Medical official path

Chapter 320 The Enmity of the Rich Family

Dawen, an official, was obviously enraged, and he shouted! You are messing around. Can you take it seriously? How can business and feelings be compared? Have you considered the image of the company?

An Yuchen's face turned pale with anger. She said in a trembling voice, "Awen, you disappoint me so much. I won't let you succeed!"

Andavin roared, "I'm the chairman of the company. Make it clear! Grandpa handed over the An family to us, not to let you be angry, not to let you squander! I've had enough of your self-righteousness. If you dare to do it frankly, I will ask you to be cleared from the company's board of directors!"

An Yuchen really didn't expect that this cousin, who she regarded as her closest relative, would be so ruthless. She bit her lip and wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a whirlwind, her legs softened, and her delicate body straightened straight to the ground.

The venue is changing, and the reporters are most interested in these things, one by one.

An Yuchen's sudden coma made the situation change again. Zhang Yang rushed up with an arrow step. He understood An Yuchen's physical condition and realized that it was not good when he saw that she was so excited, but he still couldn't stop it after all.

Andawen was also stunned when he saw An Yuchen falling to the ground. He came up and said, "Sister,"

Zhang Yang pushed him away: "Get out of here!"

Andavin glared at Zhang Yang: "You'd better be careful when you speak!"

Zhang Yang said angrily, "What the hell are you? You are shameless! What did I scold you? If there is something wrong with the little demon, I can't forgive you!"

Andavin sneered and said, "She is already sick. What does life and death have to do with me? What kind of green onion are you? What kind of boss?"

The audience also shook their heads one after another, saying that the Andavin was a little too cold. After all, it was his cousin who fainted. He actually said such ruthless words. Zhang Yang had been full of fire for a long time. Hearing Andavin's words, he couldn't stand it anymore. He slapped him in the face. The slap was crisp and loud, and he actually suppressed all the noisy voices in the hall.

Everyone was stunned. After a short pause, the sound of the camera pressing the shutter sounded one after another.

Andawen's beautiful face suddenly had five fingerprints. He was ashamed and angry, and rushed to Zhang Yang with a roar. With his skills, he could not be compared with Zhang's official at all. Zhang Yang grabbed his wrist with one hand, raised his hand and punched him again, beating Andawen backwards. Fortunately, someone held him.

The scene fell into chaos.

Deputy Mayor Yan Xinjian shouted, "Separate them, separate them!"

Zhang Yang picked up An Yuchen and went to the lounge next door. Someone had already called there. Qiao Mengmei followed in. Seeing that Zhang Yang was so nervous and An Yuchen, she had guessed that the relationship between them was not just as simple as the master and apprentice they claimed.

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at Qiao Mengnuan and said in a low voice, "C close the door! Don't let anyone in!"

Qiao Mengnuan sighed and actually closed the door according to his instructions.

Zhang Yang asked Qiao Mengting to help An Yuchen sit on the carpet. She sat cross-legged behind An Yuchen, and put her palms on An Yuchen's shoulders. The inner breath was constantly injected into An Yuchen's body. Zhang Yang soon explored the real reason for An Yuchen's coma. She was so excited that she That's why this situation is caused. The treatment method is to use his own true qi to straighten out the true qi in An Yuchen's body. If you face a person with a normal meridians, Zhang Yang naturally does not need to spend too much energy, but he is facing An Yuchen. The meridians in her body are already extremely disordered. When there was a danger last year, Zhang Force to set up a temporary circulation in her body, which can only solve a temporary emergency.

It was not the first time that Qiao Mengnuan saw Zhang Yang save people. Last time, when Shi Wei drowned, Zhang Yang used this method to treat him. However, at that time, he took Shi Wei clean, but today he did not take off An Yuchen's clothes. Qiao Mengnuan couldn't help thinking that Take off your clothes, right?

With the injection of Zhang Yang's internal force, An Yuchen's beautiful face regained a little blood color. She slowly opened her beautiful eyes and heard Zhang Yang's calm voice and said, "Don't talk, be mindless!"

At this time, there was a knock outside the door. Qiao Mengnuan walked over and heard the outside shouting, "We are first responders. Open the door quickly!"

Qiao Mengnuan looked at Zhang Yang, who was saving people. He opened a crack in the door and whispered, "It's okay. You don't need to come in!"

After a while, Yan Xinjian's voice of concern came: "Mr. Qiao, how is Miss An?" Yan Xinjian squeezed out of the crowd.

Qiao Mengnuan smiled and said, "I've woken up. She doesn't want outsiders to disturb her. Let her rest for a while. I'm with her. Don't worry!"

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yang's hands left An Yuchen's back. He breathed a sigh of relief. His face was soaked with sweat.

An Yuchen turned around and looked at Zhang Yang's tired face. Fang suddenly felt an indescribable warmth in her heart. When she needed care most, Zhang Yang was still the first to appear beside her side.

Zhang Yang smiled a little anxiously and said: Xiaoyao, your body is getting weaker and weaker. Don't say it's my apprentice in the future. I can't afford to lose this man!"

When An Yuchen was said by him, his unhappiness in his heart eased a lot. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you think I want to be your apprentice? That's what you said. I'll teach you Zhang Yang in the future. Miss Qiao, please testify for me. From today on, I will dissolve the master-apprentice relationship with him!"

Qiao Mengyan smiled faintly. Today's transfer contract turned into a farce in a blink of an eye, which was a pity for her. However, An Yuchen's sudden killing became complicated and confusing. Qiao Mengmei also wanted to figure out this matter, as a bystander. She witnessed the whole process of today's events with her own eyes. She didn't want to participate in the internal disputes of the An family, and she had nothing to do with her. Unlike Zhang Yang, he firmly stood in the position of An Yuchen. In full view of the public, Zhang Yang hit Anda Wen.

Qiao Mengnuan realized that Zhang Yang had caused a big trouble. If Zhang Yang was just an ordinary person, the matter may not be serious, but Zhang Yang represented the Jiangcheng Investment Office today. He is the deputy director of the Jiangcheng Investment Office, and Andawen is not an ordinary person. He is a Jiangcheng investor and a Hong Kong businessman. Just So many reporters were present. Zhang Yang gave a lot of evidence and material evidence. If An Zhanwen does not investigate, it will be better if Andawen investigates, this matter will be a big trouble.

Zhang Yang didn't think so much. He just hit Andawen just for a moment of righteous indignation. To put it bluntly, his relationship with An's family is with An Lao and An Yuchen. Now that An Lao has passed away, he is also close to An Yuchen. Seeing that Anda Wen, a boy, fainted An Yu How can a master watch his apprentice be bullied?

The development of the matter was more serious than Qiao Mengnuan expected. After Andawen was beaten, Jiangcheng's response was quite timely. Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian immediately signaled to invite the reporter out, and then invited Andawen to rest. He also pretended to ask the doctor to come and examine Andavin.

Andawen wiped his nose with a handkerchief. He was punched on the nose by Zhang Yang and shed a lot of blood. The original snow-white handkerchief had been dyed red.

Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian advised, "Let's go to the hospital for a check-up!" Andawen shook his head: "Mayor Yan, I'm fine. I'm just disappointed and sad. That's how you Jiangchengfu treats investors?"

Yan Xinjian was speechless and scolded the bastard in his heart. It was not the first time that Yan Xinjian had seen this boy, but this time it was particularly bad in nature. He actually hit Andawen in the presence of so many media reporters in full view of the public, and during his work period, don't think about it. Zhang Yang successfully sent himself to the forefront of the storm this time. Not to mention Jiangcheng, I'm afraid that the whole Pinghai will know him, and the director of the investment office slaps the investor They can't even invite them, and they all provide investors like masters. You are really bold and guts. Yan Xinjian muttered in his heart, but he still had to explain for Zhang Yang: "Mr. An, you and Zhang Yang are old friends"

Andavin said coldly, "He and I are not old friends, and we can't even talk about friends. Mayor Yan, even the most basic personal safety is not guaranteed in Jiangcheng. How can you make our Hong Kong businessmen have the confidence to invest in Jiangcheng?

Yan Xinjian sighed in his heart that he did not have a good impression of Andawen. Andawen is not an investment. He withdrew his capital this time, and he was about to sign an agreement with Qiao Mengnuan to transfer the development right. Who would have thought that An Yuchen would be killed halfway? The contradictions within their families let them make trouble by themselves. Who would have thought that Zhang Yang rushed up and caused trouble. Originally, this matter would never involve Jiangcheng Prefecture. Well, Zhang Yang's slap made the whole municipal government of Jiangcheng passive.

Yan Xinjian said, "Mr. An, don't worry, the city will deal with him seriously, let him realize his mistake, and let him apologize to you!"

Andavin shook his head, covered his lips and stood up: "Mayor Yan, I won't forget this matter. I will report to the relevant departments about my beating in Jiangcheng. As for Zhang Yang, let him wait to receive the lawyer's letter!" He took two steps. He stopped and turned around and said, "And, in view of the great threat to my personal safety, I decided that Century Antai Group will suspend all investment in Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang's beating of Andavin in public soon reached the ears of Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu and Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian are all in his office. The impact of this matter is so great that it will soon spread all over Jiangcheng. It spread all over Pinghai. Yan Xinjian went to ask Li Changyu for instructions. Li Changyu originally wanted to find Zuo Yuanchao, but Mayor Zuo Yuanchao went to Fengze to inspect. Later, he thought that even if it was not easy to find Zuo Yuanchao, he would report directly to Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

When Du Tianye heard that Zhang Yang had hit the Hong Kong businessman, he suddenly became angry. He said angrily, "How can you poke me all this bastard?" He stared at Yan Xinjian and said, "What's wrong with you? Were you there? Why don't you control the situation? How can you make things so intensified?

Yan Xinjian's heart is aggrieved. What the hell are you doing to me? Zhang Yang's skills, if he says anything, he will take action. I want to stop him, but can I stop him? But he also understood that Du Tianye would not say this sentence for no reason. With such a detailed taste, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. Shit, this is to share the responsibility on me. Du Tianye is really unusual. His relationship with Zhang Yang is the same. Regardless of the details of the matter, first thinking about sharing part of the responsibility, Yan Xinjian secretly called unlucky. It's better for Li Changyu to be shrewd, sign a transfer contract, and join in the fun by himself. That's good. The limelight did not come out, but he had to help share the responsibility. Secretary Du had given him a set of himself. As the highest leader of the scene, he did not control the situation well and allowed the contradiction to intensify. Yan Xinjian wanted to cry without tears. This time he could not run away.

Li Changyu said, "Secretary Du, I don't think it's that simple!"

Du Tianye has been sitting in the position of the municipal party secretary for a long time, and he has been very good at controlling his emotions. Just now, it was still thunderous, and in a blink of an eye, it became calm again. He sat in a chair, nodded faintly and said, "Say it!"

Li Changyu said, "Although Andavin is young, he is very calculating and a typical businessman. I don't like him. His personality can't be compared with Mr. An, and there is also a gap with Miss An. Let's talk about the tourism development of Qingtai Mountain, what Mr. An promised in his life, and the signed This time he came to Jiangcheng for investment at all. I can guarantee that before coming to Jiangcheng. This boy has already calculated that he wants to withdraw funds from Nanlin Temple Commercial Square.

Yan Xinjian said, "I can see that whether Zhang Yang beats him or not, he has calculated to terminate his investment in Jiangcheng!"

Du Tianye said, "Although that's what I said. But the reason was originally on our side, and the slap of publicity hit all the truth on the other side. Now they are reasonable, saying that they have been treated unfairly in our Jiangcheng City, and their personal safety is not guaranteed. What do you think we should do about this?

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