Medical official path

Chapter 230 The world is very small

The Treaty of Versailles is divided into chat points. According to the treaty, Germany lost 10% of its territory and 11% of the population's overseas colonies (including German East Africa and German West Africa). Waalmelong and Togo excluding the colonies sold to China in the Pacific region) 16% of the coal-producing areas and half of the steel industry. The west bank of the Rhine River is occupied by the treaty ** team. Within kilometers of the east bank of the Rhine River, it is an undefended area. Germany is prohibited from applying compulsory military service. Only ten thousand people are allowed to be retained. Germany is prohibited from owning air-aircraft tanks and submarines. The navy is only allowed to retain 10,000 people and does not own any capital ships. The peace treaty stipulated that Germany would return Alsace and Lorraine to France to restore France's borders before the Franco-Prussian War. North Schleswig returned to Denmark. Germany recognized the independence of the wave and gave the wave coastline. Return the territory that originally belonged to the wave. Including West Prussia. Part of East Prussia in Posen Province and part of Upper Silesia and Upper Silesia were given to Czechoslovakia. The establishment of the Free City of Danzig is managed by the League of Nations. Yoben and Salmedi were ceded to the Klaipėda region of Belgium to Lithuania. The sal butterfly mining area is mined by France. After the expiration of 5 years, its ownership will be decided by a referendum. Germany recognizes the independence of Austria. The water should not be merged with Austria. Germany recognizes the independence of Luxembourg.

The Treaty of Versailles is also with Germany's ally Austria. Hungary. Turkey and other countries have signed a series of peace agreements. This peace treaty and the Treaty of Versailles together constitute the so-called Versailles system, which established the Western powers in Europe. The new order ruled by West Asia and Africa. At the Paris Conference, the Western powers also plotted to curb Soviet Russia and China's decision to impose an economic blockade and armed intervention on Soviet Russia. And the League of Nations was officially established.

Later generations commented that the Paris peace conference was actually a split-sharing conference of the world by the Western powers after the First World War. This peace meeting did not solve the contradiction between the great powers for colonial orange nb; nb; The harsh provisions of the defeated Germany also planted the seeds of revenge. No one could think of the flower of death and the consequences.

After the Paris peace conference, the contradictions between the great powers of various countries in Europe and other regions have been temporarily suppressed. The Levant Council has played a certain role in coordinating the contradictions between countries participating in the First World War II, but the nature of its power politics has not changed. This arbitrary and domineering measure has failed to fundamentally coordinate between countries. For example, the so-called mandate of the original German colonies and the handling of ethnic relations in accordance with the principle of national self-determination are actually to safeguard the interests of the victorious country. Whether it is between the victorious country and the defeated country or the victorious country. It is still between colonial and semi-colonial countries. The contradictions between countries and regions have still not been completely resolved. And also planted the seeds of the next war. After hearing the content of the peace treaty signed by the army, Fuxi You said that this is not peace, this is a 20-year truce. It is worth noting that the prophecy of the army is surprisingly accurate, because the outbreak of the Second World War is the year after the swordsman year.

Due to the arbitrary slaughter by Germany during the Paris Peace Conference, the "punitive measures" seriously hurt the national feelings of the German people and were generally regarded by the Germans as an imposed peace. After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the nationalist sentiment in Germany was soaring due to the subsequent appearance of the Nazi forces in Germany and the later torn up of The expansion of military readiness provides an oral fact. Later, the uneasiness of Britain and France over the rearmiliation of Germany and the delusion of suppressing the rise of Soviet Russia and China, the later Luojingism laid the fuse for the next war. The reason for the rise of fascist forces in Italy was that there were too few benefits in World War I and the economic crisis that occurred in China shortly after the war.

As for the problems in the Far East and the Pacific, the problems that have not been actually solved at the Paris Conference, such as the ownership of Japan's Shikoku Islands, is one of them. Therefore, in order to coordinate the unresolved contradictions of the great powers in Asia and the Pacific and the ability to control China's naval power and external expansion. Only then did the later Washington Conference, including the Shikoku Island issue in Japan and the sphere of influence of countries in the Pacific region, were finally resolved at the Washington Conference

Another important result of the Paris Conference is the establishment of the so-called League of Nations. Former U.S. President Wilson played a huge role in the creation of the League of Nations. However, the United States did not achieve much practical benefits at the Paris Conference. The series of long-terms formulated by the American ruling group after the war. Both the long-term strategic planning and the near-S. failed to achieve the U.S. Congress later refused to approve the Treaty of Versailles and refused to join the League of Nations. Soviet Russia and China failed to participate in the Paris peace conference. Naturally, they were not within the member countries of the League of Nations, so at the beginning of the establishment of the League of Nations, neither the international nor the alliance, so it did not play its due role at all.

What do you think about World War II? Send them all over and give everyone more points

Continue to ask for monthly tickets (to be continued)

One... Long avenged his brother Qin Yue. Ting Gan, who was always flamboyant, estimated to have lost his life in this assassination of Zhang Yang.

Hang up the phone nb; nb; Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Pu has always been a great hidden danger. He is not worried that Qin Pu will attack him. What really worries him is that Qin Pu's successful elimination of Qin Pu's family this time is equivalent to completely eliminating this dangerous factor nb; nb; he can rest More.

Zhang Yang looked at the wound on his thigh and the wound had grown fresh meat sprouts. The wound medicine he prepared was very effective. It is estimated that it can be completely healed within a day. I don't know how surprised Jin Min'er's recovery speed will be the same at that time.

The door of the hotel was gently knocked, but Liu Jincheng said goodbye to him. The economic and trade group is going to return to Jiangcheng today and Zhang Yang will stay in Dongjiang for two days, so he is not ready to leave with them.

After Zhang Yang changed his clothes and said goodbye to Yan Xinjian, he left the International Convention and Exhibition Center Hotel with his luggage. He didn't want to continue to live here. When he put his suitcase in the trunk, he saw the Korean economic and trade group leaving the hotel. Jin Min'er was wearing a dark blue suit nb; nb; white skirt When the bus saw Zhang Yang, she was stunned and then a bright smile appeared on her face. Jin Min'er handed over the luggage in her hand to her companion beside her and smiled and looked like Zhang Yang's side.

Zhang Yang closed the suitcase with one hand and laughed. Does the wound still hurt?

Jin Min'er shook her head nb;nb; it's amazing nb;nb;"

Zhang Yang took out a minister's bottle from his pocket and gave it to her. There is also a nb; nb; left it for you to use in the future"

Jin Min'er bit the cherry lip and whispered nb; nb; you still want me to be shot.

Zhang Yang burst into laughter.

Jin Min'er's beautiful eyes looked at his right leg nb;nb; how are you?

It's okay. It's estimated that it will take two days to fully recover"

Members of the South Korean delegation in the distance began to call for Kim Min-er to get on the car. Kim Min-er reluctantly looked at Zhang Yang and whispered nb; nb; Will we meet again in the future?


Jin Min'er took out her signature pen and asked Zhang Yang to put out his palm and quickly wrote down a series of phone numbers nb;nb; call me if there is a chance"

Only then did Zhang Yang remember to get her business card. Jin Min'er smiled and retreated nb; nb; no need me, I have it." She ran to the bus nb; tuckled lightly like a cheerful deer.

Zhang Yang drove to Gu Jiatong's villa on the shore of Qiuxia Lake. In the past two days, he needs to take good care and recuperation. This is undoubtedly an ideal place.

The life of Zhang's officials is colorful. Only when he calm down can he find that he focuses on officialdom experience and ignores the practice of martial arts. In this attack of the International Convention and Exhibition Center, if it hadn't been for Jin Min'er, he would have pushed him at the critical moment. I'm afraid he had been pierced No matter how capable he is, he can only accept the end of death.

In the chaotic mountain in Beijing, he has been attacked twice. This time, several incidents and publicity have a lot to do with his lack of effective defense methods.

Zhang Yang lies alone in the swimming pool and looks up at the blue sky and white clouds. He has entered the realm of emptiness. Running in the water to repair the damaged meridians nb; nb; can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already dusk. Zhang Yang left the swimming pool and put on a bath towel. He found that there were more than a dozen un Answered calls on his mobile phone. One of them was Song Huaiming's damage. Zhang Yang immediately dialed.

The phone call was from Liu Yuying. She invited Zhang Yang to visit her home at night. Zhang Yang knew that this must be what Song Huaiming meant. Neither Pinghai's governor nor his future father-in-law, Zhang Yang could refuse him. There was still an hour before 6:30 to promise that Liu Wuying would arrive on time.

Zhang Yang did not have the habit of going to others empty-handed. He bought two fish and five catties of crabs from the local Danmin on the edge of Qiuxia Lake to bring some specialties to his father-in-law's house in the future. It should not be a bribe.

Liu Wuying went to the kitchen to cook when she saw that Zhang Yang came over with so many things and was not polite to him.

Song Huaiming noticed that Zhang Yang was lame when he was walking. He didn't know that Zhang Yang was suffering from a gunshot wound. What's wrong with your leg?

Of course, Zhang Yang will not tell the truth about this matter. He laughed and fought with a Korean nb; nb; he was slightly injured"

Song Huaiming also heard that Jiangcheng and South Korea had a dispute over the protection of the rights of Jiangcheng winery, so Shi Zhangyang's explanation did not raise doubts and invited Zhang Yang to sit down in the living room.

In the face of this future old father-in-law, Zhang Yang, is more or less nervous about a political master like Song Huaiming. It is difficult for Zhang Yang to hide things from him, but Song Huaiming did not talk about politics nb; nb; his positioning of Zhang Yang is a junior. Song Huaiming is very open. He He did not regard Zhang Yang as his future son-in-law. He will not care about the feelings of young people, but he will never allow anyone to bully his daughter. This is exactly the brilliance of Song Huaiming. He gives Zhang Yang an invisible sense of oppression but does not take the initiative to reveal anything.

Have you seen Yanran recently?

Zhang Yang nodded nb; nb; honestly told Chu Jiran and Margaret about the Chunxi Valley Resort.

When Song Huaiming heard that Chu Zhennan and Margaret quarreled again, he couldn't help laughing. He knew a lot about the old father-in-law's temper. He knew that Commander Chu had always been angry. The old mother-in-law was not a good-tempered. It was normal for the two of them to meet on Mars After some painstaking efforts, she persuaded her grandmother to come back from the United States to help the two old people make up. It seems that there is no hope this time.

Liu Wangying brought the newly steamed crab to the table and said nb;nb;Lao Song Zhangyang, come over for dinner nb;nb;"

Song Huaiming and Zhang Yang walked over one after the other. Liu Wangying helped them open a bottle of Maotai. Zhang Yang got up and tried to pour wine, but was stopped by Song Huaiming. Forget it, you have an injury on your body. It's better to let Aunt Liu fall down."

Liu Wuying then looked at Zhang Yang. What's wrong?

Zhang Yang said with such embarrassment that nb;nb;I had a fight with Koreans"

Liu Wuying laughed nb; nb; Zhang Yang, I haven't been in Pinghai for a long time, but I heard that you have fought several times. No matter how you say, you can't fight with others at any time."

Zhang Yangyi's appearance of following the teachings nb;nb; pay attention to it in the future"

Song Huaiming laughed and said nb; "It's not a bad thing for young people who have nothing to pay attention to. This is the difference between blood and old-blooded and old-fashioned. I'm afraid you won't be interested in fighting this year."

Liu Wuying heard from her husband's words that he should know the ins and outs of this matter. What's going on?

Song Huaiming just told Jiangcheng Distillery about the dispute between rights and the Koreans. Liu Wuying couldn't help but be indignant when she heard that the South Koreans first took action against Yan Xinjian, the deputy mayor of Jiangcheng. These Koreans are so arrogant that they should fight"

Song Huaiming laughed and said nb;nb;You are a people's teacher who can't fight and kill at any time"

Liu Yuying laughed and picked the largest female crab and put it in front of Zhang Yang nb; nb; good job to raise my Chinese national prestige. This crab is rewarded by your aunt"

Song Huaiming laughed and said nb;nb;The principal is very good at doing things by borrowing flowers to present Buddhas and willows"

Liu Wuying stared at him with a red face. The relationship between the couple was really good.

After all, Zhang Yang didn't dare to drink more with Song Huaiming to drink more white wine. Liu Wangying also cared about Chu Yanran's matter. When Zhang Yang said a few words during the banquet, the two of them felt good nb; nb; From the period when he knew Liu Wuying, Song Huaiming's concern She is very concerned about the urgent need to change the relationship with Chu Yanran and wants to help Song Huaiming's father and daughter make up, but it's a pity that she can't find the right way. Zhang Yang's appearance undoubtedly brought her a hope.

Song Huaiming understood Liu Yuying's painstaking efforts, so she proposed to invite Zhang Yang to dinner at home. Song Huaiming did not object and also rejected other things at home. Zhang Yang and Song Huaiming's heart was undoubtedly eager to restore the relationship with his daughter, but after so many years, he has learned to control his feelings well As long as the daughter can be happy, even if she ignores herself in her life, what can she do?

After dinner, Zhang Yang accompanied Song Huaiming to the rooftop to drink tea.

The evening breeze has been so cool. Unconsciously, it has arrived in late autumn. Song Huaiming held a tea cup and looked at the bright moon in the air. If every official can be clear and open-minded, our grass reform and opening-up will be much smoother.

Zhang Yang whispered nb;nb; people's hearts are very complicated, society is very complicated, officialdom is more complicated"

Song Huaiming looked at him with a smile. The reason why the officialdom is complicated is that many people first consider that their own people are not afraid of selfishness is to confuse public and private to harm the interests of the collective and satisfy their personal desires. If you do this, you can't distinguish the primary and secondary, and you can't see the overall situation"

Zhang Yang always felt that Song Huaiming was saying that he took the initiative to review nb; nb; Governor Song's dispute with the Korean trade group this time was caused by me. I admit that I didn't think too much and didn't take into account the lack of overall view of the Jinqiu trade meeting this time

Song Huaiming shook his head with a smile. Unexpectedly, you, Zhang Yang, also learned to take the initiative to apologize. Is this a pseated or sincere?

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and wanted to summon up the courage to say nb; nb; in fact, I want to beat those Koreans"

Song Huaiming laughed and said nb; nb; do you know the attitude of the province? You defend your rights in the Golden Autumn Economic and Trade Fair with great fanfare and can finally win. Do you think this can be done without the acquiescence of the province?

Zhang Yang took the opportunity to compliment nb;nb;Song Governor Yingming"

You boy, don't flatter me. This is the consensus of the provincial standing committee, but you did a good job this time and didn't embarrass us."

Zhang Yangdao nb; nb; I heard that Governor Song meant that he wanted to promote me and reuse me.

Song Huaiming didn't expect that this guy asked him to be an official so directly. He really couldn't give him too much good face. The South Korean trade group has been protesting to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. What do you think you should do?

Zhang's official understood that Governor Song said that it would be good if I didn't hold you accountable for this incident. You still want to be promoted. Go to dream nb; nb; he just casually said that he didn't expect Song Huaiming to be promoted to his official and laughed nb; nb; It seems that I have no hope of being promoted this time"

Song Huaiming said nb; nb; It's not easy for you to be in charge of Jiangcheng Enterprise Reform at such a young age. Zhang Yang nb; nb; You must think carefully in the future"

Zhang Yang did not feel unhappy that Song Huaiming educated himself. Governor Song educated himself as his own. Although Zhang Yang had different views on many of Song Huaiming's statements, he still showed modesty and sincerity. Such an attitude made Song Huaiming very satisfied.

After two days of recuperating in Dongjiang, Zhang Yang's gunshot wounds finally recovered. Bijun called him to return the car. It was quite easy to drive this luxury Mercedes-Benz. If Guoan hadn't revealed his identity, he would not have been chased by Qin Pu to Dongjiang, so he just thought he didn't hear When to leave, think about returning it to Guoan.

Chu Yanran told him that he did not forget that after recovering from his injury, the first thing he did was to visit Vice President Zhuang Xiaotang of Dongjiang Agricultural University.

Zhuang Xiaotang, 51 years old, is the vice president of Dongjiang Agricultural University, who is in charge of teaching. The formula of Chunyang Seasoning Factory was completed with her help. Zhang Yang came to Zhuang Xiaotang's office and found that Guo Daliang's son Guo Jian was also there. Guo Jian was surprised to see that Director Zhang stood up in a good manner. When Guo Daliang and his son, Zhang Yang respected nb;nb; Guo Jian has always regarded Zhang Yang as an elder, although Zhang Yang's actual age is higher than him

Guo Jian came here this time to save himself the trouble of introducing himself because of the problem of the new seasoning formula.

Guo Jian saw that Zhang Yang was looking for Zhuang Xiaotang to get up and leave.

Zhang Yang came to see Zhuang Xiaotang this time because Chu Yanran did not have an empty-handed way to put the tea he bought on Zhuang Xiaotang's desk nb; nb; Zhuang Lou's small gift is not a respect"

Zhuang Xiaotang looked at Zhang Yang with a smile nb; nb; Zhang Yang I've heard about you for a long time"

Zhang Yangdao nb;nb; Principal Zhuang asked me to visit you"

Zhuang Xiaotang said nb;nb; I know you are Yanran's boyfriend, so I asked you to come and have a good look and help Yanran check

Zhang Yang laughed dumbly. The vice president of Dongjiang Agricultural University is so boring. It's just to help Chu Yanran check such a simple mouth

Zhuang Xiaotang said nb; nb; Yanran's grandmother and I are good friends. When Yanran was a child, I helped take care of her. I regarded her as my own child.

It's lucky to have so many people to take care of her"

Zhuang Xiaotang was annoyed and said nb;nb; Yanran's mother left early and the head of a big man who wanted to take care of her, it was inevitable that there would be omissions"

Zhang Yang guessed that Zhuang Xiaotang might have been transferred to the army. He told Chu Yanran about inviting Zhuang Xiaotang to Chunxi Valley Hot Spring for a vacation. For him, he got up and said goodbye to Zhuang Xiaotang after completing all the tasks given to him by Chu Yantang.

Zhuang Xiaotang said nb;nb; Let's go after lunch and feel the food of our Agricultural University"

No, I have to go to Normal University to see my sister." Zhang Yangshi was not interested in having dinner with his elders. He was afraid that Zhuang Xiaotang would check his household registration by himself and then cross-examine that Chu Yanran would not say anything to let him visit any elders next time.

When Zhuang Xiaotang saw that Zhang Yang was so resolute, he no longer forced her to send Zhang Yang to the office building. When Zhang Yang was about to leave, a gray Ao forced him to stop and get off. It was Lin Qinghong, the president of Tianjiao Group. She and Zhang Yang once had a relationship.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Good, Miss Lin Qinghong is Liang Chenglong's fiancee. Zhang Yang is very polite to her.

Lin Qinghong nodded with a smile and said to Zhuang Xiaotang, "Mom, you and Zhang Yang know each other."

Zhang Yang didn't expect that Zhuang Xiaotang was Lin Qinghong's mother, that is to say, she is Liang Chenglong's future mother-in-law. These worlds are really small

When Zhuang Xiaotang saw the smile on Lin Qinghong's face, she suddenly restrained. She turned around and left. Lin Qinghong caught up with her nb;mom"

Zhuang Xiaotang said angrily nb; nb; don't ask my mother and don't come to me. I don't have a daughter like you." After that, she shook off Lin Qinghong's hand and walked quickly to the office building.

Lin Qinghong bit her lip and came to the front of the car with a frustrated look. She smiled awkwardly at Zhang Yang nb; I'm sorry to let you see it"

Zhang Yang doesn't want to see other people's **. He laughed and said nb; nb; what should say sorry should be me nb;"

Lin Qinghong sighed and said, let's have dinner. Zhenglong of Xuefu Restaurant is waiting there."

Zhang Yang nodded when he heard that Liang Zhenglong was also coming.

Liang Chenglong originally wanted to visit his future mother-in-law in person, but Lin Qinghong said that his mother had a bad temper, so he asked him to wait outside to see the situation first. Unexpectedly, his mother didn't even want to recognize her daughter now.

After listening to Lin Qinghong's words, Liang Chenglong couldn't help smiling bitterly and said that she annoyed me so much.

Zhang Yang laughed and said nb; nb; What time is it? There are still things that interfere with the freedom of marriage. Principal Zhuang looks like an enlightened person"

Lin Qinghong picked up his wine glass and said nb; nb; If you don't talk about this matter, it's annoying. Anyway, since I was in college, my mother was very annoyed with Liang Chenglong. According to her words, you look at it like a worm. There is a little Jackie Chan.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing and touching a glass of wine with them.

Liang Chenglong said nb;nb; I haven't asked you yet. How do you know my mother-in-law?

Zhang Yang told Chu Yanran about what he had entrusted to him.

Lin Qinghongdao nb;nb; Yanran. I've seen it several times, but at that time, she still showed off that you really had the ability to cheat Governor Song's daughter."

Zhang Yang protested nb; nb; What does your sister-in-law mean by cheating? Chu Yanran and I are in free love"

Liang Chenglong said happily nb; nb; I think that Korean beautiful girl is good. You two also have a good match"

Lin Qinghong slowly fell down the glass and said nb;nb;You men don't have a good thing to eat in the bowl and look at the pot"

Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong laughed at the same time.

Lin Qinghong got up and went to the bathroom. Liang Chenglong whispered to Zhang Yang nb; nb; don't let Lin Qinghong know about Bai Yan's business.

If you don't know, don't tell me that there is no impenetrable wall in the world"

Liang Chenglong sighed deeply and said nb;nb; it seems that I have to restrain a little in the future"

Zhang Yang said curiously, nb; I said, why does your mother-in-law bother you so much?

Liang Chenglong looked into the distance and whispered nb; nb; my father-in-law and mother-in-law had been divorced for a long time. We had a relationship with his mother in college. At that time, I didn't like it. Later, we blew it and relieved her. Now we are together again. I thought that after so I hate me so much. I guess she won't attend this wedding either."

When everyone has their own difficulties, Liang Chenglong's personal affairs are not too interested in his personal affairs

At this time, Zhao Jing just called him back. It has been nearly an hour since he called Zhao Jing. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be annoyed that this sister really made him more and more confused.

After chatting with Zhao Jing, she just told her to pay attention to the distance between her and Ding Bin. Zhao Jing hung up the phone on the grounds that she had something to do.

Liang Chenglong also listened to him with a smile and said nb; nb; everything is easy to manage, only emotional matters, and it's not easy to interfere"

Zhang Yang said nb;nb; To be in my heart, I'm very annoyed with Ding Bin. I always feel that this boy has bad intentions towards my sister"

At the beginning, Zhang Yang rushed into the home of Ding Weifeng, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, to ask for justice. Liang Chenglong also knew that he whispered nb; nb; nb; Secretary Ding's official voice is good; nb; nb; the restrictions on children are also strict. Ding Bin is a little tim ."

Zhang Yang drank the wine in the glass and slowly fell into the glass nb; I hope so"

At this time, Lin Qinghong came back. She was very busy with her business. Her mobile phone almost stopped for almost a moment. Liang Chenglong couldn't help complaining. I said Qinghong. Your mobile phone can't be turned off for a while and can't eat.

Lin Qinghong hung up her mobile phone and sighed and said nb; nb; people can't help but have endless things every day in the world"

Zhang Yangdao nb;nb;Sister-in-law is a strong woman nb;nb;It's also right to focus on your career"

Lin Qinghong smiled and said nb; nb; Zhang Yang, don't praise me. I don't want to be this strong woman. She can let me stay at home and deal with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea all day long. I'm not reconciled, so no one likes women like me.

Liang Chenglong stared at each other and said, "Why do you curse?" Am I not a human?"

Lin Qinghong smiled and showed a lot of affection in her beautiful eyes. Then I'll transfer all the company out and you can support me.

Liang Chenglong clicked

Of course"

Now you are willing not to say so in the future. "Lin Qinghong picked up his glass and said nb; nb; If women rely too much on men, they will lose themselves and lose themselves. So what's the point of living on these?"

When Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong looked at it, they showed a wry smile nb; nb; Zhang Yang secretly said in his heart that some of Liang Chenglong's suffering from Lin Qinghong in the future was not a simple woman. Didn't he count the spells for Lin Qinghong himself?

Lin Qinghongdao nb;nb; Zhang Yang, I'll discuss something with you"

Surname nb;nb;you just have to order"

I heard that your Jiangcheng Textile Factory is in trouble and I want to intervene"

Zhang Yang laughed and said nb;nb;the sister-in-law's news is well-informed nb;"

Lin Qinghongdao nb; To tell the truth, Jiangcheng didn't know that I had a good friend who invested there. She knew that I made imitation clothing nb; nb; so she helped me pay attention to the basic situation of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. Now it's a good time to get into this trouble.

Zhang Yang's heart was moved. Lin Qinghong's Tianjiao Group's domestic imitation clothing industry is one of the best. Her intervention in Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory is a good news for both Zhang Yang and the enterprise. The problem of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory has not been completely solved for a long time. As the director of the enterprise reform office, if B;nb; My position in the Jiangcheng system will definitely be more stable. Zhang Yang said, sister-in-law, who is your friend in Jiangcheng?

Qiao Mengyu"

In fact, when Lin Qinghong said this, he vaguely guessed about Qiao Mengjie that Qiao Mengnuan wanted to intervene in the development of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square. She once said that she had the ability to solve the problem of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. It turned out that the solution she thought of was to let Lin Qinghong intervene and completely change the system This is indeed a way to eradicate the shortcomings of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. Zhang Yang smiled and said that I will help you pay attention to it. After returning to Jiangcheng, I will report your thoughts to the relevant person in charge.

Lin Qinghongdao nb;nb;I believe we will meet in Jiangcheng soon"

Zhang Yangdao nb; nb; sister-in-law, you know Qi Mengnuan very well.

Lin Qinghong glanced at Zhang Yang. She realized that Zhang Yang wanted to hear Qiao Mengyu's message from her mouth. She smiled and reminded nb; nb; Don't think of her. Sister Meng is deeply in love with Xu Jiayong

I don't have that idea. I just feel that it's strange that Qiao Mengnuo chose our Jiangcheng instead of developing such a good environment in Yun'an Province."

Lin Qinghong said nb; nb; You don't want to see Meng Nuan. On the surface, she has a weak heart, but she is very independent. Xu Jiayong's marriage with her is greatly hindered at home. Her mother firmly opposes Secretary Qiao and doesn't have much good impression on Xu Jiayong, but she still insists Joe got Joe's consent.

Liang Chenglong said with great interest nb;nb; "I didn't expect that Xu Jiayong really had this ability nb; he could actually coax Qiao Meng Nuan's name nb;nb;"

Lin Qinghong stared at him and said, "You are envious."

Liang Chenglong laughed and said nb;nb;In my eyes, there is no other woman's position except you"

When Zhang Yang heard this, he was so numb that he couldn't stand it. He turned around and took a sip of wine and sprayed it out.

Liang Chenglong is so dissatisfied. To tell the truth, are you so exaggerated?

Zhang Yang smiled and said nb; nb; I beg you, I really can't stand your words are too fucking Qiong Yao"

Lin Qinghong smiled and said nb; Although the words are a little hypocritical, I love to listen to nb;nb;men are liars, but women are willing to be deceived nb;nb;"

Before leaving Dongjiang, Zhang Yang went to visit Tian Qinglong, who had just been promoted to the director of the Pinghai Public Security Department. After this period of recuperation, his health has basically recovered nb; nb; I heard that Zhang Yang came to see him nb; nb; specially invited Zhang Yang to the Fudemen Roast Duck Restaurant to Zhang Defang, deputy director of the Bureau, Qin Shengwen Guangsheng Branch, all shouted over. From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Yang doesn't like to see Zhang Defang's person. Since Ketian Qinglong has such an arrangement, of course, he will not be against the time.

Tian Qinglong retreated from the position of director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. As the director of the Public Security Bureau, he was extremely unwilling. In the end, he was plotted by several minor teenagers, which was a great shame for Tian Qinglong. But as a state cadre, he must follow the instructions of his superiors to let him retreat. He can only obey orders.

Tian Qinglong is still extremely concerned about Jiangcheng. After a few glasses of wine, he began to ask about the latest progress of the case, including factors that he was unwilling. Another very important reason is that the death of Fang Wennan's son Fang Haitao involved his son Tian Cheng. Although there is no conclusive evidence related to Tian Cheng now, he realized from the intuition of an old policeman that Jiangcheng police had begun to suspect Tian Bin, which put a cloud in Tian Qinglong's heart.

Zhang Yang has a good relationship with Tian Qinglong. He told Tian Qinglong everything he knew truthfully. He didn't know too much inside story. After all, the Public Security Bureau still has reservations about him.

Qin Shengwen laughed and said nb;nb; Director Tian is really dedicated to leaving Jiangcheng and still does not forget to care about the progress of Jiangcheng's case"

Tian Qinglong sighed nb;nb;I'm not in my heart"

Zhang Defang said nb;nb;In fact, you have been fighting for the Party and the people for so many years, and you should take a good rest. Give this young man this opportunity, otherwise when can we show our ability? nb;nb;"