Medical official path

Chapter 309 Slap on the table

Each Yang can also understand. Laughing!" " Hello, Mayor Xiao!"

Xiao Ming laughed and walked into the elevator with Zhang Yang. There were only two of them in the elevator. Xiao Ming smiled and said, "When did you come back? Why don't you say hello?"

Zhang Yang said, "Online arrival, isn't this coming to report to your leaders!"

Xiao Ming said, "Secretary Du and several of the members of the Standing Committee are in a meeting. Go to my office for a while!"

The leaders invited each other cordially, but of course it is not easy to refuse. Follow Xiao Ming to his office. Xiao Ming asked his secretary to make tea and go out. He has just come to the city government office. The office has just been renovated, the smell has not dissipated, and the windows are wide open. Xiao Ming came to the window and took a deep breath and said, "The air quality here is much worse than that in the development zone!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The air quality on the ninth floor is the best!"

Xiao Ming recognized that his words had something else to say. The ninth floor is the office of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. He couldn't help laughing. He pulled the ice, took out a bottle of soda from it and threw it over. Zhang Yang reached out to catch it. I took a sip.

Xiao Ming said, "We Chinese pay attention to feng shui, and everything is auspicious. The fifth room on the ninth floor secretly combines the meaning of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Who doesn't want to be promoted in the system, but for this floor, the ninth floor is not a good place."

Zhang Yang looked at him curiously.

Xiao Ming said, "The ninth floor and the tenth floor are all ash layers, which is the place with the worst air quality. You can ask the construction person and you will know."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Xiao Ming also uncrewed a bottle of soda and drank it. He came to Zhang Yang and sat down: "Little brother, I heard that you made a mistake in Europe?"

Zhang Ji smiled and said, "What does the city say?"

Xiao Ming said, "Secretary Du said that you are free and loose. During the period in Europe, there was no team spirit, broke away from collective action, and did not play a good role in the leadership of the deputy leader.

Zhang Yang said, "My crime is heavy enough!"

Xiao Ming laughed and said, "It's just saying it verbally. I didn't say I wanted to deal with you. But your sick leave is long enough. It's almost a month. The delegation is back. Why don't you come back to work?

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Du asked me to take a break. I'm here today to cancel my leave. I don't know if Boss Du is sure?

Xiao Ming said, "Go to work quickly. As long as you go to work healthily, many rumors will be broken!"

Zhang Yang reached for the water bottle on the coffee table. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Instead, he took Xiao Ming's bottle. Xiao Ming reminded him, "Where is your bottle!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'm sick?"

Only then did Xiao Ming understand what the boy meant. He smiled and pointed to his head: "You! I don't believe the rumors spread outside!"

Zhang Yang said, "If others had understood as well as Mayor Xiao, our reform and opening up would have been successful long ago."

Xiao Ming was puzzled. Is your little thing related to the reform and opening up?

With the end of the People's Congress, the leadership of Jiangcheng City Government has been fully established, and Zuo Yuanchao has lived up to expectations and was elected as the mayor of Jiangcheng City. However, he also knew very well that although he had removed this pronoon, he could only be the second person in Jiangcheng, and Du Tianye, the young secretary of the municipal party committee, was the boss of Jiangcheng.

This time, the Standing Committee still focused on how to deepen the reform. After Du Tianye made an opening statement, he handed over his voice to other members of the Standing Committee. His speeches were all drafted by Jiang Le, and the secretary Zhang Yang introduced to him was quite good. Write a good article.

Zuo Yuanchao once again mentioned the traffic problem in Jiangcheng. With the opening of the Third Ring Road, the traffic pressure on urban roads has been eased, and the reform is changing with each passing day. Next, the reconstruction project of urban trunk roads will be put on the agenda. Zuo Yuanchao said, "Jiangcheng has a long history, because in the past, there were many shortcomings in the city. Therefore, the existing roads in the urban area are difficult to adapt to the needs of the development of the times. If you want to improve the competitiveness of the city, you must do a good job in the appearance of the city. While doing a good job in road construction and transformation, do a good job in the landscaping of the city.

Du Tianye agreed with this: "The road transformation in Jiangcheng District is indeed imminent, but we must make reasonable rules and gradually transform the Jiangcheng road without affecting the normal travel of citizens.

Zuo Yuanchao nodded and said, "Secretary Du is right. The construction and renovation of the road must be carried out without affecting the work and life of the people. There is one thing I must criticize. The recent renovation of county roads in Chunyang County has caused a lot of complaints. Recently, the Municipal Office of Letters and Calls has received complaints from the people. The road construction in Chunyang County has seriously affected the normal life of the people. I went to the county to have a look the other day. Now Chunyang County is like a big construction site.

Du Tianye also went to Chunyang a few days ago. I feel the same way with Zuo Yuanchao at this point.

Some members of the Standing Committee have turned their eyes to Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor. Zhu Heng, Secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, is his team. Zhu Heng is furious about the renovation of the main road in Chunyang City. There are endless petitions and complaints among the people. According to the attitude of the two Jiangcheng leaders in front of

If before the People's Congress, Li Changyu still has the strength to compete with Zuo Yuanchao in the hearts of many people. After the People's Congress, Zuo Yuanchao finally ascended the position of mayor. In everyone's eyes, Li Changyu has become a defeated general. In fact, Li Changyu is also more and more low-key. This is not to hide the light, but to accept the reality. As the former county party secretary of Chunyang, Li Changyu is clear about He was also very unhappy. He understood that Zhu Heng wanted to make political achievements and wanted Chunyang to become the second county-level city in Jiangcheng.

Zhu Heng's approach is equivalent to denying Li Changyu's past political achievements. The tone set by Li Changyu in Chunyang is to focus on the Chunshui River. A small county like Chunyang develops on the basis of maintaining its characteristics. Li Changyu and Ge Chunli also practiced it and staged a ** drama on the bank of the Chunshui He almost left his life there. If he hadn't met the publicity that happened to pass there, Li Changyu would have become a laughing stock in Jiangcheng and even the whole Pinghai system. Since Li Changyu avoided Zhang Yang, his experience in the past two years can also be regarded as ups and downs, but there is one thing he can't deny. Without Zhang Yang, he certainly can't sit here safely. People can always realize some truths after experiencing failures and setbacks, which is often said to grow one's wisdom.

Li Changyu adjusted his mentality very well. What he wants now is to do his job well. The dispute over the mayor has been settled, and there will be no change in recent years. He doesn't think about those unrealistic things. He understands the reason why the members of the Standing Committee look at him. First, because Zhu Heng and himself are old classmates, others will involuntarily regard him as their own Another reason is that everyone else wants to see him fight with Zuo Yuan, and they want to see the excitement. Li Changyu said, the more you want to see the hustle and bustle, the more you won't let you succeed. He has an expression on his face: "For some cadres who are very happy, we should remind you in time that this sentence is equivalent to publicly showing that you can deal with Zhu Heng as you want, which has nothing to do with me.

Li Changyu's response is undoubtedly correct, but in the eyes of many people, Vice Mayor Li has lost his spirit, lost his fighting spirit, and is timid! Li Changyu doesn't care what others think. Who doesn't like to watch the fun? I don't have time to show you. Du Tianye ended this topic. He said to Yan Xinjian, the deputy mayor who had just entered the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, "Comrade Xinjian, take this opportunity to report the European inspection to everyone."

Yan Xinjian nodded with a smile. It has taken a big step forward for him to sit here and hold the Standing Committee. Competition is everywhere in the system, even between friends. This standing committee position was created between him and Xiao Ming, the new deputy director. In the end, he got what he wanted and entered the Standing Committee.

Yan Xinjian coughed and said, "This European expedition was smooth. We have successively visited the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy, signed five contracts, and reached 21 cooperation intentions, which is the most meaningful thing. The long-term cooperation contract between our construction machinery factory and the German Hyde Group has been signed!"

There was a round of applause at the scene. The results of this European investment inspection were quite fruitful. Hearing these applause, Yan Xinjian was also gratified and felt a little regretful. What a good opportunity, this political achievement. Zhang Yang originally had a share, but unfortunately, this boy had an accident at the first stop in Europe.

Yan Xinjian decided not to mention the publicity today. But he didn't mention it. Only some people said that Zhang Yang had friends and enemies in the Standing Committee. Zhao Yanglin, the director of the National People's Congress, didn't like him. Zhao Yanglin said, "Comrade Xinjian, we can't report good news without reporting bad news. After the results, it's time to say what'

Yan Xinjian had been psychologically prepared for this. He smiled and said, "Speaking of shortcomings, most of our representatives are the first time to go out and lack experience in communicating with foreign businessmen and entrepreneurs. However, reform is a process of gradual exploration. I believe that with the increase of exchanges in the future, our comrades will do better and better. I want to be perfunctory with a few high-sounding words.

Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also said: "Now there are some rumors in the society about the investigation team to Europe, and the impact is very bad."

Yan Xinjian knew that the goal of these people was to show off. He said silently, "What is Comrade Yimin talking about?"

Ma Yimin smiled, but his eyes looked at Yuan Chengxi.

Yuan Chengxi understood that this was to make himself speak. Yuan Chengxi said, "I have also heard a lot of rumors recently. Our ** cadres pay attention to seeking truth from facts. We laugh at those unfounded rumors, but we must sit upright and set an example. Only in this way can we establish a positive image of our cadres, so that the people can trust us!"

Du Tianye was extremely calm. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. There was obviously a tacit alliance between Zhao Yanglin, Ma Yimin and Yuan Chengxi. They aimed directly at the goal. On the surface, it looks like this. However, in this Jiangcheng system, who doesn't know that Zhang Yang is his iron rod, and Zhang Yang is his Du Tianye's person. It is a little unusual to know that the three of them dare to openly sing the opposite at the Standing Committee. Who on earth suddenly gave them confidence? Du Tianye chose to remain silent for a while, and he wanted to observe. He wants to give them three certain spaces. Let's see how they are going to sing the play. Let's see if anyone will jump out?

Zhao Yanglin said, "We are party cadres in Jiangcheng. There are people to supervise us and go out. We represent the image of Jiangcheng, the image of Pinghai, and even the image of the country. We should consider how our every move will have on the country!"

Zuo Yuanchao didn't say anything. The relationship between him and Zhang Yang was not bad in front of him, but it was never as good as Du Tianye. If Secretary Du didn't speak, why did he jump out to be the leader?

Li Changyu secretly laughed at himself. Zhao Yanglin was really confused. He pointed his goal to publicity. Isn't this humiliating himself? When you are old, why can't you always figure out your position? Why do you challenge Du Tianye's authority when you honestly be the director of your National People's Congress?

There are many people in the Standing Committee who have a good relationship with Zhang Yang, but everyone has chosen to be silent. Recently, there have been a lot of rumors about Zhang Yang, but there has been no clear statement. Zhao Yanglin and others openly exposed this matter. On the surface, they are aimed at Zhang Yang, but in fact, they pointed to Du Tian It's not that they don't want to speak for Zhang Yang, but it's unnecessary. With Du Tianye's temperament, they will definitely fight back, and this counterattack will not wait too long.

It's really strange today. Yuan Chengxi, who has always disliked to speak, said again: "Two days ago, when I entertained British foreign businessmen. They mentioned this matter, saying that a leader of our Jiangcheng inspection team went to the red light district during the British inspection. Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a moment, and then said with an indignant expression, "I'm also infected with sexually transmitted diseases!"

The person who jumped out of the Standing Committee was Xu Biao, the Minister of Organization. Everyone saw that these three old guys were singing together today. Their goal was to Zhang Yang. Even if others did not speak, he Xu Biao had to say it. Zhang Yang was kind to him. If it weren't for Zhang Yang, he would have died in Dongjiang His daughter Xu Yaluo's justice was not helped to be recovered. Xu Biao said, "Deputy Mayor Yuan's English is good. I have been able to communicate directly with foreign businessmen!" C