Day. The matter quickly spread out. The province was very angry about such a big thing in Jiangcheng. Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee, called him and scolded him severely. Hong Weiji is also very angry. He is a Communist Party member and a materialist, but for the first time, he came up with the idea of whether the land of Jiangcheng is not suitable for him. He is an official to benefit one side. He also came with this mentality at the beginning, but after he came to Jiangcheng. The endless things have made him anxious.

Su Xiaohong was very disappointed with Hong Weiki's attitude. Although she knew that the fire in the prosperous era was very serious, she still had a glimmer of hope for Hong Weiki's ability. Hong Weiki's words had shown that it was impossible not to be held responsible. Su Xiaohong came to a conclusion from this. It's not that Hong Weiki can't do many things, but he doesn't want to do it at all. He just wants to ask for it and never thought of repaying it. This kind of person is like an insatiable jackal. Looking at Hong Weiki's seemingly sanctimonious She can stand the person in front of her. Why does she wrong herself again and again?

"I have something else to do, I'm leaving!"

Hong Weiki didn't have any reaction. For him, Su Xiaohong has nothing to miss except **.

When Su Xiaohong returned to the 1919 bar, Fang Wennan was still drinking there. Looking at Fang Wennan's lonely figure, Su Xiaohong did not feel any sympathy. As early as when Fang Wennan pushed her to Hong Weiki for the first time, her feelings were like dead ashes. She had lost all her confidence in the world and her surroundings. In their eyes, she was just an object that could be exchanged for benefits,

Fang Wenshang didn't expect Su Xiaohong to come back so early. He poured a glass of wine and handed it to Su Xiaohong: "Come on... have a drink with me..."

Su Xiaohong took the cup.

"What did he say?"

Su Xiaohong squeezed her lips, and suddenly she made an unexpected move, splashed all the wine in the glass on Fang Wennan's face, and then stopped the glass on the bar: "You don't deserve it!"

Fang Wennan looked at Su Xiaohong's distant back in astonishment, and didn't even care to erase the wine stains on his face.

Su Xiaohong walked alone in the old street at night, I don't know why. She suddenly thought of Zhang Yang. Although she was not used to Zhang Yang's promiscism, the responsibility and responsibility that Zhang Yang showed to the women around him was not what Fang Wennan had. She felt that she was so unfortunate. Why did she become a vassal of men, and why did she become a bargaining chip and tool for their interest exchange? Su Xiaohong Look up at the stars in the sky. With cold tears shining in her beautiful eyes, she secretly vowed that she would never live for anyone from today on.

Not long after Zhang Yang returned home, he received a call from Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu came to ask for his crime. Chu Yanran and his grandmother did not go to Jing'an, but to Jingshan. Although Chu Yanran didn't say what had happened. But everyone saw her displeasure, and they all guessed that this matter had something to do with Zhang Yang. Lin Xiu knew more about Zhang Yang. She speculated that it was Zhang Yang's heart that angered Chu Yanran, so Lin Xiu called angrily: "Zhang Yang, what's wrong with you? As soon as Yanran came back from the United States, you made her angry. I'm all angry with you!"

Zhang Yang explained awkwardly, "It's okay. She had some misunderstandings. I was about to explain to her, but her phone was turned off. I can't find a chance."

Lin Xiu said angrily, "Zhang Yang. Others don't know you, don't I know you? Who are you? You know best yourself! If Yanran hadn't chosen you, I wouldn't have bothered to talk to you!"

Zhang Yang was not angry. The reason why Lin Xiu showed such anger was that she was in the protection of Chu Yanran. She said kindly, "Aunt Lin, I have to explain this to Yanran in person!"

Lin Xiu said, "You don't have to explain. Yanran will go back to the United States with her grandmother tomorrow and won't come back in the future!" After saying that, Lin Xiu hung up the phone.

Zhang Daguan was stunned, and he was still very tight in his heart. He is clear about Chu Yanran's temper and temperament. Seeing the scene between him and Chen Xue, the little girl must be heartbroken and determined that it is really possible to go far away from the United States from now on.

Zhang Yang can't sit still when he thinks of this. He is also a calm person. Think about it, Jingshan is not far from here. It's more than two hours' drive. Seeing that the time is only 11:30 p.m., let's just go there overnight and explain it to Chu Yanran.

Zhang Yang thought of doing it. He was a little ready and drove to Jingshan.

But it rained halfway. Zhang had to slow down the speed. It was more than three o'clock in the morning when he arrived in Jingshan City. The man called Lin Xiu at the risk of being scolded.

Lin Xiu was also stunned when he received the phone call. Her husband Xie Zhiguo rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "Who is it in the middle of the night?"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Zhang Yang!" She answered the phone.

Zhang Yang said, "Aunt Lin. Where is Yanran? I'm in Jingshan, and I'll explain it to her!" Lin Xiu didn't expect that Zhang Yang would come over overnight, and his resentment against him naturally eased a lot. After thinking about it, she told Zhang Yang the temporary address of Chu Yanran and told him, "Don't mess around! She didn't leave so fast. Why don't you find a hotel and see her early tomorrow morning?

Zhang Yang agreed.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Xiu saw her husband looking at him in a daze and said, "What are you looking at?"

Xie Zhiguo also listened to 70% or 80% on the side, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Is there something wrong with his brain? He came to Jingshan in the middle of the night!"

"There's something wrong with you!" Lin Xiuxiu said, "Why didn't you have this kind of spirit when you chased me!"

Xie Zhiguo fell asleep: "It's insane!"

Zhang Yang came outside the Piqiao Oasis villa area, and the rain still showed no sign of stopping. The security guard of the community is very strict, and it is not easy to drive in openly, but it is not difficult for him. Overturning the wall and crossing the house is his strength. What's more, with the heavy rain as a cover, Zhang Yang climbed over the wall and entered the Maple Bridge Oasis. According to the site mentioned by Lin Xiu, he came to No. 16 in Area C. To his surprise, there were still lights on the second floor of the villa.

Chu Yanran did not fall asleep. In the past two days, she has been thinking about what she saw in the Chunyang Office in Beijing. She really can't accept it. In Beijing, Luo Huining, Zhang Yang's godmother, publicly affirmed her identity as a real girlfriend. Grandma also liked Zhang Yang very much, but in a blink of an eye, this bastard staged a mandarin duck bath Does he care about himself? Is it important in his heart? Chu Yanran was really lost to the extreme.

She heard the sound of the window being knocked. She thought it was the sound of wind and rain, but when she listened carefully, it was not like Chu Yanran picked up the baseball bat beside her and opened the curtains, but saw a face sticking to the glass. Chu Yanran was shocked and almost didn't scream, but when she looked carefully, she put her face The reason for the deformation on the glass.

Chu Yanran was angry. Although she was a little distressed to see him falling into the soup, but when she remembered what he had done that day, her heart suddenly hardened and said angrily, "What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

Zhang Yang drew a heart-shaped finger at Chu Yanran with both hands. This was the scene where he came to school in movies. Unfortunately, Chu Yanran didn't eat his style at all. Liu Yanran raised her eyebrows and said, "If you don't leave again. I call the police

Zhang Yang wants to break the window and enter. There was no difficulty at all, but he didn't want to touch Chu Yanran, who was angry. He shouted, "Let me say something to you!"

Chu Yanran bit her lip. He walked over and opened the window. Before Zhang Yang could enter the room through the window, Chu Yanran raised the bat to his chest and pushed him down from the window!

Zhang Yang screamed and fell down.

Chu Yanran didn't believe that he would be injured. With his martial arts skills, there was no problem in falling from a three-meter-high place. But after all, I couldn't help looking down.

But he saw Zhang Yang lying on the lawn. He looked like a big man, with his mouth open and his eyes staring at him, looking like a big toad.

Chu Yanran guessed that he was in disguise, and her heart was unresolved. She turned around and walked in. In a short time, she brought a basin of water, splashed it out of the window, and made a clear face.

However, Zhang Yang was still motionless. Chu Yanran felt something was wrong. She bit Ying's lip and whispered, "Pretend to be dead!" His eyes fell on the bat on the side. He grabbed the bat and threw it again. Bang! The sound hit Zhang's forehead.

Zhang Yang still can't move with the pain. This guy knows in his heart that I just want to be patient with you, girl, do you think you can't bear it?

Chu Yanran disappeared from the window again. Zhang Yang was secretly proud and said to himself that you still loved me.

Not long after, Chu Yanran came to the window with another basin of water. She shouted, "You can't stand up, can you? Don't blame me for not reminding you that this basin is boiling water!"