Medical official path

Chapter 273 Pull the brake

Because there are a lot of people at the scene outdoors, Xiao Ming specially prepared people's knowledge. Xiao Huaiming stood in front of the microphone and said with a smile, " Hello, everyone. Today is my first time to come to Jiangcheng Development Zone. To be honest, Jiangcheng Development Zone is better than I expected. I have seen the rules of the Development Zone. I have also seen the current construction progress of the development zone. It is very good. The stage you want to build is very large, but the stage is set up. If you want to be popular, you must have good actors, Huitong, Blue Star, one. A well-known enterprise at home and abroad has taken a fancy to this land. I believe that as they settle in Jiangcheng, they will have more and more eyes on it. In a short time, the development zone will become a star-bright and become a real economic pearl in Pinghai!

There was a warm applause at the scene.

After the applause subsided, Song Huaiming and others continued: "Our country is in an era of deepening reform. Each of our leading cadres bears a heavy historical responsibility. Being an official is not to glorify his ancestors, not to show off his power. To be an official is to seek the blessings of the people, and to be an official is to be Do your best! ! I believe. Every comrade present has it in their hearts"

The power was suddenly cut off at the scene, and Song Huaiming's voice became smaller in vain. He had to stop talking.

Du Tianye and Zuo Yuanchao didn't look good. At this time, there was a power outage! They turned their eyes to Xiao Ming, which was full of displeatience.

Xiao Ming's forehead broke out in an instant. He pretended to smile and said, "It may be a line problem. I'll check it right away!"

He left the platform, and the staff below had already greeted him and whispered, "The power bureau has pulled the gate again!" Xiao Ming was so angry. These guys from the Power Bureau were too rampant. Today, the governor of the province inspected the development zone, and they dared to do so. The leader of Jiangcheng City was so embarrassed that he couldn't swallow it in any case. Xiao Ming picked up his mobile phone and called Ti Dongshan, the director of the Power Bureau, directly. Unexpectedly, no one responded to the other party's mobile phone.

Zhang Yang also walked over from the side: "What's going on? Did you pull the gate again?

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and said, "What's wrong with these bastards from the Electricity Bureau?" When you say this. Another call.

The microphone made a sharp noise, and the staff hurried forward to adjust it. Governor Song always kept a modest smile on his face. He said lightly, "It seems that I also need to run in with this microphone!"

Everyone laughed.

Song Huaiming continued his speech just now: "I believe it. Every comrade present has this sense of responsibility in their hearts. I believe that you will devote your greatest strength to the construction of Jiangcheng and the economy of Jiangcheng. You can rest assured that our province will do its best to help you and support you, you," the power is cut off again.

Song Huaiming had a certain ominous feeling just now. So he compressed his speech as much as possible and was ready to end it in three or two sentences. But the speed of his speech still didn't keep up with the speed of the brake.

The scene was silent, and everyone saw that Governor Song was unhappy.

Song Huaiming left the viewing platform.

When Du Tianye passed by Xiao Ming, he whispered, "What the hell?"

Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao then said, "Is that what you prepared?"

Xiao Ming really wants to cry without tears. Does the power bureau blame me? The problem of power outage in the development zone has been emerging for some time. He has also been in a boat with the Power Bureau, but from the immediate point of view, the effect is not


Before Song Huaiming got on the car, he turned around and searched in the crowd and found Zhang Yang in the crowd. Zhang Yang understood something from his eyes and walked over. He came to Song Huaiming and whispered to Song Shenglai

Song Huaiming said, "The power problem will not be solved. The development zone will soon become angry. Who is willing to invest here? After saying that, he got into the car. These words were not deliberately said to Zhang Yang, but also to everyone present.

Du Tianye was also very angry with today's incident. He said to Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang, "You two will be responsible for this matter. If something of the same happens again, you can go to my office and submit your resignation by yourself!"

Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang both knew that Du Tianye was angry, but they still felt very uncomfortable. When the leaders left, Zhang Yang sighed and said, "What the hell, Director Xiao, why do I think of standing with you?"

Xiao Ming said, "Should I be alone to get moldy? Brother Zhang, you shouldn't be such a disnoyed person, should you?

Zhang Yang smiled. He didn't regard today's power outage as a bad thing. Song Huaiming should be impressed this time. After returning to Dongjiang, it is necessary to find the bad luck of the Provincial Power Bureau. Maybe it is a blessing in this matter, and it can completely solve the electricity problem in the development zone.

Xiao Ming was very angry. He scolded angrily, "That bastard in Xidongshan, how many meals have I invited him to? Unexpectedly, I still forget it!"

Zhang Yang said, "Go find him!"

Xiao Ming, at the instice of Zhang Yang, nodded and said, "Let's go! Let's go to him now, and I'll talk to him!"

Zhang Yang didn't want to go, but Xiao Ming fixed him today and grabbed his arm and pulled him into the car.


The director of Jiangcheng Electric Power Bureau Jin Dongshan is not in the workplace. His mother is ill and is now taking care of him in the Second Hospital of Jiangcheng.

Xiao Ming took a breath. Today, he didn't find Ti Dongshan to ask for a clear question. He vowed not to give up. He dragged Zhang Yang and bought some nutrients to visit the old lady who washed Dongshan. He said to himself that I was full of benevolence and righteousness today. If you enter Dongshan, you will be shameless

Jin Dongshan did not expect Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang to come. He and Xiao Ming are old acquaintances, but they have had no contact with Zhang Yang in the past. After Xiao Ming introduced Zhang Yang to him, Ti Dongshan still behaved very politely and shook hands with Zhang Yang: "I have heard of Director Zhang's name for a long time, and It's a great honor."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What has Director Jin heard of me? I'm all infamous outside. They all say that I bully men and women and fight all kinds of evil!"

Entering Dongshan heard the meaning of the threat in his words, and he was a little unhappy in his heart. He said secretly, why are you a national cadre? I still don't believe that you dare to attack me!

Xiao Ming put the nutrients on the ground, and he complained, "Lao Ti, you made me suffer today. Governor Song came to the development zone to inspect. He spoke for less than three minutes. Your power bureau pulled the gate twice. You are really good at choosing the time!"

Enter Dongshan to signal them to whisper a little and pointed to the balcony outside. He was a filial son, afraid that the sound of the two would wake up his mother.

The three of them came to the balcony, entered Dongshan and first took out a box of cigarettes, gave Xiao Ming one, and Zhang Yang did not smoke. He declined the cigarettes he handed over.

Enter Dongshan to light a cigarette and take a sip and say, "Lao Xiao, it's not that you don't know that Jiangcheng's power resources are tight. As the director of the power bureau. I must ensure the electricity consumption of the whole city, focusing on large state-owned enterprises."

Xiao Ming said, "What do you mean? Our development zone is not important. You cut off the power in three days. Now the construction of the development zone is in high development. If you continue like this, who is willing to invest in our development zone?

Jin Dongshan said: "At the beginning, it was said that with so many enterprises in the development zone, the power supply will increase exponentially. The province has proposed to let you build a power plant more than once, but you have turned a deaf ear to the suggestions of our power system. Now that there is a problem, are you coming to us again?

Xiao Ming was also annoyed: "There are only three large power plants in Jiangcheng. Open your eyes and see, in the whole Pinghai Province, who produces more electricity than our Jiangcheng?"

into Dongshan said, "If you want to have an overall view, you may not have to pay close to the supply of Jiangcheng first if the power plant is built in Jiangcheng."

Zhang Yang, who stopped beside him, couldn't help it. He sneered and said, "Listen to what you mean by the director. Should our group of salt sellers drink light soup?

Jin Dongshan said, "The power problem is the unified deployment in the province, and I can't make the decision."

Xiao Ming said angrily, "The province will be unified. But it's you who pull the brakes. It's irresponsible for you to say so!"

entered Dongshan and said, "Lao Xiao, if you have any dissatisfaction in your heart, you can report it upwards."

Xiao Ming said, "Lao Jin, Lao Xi, aren't you from Jiangcheng? Don't you want our economic construction in Jiangcheng to be carried out as soon as possible?

"In fact, a power plant should be built in the development zone, and the problem will be solved after the network is connected?"

Zhang Yang said, "Is it a day or two to build a power plant? The municipal finance in Jiangcheng is so tight, how can we have the money to build a power plant? Do you think all units are as stunned as your power system?

Jin Dongshan frowned and said, "What does Director Zhang mean?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's meaningless. I just feel that you don't do things authentically. There are three power plants in Jiangcheng. Jiangcheng itself is often troubled by electricity consumption. Your power bureau is nothing more than a management unit. Who gave you the power? Do you think you can do whatever you want if you have the right to use electricity? The power system is a special unit, which is good, but don't forget whose territory you are on.

Jin Dongshan laughed and said, "Director Zhang speaks very strongly. Don't be so angry when young people are angry."

Xiao Ming said for fear that the world would not be chaotic: "Director Zhang has a much better temper now, as before. He beat people a long time ago!"

Entering Dongshan was about to refute a few words. Suddenly, he heard the cough inside and hurriedly pushed the door and walked in. He helped his mother sit up and spit.

Zhang Yang and Xiao Ming also followed. The old lady took a few breaths and looked at Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang's faces. When she saw Zhang Yang, her expression suddenly became excited, and she struggled to get out of bed.

Entering the Dongshan Tower, he quickly supported his mother and said, "Mom, what are you doing? Lie down and rest!"

Xiao Ming also said, "Dear, you're welcome. We're just coming to see you. Let's go!"

The old lady took Dongshan's hand: "Dongshan. He, he pointed to Zhang Yang, because he was excited and couldn't speak for a moment.

Zhang Yang also wondered, what's going on with this old lady? In my impression, I don't seem to have offended her! Jin Dongshan and Xiao Ming were confused.

The old lady controlled her emotions after a while: "Dongshan, it was this young man who saved me."

When Zhang Yang heard her say this, he suddenly remembered that he encountered a series of rear-end collisions on his way back to Jiangcheng from Beijing a few days ago. At that time, he rescued an old lady from a bus. It was in front of him. He didn't expect that the old lady to be the mother of Tidongshan.

Zhang Yang walked over, and the old lady took his hand and shook it excitedly: "Thank you. I've been looking for you. Thank you!"

Jin Dongshan knew that Zhang Yang was his mother's lifesaver. I am also very grateful.

The old lady took her son's hand and said, "Dongshan. You must thank them well."

Zhang Yang said unkindly, "You're welcome. Just pull less brakes in the future."

Xiao Ming sneer! The ground laughed out loud, and Xi Dong made him smile with embarrassment.

At noon that day, Ti Dongshan invited the two of them to dinner at Zhenweiju opposite the hospital, because Zhang Yang was his mother's savior, Ti Dongzhi. Naturally, his attitude towards him changed. First, he saluted two glasses of wine. He sighed, "I know that the development zone has a lot of opinions on our power bureau, but the pressure from the superiors does not want Jiangcheng to build another power plant. I have been holding on this matter."

Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang are skeptical about what he said. Zhang Yang likes reality, and he also mentioned the electricity problem in the development zone in the future. Jin Dongshan immediately said, "I promise that there will be no similar phenomenon in the future. Even if the power is limited, I will definitely inform the development zone in advance. Do you think this is okay?"

Xiao Ming smiled and couldn't think of the problem that had bothered him for many days. It was solved so simply. It seemed that human kindness was more effective. Zhang Yang walked into Dongshan's mother's lifesaver, and he entered Dongshan and was a filial son. This kindness is not light. Xiao Ming believes that the Electric Power Bureau He picked up his glass and said, "Lao Jin, the glory of the development zone is the glory of Jiangcheng. The glory of Jiangcheng is the glory of each of us, and our construction must rely on your spare no effort to support.

into Dongshan said, "Although I know you don't like to listen. But I still want to mention that although there are three power plants in Jiangcheng, the factory equipment is old, and the power generation capacity can no longer meet the requirements of the era of rapid development. It is necessary to build a new power plant.

Xiao Ming said, "The city also wants to build a new power plant, but what about the money? Your power bureau only wants to pay for the city to build a power plant and then be connected to the grid. This is the business of empty gloves and white wolves. Who doesn't want to? But the finances of our Jiangcheng are so tight that we invest the money in the power plant. What about the other construction?

Dongshan said, "Anyway, the power problem will be solved sooner or later, otherwise there will be contradictions

They made everything clear at lunch. Xiao Ming can be said to have gained something

After breaking up with Dongshan, Xiao Ming immediately reported the results to Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao. Zuo Yuanchao was also happy to hear that the problem of electricity consumption in the development zone could be solved smoothly. The two-degree power outage in the development zone in the morning did not affect Governor Song's impression of Jiangcheng. He still has a good overall feeling about Jiangcheng, and he did not forget to give encouragement to the leaders of Jiangcheng before leaving.

Soon after Zuo Yuanchao returned to the government office. Cao Zhengyang, the director and secretary of Jiangcheng Construction Machinery Factory, came to visit, and Cao Zhengyang came to complain.

Zuo Yuanchao and Cao Zhengyang have always had a good relationship. He kindly invited Cao Zhengyang to sit down. After Cao Zhengyang sat down, he immediately suffered bitter water: "Mayor Zuo, I can't continue the construction machinery factory. You'd better choose another wise."

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and said, "Lao Cao, what are you doing? Who offended you? How dare you let it out?"

Cao Zhengyang said, "Who else? China Merchants Office!" He knew that the relationship between Zuo Yuanchao and Zhang Yang was also good, so he didn't directly click Zhang Yang's name.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Tay it, say what you feel uncomfortable in your heart!"

Cao Zhengyang said, "Our factory and South Korea's Andai Group have been negotiating intermittently for more than a year for this cooperation. Now the conditions in all aspects have been almost negotiated, and the China Merchants Office has mentioned the matter of Hyde Group again."

Zuo Yuanchao said, "According to me, Hyde Group is much stronger in strength and influence than South Korea's Andai Group."

Cao Zhengyang said, "I still say that. We have a crush on others, but we have to have a crush on us. Even if Hyde Group can cooperate with us, it will take a long time from the inspection to the final signing of the contract. When the agreement is signed, I think our construction machinery factory will be delayed.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Lao Cao, Chunping of Hyde Group will come to Jiangcheng for investigation!"

Cao Zhengyang said, "I'm not against their investigation. But Liu Minzhi, the president of Andai Group, is coming next week. He wants to sign a contract with us this time. I don't know how to excuse it!"

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Cooperation is the embodiment of the balance of the interests of both sides, and neither party can only take care of its own interests. I heard that the conditions of Andai are a little harsh, which is a little unfair to us."

Cao Zhengyang said, "I have been in the construction machinery factory for so many years. I am very clear about the situation of the factory. I should have more say than others."

From Cao Zhengyang's words, Zuo Yuanchao heard his dissatisfaction and resistance to the China Merchants Office. Zuo Yuanchao smiled and comforted him, "Lao Cao, be patient. After the investigation of Hyde Group, we will have a comparison, and there may be unexpected surprises.

Cao Zhengyang knew that Zuo Yuanchao was determined to do the investment promotion to the end, so he only sighed secretly. I got rid of the idea of continuing to talk. He said depressedly, "If the Korean Andai Group gives up signing the contract with us because of this matter, I will not take this responsibility."

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Lao Cao, it's all for work. Don't be in the mood!"

What should come is always coming. South Korea's Andai Group arrived as scheduled. Zhang Yang has no interest in this group. Although the lack of sincerity of Andai Group is one of them, another very important reason is the relationship between Cui Zhihuan and Wen Ling. Therefore, Zhang Yang did not even attend the reception banquet to welcome Andai Group. In the China Merchants Office, he asked the deputy director Xiao Guitang to follow up on this matter, and specially sent Zhang Ruirong. The name is Fan Zeshi, his gold medal undercover agent, who was responsible for observing Cui Zhihuan's every move.

The day Andai Group arrived in Jiangcheng. Hailan also came to Jiangcheng from Hong Kong. This time, she is going to stay in Pinghai for a period of time to shoot the domestic Spring Festival folklore. The film crew did not come to the same plane with her.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to pick up Hailan in person, but Du Tianye called him temporarily, so he called Hu Yinru and asked Hu Yinru to pick up Hailan at the airport for him.

Du Tianye temporarily called Zhang Yang in the past. The fundamental reason is still related to Andai Group. It is reasonable that a municipal party secretary should not pay so much attention to this kind of thing. But because of Cui Zhihuan's relationship, Du Tianye was a little restless. However, he didn't have anyone else to talk about this kind of thing. He was very uncomfortable in his heart and restless, so he could only talk to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang could understand Du Tianye's depression. When he came to Du Tianye's office, there were only five minutes left before he got off work. Du Tianye locked the official document on the table and got up and said, "Let's go! I'll treat you to dinner, and my parents will come the day after tomorrow. I don't have time to drink with you either.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Good thing, Uncle Du and others come here. I'm going to have a few drinks with you."

Du Tianye said, "My father is old. I can't drink enough. I've had a high blood pressure recently. I dare not let him drink. By the way, when he comes, you can help him recuperate.

Zhang Yang answered and walked out of the office with Du Tianye.

When the two walked out of the office building, many people quietly looked at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang also realized the envy and contempt in other people's eyes. He sighed and said, "Secretary Du, now people think I flatter you all day long! It's better for us to keep our distance in the future.

Du Tianye laughed and said, "Don't you never care what others think?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's me. It doesn't matter to people. I'm afraid of affecting your glorious, impartial and selfless image!"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Aren't you flattering?"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Du Mingcha Qiu Hao. I admire it! I admire it!"

Du Tianye got on the flamboyant jeep. He took the key over and took the initiative to take the responsibility of driving. I'm used to sitting in the back row on weekdays, and drivers drive in and out of the way. Du Tianye began to miss this feeling of driving.

"Where are you going?"

Du Tianye said, "Be far away from being seen!"

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "You are quite indisputable as the secretary of the municipal party committee. It's so difficult to even have a meal!"

Du Tianye said, "It's better to be at home at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection!"

"Of course, where is Beijing? There are officials everywhere. You catch a lot in Beijing at this level, but Jiangcheng is different. You are a veritable brother, the boss of Jiangcheng, the big brother!"

Du Tianye couldn't help laughing and said, "What nonsense? It sounds like a gangster.

Zhang Yang said, "Where the hell are you going?"

Du Tianye smiled at him mysteriously and took him to Changyuan Lane in the west of the city. He parked his car on the road outside the alley. Du Tianye was familiar with the road and came out with two bottles of Feitian Maotai from the back of the car. He didn't forget to praise: "Yo, thirty years of storage, you

Zhang Yang said, "Shun Gu's, what, I said, didn't you buy me a drink today? Why did you take my wine? "Give you a chance to flatt me!" Du Tianye felt that two bottles were not enough, so he took another bottle out.

Zhang Yang followed Du Tianye to the alley. Let's go

, Mi saw a small restaurant with wooden cards in front of him, saying that it had been a fire on Chengxi Island and Liu Zhangyang had come to Jiangcheng for a long time, but he didn't know this place. He didn't expect Du Tianye to touch this place so clearly.

Du Tianye specially wore a wide-edged glasses frame today, but no one would have thought that the municipal party secretary could go to such a small place to drink, so the probability of him being recognized is very low.

The two of them found a remote corner to sit down. Du Tianye asked the boss for a hen stinky, a chicken three treasures, with four cold dishes. The two took a teacup and each opened a bottle of wine. There was no problem with their drinking these wines.

After a glass of white wine, Zhang Yang just said, "Are you upset? Do you want me to get the stick?"

Du Tianye stared at him and said, "Who do you think I am?"

Zhang Yang smiled secretly in his heart. Du Tian's ambition must be unhappy, otherwise how could he take the initiative to make an appointment to drink? Zhang Yang said, "Let's only drink tonight. Don't talk about unhappy things!"

Du Tianye nodded. At this time, the boss brought over a large casserole, which was the signature dish of their shop, the hen loan, and took off the lid of the casserole. The seductive aroma overflowed. Zhang Yang filled a bowl of fragrant and strong hen soup, took a sip, and praised loudly, "Good soup!"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Is there anything wrong with the place I introduced?"

Zhang Yang said, "This place is so remote. How did you find it?

Du Tianye was about to speak, but he heard a surprised voice and said, "Secretary Du!"

The two of them followed the sound. But he saw Su Yu Nuan appear aside with a steel pot.

Zhang Yang immediately realized that it was no accident that Su Nuannuan appeared here. He smiled and said, "What a coincidence. Su Nuan, are you here too?"

Su Ying Nuan still doesn't have a good look on Zhang Yang. However, compared with the past, he at least whispered to him, "My family lives in this alley. What's the coincidence?"

Zhang Yang looked at Du Tianye with a smile and said, "How can I find this place? It turns out that someone leads the way!"

Du Tianye smiled shyly and said, "I came here with Xiao Su in the past, and I can't forget the hen here!"

Although Su Nuanmei is not good to Zhang Yang. But Zhang Yang didn't care about her. He smiled and invited, "Su Yu Nuan, let's have dinner together!"

Su Nuannuan said, "I'm here to buy hen soup for my mother. You eat it first!"

Du Tianye nodded and continued to drink with Zhang Yang.

After Su Nuannuan bought hen soup and sent it back. He came back soon, since Du Tianye moved away. She hasn't seen Du Tianye for a few days. She was very happy to see Du Tianye eating in front of her house.

Zhang Yang doesn't mind Su Nuanting joining. After all, drinking with Du Tianye tonight is just to help him relieve his depression and vent his complaints. Zhang Yang is worried about something. I don't know if Wen Ling will come this time? If Wen Ling goes to Jiangcheng to meet Cui Zhihuan again, it will be another major blow to Du Tianye. The best way to keep Du Tianye from being troubled by his feelings is to transfer his feelings. Su Nuannuan in front of him is good, and his figure is not good. Moreover, Zhang Yang has investigated that Su Yunuan is also a serious college graduate, studying hotel management, and his education is also worthy of Du Tianye. If you really want to say it, it's a family background.

Du Tianye said, "How is your aunt's health?"

Su Nuannuan said, "It's not good. After my brother was imprisoned, she was sick!" When she said this, she couldn't help staring at Zhang Yang. She blamed Zhang Yang for this matter. Although she also knew in her heart that her brother was to blame for being re-education through labor, she still hated Zhang Yang because of this.

Zhang Yang just pretended not to see it and took a sip of wine alone.

Du Tianye said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help you with this!"

Su Nuanhua shook her head and said, "Secretary Du said so. He blamed himself for my brother's business. It has nothing to do with others.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's right!"

Du Tianye said, "Eat a piece of wisdom. I hope he can learn from it in the future and do business!"

Because of Su Yuannuan's appearance, Du Tianye couldn't drink freely. After chatting with her, he was ready to get up and leave. Zhang Yang picked up the remaining bottle of wine. When Du Tianye went to check out. Only then did I know that Su Nuannuan had settled the bill. The reason was that when she came to her door, it was her treat.

After Du Tianye entered the car, he turned around and found that Su Yu was still standing at the entrance of the alley and waved to him with a smile.

Zhang Yang sighed deliberately and said, "It's really affectionate!"

Du Tianye beat his fist on the shoulder: "Don't talk nonsense to me!"

Zhang Yang said, "The blind man can also see that Su Yuannuan is interested in you. Secretary Du, we also have to have a little pity for the spirit of cherishing jade. You act like a wood pimple. It's too inhumane!"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Don't play around with me. I won't tell you that I don't feel that way about Su Nuannuan. I'm almost four years old. She is a little girl, and I have a generation gap with her!"

"I'm still a young man. Why don't you have a ditch with me?"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "To tell the truth, I have always regarded you as a descendant!"

"Get out of here!"

Du Tianye's eyes widened: "Fuck. It's your back! Do you still want to do it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. One inadtentionarily said what was on his mind. Well, our Secretary Du is not a villain of private revenge. Besides, we don't have a grudge, do we?

Du Tianye deliberately raised his face and said, "Give you a one-month inspection period. If you make me unhappy again, roll up the bedding and get out of here!"

Of course, Zhang Yang knew that Du Tianye was joking. I sent Du Tianye away and saw that it was already 9:30 p.m. So I called Hu Yinru, but I didn't expect the plane to be late. Now Hailan has just got off the plane. Hu Yinru asked Zhang Yang to go back to the Xiaonan Lake wooden house first. She picked up Hailan immediately


Not long after Zhang Yang returned to the wooden house, Hu Yinru and Hai Lan arrived, although it was their first time to meet. They are very close to each other. Hu Yinru and Hailan have one thing in common. They both know the role they play, love Zhang Yang deeply, and do not have too much extravagant from Zhang Yang, so they know more about the way they get along with each other.

Please recommend the ticket, the ticket is a little ugly!!