Medical official path

Chapter 332 Adding Oil on the Fire

On the afternoon of the same day, the Jiangcheng Municipal Committee held a standing committee. Today is very close. Everyone can see from Du Tianye's gloomy face that the secretary of the municipal party committee is in a bad mood. The meeting began with Rong Pengfei's report on the police-civilian conflict in Zhuxiaoqiao Village last night. Rong Pengfei said, "Last night's conflict caused a total of six police officers to be injured, but all of them were minor injuries, and three police cars were damaged. Fortunately, during the whole conflict, our police inspectors maintained considerable restraint, so no Injured." Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and said, "At that time, a reporter was interviewing in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, and happened to film the scene of the police-civilian conflict."

Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, frowned: "What a coincidence? How can there be so many coincidences in the world? The people of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village are really not simple! In the noisy county, in the downtown, in the downtown, in the province, I can still bring this matter to the capital. After working in Chunyang for so many years, why didn't I find that they are so powerful?

Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, said, "Now the people are different from the past. They can learn a lot of things through newspapers and TV, and they all have a sense of law!"

Xu Biao, the Minister of Organization, caught the language problem of Zhao Yanglin's words and sneered, "Do you have legal awareness? Would you do this if you have a sense of law? Grab state property, fight privately, and contain state organs. Resisting police inspection and law enforcement, is this called legal awareness? What a joke!"

Zhao Yanglin blushed. There was something wrong with this sentence. No wonder he coughed and said, "That's not what I mean. I mean, they have much more insight than before!"

Du Tianye said: "The Qingtai Mountain fighting incident has been going on for several days. Instead of calming down, the incident has a trend of becoming more and more intense. It is a very clear thing. Why is it so complicated? Why is it so well known to everyone? I think we all need to reflect on it. While paying attention to the reform and opening up, we ignored the construction of spiritual civilization, which is why the looting of property in Qingtai Mountain occurred, and the bloody fighting incident occurred!"

Zhao Yanglin said slowly: "The key to the problem now is whether Chen Chongshan is self-defense!"

Du Tianye looked at Zhao Yanglin coldly. He said word by word, "I was there at that time. If Chen Chongshan didn't shoot that shot, I would die under Zhu Hongwei's shovel. I can prove for him that he fired that shot for me."

Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said: "Secretary Du, we believe the facts you said, but the problem now is that the people don't understand. They think that Chen Chongshan killed people, and Zhu Hongwei naturally has legal sanctions if he violates the law. In law, he will not be shot, right? Chen Chongshan killed him, and it is normal for the people not to accept this reality.

Vice Mayor Yuan Chengxi said, "I don't know who spread the news that Chen Chongshan would be released innocently, which is why the contradiction has been intensified. We still have to take care of the feelings of the people."

Du Tianye said angrily, "What is the feeling of taking care of the people? Should an innocent old man be sent to prison in order to take care of their feelings? The law is the law, and no one's feelings need to be taken care of!"

No one spoke, and all the members of the Standing Committee felt that Du Tianye had lost his composure.

Du Tianye said, "Do everything must follow the laws of the country. There is no mercy. The reason why I insist that Chen Chongshan is innocent is not because he saved me, but because in that situation, I can see clearly and I can help him testify! I can prove that he fired the gun as a last resort!"

Guo Liang coughed and said, "Who allowed those reporters to interview? This matter is not complicated. It's just a matter of crime and law enforcement. What does it have to do with journalists?

Yang Qingsheng, Minister of Publicity, said: "Now we pay attention to the freedom of speech, and the news media is not easy to control. If you offend them, things will go in a more unfavorable direction."

Guo Liang said, "I think there is a problem with this incident from the beginning, and the law enforcement is not strong enough. That's why there will be repeated incidents against the government!" The reason why he said this was that Chu Zhennan played a role. In the past, Guo Liang rarely interrupted local affairs, but Lao Si went to Jiangcheng to supervise the battle in person for this matter, and Guo Liang naturally took the initiative.

Guo Liang's sudden proactive attitude attracted the attention of the Standing Committee, and Zhao Yanglin took a look at him. He sighed and said, "Now that things have become so bad, do we need to implement military control?"

This sentence made Guo Liang very unhappy. He shouted, "If the local government can't deal with this matter, we can definitely help maintain the normal order of the country!"

Mayor Zuo Yuanchao has been silent until now. He feels that it's time for him to say something. He cleared his throat and said, "Director Zhao is right. All the contradictions are gathered on Chen Chongshan. As far as I know, Chen Chongshan is currently temporarily detained in the Golden Shield Hotel. In this way, let's go through the normal procedure and take Chen Chongshan into custody first, and everything will be subject to the judgment of the court!" What Zuo Yuanchao said is the conventional treatment method. This time, in the handling of Chen Chongshan's matter, there are indeed too many elements of protection.

But Zuo Yuanchao didn't expect that his words would arouse Du Tianye's strong reaction. Du Tianye said firmly: "No! Absolutely not!"

Guo Liang also smiled and said, "What does it mean to arrest Chen Chongshan now? In order to calm the resentment of the family of the deceased, or to show our impartiality? They will only feel that we are afraid!"

Rong Pengfei didn't say anything. Du Tianye was indeed too nervous about Chen Chongshan. From his perspective as a bystander, it's better for Du Tianye to stay out of the way.

At this time, Jiang Le, Du Tianye's secretary, hurried in and said something in his ear.

Du Tianye immediately announced the break of the meeting.

————This is the dividing line of the pig————

The reason for Du Tianye's sudden meeting was that someone from the province sent a working group. This time, the leader of the working group was Liu Yanhong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Tian Qinglong, deputy leader of the Public Security Department, was sent by Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, to understand the situation this time.

Du Tianye entertained two leaders in his office.

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "Secretary Du. I know I'm not welcome, but Secretary Gu sent us to learn about some information, so we had to come here bravely.

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Welcome two leaders to Jiangcheng to guide the work!"

Tian Qinglong said, "I'm not here to guide the work. I'm here to understand the case this time!"

Du Tianye said, "I didn't expect that the fighting incident in Qingtai Mountain attracted so much attention. I'm ashamed that as the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, I didn't deal with this matter well, which made the leaders worry.

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "Don't say so many official words. You must be resistant to us. In this case, let's chat with friends. We will tell you the situation. You tell us what happened. Let's make it clear. We understand the situation clearly, and return to the province to Gu Shu as soon as possible. Record the report."

Du Tianye said, "Okay! Excuse me, both of you!"

Liu Yanhong and Tian Qinglong looked at each other. Liu Yanhong said, "Lao Tian, you come first!"

Tian Qinglong said, "Secretary Du, what I asked is related to the case of the day. Can you tell me the details of the fight that day?"

Du Tianye nodded. He was not the first to talk about it, but he still said it patiently and in detail.

When Du Tianye finished speaking, Tian Qinglong asked, "Secretary Du, did you find out when Zhu Hongwei rushed to you at that time?"

Du Tianye shook his head: "He rushed to me from behind. How could I find it!"

Tian Qinglong said, "Chen Chongshan's shot came from the back of Zhu Hongwei, that is to say, Chen Chongshan's position at that time was also behind you!"

Du Tianye nodded and said, "That's good!"

Tian Qinglong said, "You didn't see Zhu Hongwei attack you at all. In other words, you can't prove that Chen Chongshan fired this shot when your life was threatened!"

Du Tianye was stunned. Tian Qinglong's words hit the point, and he never considered this problem. Du Tianye said, "There are many people at the scene, and there are still people who can testify! Li Xinyi, the Taoist priest of Zixia Temple. And... he thought of Su Yuanyuan and stopped immediately.

Liu Yanhong said, "Is there still Su Yuanyuan?"

Du Tianye used to be from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and had a good understanding of the pervasive working methods of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. There is no need for you to hide this by yourself. He nodded and said calmly, "That's good!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Why is Su Yuanyuan at the scene?"

Du Tianye said, "I met her on the way!"

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"

Du Tianye said, "Qingtai Mountain is a scenic spot, and no one has stipulated that I am allowed to go alone!"

Liu Yanhong took out a pile of photos and handed them to Du Tianye.

Du Tianye took over the photos, which were all photos of him and Su Yuanyuan. Du Tianye's heart sank. Liu Yanhong refuted her lies in this way.

Liu Yanhong said, "Secretary Du, you used to work in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and you should know how to cooperate with my work."

Du Tianye threw the photos aside: "Are these photos sent to you by someone else?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Yes! These are not the photos that are sent to us!"

Du Tianye said, "The photo can't explain any problems. I admit that I did make an appointment with Su Yuanyuan to climb the mountain that day. The reason why I hide this matter is that I don't want anyone to take advantage of it. The fight has nothing to do with Su Yuanyuan. She was just innocently involved.

Tian Qinglong was polite: "Secretary Du, do you know that concealing this is equivalent to concealing an important detail?"

Du Tianye said, "I'm sorry, I caused trouble to the police!" In fact, Rong Pengfei reminded him to do this. Since it has been discovered by others, Du Tianye can only bear it alone.

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "Maybe Secretary Du's Commission for Discipline Inspection has been working for a long time, so I'm too careful. I'm afraid that we will do things on such small things, and I'm afraid that the influence of the masses will not be good.

Du Tian's ambition secretly said, aren't you just working on these little things?

Liu Yanhong said, "I have another problem. Can you explain the relationship between you and Chen Chongshan?

Du Tianye said calmly, "My father was a comrade-in-arms relationship with Chen Chongshan. He is my uncle."

Liu Yanhong nodded: "That's basically all we need to know."

Du Tianye said, "Please tell Secretary Gu. I will take care of this!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Yes!"

Su Yuanyuan lowered her head and her fingers were intertwined. It could be seen that she was very nervous.

Tian Qinglong and Rong Pengfei looked at each other. Rong Pengfei said, "Su Yuanyuan, you don't have to be nervous. We asked you to come here just to understand something, tell the truth! After that, you can go back."

Su Yuanyuan nodded.

Tian Qinglong said, "You were there on the day of the fight in Qingtai Mountain, right?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "I'm here!"

"What were you doing when the gunshots sounded?"

"I was so scared that I was pushed to the ground!"

"Did you hear the gunshot?"

Su Yuanyuan nodded.

Tian Qinglong said again, "Have you seen the scene of Chen Chongshan shooting?"

Su Yuanyuan raised her head, and her face was very pale. There was panic in his eyes: "I..."

Tian Qinglong smiled and said, "You don't have to be afraid. You can say whatever you see?" Just tell the facts you know."

Su Yuanyuan said, "I didn't see it. I only heard the gunshot!"

"Have you seen Zhu Hongwei attack Du Tianye from the rear with a shovel and pose a threat to his body?"

Su Yuanyuan bit her lip: "I... I saw it, I saw Zhu Hongwei holding a murder weapon to attack Secretary Du, and I saw Chen Chongshan shooting..."

Tian Qinglong's voice suddenly became stern: "But you just said that you didn't see him shoot!"

Su Yuanyuan covered her face and suddenly cried: "Don't ask me again. I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything!"

Rong Pengfei's face changed. The previous testimony provided by Su Yuanyuan was that she witnessed Zhu Hongwei attacking Du Tianye from behind, which posed a threat to Du Tianye's life, which led Chen Chongshan to shoot Zhu Hongwei to death, but now, she overturned all the testimony. Rong Pengfei patted the table hard and said Calm down and explain what happened that day! You should know. Your confession is related to the final direction of this case. Don't talk nonsense!"

Tian Qinglong looked at Rong Pengfei with no blame. His words obviously contain hints.

The policewoman who was listening went to send tissues to Su Yuanyuan. Su Yuanyuan wiped away her tears, sorted out her emotions and said, "I really didn't see Chen Chongshan shoot. At that time, Zhu Hongwei rushed to Secretary Du!"

Rong Pengfei's tone softened a little: "Do you see Zhu Hongwei rushing to Secretary Du with a shovel to attack him?"

Su Yuanyuan thought for a moment and squeezed her lips: "I saw him rushing to Secretary Du, but I didn't see him holding a shovel!" F