Medical official path

Chapter 245 Serial rear-end events

Hao whispered! What are you doing? Let's chase the warehouse to the side!" For example, many people besieged Zhang Yang alone, and they must be laughed at by the martial arts people in the capital. Shi Yinghao hugged Zhang Yang and said, "Mr. Zhang, we haven't finished the fight last time. I'll ask for two tricks!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Master Shi really has perseverance. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in playing with you one by one. It's going to be dark soon. You'd better go together. I'm in a hurry!" Zhang Yang's words are extremely arrogant.

Shi Yinghao was furious. This one was really too big. He roared and rushed to Zhang Yang with a slap


Zhang Yang punched out. This punch seemed to be simple and unpretentious, but it contained powerful power. The snowflakes flying all over the sky seemed to be attracted by his punch. They condensed in the void and formed, vaguely turned into a long dragon hovering and dancing. Zhang Yang saw that there were many people in the gossip sect, and It is the dragon battle in the dragon fist in the wild.

Shi Yinghao seemed to return to the last moment of the Jiangcheng martial arts competition in an instant. The suffocation feeling shrouded in pressure hit again. At this time, he knew that the gap between himself and Zhang Yang was too big. He was in the Jiangcheng martial arts competition that day. Zhang Yang left a lot of affection. It's up to now. Shi Yinghao had to harden his scalp. He hit Zhang Yang's wrist with one palm. If ordinary people let him split in this palm, he would not be afraid of breaking his bones. But Zhang Yang turned a blind eye to his palm, not even dodging, and an unstoppable punch has hit Shi Yinghao.

When Shi Yinghao was about to fight for Zhang Yang's punch, his collar suddenly tightened, his foot was unstable, and his body was dragged back several steps. It was these steps that made him avoid the sharpness of Zhang Yang's punch.

Zhang Yang is the one that can be seen most clearly. An old man in gray in his sixties appeared silently behind Shi Yinghao and dragged him away. Then a slap was on Zhang Yang's fist. At the moment when the palms of their fists were intertwined, the snowflakes around them all drifted around, and a snow-free space appeared around them.

Zhang Yang was shocked. The old man actually took his dragon fist with one palm. Although Zhang Yang left two points, the other party dragged Shi Yinghao away with one hand, and he could still resolve his offensive with the other hand, which shows that the other party's strength is one of the strongest after his rebirth.

The old man was Shi Canghai, the head of the Bagua Sect. As soon as he arrived, he saw the scene of Zhang Yang's boxing. At a glance, he saw that his son could never stop Zhang Yang's thunderous punch, so Shi Canghai dragged his son away at the critical moment. Shi Canghai was very relaxed on the surface, but Zhang Yang's punch shocked him with blood, and the shock in his heart was hard to describe.

Although Shi Canghai heard from his son that he was very arrogant. But he has always been skeptical about this. Even if a young man in his early twenties began to practice from his mother's womb, he only had more than 20 years of skill. The punch just now made Shi Canghai really see the power of Zhang Yang. No wonder the apprentice and son fell into his hands one after another.

Shi Canghai smiled and said, "Young man! I can't help fighting when I'm old!"

Zhang Yang has guessed from his action that this person must be Shi Canghai, the head of the Bagua Sect. The strength that Shi Canghai showed just now has made Zhang Yang feel valued. He did not dare to be as arrogant as before. He smiled and said, "It is a virtue of the Chinese nation to respect the old and love the young

Shi Canghai slowly came to the bear's bath. He sighed and said, "Kai Luan, why are you so careless? He grabbed Xiong Kai's wrist with one hand, held his shoulder with the other hand, gently sent, and reset the detached arm.

Zhang Yang secretly praised that this old man is by no means a person with a false reputation. He is indeed very good at it.

When the bear took a shower and saw the master, he immediately had a heart. He complained loudly, "Master, he beat us and gave us some teachings!"

Shi Canghai said, "I don't think this little brother is like a reasonable person. Do you have something to offend others?" He looked at Qiao Pengfei standing aside.

Qiao Pengfei is still very afraid of his master. He bowed his hand and stood in the wind and snow, not daring to do more


Shi Canghai turned to Zhang Yang and smiled: Little brother, where on earth did my disciples offend you? If you have something to say, let's discuss it. Don't take action at any time!"

Zhang Yang saw that Shi Canghai was quite generous, and naturally it was not easy to overdo it. He pointed to the bear and said, "You'd better ask him!"

Xiong opened the paint and said, "Master, we just drove down from Xiangshan Mountain. When we turned the corner, we scared him. His bicycle hit the guardrail. The man fell, but our car didn't touch him. He actually punctured all four tires!"

Shi Canghai basically understood when he heard this. He said to his son Shi Yinghao, "Yinghao, do you have any money?"

Shi Yinghao nodded and nodded.

Shi Canghai said, "If you damage someone's bicycle, you will be compensated to others. How do I usually teach you? Enemies should be solved and should not be knotted. Why do you have to make trouble in the situation of fists and feet? His words sounded like the disciples, but in fact, even Zhang Yang said it.

Zhang Yang didn't want to continue to stay. He walked into the hot pot city and carried Chen Xue out.

Shi Yinghao came to Zhang Yang and whispered, "How much is the bicycle? I'll pay you!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't care about that little money!" He said to Xiong Kailuan, "With a car in hand, you can hit people casually. If your martial arts are unrivaled, can't you kill people casually? As a martial artist, you don't even have this kind of morality, and you have learned martial arts in vain!" After saying this, he walked to the gate behind Chen Xue's back.

Shi Canghai's face was covered with a layer of frost. When Zhang Yang's figure disappeared in the wind and snow, he said, "Go back to me!"

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Zhang Yang returned to Gu Jiatong's usual place, because his mobile phone ran out of power, Gu Jiatong's several. He didn't receive the phone call. Seeing the snowstorm appear in front of him, Gu Jiatong threw herself into his arms with red eyes: "Why did you come back so late? I'm so worried!"

Zhang Yang kissed her face with a smile: "What are you worried about? Beijing's public security is very good!"

Gu Jiatong helped him take off his leather coat and said softly, "Have you eaten yet? I'm ready. You can eat it when it's hot!"

"I ate outside, and Chen Xue twisted her foot. I sent her back to Tsinghua Garden, so it was delayed!" Zhang Yang did not mention the episode on the road. Gu Jiatong's recent annoyance

Gu Jiatong took his arm and sat down on Sha'an. She could see that she was in a good mood. She smiled and said, "What's wrong? Is there any good news?

Gu Jiatong nodded and said, "I visited Cai Xudong with a lawyer today, and he said that he would not continue to investigate this matter."

Zhang Yang had expected that Cai Xudong would adopt such an attitude. He mastered the indecent photos of him and Lin Yuwen. If this matter broke out, the face of the Cai family must be damaged. Cai Xudong is a national cadre in this incident. Although he plays the role of a victim. But Xu Na's identity has put him and Gu Mingjian in an embarrassing situation. In the eyes of outsiders, he and Gu Mingjian are in a bloody case caused by a dusty woman. As a national cadre, this matter will undoubtedly become a huge political stain on him. After getting to know the whole story of this matter. The person Cai Xudong hates most is Wang Xuehai. He also thinks so. Wang Xuehai must have done the whole thing behind the scenes. He thought that Wang Xuehai's hatred for him was because of his relationship with Lin Yuwen.

Zhang Yang said, "What did the lawyer say? What will be the result of Mingjian's lawsuit this time?"

Gu Jiatong said, "The lawyer said that the evidence in all aspects is very beneficial to Mingjian. Although it can't ensure that he is free from the crime, judging from the current situation. The maximum penalty will not exceed three years!"

Zhang Yan leaned against Sha'an and breathed a sigh of relief: "This matter has finally come to an end, but. I don't know where Wang Xuehai's bastard has fled?

Gu Jiatong said, "I heard from the lawyer that the evidence we have now does not prove that this matter is Wang Xuehai Zege, and it is difficult to punish him with the law!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Did this kind of person consider the law when doing bad things? If he had a little concept of law, he wouldn't have done these things!" Zhang Yang has put this matter on Wang Xuehai's head. He doesn't want to tell him any rules for a person who does things by any means. Zhang Yang has planned to refine more bone-attached needles. To deal with people like Wang Xuehai, we should use some extreme means to make him afraid to do wrong again.

Gu Jiatong said, "Although Dad didn't say anything, I know that I should bear the main responsibility for the reason why Mingjian has reached today. If I told him about Mingjian's drug addiction early in the morning. Maybe Mingjian will not fall to the current point

Zhang Yang stroked Gu Jiatong's hair and let her lean on her shoulder: "I told you, Mingjian is an adult, and he should be responsible for everything he does! I think after he went through this. It should grow up."

Gu Jiatong said, "After this matter is over, I will give him the Blue Ocean and won't interfere in his affairs."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "What he really lacks is independence, not his career. If he can't learn to be independent, even if you give him a golden mountain, he will still lose all!" Zhang Yangdao broke the essence of the problem. Gu Ming's fitness people were very good to him, but Gu Mingjian regarded the care of the people around him as a burden, and he was eager to prove himself. That's why it was used by Wang Xuehai. If Gu Jiatong gives him the Blue Ocean, he is undoubtedly repeating his past behavior, which is not a good thing for Gu Mingjian.

Gu Jiatong was silent. After thinking about it, he said, "But Mingjian has nothing now,"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In the past, he had nothing, but now he has experience and teaching. For him, these are the real wealth!"

Gu Jiatong said, "Zhang Yang, I understand. I won't interfere in Mingjian's affairs again!"

Although the snow still didn't stop the next day, Zhang Yang still drove back to Jiangcheng. Gu Mingjian's matter was basically clear, and it was useless for him to stay in Beijing. Jiangcheng had made several phone calls to urge him to go back. Before leaving, Zhang Yang did not forget to go to Du Shankui and his wife to say that Du Tianye was not only his good buddy, but also his leader. It was necessary to visit him both official and emotionally. Du Shankui and his wife asked Zhang Yang to bring a lot of things to Du Shankui.

At 10 a.m., Zhang Yang finally left Beijing and embarked on his return journey. On the way, he did not forget to call Xie Chaohui and asked Guoan to help him find Wang Xuehai's whereabouts as soon as possible.

It is about 800 kilometers from Beijing to Jiangcheng. If the weather is fine, it can be reached in six or seven hours, but the first snow has just fallen in the north of China, and the road is very slippery. Zhang Yang drove more than 200 kilometers out of Beijing. It rained again in the sky, and the raindrops fell on the windows and quickly formed ice, and the road quickly condensed into a thick layer of ice.

Zhang's official screamed unlucky. Unexpectedly, he had encountered a frozen rain. If he had known it, he would not have chosen to return to Jiangcheng in such bad weather. The vehicle in front of him suddenly stopped, and Zhang Yang hurriedly stepped on the brakes. The tire has poor adhesion on the icy road. The braking distance is more than double as much as usual. This kind of road defense plays a considerable role. Fortunately, there is enough distance between Zhang Yang and the front car. Stop at a distance of about ten meters from the car. Before he could be glad, the Lexus behind had hit the buttocks of his car. So the flamboyant jeep continued to slide forward. Oh!! The ground gnawed at the rear of the passenger truck in front of him, the front of the car sank in, and Zhang Yang did not wear a seat belt. Fortunately, the speed of the car was not fast, otherwise the whole person would fly out. Even so, his mind was a little dizzy. He pushed the door and walked down. He looked at the Lexus behind him. The hood was raised high, and the whole front of the car was depleated. It was estimated that the water tank was also leaking, and it was constantly I can't help bumping.

He looked into the distance. At least 20 cars in front of him were linked together, and there was a series of crashes. At this time, a middle-aged couple came down from the Lexus. They ran to Zhang Yang in horror. The man accidentally slipped and fell to the ground. Zhang Yang looked up, but saw another big one behind him. The truck crashed into Lexus.

He pulled up the man, and the two of them turned to the outside of the isolation belt together.

More than a dozen cars crashed into each other. The scene was in a mess. The middle-aged man raised his head in shock and said thank you to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled. At this time, a small van in front of him exploded in flames. The middle-aged man sighed and said, "It's broken. Maybe I'm going to die today!" The woman said, "Let's see if we can help!"

The man returned to Resusas. It was not easy to open the car door, stunned, and found a first aid kit from the already dejected trunk. Fortunately, the contents of the first aid kit were still complete. Zhang Yang speculated that he should be a doctor.

There was a wailing and scream from the hidden boat in front of him.

Zhang Yang frowned. Today's serial traffic accident was not light, and he also followed forward


Many drivers at the scene spontaneously participated in the rescue operation. Many people were always trapped in rear-end collisions. The most important thing was a long-distance bus, which dumped on the road. More than 40 passengers in it shouted for help in panic. The van that exploded was not far from the bus. If the fire spreads here, the consequences will be Imagine.

Zhang Yang took off his leather clothes and wrapped it in his hand, punched the glass of the bus, first rescued a middle-aged woman from it, and then helped to pick up a child. When they rescued a large number of passengers. Someone called the police at the scene. But the freezing rain interrupted the communication line, and their call for help could not be transmitted.

Some people said, "This is Hanjiatai. There are no residents around. You have to walk five kilometers south to have a township!"

Two young people took the initiative to report, and others began to set warning marks at the rear of the scene of the car accident to avoid a car from continuing to crash.

The freezing rain was getting worse and worse, and the temperature continued to drop, which caused a lot of trouble for the rescue work. Zhang Yang rescued nine people. There was only one old lady left in the bus, lying there. She should not have been in a coma, but he seemed to be stunned. I can't move my body without saying anything.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to get in through the window. He came to the old lady and helped her move to the window of the car. At this time, another explosion sounded, and the car connected to the minivan also burned and exploded. The fire is about to spread to the bus. The fire extinguishers in the hands of these passengers obviously don't do much.

Someone wants to get out of the bus quickly. It was not easy for Zhang Yang to get the old lady to the window and stuffed her out. The fire had burned to the bus. The flames soared quickly that in a blink of an eye, he swept most of the body of the bus into the flames.

Zhang Yang's retreat was blocked when he could only run to the rear of the car. The flames followed him like a shadow. At the moment when the flame was about to devour himself, Zhang Yang jumped out of the hole in the back window glass. However, his clothes were also burned. The two young men rushed up with a fire extinguisher, sprayed The flames on his body went out.

Someone loudly reminded them to leave. The bus was about to explode. They ran backwards in a panic and just ran more than a dozen steps. The fuel tank of the bus caught fire and exploded, and a car was raised in mid-air by the air. After tossing in the air for two weeks, he fell to the ground. A middle-aged man who could not escape was hit in the legs by a car, and the panic and pain made him scream hysterically.

The two young people who just helped Zhang Yang put out the fire ran over again and extinguished the flame on the car with a fire extinguisher, causing the car to explode.

Everyone gathered around, and the unfortunate man fainted in pain, and his thighs were pressed under the car.

"The car must be moved away!"

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone calm down. Let's lift Qifeng up at one time. Don't cause secondary damage to him!"

Eight strong guys, including Zhang Yang, surrounded the car. After Zhang Yang issued the order, they worked together to lift the car. The man was successfully dragged out, and his legs were blurred.

The doctor and his wife who drove Lexus came over with the first aid kit. They obviously didn't have enough medicine in the car, and the injured lost too much blood. The middle-aged man sighed and said, "I lost too much blood. You have to be sent to the hospital immediately!"

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and clicked on the injured man twice. Under the premise of lack of medicine, he could only rely on the acupuncture point to stop the bleeding. When the middle-aged man saw the magical scene of Zhang Yang's acupuncture point to stop bleeding, he couldn't believe his eyes.

After waiting for 40 minutes, I saw the police and first responders coming, not because of the inefficiency of these traffic police, but because there have been many serial traffic collisions on the highway today. Police cars and ambulances can't get over, so they can only walk, so the rescue time is delayed.

According to preliminary information, three people have died and forty-two people were injured at the scene, 11 of whom were seriously injured.

The emergency personnel brought some medicines, and the minorly injured were treated on the spot. After the serious injured were simply dealt with, they were carried on stretchers to the township hospital for rescue.

After the fire was brought under control, the police began to appease and let everyone enter the car to warm up first. The government will solve the difficulties faced by everyone in the shortest time. Zhang Yang looked at his mobile phone. There is no signal at all. He shook his head helplessly, came to his jeep, opened the door, took out a bottle of mineral water to wash his hands, and found a small bag of biscuits to eat.

The doctor who drove the Lexus also removed his gloves and took out a bottle of water from the car to drink. His eyes met Zhang Yang. He smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry!"

Zhang Yang knew that what he was talking about was a rear-end collision. He laughed and said, "Nothing, no one wants to. Natural and man-made disasters!" At this time, the rain was getting worse and worse, and most people returned to the car and waited.

Although Zhang Yang's car was deformed, the air conditioner could still be used normally. The doctor and his wife were not so lucky. Their car was so badly damaged that the air conditioner could not start at all.

Zhang Yang asked them to sit in their jeep first.

The doctor stretched out his hand to Zhang Yang: "My name is Yu Ziliang, surgeon!"

Zhang Yang shook hands with him with a smile: "Zhang Yang, Jiangcheng Enterprise Reformed it!"

Yu Ziliang's eyes lit up and said, "Jiangcheng? What a coincidence, our couple are also going to Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It seems that it's really fate. We bumped into each other on the road!"

The two laughed at the same time.

Yu Ziliang remembered that there was still food in his car. He pushed the door down and went into the car to take out the food. He brought a lot of things. There are roast chicken, pork head and ham sausage.

Zhang Yang is a master who doesn't like to bring dry food. The bag of biscuits in the car was left by He Xinyan. After a busy job, I'm really hungry. Yu Ziliang broke a chicken leg and handed it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't mention, I have wine in my car!" He took a bottle of Flying Sky from the trunk


Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "Good wine! Yes! Drink some and warm up your body!"

Through the conversation, Zhang Yang knew that Yu Ziliang's wife, Zhou Xiuli, is an ophthalmologist, and both of them are doctors studying in the United States. This time, they went to Jiangcheng to open a private hospital. Jiangcheng is their hometown, so their feelings for Jiangcheng are also very deep

Zhang Yang is more receptive to private hospitals than others. In the Sui Dynasty, the clinics and pharmacies all over the street were private, and only the imperial doctors and military doctors could go to the public, unlike the public hospitals now.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Yu will go to Jiangcheng to open a hospital. If there is anything I can do to help, I will try my best!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang first!" Yu Ziliang still doesn't know the energy of the young man in front of him.

The freezing rain stopped outside, but then it snowed again. Zhou Xiuli was worried and said, "Ziliang, it seems that it will be troublesome. The rescue work is not going well. We are afraid we will be trapped here today.

Zhang Yang looked at the watch.

Yu Ziliang and his wife noticed the flamboyant diamond watch. Both of them were stunned. The couple worked in the United States for many years, with a lot of income and accumulated a lot of wealth. However, they were reluctant to buy such an expensive watch, and Zhang Yang was so young to carry a watch worth a million. This young man's family background is not simple!

At this time, the police outside began to mobilize, so that everyone can go to the township to rest if they want. The traffic jam here will not slow down in a short time

Zhang Yang looked at the fuel meter and had reached the warning line. It won't be long before the gasoline will run out. When the air conditioner stops running, the temperature will definitely continue to drop. I'm afraid it's uncomfortable to stay up all night here.

Yu Ziliang said, "Why don't we go to the town for a night!"

Zhang Yang nodded. They prepared a little and followed the troops across the guardrail of the highway to Hanjiatai, five kilometers away.

The group walked for more than an hour before they came to the town. The local town government attached great importance to the reception work, specially vacated two hotels for reception, and temporarily requisitioned several classrooms in the town's middle school as a temporary resting place for trapped passengers.

Zhang Yang's mobile phone finally got a signal. He called Jiangcheng and told them that he had something to do halfway and could not get back in time.

Yu Ziliang and his wife were not idle. They went to the town hospital to help. Because the weather conditions were so bad, many seriously injured people were not sent to the county hospital in time and had local surgery. Of course, their level could not be compared with Yu Ziliang. After learning Yu Ziliang's identity, the local town hospital invited him to the operating table.

Zhang Yang found a small restaurant in the town. I ordered a plate of marinated beef, cooked a chicken, and stir-fried two vegetarian dishes. Because there were so many trapped passengers in the town, prices were also rising. Zhang Yang knew that this was also inevitable and did not care about them.

Fortunately, the dish tastes good. Zhang Yang brought a bottle of Feitian Maotai to drink by himself, but he was also happy.

It is rare for a person to enjoy such leisure time. In such an environment, no one knows themselves. He doesn't know anyone else. Everything is strange to him. Zhang Yang seems to have returned to the beginning of time travel. He can only taste loneliness and strangeness. Only then did I realize my luck after rebirth.

Zhang Yang picked up the glass. As soon as he came to his lips, he heard a surprised voice and said, "Zhang Yang! It's you!"

Zhang Daguan was stunned. Am I so famous? Does anyone know me in this remote area? But I immediately realized that the sound was Shi Wei's. He turned around and saw Shi Wei wearing a red down jacket, followed by a middle-aged couple in military uniforms. The couple are Shi Wei's parents. His mother is Qiao Zhenhong, his father is Shi Jichang, his father is the president and secretary of the Northern Military Academy, and his mother is a professor of the Military Academy.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I can meet you here! Meet the old friend in his hometown!"

Shi Wei smiled and said, "The narrow road is more suitable!"

Zhang Yang saw that they had just walked into the restaurant and wanted to come over for dinner, so he quickly invited them to sit down. Shi Jichang didn't want to be troublesome, but he saw that the small restaurant was overcrowded and there was no empty table, so he had to accept Zhang Yang's invitation and sit down at the table. Zhang Yang added two more dishes, poured a glass of wine for Shi Jichang, and smiled, "My name is Zhang Yang, and I'm good friends with Shi Wei!"

Shi Wei smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, this is the first time I've heard you admit that I'm your friend!" This is my father and my mother!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Shi is good, Aunt Qiao is good!"

Shi Jichang and his couple secretly said in their hearts that this boy's mouth is sweet enough.

Shi Wei said, "I took my parents to Jiangcheng to play!" Who would have thought that there would be a freezing rain on the way!"

Zhang Yang said, "Is your car all right?" Because he caught up with the serial collision, Zhang Yang asked this question.

Shi Wei said, "We came a little late. The car was fine, but it was stuck in the middle of the road, so I came to town! What about you?"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "It was sandwiched into a sandwich. I don't know the specific damage!" He raised his glass to Shi Jichang and said, "Hello, Uncle Shi. In this emergency period, we will all order. I would like to you. When I get to Jiangcheng, I will officially be the host and invite your family to a good meal!"

Shi Jichang smiled and said, "I didn't expect to be able to find you here, let alone Feitian Maotai to drink!" He is also a good drinker.

Qiao Zhenhong reminded, "Drink less!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's just a catty of wine, and there's not much!"

Several people laughed at the same time.

Qiao Zhenhong and Shi Wei's mother and daughter also got a cup each, and the temperature suddenly dropped. It's not bad to drink some wine to warm up.

Shi Wei still blushed as soon as she drank, and she obviously talked a lot. She mentioned the conflict between Zhang Yang and the gossip gate. Only then did Qiao Zhenhong know that it was the young man in front of her who hit her nephew Qiao Pengfei. I can't help but look at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang gave her a good first impression. He is polite and warm-hearted. He should not be like an unreasonable person.

Shi Jichang heard that Zhang Yang and Shi Yinghao had a good relationship with Shi Canghai of Baguamen. Of course, he knew that Shi Yinghao was an outstanding figure in the young generation of Baguamen. Since Zhang Yang could defeat him. Presumably, martial arts are extraordinary. Shi Jichang is also a martial arts enthusiast. He and Zhang Yang discussed some kung fu. The two talked very happily and talked twice.

With a bottle of wine, Jichang came to the top. Ask the shopkeeper to take another bottle, this kind of township. I'm afraid that I can't find a bottle of Feitian Maotai in all the stores. Fortunately, there is Erguotou, so the two ordered a bottle of Erguotou.

Qiao Zhenhong's heart woke up in the well. But seeing that her husband is very drunk, she won't be disturbed. Zhu'er shook her head with a wry smile, saying that your friend is really unusual.

At eight o'clock in the evening, two military jeeps were parked in front of the door. Three officers-like people came in. They were all leaders of the nearby garrison and received a call from Shi Jichang. He specially came to welcome him to the army for a rest.

Ji Chang and Zhang Yang had already drunk the bottle of Erguotou. He got up and said, "Let's go, Zhang Yang. If you have no place to go at night, go to the army with us!"

Zhang Yang was too lazy to bother others. He shook his head and said, "I'll go to the town middle school to sleep later. There are still two more, and my friends have gone to help rescue!"

Hearing what he said, Shi Jichang did not force himself to go out and get on the military jeep.

Shi Wei got into the car and took a military coat from it and sent Guofeng to Zhang Yang.

Qiao Zhenhong looked at his daughter's back and couldn't help frowning: "This girl has also learned to care about people?"

Shi Jichang laughed and said, "I'm 20 years old. I've always been like a tomson, and there are always times when I grow up.

The flamboyant coat burned down when he was saving people. There were also a few holes in the clothes, and the military coat sent by Shi Wei could be regarded as a charcoal in the snow. He was not polite to Shi Wei. He put on a military coat and sent Shi Wei to the jeep. He smiled and waved his hand and said, "I'll pay you back when I get to Jiangcheng!"

That night, Zhang Yang had to make do with the night in the classroom of the town middle school. When it was dawn, he saw Yu Ziliang and his wife come back. They helped with the operation in the town hospital for one night. At this time, they had just finished their work, and the couple were very tired. They said hello to Zhang Yang and went to

Zhang Yang followed the first rescue team back to the highway in the early morning. After a night of hard work, the road has been basically dredged, and a guardrail has been temporarily opened. Build a long bridge and transfer the trapped and damaged vehicles first.

Although the flamboyant jeep hit a lot, there was no problem with the main parts of the vehicle. The master in charge of vehicle maintenance told Zhang Yang that his jeep could still drive normally. This is also a great blessing in misfortune.

After the accident certificate was issued at the scene, Zhang Yang drove his tattered jeep and continued to Jiangcheng


Although the rain and snow have stopped, the road is still covered with ice, and the vehicles need to be extremely careful when moving on it. After driving carefully for an hour, they finally arrived at the first rest station. There was a long queue of vehicles coming to refuel.

Here, Zhang Yang met Shi Wei's family again. They also returned to their car early in the morning, because their car did not have an accident, so it was the first batch to be released. However, they had to wait in line for refueling when they came here, and they had been waiting here for more than 40 minutes.

Shi Wei looked at Zhang Yang's shabby jeep and said with surprise, "Can you still drive this broken car?"

Zhang Yang smiled proudly: "Except for the broken skin, the performance is good, as long as you are willing to give the accelerator. It's no problem to run one hundred and eighty-nine."

Shi Jichang came over and said with a smile, "It's better not to exceed 60 in such a road condition! Take your time. The most important thing is to arrive in Jiangcheng safely!"

After re-up, they waited for Zhang Yang to go on the road together. The two cars took care of each other and drove hard on such a road for more than four hours. The road conditions have just improved. Zhang Yang's phone call also began to ring constantly.

After a day and a night trip, Zhang Yang finally returned to Jiangcheng safely. After saying goodbye to Shi Wei's family, Zhang Yang went to the garage first and left the car behind.

After receiving Zhang Yang's phone call, Hu Yinru immediately came to the parking lot to pick him up. When she saw the completely different jeep, she couldn't help but be shocked: "It's so miserable! Are you all right?" Convinced that Zhang Yang was safe, Hu Yinru was relieved. Zhang Yang transferred the things in the car to Hu Yinru's crown car, sat in the warm car, yawned comfortably and said, "Go home, I just want to have a good sleep now!" Before the words fell, the mobile phone rang. Gu Jiatong called from Beijing to greet her. After Zhang Yang told her that she was safe, he turned off the mobile phone casually.

Hu Yinru said, "I heard about the freezing rain in the north. There are frequent accident on the highway. I'm really worried!"

" Fortunately, this jeep is strong!"

Hu Yinru sighed: "You too. If the weather is bad, just wait for two days to come back!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm busy with work! The city always urges me to come back. If Vice Mayor Yan can't see me, he seems to be missing something, two or three times a day. The phone is urging me!"

Hu Yinru said, "It's not about the reform of the imitation weaving factory. Lin Qinghong's handwork is very big this time. We should not only take down the imitation weaving factory, but also take down the two clothing factories in Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang said casually, "Good thing. She mentioned in the past that it seemed that the production base of Tianjiao Group would be settled in Jiangcheng. She was rich. Taking down the three companies is just a small thing for her. Jiangcheng has been thinking about enterprise reform all day long. Give it all to her. It's a great thing!"

Hu Yinru smiled and said, "The imitation weaving factory and the second clothing factory are all loss-making enterprises. The city can't wait for her to take it away, but the first clothing factory has always had good benefits. She wants to win it. The factory may not agree, and the city will certainly not be willing

Zhang Yang said indifferently: If it's a small matter, there is nothing more than a matter of price. As long as you give up one step, the conditions are right and you can definitely negotiate

Hu Yinru said, "I think the city is probably waiting for you, the director of the enterprise reform office, to negotiate the conditions!"

Zhang Yang said, "I won't talk about work today. I'm going to bed."

Hu Yinru smiled gently: "I know! Have a good rest! Don't pay attention to anything!"

I found that everyone has a little more monthly tickets. Let's work harder to get a few more monthly tickets. We'd rather rear-end rather be chased and cursed! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket!,, If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the muscle, more chapters, support