Medical official path

Chapter 338 The Beauty of Stone

Lin Xiu said, "The food is ready. Let's go to dinner first!"

Chu Zhennan said, "I'll go back to my room and change my clothes!" Xie Zhiguo went with him.

Lin Xiu and Zhang Yang walked to the restaurant together. Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, what are you thinking with Sanbao sneaking in the car?"

Zhang Yang said, "Nothing, just say something casually!"

Lin Xiu said, "After your trouble, the Sanbao monk is very famous in the area of Qingtai Mountain. Even the guests of the resort know him. They all say that he is a living Bodhisattva. Can you tell him for me and take time to talk about the scriptures and do a Buddhist thing in the resort?"

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't you say he looked like a liar?"

Lin Xiu couldn't help laughing and said, "At this time, now he has become a living bodhisattva. The living bodhisattva lives in our hot spring resort center, and I also have a light on my face!"

During dinner in the evening, Chu Zhennan mentioned that Zhang Yang injured Zhu Hongxing with an air gun.

Xie Zhiguo is the director of the Public Security Bureau of Jingshan City. He is very clear about the law and has learned the whole picture of this matter through relationships. As an old criminal police officer who has been engaged in criminal investigation for many years, Xie Zhiguo is very used to analyzing the situation at that time. The matter of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village is obviously Zhang Yang The rumors about Zhu Xiaoqiao Village began with Sanbao, and the series of subsequent events established the position of Sanbao predicting the emperor in the hearts of the villagers, and Sanbao healed all the sick villagers of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village and directly pushed him to the altar. Now he has successfully become a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. It should be said that it is not only Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. This matter has spread all over the whole Heishanzi Township. Even the guests of the hot spring resort have inquired about this magical Sanbao master. The hot spring soaked by the Sanbao monk has also become a hot spot, and the guests scrambled to bathe in the Buddha's light.

Xie Zhiguo, like Chu Jinnan, are all from military backgrounds. They believe in the Party and guns, but they don't believe in these things that are too mysterious. Xie Zhiguo also thinks that the Sanbao monk is pretending to be a ghost. "However, he is not full of contempt and spit on the Sanbao monk like Chu The important role of the fighting incident is that if it hadn't been for the appearance of the Sanbao monk, the villagers of Zhuxiaoqiao Village would not have willingly handed over the stolen goods.

From this point of view alone, the role of Sanbao monk is positive.

After all, Lin Xiu is a woman. She can't help but be a little worried: &qu; Zhang Yang, you won't get into a lawsuit if you hit someone with an air gun, will you?" The reason why she asked this is that Chen Chongshan came first. Although the nature of Zhang Yang's shooting this time did not cause death, the nature is very similar to that of Chen Chongshan.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm in self-defense! Article 20 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates:

In order to protect the public interests of the state, the person, property and other rights of oneself or others from the ongoing unlawful infringement, and to stop the illegal infringement, which causes damage to the wrongful infringer, is a legitimate defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility. Director Xie, is that the case?

Xie Zhiguo nodded and said, "That's what the criminal law says!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have dozens of people at the scene. The physical evidence is a pig-killing knife. As for the air gun, I went to shoot birds on the way. I happened to encounter that situation. I often do things bravely for justice. "So I can't help but shoot!"

Chu Zhennan laughed, and he also saw that the whole thing was planned.

Zhang Yang picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth. He got up and said, "You eat slowly. I have something else to do with Sanbao!"

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Chu Zhennan said, "You mean that he planned everything about Zhu Xiaoqiao Village?"

Lin Xiu said, "If it's not him, who else? The Sanbao monk was invited back by him. Isn't it obvious?

yu'. L\{ Shang! I: "The means are not very bright!"

can.! ; ):↑)!! I: "Commander, don't you always say that soldiers are not tired of deception?"

Chu&l;·』.↓,b: "That's on the battlefield, but those people are ordinary people!"

Xie Zhiguo: "You were still angry before, why did you suddenly change your mind again?

Chu Zhennan said, "I haven't changed my mind. I just feel that I should do things with dignity, engage in feudal superstition, and play tricks. These tricks are not good, and they are not in line with our party's policy!" The old commander's brain is still a little old-fashioned.

Xie Zhiguo laughed and said, "Commander, the fighting in Qingtai Mountain was not a big deal. To put it seriously, it was an ordinary criminal case, but why did it have caused such a great impact in the end and was covered with such a strong political color?"

Lin Xiu said, "Because Du Tianye, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, is on the scene, someone wants to use this to teach Du Yaoye a lesson!"

Xie Zhiguo nodded. His wife's mind has always been calm, and the clear and sharp analysis of the problem has even surpassed himself in many cases. Xie Zhiguo: "Although I'm not in Pinghai, I also know a lot about this matter. Recently, Guo Liang and others discussed this matter. This matter happened by chance and nothing special. No, but the subsequent development was carefully planned and methodical. The reason why Du Tianye became the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee is of course related to his family background. Vice Premier Wen played a key role in it, and Du Tianye almost became Vice Premier Wen's son-in-law. &Qu;

Chu Zhennan said, "Lao Du was pissed off by the Wen family girl. Du Tianye was disobeyed if he dared to marry her. I was the first to refuse!" As a close comrade-in-arms of Du Shanqi, Chu Jinnan has always been concerned about this.

Xie Zhiguo: "No matter what the relationship between Du Tianye and the Wen family is now, it is certain that Du Tianye is a member of the faction of Vice Premier Wen. So many things caused by the fighting in Qingtai Mountain are aimed at Du Tianye. The reason why Chen Chongshan has become the focus of attention is also because others want to do it The article wants to use him to deal with Du Tianye.

Chu Zhennan nodded. Chen Chongshan is Du Tianye's biological father. Has this been known by others? Xie Zhiguo: "Political matters can never only look at the surface. Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, has always been very indifferent in this matter and did not take the initiative to say anything. Perhaps because he is about to face divorce, or maybe because he has seen the messenger behind the scenes, he does not want to provoke trouble! In the initial stage of the matter, Song Huaiming was not in Pinghai. Only then did Zhang Yang think of asking you to get out of the mountain. Commander, you, Chu Zhennan said, "I didn't think so much. Chen Chongshan is my comrade-in-arms, and Lao Du is my old superior. He is dead. I can't

Xie Zhiguo: "That is to say, we represent the power of Du Yaoye's father. It is impossible for others not to know that you always come out of the mountain. I think the behind-the-scenes pusher of this matter must also be clear."

Chu Zhennan frowned and said, "Fuck! Don't pretend to be profound to me. If you have something to say, just say it!"

Lin Xiuqiao blushed. Although she had known the old commander for many years, she still couldn't stand the way he spoke. She wanted to go away, but she wanted to listen to Xie Zhiguo go on.

Xie Zhiguo was used to being scolded by Chu Jinan. He didn't feel anything. He continued, "Who is behind the scenes has nothing to do with us. We care about Du Tianye. I will never believe that Vice Premier Wen is unaware of this matter! In the face of such an embarrassing situation, Du Tianye didn't say anything. Isn't it strange? Is it inconvenient for him to intervene? Or don't you want to intervene?"

Chu Zhennan Road: "It's really troublesome! There is no cool person in politics. I don't care what's going on with him. I just want Lao Chen Ping to come back safely!"

Xie Zhiguo Road: "Zhang Yang's return to Jiangcheng was the idea of Governor Song Huaiming. Now, this is a trick. The behind-the-scenes planner of this matter wants to push things up layer by layer through the people of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, create momentum through public opinion, and make things bigger and bigger. At the critical moment Du Tianye was in embarrassment, and there was no doubt that the matter had entered a deadlock.

Lin Xiu said, "Things have developed to the point of chaos, and the people in Zhuxiaoqiao Village are full of love! In addition, there are so many media reporters in Chunyang. If you don't handle it properly, you can only make things bigger!"

Xie Zhiguohui smiled and said, "So Song Huaiming sent Zhang Yang such a quick knife. He saw that it was inconvenient for Wen Guoquan to take action. Gu Yunzhi knew that it was inconvenient to take action. Of course, it was not convenient for him to take action. The more complicated the matter was, the easier it should be dealt with. Song The character wanted to complicate the matter, so he sent Zhang Yang to simplify the problem. "At least at present, Zhang Yang's task is very good."

Chu Zhennan said, "Other than anything else, his shot was relieved!"

Xie Zhiguo Road: "Commander, don't underestimate his shot. Zhang Yang deliberately fired this shot. His shot shared Chen Chongshan's pressure and made everyone focus on Chen Chongshan's body. It seems to be a small impulse, but in fact it is great wisdom!"

Chu Zhennan had no interest in these political intrigues. He got up and said, "I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense. I'm going to bed!" After taking two steps, he turned around again: "Xie Zhiguo, you are so capable. According to your opinion, when will Lao Chen be released?"

Xie Zhiguo: "The key to the problem is the witness. Su Jie's prostitute recounted the confession, but she was not the only one present at the scene. I think Zhang Yang's next step is to find witnesses!"

Chu Zhennan sighed and said, "Old!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Supresor, no one can avoid aging, which is not better. "You can let go of these things to young people!"

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That night, the ancestral hall of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village caught fire again. Because it was burned once, the villagers were not as shocked as last time, but they all heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolves. The villagers who rushed out saw a white shadow on the roof and shuttled back and forth, describing horror. In the past The successive strange phenomena have brought the villagers of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village to the point of a bow and snake shadow. They didn't even dare to go to put out the fire. They let the ancestral hall burn clean and huddled at home one by one until dawn the next day.

After Zhu Mingchuan invited the Sanbao monk back and told him in detail what happened last night.

Sanbao sighed: "I've already said that if you want to completely dispel these wronged souls, your villagers must correct their past and never create wrongs again!"

Zhu Liang said, "Master, we have called on the villagers to hand over those belongings, and Zhu Hongxing and his son have also been kicked out by us. Why is it still ineffective?"

Sanbao said, "Why did this happen?"

Zhu Mingchuan and Zhu Liang looked at each other and said, "Because our village participates in the robbery of the treasure left by An Dahu!"

The monk Sanbao shook his head and said, "Because of the greed in your hearts, I thought there was evil in your hearts, so I caused this retribution after another!"

Zhu Mingchuan made a very urgent expression and said, "Master, please give us some advice. What should we do?"

The monk Sanbao said, "If you want Zhu Xiaoqiao Village to restore its original weather, you must treat people with sincerity and tell the original things you have seen. You must not tell lies again. Did you still hide something during the armed fight that day?"

Under the guidance of the monk Sanbao, villagers soon stood up and handed over the private belongings, and immediately attracted the spit of other villagers. The monk Sanbao looked at the goldware on the table, and his eyes were shining. He ***, with the intention to plant flowers, and did not want to insert willows into the shade. Unexpectedly, there were so Hide something.

The villager stammered, "It was not robbed by An Dahu, but I dug it in the ancient tomb of Long, Xishan last year!"

The three-treasure monk said, "Amitabha, good is good! If the beneghost knows his mistake, he will change it. Don't blame him if you are so kind!"

Driven by the villager, many people handed over their belongings. The Sanbao monk found that the crime rate in Zhuxiaoqiao Village was really not low, and some people actually handed over the hidden three-edging scrapers and homemade guns.

Zhu Mingchuan followed the inventory and temporarily kept these things by the village committee.

The Sanbao monk took the opportunity to preach his teachings and told the people what it was good. When it came to emotion, the people burst into tears. Decades of party and government work are not as good as the interpretation of the two monks.

Zhu Qingmin, Secretary of the Heishanzi Township Party Committee, also came to Zhuxiaoqiao Village accompanied by a group of township cadres. He came to comfort the villagers of Zhuxiaoqiao Village. When he came, he saw the scene of the Sanbao monk's lecture. He admired this. The monk was too eloquent. If it were him, Many eyes.

When Zhu Mingchuan saw Zhu Qingmin, he hurried to him and said respectfully, "Secretary Zhu, why haven't you finished? I didn't say anything in advance!"

Zhu Qingmin smiled indifferently and said, "I'm here to visit the sick villagers. What's the situation?"

Zhu Mingchuan said, "Thanks to Master Sanbao, the sick villagers are all right now!"

Zhu Qingmin nodded and whispered, "After the discussion and decision of the township party committee, you will temporarily serve as the secretary of the party branch of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village!"

Zhu Mingchuan was a little confused by the sudden surprise. He felt like a dream. At the beginning, because he took the lead in making trouble at the Chunxi Valley Hot Spring Resort, his village secretary was taken down, and now he was reinstated by the official. Everything came too quickly.

Zhu Qingmin whispered again, "It was recommended by Director Zhang!"

In fact, there is no need to say anything. Zhu Mingchuan also knows that Zhang Yang is at work. Zhang Yang's energy has convinced him. Although the village branch secretary is not a senior official, Zhu Mingchuan is afraid of this position, and now it has become a heartfelt admiration.

The sermonial of the monk Sanbao really played a good role. Finally, someone took the initiative to admit that he saw Zhu Hongwei waving a shovel to attack Du Tianye. In order to save Du Tianye, Chen Chongshan had to shoot Zhu Hongwei to kill him. This matter was extremely critical. The monk Sanbao suppressed his inner excitement and asked After what happened that day, I didn't expect to see a lot of people, and three more people stood up.

The monk Sanbao took out his mobile phone, which was temporarily lent to him by Zhang Yang. He dialed Zhang Yang's phone and said excitedly, "Director Zhang... What... the witness has been found!"

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Zhu Hongjun, who sat below, heard it clearly, and the cold sweat slipped down from his forehead. Zhu Hongjun was different from the other two younger brothers's recklessness. After all, he was a primary school teacher, or some ink, and some basic legal knowledge. He shouted, "Why do you arrest me? I'm going to sue. I'm going to tell the media about your evil deeds of bullying the common people.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "I said Zhu Hongjun, why the hell are you so ignorant? Don't be a media reporter at any time. I might as well tell you that the media reporters you mentioned are now locked up in the police station of Heishanzi Township. Do you know why? They attacked the police! Do you know what a clay bodhisattva means to cross the river?"

Zhu Hongjun's face drooped.

Zhang Yang said, "You are really not a good thing, robbery, accomplice, and fucking perjury! You are still a primary school teacher. How can you be a teacher?

Zhu Hongjun said, "I work conscientiously and have a good reputation!"

"He's still fucking stubborn!" Zhang Yang threw the file on the table and said, "You know how many immoral things you have done. What's your relationship with Widow Zhou in your village?"

Zhu Hongjun opened his mouth wide and his face was stunned. He really couldn't imagine that even his privacy had been dug out by others, and the other party's energy was too strong.

Zhang Yang said, "Zhu Hongjun, it's not too late for you to regret it now!"

"What do I regret? I didn't commit a crime!"

Du Yufeng shouted harshly, "You didn't commit a crime? You organized a fight in Qingtai Mountain and instigated villagers to watch "government organs, walk rumors, anti-party and anti-socialism, and assist Zhu Hongxing in chasing and killing Sanbao monks. These charges are at least life-free!"

Zhu Hongjun's lips trembled with fear, and his back was full of cold sweat.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Do you have four children in your family? What about the children if you go to prison? Your wife doesn't know about you and Widow Zhou, does she? If she knew, with your wife's temper... then... don't you want me to say it?"

Zhu Hongjun couldn't help wiping sweat on his forehead with his palm.

Du Yufeng looked at Zhang Yang and admired Yun to the extreme in his heart. Talent, really talent! This coercion and inducement is first-class, and it's a pity not to be a policeman! Zhang Daguan continued to launch an offensive psychologically: "You are in prison, Lao Tiao has left, and your father is left to take care of these four children. You have also violated family planning. According to the family planning policy, you have to be fined. This fine is not a small amount..."

Zhu Hongjun said = "Don't scare me) Yes, one, one, one, one, one, one, my brother died, one, one, one, one, this is the truth) You can't erase it, one, one, one, one, one, one"

Zhang Yang slapped the table again and shouted angrily, "How on earth did your brother die?"

Zhu Hongjun shivered for a moment.

Zhang Yang said again, "If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Du Yufeng said, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't tell the truth. Now we have four new witnesses who can prove that Chen Chongshan's shot was to stop Zhu Hongwei from hurting Secretary Du. We don't need his testimony anymore!"

Zhang Yang said, "Then let's go through the procedures in business!"

At this time, Qin Bai walked into the interrogation room. He came to Du Yufeng and whispered a few words. Du Yufeng smiled and said, "Ok, that's all for today, Zhu Hongjun, I didn't expect that although your brother was a pig killer, he was much wiser than you!"

Zhu Hongjun's spirit was already on the verge of collapse. When they did this, he was about to collapse to the ground. He said, "What did my brother say?"

Du Yufeng said, "Is it necessary to tell you?" He said to Chunbai, "Organize the materials and prosecute Zhu Hongjun as soon as possible!"

Zhu Hongjun lay softly on the seat. When the police came to take him, he suddenly woke up and said loudly, "Wait...wait..."

Du Yufeng and Zhang Yang had already walked to the door. Hearing Zhu Hongjun's voice not only looked at each other and smiled, Du Yufeng turned around and said, "What else do you have to say?"

Zhu Hongjun bit his lip and finally made up his mind. He whispered, "Report to the police officer, I... I can testify!"

Although Zhu Hongxing was arrogant, Zhang Yang's shot had already frightened him. He originally had the intention of fighting to the end.

Du Yufeng's opening question made him confused: "On the third day after your brother's death, you lost 700 yuan in gambling in the village, didn't you?"

Zhu Hongxing was stunned. Unexpectedly, he was asking from Yun'er. He was thinking about how to answer. Du Yufeng slapped the table hard: "Be honest!"

Zhu Hongxing was shocked: "Yes... I lost some money...

"What did you say when you lost?"

"I can't remember things for too long!"

Qin Bai said, "Do you mean that someone will send me money as long as I make a phone call?"

Zhu Hongxing's face is pale.

Du Yufeng said, "You don't have to deny that several people who gambled with you that day have confessed everything. You'd better be honest. Who sent you money? What do you want him to do?" I, one, one, one, one, "You don't seem to realize the seriousness of your crime! OK, I'll repeat it with you! ~ P'd // &qu; r' ' ' .&qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu; r' ' ' ' &q U; &qu;' &qu;&qu; // //, ' //&qu; r' ' ' //' &qu; &qu;', &qu; r'  9; ' .&qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu; r' ' &qu;' // // When Zhang Yang left the Public Security Bureau, the sky was still a little gloomy, the wind was very refreshing, and Zhang Yang's mood also flew with the wind and became relaxed. Since the development of the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident, there has finally been a turning point. Taking advantage of the concept of karma in the people's hearts, he successfully controlled the emotions Under the premise of no violent conflict, the villagers were allowed to hand over the stolen property. More importantly, four villagers took the initiative to stand up to testify to the shooting incident that day, which will successfully resolve the crisis faced by Chen Chongshan. Under a series of interrogations, the spiritual defense line of the Zhu brothers collapsed one after another, and their testimony will make the situation develop in a more favorable direction.

Zhang Yang reported the good news to Liu Yanhong. While Liu Yanhong praised his work, he also told Zhang Yang, "Don't forget that the focus of your task this time is to calm the impact of the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident."

Zhang Yang understood the chat after Liu Yanhong's words! It is the greatest victory to be able to relieve Du Tianye's predicament this time. It doesn't make much sense to continue. As you spend more and more time in the system, Zhang Yang's way of dealing with many things is becoming more and more clear. You should grasp the scale of everything and limit the impact of things to a certain range. Don't get to the bottom of it until it's necessary. If you are too serious and persistent, you will definitely face the end of the poor dagger.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Liu, don't worry, I know what to do about this! But there is another important situation that I want to reflect with you.

Liu Yanhong said, "Say it!" Now that Du Tianye's matter has come to light, Liu Yanhong and the whole working group have relaxed.

"I learned about some situations in Chunyang County. Zhu Heng, Secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, misappropriated Qingtai Mountain tourism investment in the process of road renovation construction in Chunyang County! I hope that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can pay attention to the behavior of $ money and thoroughly investigate this matter.

Liu Yanhong sighed secretly. She just praised the boy for his progress. She didn't expect that something happened so soon. He was really worried. Liu Yanhong said, "Is it true?"

"It's true, I have some evidence!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't say anything about this matter first, wait until you finish dealing with the matter in front of you!"

When Song Huaiming received a phone call from Liu Yanhong, he was drinking tea in Gu Yunzhi's office. Gu Yunzhi was about to leave, and the communication between the two suddenly increased. Song Huaiming humbly asked the family member who had been in charge of Pinghai for advice for many years. Gu Yun He told Song Huaiming his expectations for the future of Pinghai and his blueprint ambitions that he had not yet had time to realize. He knew that he had no time to achieve what he wanted to do, but these things could be realized through Song Huaiming, of course, provided that Song Huaiming agreed with his point of view.

After listening to Liu Yanhong's report, Song Huaiming hung up the phone and smiled at Gu Yunzhi: "Secretary Gu, let's continue to talk!"

Gu Yunzhi stood up and stretched his arms: "Take a rest. I've basically finished what I have to say. I'm talking about it alone. You haven't expressed your opinion yet."

Song Huaiming said, "The matter of Chunyang has turned around. Zhang Yang helped Chen Chongshan find the witness! The mood of the villagers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village also calmed down.

Gu Yunzhi smiled. When he knew that Song Huaiming sent Zhang Yang back to Jiangcheng, he guessed what kind of chess he wanted. In this matter, Gu Yunzhi was more willing to be a bystander. He took two steps to the window and looked at the Dongjiang River shrouded in clouds. The sun would always come, but the Ping In a wave of wind and rain, the fire of stars can start a prairie fire. This time, Song Huaiming responded in time and sent Zhang Yang to successfully put out the fire before the fire was formed. However, although the Mars was extinguished, there were still countless sparks at home and outside the sea. Gu Yun knew, "It's best to calm down. I'm about to leave, and I don't want to make any trouble in Pinghai!"

Song Huaiming said, "Secretary Gu, don't worry, Pinghai will never be chaotic!"

Gu Yunzhi turned around, and the expression on his face was thought-provoking: "Really?

Song Huaiming nodded resolutely.

~ P' ' ' // &qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu; r' ' ' .&qu; &qu;'  9; ' // &qu; .&qu; &qu;&qu; &qu;&qu; ' ' //&qu; r' ' &qu;+ ' // ' &qu; & #39; ' .&qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu; r' ' ' .&qu; &qu;' ' ' // &qu ; +&qu;&qu;' //Wen Guoquan came to Qiao's house to visit Qiao Lao. Qiao Lao's daughter, Qiao Zhenhong, led him into the door. Qiao Zhenhong smiled and said, "Why is Premier Wen free to come here today?"

Wen Guoquan said, "I heard that Joe is old and sick, so I came here to visit him!"

Qiao Zhenhong said, "There is nothing wrong. I went to the hospital for a check-up, but I just had a slight cold!"

"That's good!"

Qiao Zhenhong pointed to Xiaohua National Road behind him: "He got up early in the morning and was playing with his stone!"

Wen Guoquan smiled and followed Qiao Zhenhong to the small garden. He saw Qiao Lao in gray sportswear, squatting there to wash the stone he had just got with water. There were all kinds of strange stones in the small garden. Qiao Lao has always liked to collect these things. After retreating, his main energy was on the stones. Go up.

Qiao Zhenhong whispered, "Dad, Vice Premier Wen came to see you!"

Mr. Qiao didn't turn around and said with a smile, "The national power is coming. Just in time, help me move this stone to the southeast corner!"

Wen Guoquan answered. The stone was not heavy, about five catties, square and dark red. Wen Guoquan carefully lifted the stone.

Joe was not tall, with gray hair but energetic. He picked up the cigarette box, pulled out a cigarette and pointed to the southeast corner of the garden.

Wen Guoquan walked over with a stone.

Joe said, "Be careful!"

Wen Guoquan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't lift a stone and hit myself in the foot!" Mr. Qiao laughed, followed Wen Guoquan over, and instructed him to put the stone on the base. Wen Guoquan put the stone away, and Qiao Lao said, "This stone was given to me by Zhenliang. How about it?"

Wen Guoquan looked around the stone and said from the bottom of his heart that this stone is very ordinary. Except for the dark red color, it should be rich in iron ore, and there is nothing special. He said truthfully, "I'll tell you the truth, this stone is very ordinary!"

Mr. Qiao said, "You are a layman. You can't just look at the stone, but also look at it together with the base. "This stone is square, which is the most common one in Pinghai Qingtai Mountain."

Wen Guoquan was heartbroken, but he was still calm on the surface. He smiled and said, "It seems to be interesting to hear what Mr. Qiao said."

Mr. Qiao said, "The garden is so big. Do you know why I want you to put the stone in a place?"

Wen Guoquan shook his head and modestly asked for advice, "Mr. Qiao, please say it!"

Qiao Lao took a cigarette and smiled and said, "One of the key points of playing with stones is to put the right stones in the right place!"

Wen Guoquan and Qiao Lao looked at Xi'an■, and he seemed to realize: "I found another point.

Joe always encouraged him to say it with his eyes.

Wen Guoquan said, "Only one stone can be placed on a base! Qiao Lao said, "I like square stones!" He motioned Wen Guoquan to follow him a few steps back, and then pointed to the stone in the southeast corner and said, "Now look at the stone just now!"

Wen Guoquan looked at it, but among the dozens of stones, only the stone he had just put on was the most conspicuous.

Mr. Qiao said, "Many people like the strange stone, but I like the square and stubborn stone. I need to know that the beauty of the stone is in its squareness!"

Wen Guoquan said, "Everyone has a different understanding of beauty!"

Mr. Qiao smiled and said, "I'm a stubborn person. What I think is beautiful requires all the children in the family to say it. I have affected their aesthetics!" He spit out a cloud of smoke: "National Power "I haven't told you yet, which stone do you like best?" F